The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Over the River and Through the Woods

Thanksgiving blew for us it was a whirlwind! A quiet Thanksgiving day and several after-days of fun! (Cue the Music!)

It was just me and Rick for Turkey Day itself (although we opted for roasted chicken, honey/ginger carrots, potatoes, cranberries and dressing!)

On Friday the kids arrived -- Kevin and Molly with the boys and Greg. It was the first time all of us had been together in ages! After they had lunch at Rick's they came down and immediately the festivities began!

Ask a kid where he wants to hang an ornament and chances are he'll say "at the top!" This was my new $65 used tree and boy, it's a winner! Not quite enough spaces for "danglers" but overall excellent and easy to put up!

There was time for family pictures...

Carson took this one...

...and Cam took this! 

...and good to have the brothers together again! 

After dinner, Kevin and Molly headed home, Rick, Greg and the boys went down to Rick's and I cleaned up and crashed! The next day it was the science museum. Turning these guys loose in the water room was great fun.

We were glad they had dryers because they did get a tad wet!


Twirling this big water wheel shot a stream of water high in the air...

Which this one found impressive!

You could learn whatever you needed to know about radioactive isotopes on this wall and in these displays. I didn't really care that much about the science but the kids loved the moving parts.


So did the big kids!

 You could step into a giant eyeball...

 Or into a big mouth!

That night it was movie time -- "Peter Pan" and the start of "Mary Poppins" before little heads dropped off to sleep. But they were wide awake to get their pancake making lesson from Grandpa! They were both good kitchen helpers -- and gobbled every bite. (Is food always better when you help make it?)

After finishing "Mary Poppins" and a game or two, it was time to head down to my house for craft time where we made matchbox ornaments. The four-year-old needed a little more supervision but Carson is five and he was all over this! He made three in about an hour!

And this one is hanging on my tree! (I'll post a quick how-to in a few days on this simple project.)

It was time to say goodbye as Rick bundled them off and took them back to Detroit. But not before a big hug and a photo!

And then, a long rest!


  1. What a great holiday you had, fun on all levels except maybe the cleaning up but I suspect you have that down to a science. Loved seeing your Thanksgiving china. My mom used to have some of that pattern.

  2. What a special glimpse into your holiday!! I so enjoyed it. :) :)

  3. The last photo is so joyous! Best smiles in the universe!
    I LOVE your rug,too!
    Seems there were more chickens consumed for Thanksgiving this year. Turkey prices - really HIGH!
    That sort of week end would send me to bed! That is a lot of activity, and such cool things you did. LOVE the Play-with-water , maybe not in freezing temperatures, though.

  4. Fun visit!
    Kevin and Greg look like twins. The museum is an interesting place, all the things to do.
    Happy December!

  5. What a fun weekend Jeanie. Those boys are getting so big, and Carson does take great photos. It also looks the science museum was a huge success. It's fun you had the kids to yourself for a bit. It might have been a lot of work but what a special adventure. And now it is December. And your tree does look lovely. That was a great find I think. Hope your new month starts off in a good way. Hugs-Erika

  6. Looks like a very fine get-together after a too-long absence.

  7. Sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving week!

  8. Lovely to see the family snaps Jeanie ... Beautiful christmas tree!

  9. What a fun weekend you all had! And I bet Kevin and Mollie LOVED the break! I can seen how you are now in need of some serious rest. Those little ones can really wear a person out. They are fun, but have so much energy!!

    Those matchbox ornaments are so cool. I will have to share your post about them with my mom. They will spend a week w/ them when we are in Mexico so she'll have plenty of time for a project like that!

  10. Nice music link, and EXCELLENT gray hair photo. Some of us look great in gray. You are blessed.

  11. Such fun times you all had, Jeanie!! Thanksgiving does indeed come and go quickly before we settle into the Christmas season. What fun times you always have with the children. They must love being with you guys. Rabbit, rabbit, my friend.

  12. Fun times! Your pictures always make me smile.

  13. Hello,
    Your Thanksgiving dinner looks wonderful. The family photos are great, lots of happy memories. Take care, enjoy your day!

  14. It is so good to see families meeting up before Xmas. Really a great atmosphere

  15. These are the most adorable photos, Jeanie! I loved looking at them. What a great time those little boys are having, and you and Rick too, what lovely grandparents you are! You hadn't mention the museum but it looks perfect for that age group - what a bonus. I mean, that giant eyeball - !!!! every kid I know would love that. And also the pancakes - and the crafts... I bet coming to see you and Rick is a highlight.
    Glad that your Thanksgiving has gone so well, and the $65 tree looks fabulous! and no doubt will be even more memorable with home made ornaments added. I hope your December continues as happy as this, it's certainly started well.

  16. What a fun Thanksgiving you had Jeanie, with all those happy, smiling faces. I really appreciate you sharing this, thank you :)

  17. A lovely fun filled post.
    What a lovely time was had by all.

    Happy December wishes.

    All the best Jan

  18. Sounds totally awesome-good times with family hugs

  19. Those little fellows are growing up TOO FAST! Aren't science museums the best? My gaggle loved going to the one in Ottawa when we briefly lived there.
    Your tree is really lovely. I've been trying to find a five foot tree that isn't ugly, without any luck.

  20. Sounds like a day filled with big fun! The kids must have loved that museum, I would have loved it, too! Glad you all had such a fabulous time together. Hugs, Valerie

  21. The kids are growing up right before our eyes. It's amazing that an entire family's life can be documented and followed on line and that people from all over the world can effectively "share" in the upbringing of children they will never see in a country they will never visit. Ah, the power of the internet!

  22. What a joyous Thanksgiving you had. Just wonderful to see the boys young and older, enjoy themselves. This was a fun post and I enjoyed every photo and word.

  23. What a delightful time you had! I enjoyed it.

  24. What a fabulous time. I would have enjoyed the museum, too -- not to mention that scrumptious food. I think I need to up my carrot game a bit!

  25. Jeanie, It looks like you had a great weekend with the boys and their family. We went to our younger son’s house for Thanksgiving. He cooked the turkey and made a delicious gravy while we played with Corbin and Vivienne. Kids can be exhausting for us elders :)

  26. Your Thanksgiving china is simply beautiful, friend!

  27. What a wonderful Thanksgiving you had! Look at all those smiles!

  28. Such family fun! (the eyeball pic did hurt a bit, though ;-)...)
    Yes, I think food is better when you help doing it. Great you do this, my Mum did not...
    Sounds like you had a wonderful blast!

  29. Lovely Thanksgiving weekend Jeanie, a quiet dinner for two, then lots of family and fun activities! Happy times!

  30. What a delightful and joyful post!

  31. Sounds like a terrific visit. I love the photo of the kids in the big mouth -- those expressions!

  32. What a wonderful time you had with family! I just love it.

  33. Jeanie, your Thanksgiving weekend sounds perfect. The boys are adorable and have grown up before my eyes. Rick is a wonderful grandfather just like my RM. Merry Friday!

  34. Creating memories to last a lifetime for you.Our mind's eye..stores them and we look bak upon these fabulous wonderful together days.The boys must love coming! She's so pretty all the guys handsome.And I love our grey curls.So freeing isn't just let it go...

  35. Looks like a wonderful visit for everyone..Love your Thanksgiving china..We had that pattern at one time..I don't know what happened to it..
    Good picture that Carson took..
    Your tree is lovely..very full..
    Have a good weekend.

  36. Always fun to spend time with family…so precious…enjoy …love happy weekend from me and Leaf ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ€

  37. Hello, Jeanie. Hope this finds you feeling well. I love your Thanksgiving china. It is so pretty. Jeanie these two photos of you are wonderful. You look so happy y and full of joy. Wishing you the best of days as we approach this glorious season. Also, love your the photos of the big boys!

  38. Fun for everyone big and small. :)

  39. This is a post filled with fun. Your table makes a lovely sight.


  40. Kids always 'steal the show', both from adults and from the surrounding items.
    This is their time, their world - until they enter the teenage period.

  41. What a wonderful holiday weekend with everyone together!

  42. I loved this post, Jeanie! Cam's photo of you is excellent (love that you made it your profile pic on FB). We don't like turkey, so your meal sounded very appealing to me also. Our city museum also has a waterworks exhibit, so fun for the kids. I bet Molly & Kevin were thrilled you had the boys overnight!

  43. What wonderful memories you have made there. I love the picture that Carson took of you. I see a future photographer in your family!
    I hope you have a wonderful, blessed weekend. xo Diana

  44. What a fun weekend! Your Thanksgiving dinner looks delicious -- and deliciously turkey-free -- and it looks like everyone who arrived afterward had a terrific time as well! Science museums are just the best for young kids... and especially those water explorations.

    Making matchbox ornaments sounds like an inspired project. And maybe something fun for those who are long past the 4s and 5s...

    Great start to the holidays! Happy Weekend, Jeanie!

  45. Your tree looks wonderful! Also looks like the boys had fun too. Janice

  46. What a wonderful holiday you had! And how fun!
    Love those smiles!
    Your photos are always so delightful, Jeanie.

    Hugs and blessings๐Ÿ’

  47. It's often nice to have a holiday meal without the big turkey to contend with. It makes or a more relaxing dinner. Having the children also makes for some fun and new activities that adults don't generally do alone. It looks like they, and you and Rick, had oodles of fun!

  48. What a most wonderful time with family. I love it all. Your science museum reminds me of the times I have spent at our science museum with my D. It looks like you have a very special time together.

  49. such a lovely looking family. you must have had a lovely time of it!

  50. A wonderful time spent with the family, and especially the little ones, Jeanie. And Oh, it made my heart sing to see your beautiful lit up tree!! I don't think I'll ever get tired of the colored lights. They are magical. The photo of the boys hanging ornaments high on the tree is a treasured photo to look back and cherish with special and fond memories.


  51. Very creative, cute idea! Oh, so sad my Nieces are too old already (but then I never get to see them anyways).
    But... I think I won´t throw away those boxes no more! If for nuts or sweets for Ingo to take to work!

  52. Well that chicken looks amazing. You are so fortunate to be close to your kids and grandkids. Looks like everyone is happy and having a good time.

  53. It looks like a great time was had by all, and lots of new memories were made! Adorable photos of the kiddies!

  54. Sounds like a super fun time for kids of all ages. Though I'm sure it was as exhausting as it was fun (again, for kids of all ages).


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