The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Cork Poppers Celebrate Wines of South America

Mix a little (OK, a lot) of wine, a little food, 14 people who haven't seen each other in awhile and you end up with a delightfully chaotic and fun day. Yes, it's the recipe for a Cork Poppers gathering, this time tasting the wines of South America!

Our gathering started with a lot of conversation, even before the first sip! Then it was on to the wines, three whites and five reds. 

My longtime friend and house guest, Suzanne, was here from Canada and joined in. Everyone had to check out her wine before we started!

While we were setting up, Anne prepared her appetizer -- a cream cheese and pesto Christmas tree with walnuts, cranberries and Parmesan "snow." Her pesto is the best and this was terrific on anything upon which it was spread. And super easy, too!

This was the appetizer table!

Our first offering (from me!) was a white, Zolo Torrentes 2021 from Mendoza, Argentina.

The Torrentes is a white grape and the wine is similar to a Pinot Grigio or a Sauvignon Blanc. It has a long and peppery finish with (so they say) notes of jasmine. (I can never tell!) Clayton nailed it when he said "We should have his with an omelet in the morning!" Resident "white" expert Cheryl said, "I like this. I wasn't sure at first, but the long finish did it."

This was purchased at a local wine store for $16.99. I would buy it again for taste but that's higher than I usually go apart from a special occasion.

Next we had another Torrentes grape in Zuccardi Series A 2020, also from Argentina from Dick and Cheryl.


Everyone agreed this wine (same grape and region, different vintage and vintner) tasted completely different from the first. "It smells like Mike's mom's permanent," Barb said. Roger preferred the first better, where as Rick preferred this one. Price on this was "about $18" at a local wine shop.

We wrapped up the whites with another from Dick and Cheryl, Goutte d'Argent 2019 Sauvignon Blanc from Chile.


 What made this unique is that they ferment this in sake yeast and the flavor was very unique. It is the only non-Japanese vineyard to do this. Dick (who brought it) said it was (smell, I think. I hope) a little like cat pee and acknowledged "It's different." Rick said "You've got to get used to it, it's better after the first taste" and Anne said she liked it. 

This was "about $20." Kate and Suzanne said this and the Zolo (the first one) were their favorites of the whites, both being red drinkers.

Anne and Clayton were next with a 2021 Monjita Negras Merlot from Argentine. Barb, Clayton, Kate, and Rick all liked it, while Mike S. said it was the "wine equivalent of light beer." It was part of their wine club selections so no price.

Suzanne offered up Armando 2021 from La Posta Bonarda in Mendoza, Argentina. Barb called it great and Clayton liked the "little spice in it." Perhaps its biggest fan was Roger who not only said that throughout the tasting (the red by which he compared the others) and several days later asked me again the name of it so that he could hunt it down. Suzanne bought this one for $18.95 in Canada, so good luck!

Kate served up DeMartino Estate Carmenere 2018 from Chile. (This was also Mike M's offering, possibly the first time we've had a duplicate.)  Carmanere is the premiere grape of Chile and only grown there. It was a grape thought to be extinct in France but it was found in Chile and revived. Roger and Suzanne liked it and someone noted that 2018 was a good year for any red. It was $12.99 at the local wine shop. 

Roger offered Apaltagua Reserve Carmanere 2020 next.  Dick said it was definitely worth buying and cellaring but Rog said he was "a little disappointed in this. I don't see much difference between this and the others." 

Bob offered Uno 1 from Anegal Winery in Mendoza Argentina. It is 100 percent Malbec, another grape that came from France. Barb and Bob both liked it and Roger commented on the "phenomenal label." I don't have a price on this one.

After that it was on to the appetizers and desserts. We stopped doing dinners post-Covid and pretty much everyone enjoys the appetizers better. It's a lot easier set-up, for one thing. And just as tasty!

Here's a sampling! (In addition to the things below, there was Anne's pesto Christmas tree, a pesto chicken dip, baguettes, deviled eggs and more!)

Clockwise from top left: Overview, Nanaimo bars, South of the Border Confetti dip, table overview, crudite tray, florentines/maple cookies and Argentinian dulce de Leche shortbread sandwiches

Then it was time for a group photo -- first all of us...


...and then one with me and longtime friend Suzanne.

I asked Kate if I could bring her South of the Border dip (aka Mississippi Caviar), since she was bringing cookies. Here's the recipe the way I made it! You can adjust quantities to add more or less of your favorites!

South of the Border Party Dip

  • 1 can of white corn (14 oz) or frozen corn.
  • 2 avocados in pieces
  • 1 can black beans (or black-eyes peas or whatever)
  • 1 14 oz. can of diced tomatoes, drained well
  • 1 can drained chiles
  • red/yellow/orange pepper mix (I used about half of a two large ones)
  • 1 1/2 bunches of sliced green onions and stems
  • Parsley or cilantro
  • Juice of one or two lemons or limes (make sure to cover the avocado) 
  • LOADS of cumin
  • Salt/pepper to taste

Chili-lime seasoning if you have it. (Trader Joe's)

As needed, Kraft Zesty Italian fat free dressing to moisten. (I probably used less than 1/8 cup -- do it by eye and taste. You can also use other dressings. This was recommended and it was good but if I could have found more of a Tex-Mex flavor I would have used that.)

Mix it all together and serve with chips. I used the Tostitos Scoops, which hold it well.


  1. Wine makes everyone happy there.

  2. Looks like a very good time was had by all, the wines look great and the food is making my mouth wATer! Hugs, Valerie

  3. I'm glad that you enjoyed your get together with friends. Sharing food, being with company and delighting in a party atmosphere is something to look forward to.

  4. Hello dear! A great meeting, there is nothing better than meeting friends :) You can see that it was nice and fun! I'm sure you had a great time together :) Beautifully decorated table, delicious looking food and wine! Cool :)
    Greetings from Poland!

  5. Loads like fun to have friends together to taste wine. I love it.

  6. Hello Jeanie,

    Yay for the Cork Poppers gathering. I see some wines I would like to try, I prefer the reds. The appetizers all look delicious. Fun times and a great gathering of friends. Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. What a fun gathering of friends, food and wine. The appetizers looked so good and as you said everyone liked this plan better than a sit down dinner. While I don’t know much about specific wines and the country they come from, your information on the samplings is always enjoyable to read. Also, I often purchase from the bargain area and like to imagine I am getting a good deal on what was formerly a more costly bottle.

  8. What a wonderful recurring event you have going. And you record events well, which us something that Sue tends to do better then I. Does everybod stay overnight to sober up? #kidding

  9. When you have wine, food and good company you just about have it all. I drink more Malbec than any other wine and Mendoza has really made a name for itself with a whole variety of fine products. Many of the guys who worked for me before I retired had emigrated to Canada from Mendoza and it was through them that I first was introduced to the wines of Argentina. This may be just me, but what it is with guys who wear their hat in the house? It drives me mildly crazy!

  10. Looks like you had a great time! So fun to see friends and have some party time.

  11. I'm glad you got with your wine tasting buddies. Great food!

  12. OK, south of the Canadian border? I would say so… that’s more of a Mexican-American flavor profile AND you had wine purchased north of that border and Nanaimo bars! Looks like a wonderful event.

    best… mae at

  13. Oh, I'm so glad you were able to do this again.

    The wines from South America remind me that my nephew got his start by buying a tanker load of wine from Uruguay! He now has a lovely natural wine shop in Waco, Texas. Take a look at it here, if you like:

  14. Another fabulous gathering. Love hearing about the wines and foods but the best thing I love is seeing all of you. You all look great and I miss you all!❤️❤️❤️

  15. Looks like a lot of fun!! :)

  16. What a lovely get-together! It is wonderful to be able to meet up with friends over the Christmas season :)

  17. I love reading about your corker parties. I love the long-lasting friendships and spirit of tasting wines together. .dip looks like my kind of 'cooking'---just opening cans.

  18. OMGosh what a wonderful time. So glad you were able to visit with your friends. Have a lovely day today.

  19. Oh yay! A cork poppers post!! I always enjoy these. I didn't recognize a single wine, but all the whites would be lost on me anyway. I only buy white when we visit with one particular couple and it's always Ontario white then. I like that recipe you included. I've had similar concoctions before but without as much seasoning and I don't think it ever had cumin, so that one seems better! -Jenn

  20. My husband makes a similar South of the Border thing he calls a salad to go with the tacos he likes to make. I would definitely like an appetizer buffet for sure. Isn't it interesting how life makes changes because of the stress of the pandemic. My women's group now is meeting in mornings with just a small nibble and tea or coffee. I am having them here before Christmas and will have cookies, gluten free crackers (as two are GF), cheese, and fruit.
    Your wine gathering is so special and I know it is special for all of you. Life's little pleasures are precious.

  21. You guys know how to have a fun time.🎉🥂🍷🍾

  22. What an adventure in wines! It looks like a lot of fun.

  23. Lots of fun, i'm sure,,Great excuse for a get together!!

  24. life without wine is a challenge. Enjoy!

  25. I'd be out of my depth at wine tasting.

  26. I've missed seeing your get togethers. Nice to see everyone having a good time.

  27. O my o my….why do I life so far away from you why?…I love this wine tasting party…🍀🍀🍀

  28. How fun your wine tasting parties are, Jeanie! You had a great assortment of wines and yummy appetizers. Nice photos of happy friends.

  29. The Christmas tree looks great! What a fun idea!
    What a great event, you all look so happy, it´s joy to see!

  30. It's been quite awhile since you had a Cork Poppers event. I don't drink wine, but I enjoy how everyone seems to have a very different take on the same wines. LOVED the appetizer buffet, though.

  31. It looks like you guys had so much fun!!! I love your Cork Poppers posts! There was a S. American wine that I enjoyed for a while. I can't remember what it was called but it was really peppery. It was probably a Malbec.

    Everything here looks lovely! I am glad you had such a good time!

  32. I'm struck by that front left label, and "wine equivalent of light beer" made me laugh. This sounds like such a fun group. Y'all do a beautiful job spreading a generous table.

  33. Looks like everyone had a grand time, plenty of good food, wine and friends.

  34. What a fun gathering! I am so glad you are back to being able to do this. Appetizers is the way to go in my opinion! There's something for everyone and people generally enjoy a snacky meal. It's nice to be able to taste lots of different things! We kind of take this approach for our Christmas Eve gathering with Phil's cousins and it's so fun - plus it's nice to walk around and mingle v sitting down for a formal meal.

    I would be interested in that first wine. Not sure about the cat pee one. Ha!!!!

  35. It's always nice to get-together with friends and your gathering looks a lot of fun with good friends, great food and wine :)

    Keep enjoying your December days.

    All the best Jan

  36. Jeanie, I always enjoy Cork Poppers. The food looks amazing and obviously a good time was had by all!

  37. Sounds and looks like a wonderful gathering, such a great thing to do.
    I would enjoy joining you all ;-)
    Thanks for all the feedback on the wines.
    lovely holidays to you.

  38. Jeanie, It looks like you all had a fun time. You look fabulous in the pink you’re wearing! We’re going to a gathering on December 17 with yummy food and we’ll all end up singing Christmas carols around their piano. I’m looking forward to it.

  39. How nice to share good food and wine with a compatible bunch of people! I love it.

  40. Happy Wine Tasting!
    With all the tasting experience, beer wouldn't be a big leap, trying out local micro breweries only.

  41. How much fun! And I do think that appetizers rather than a sit down dinner sounds easier and more relaxing.

  42. Looks like a wonderful get together! And how fun!

    The appetizers look amazing!

    Hugs and blessings, Jeanie 💐

  43. Good food, good friends, good wine. What could be better? :)

  44. A wonderful gathering Jeanie, good company, delicious food and wine tasting. A great combination!

  45. looks like you all had tremendous fun! merry Christmas!

  46. It must have been great to get the big crew together-finally. And wine and good food and company is always a BIG plus. I'm not very familiar with South American wines, and I like how you have themes for each meeting. I bet you are hoping the Cork Poppers get together again soon. I would as it looks like a lot of fun. Happy rest of your weekend. hugs-Erika

  47. I always enjoy reading about your Cork Popper parties Jeanie, such a fun group! How interesting to limit the selection to just wines from South America. I'm a strictly chardonnay drinker and prefer California wines. Serving appetizers instead of a formal dinner is definitely the way to go!

  48. Such a fun group. Exploring and tasting the wines of South America. I drink white wine due to the reds give me headaches. Merry Merry.

  49. I had a good laugh at the wine that "smells like cat pee!" The food looks scrumptious. I'd always vote for appetizers over a sit-down dinner, as I much prefer a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Looks like a great time was had by all. and so nice that your long-time friend was there to join in.

  50. Oh, what fun a give away. so grateful you love to blog Jeanie. sure enjoy what you share with everyone. hugs, Sharon Gaskill


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