The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, October 7, 2022

A Real Treasure

My inspiring friend Dick Hill, whom I wrote about here (please read it if you haven't before) and a little bit here, offered some of his paintings for "Art for Charity." If he posted an available painting. you would make a gift to the charity of your choice, tell him what that charity is, and the painting is yours. Today, more than ever, I am grateful this one came to me, for reasons hard to speak of.

Last month I received up this piece, a watercolor that Dick sketched of the view from his window during one of his chemotherapy treatments. He finished in the color later and it's titled "View from Chemo." My gift of charity was to our Friends of Theatre Summer Circle Free Theatre fund.

I love it and I treasure it. My favorite colors, a beautiful scene, lovely watercolor work. But what I really love is the poem on the back, written in 2020, which I will share here.

We stand apart

Masked so that we don't even breath the same air.

To share a meal requires careful positioning

And some courage.

In a world savaged, ravaged by hate 

and fear

and ignorance,

When we need more than ever to reach out

And find comfort in one another's arms,

I can only embrace the memory of hugs

And that I love you.

 And that, my friends, is the gift.

Dick left this mortal world on October 5. He did it his way -- Hospice at home surrounded by his very loving and wonderful family. We were friends, not intimates. Though we had worked together in the long-ago, countless others knew Dick far better than I ever would. His open Facebook page, however, with its mix of poems, life observations, and glorious colorful paintings brought him into the lives of so many who knew him directly and indirectly and enriched each and every reader with his joy and thoughtful introspection.

Art by Dick Hill; photo by Jeff Boerger

In the days leading to his passing, I would find he was rarely from my thoughts and that feeling remains. When I pick up a brush to paint, I feel he's over my shoulder. I hear his deep, baritone voice in my ear. "Loosen up. Paint what you want, not what they want! Use that color! Just go! Find the joy of it! The freedom of it! Don't worry about it!"

Art by Dick Hill; photo by Jeff Boerger

He once wrote: "Surveying my paintings, many inspired by William Johnson, Matisse, Van Gogh, Basquiat and others. They say many artists stand on the shoulders of giants. I step on their toes."

Art by Dick Hill; photo by Jeff Boerger

Well, if I'm stepping on Dick's toes, I have a feeling he'd probably tell me to "step a little harder!" And then he'd lift me up (no easy task) and offer such encouragement that color would be flying everywhere and I would be outrageously happy.

Photo by Jeff Boerger

Safe travels, my friend. May they be peaceful. You are free and we are better for your time on this Earth.


  1. Dear Jeanie — I’m so sorry to hear that you have lost your friend. His art work does look beautiful.

    fondly… mae

  2. A wonderful tribute.
    My condolences to his family and friends.

    May Dick rest in peace.

    Al the best Jan

  3. A wonderful post and a fine tribute. Have a lovey weekend.

  4. Beautiful tribute
    Sympathy for his loss

  5. I'm sorry to hear of Dick's passing. I started following him after you first mentioned his work and inspiration. Be Brave comes to mind when I think of him.

  6. I just typed "How wonderful, Jeanie", because that's how your tribute made me feel about a man who I never knew, who had recently died, thousands of miles away. Then I deleted it and started again. He sounds like a wonderful man, someone who it would have been a privilege to know, someone who gave. Heck of a tribute!

  7. A beautiful tribute to a man who did his way.

  8. Art for charity is a fabulous project. I love the fun portrayed in the paintings too

  9. I can see that he added so much to your life. And now he has added to mine. Thank you, Jeanie!

  10. what a wonderful gift he was in your life. so sorry about his passing but glad you got a piece to remind you each time you look at it.

  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like Dick was a lovely person, and he will be sorely missed by those who loved him. Thanks for sharing his art.

  12. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful soul. Sorry you lost your friend.

  13. there are certain people who touch our lives in extraordinary ways. we are changed because they've crossed our path. your ode is a fitting tribute ...

  14. This is a lovely tribute, Jeanie. I am so sorry for your loss.

  15. very sad to hear about your friend Jeanie. My friend of many years died in august. we knew it was coming but still a shock. He was only 65; too young.

  16. Deepest sympathies to you and his family. xo, V.

  17. I'm sorry for your loss Jeanie. Your post is a moving tribute to a dear friend who encouraged you and many others to be creative.

  18. Oh, I remember your beautiful post about This wonderful man, his bright & colorful art, and his inspiring thoughts he shared. It sounds like he will be missed by many. Sorry for your loss but glad you knew him.

  19. What a lovely man, and your tribute to his bright spirit is very touching. YOu have given us a good sense of him over time, and I was showing your post with his paintings to someone just the other day. I think they are so wonderful.

  20. Expecting the endings of life doesn't make them any easier. Keep stepping on those toes.

  21. The poem is touching and beautiful. He would love that you shared it, and that you continue to hear his voice over your shoulder.

  22. So very sorry for your loss of someone who was obviously a very good person.

  23. Oh Jeanie, I am so very sorry. What a beautiful write up about your friend, he sounds like he had such a wonderful spirit and soul.

  24. Hello Jeanie,
    So sorry for the loss of your friend Dick! He was special, a great tribute post. The painting is beautiful. Have a happy weekend.

  25. A lovely tribute.. so sorry for your loss.

  26. Oh sweetie . . .
    I will lift a toast to the power of friendship, of art, and of love that lasts beyond time. May he rest in peace and rise in colors of glory. Comfort and peace to your tender heart.

  27. I am so very sorry to read of Dick's passing. He left a wonderful legacy, and my heartfelt condolences to his family, and to those of you who will miss him greatly.

  28. I love the colors in the painting you chose but, oh, the subject background and poem are sad. RIP Dick.

  29. I went back and read your lovely tribute to a talented, wonderful man.
    What a great loss to the world.

  30. Dear Jeanie, I am so sorry for your loss. I'm certain you will always miss him.

  31. That poem on the back is an absolute treasure.

  32. Oh Jeanie, I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's passing. I'm so glad he touched your life as he sounds incredibly talented. Take care as you grieve, my friend.

  33. So sorry to read about the loss of your friend. May he rest in peace. His artwork will live on as a testament to his creativity, friendship and in a pirating to you!

  34. Dear Jeanie, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. Thank you for sharing this. His legacy if filled with poems and paintings you will always treasure. So sad.........

  35. I am sorry to hear that you have lost your friend.

    He sounds like a wonderful person.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Jeanie. 🌹

  36. Thank
    Dick Hill

  37. Along the way, Jeanie, we all hope that we might know a person like, Dick, and we are enormously blessed if we do. So it has been for you. Remember him well.

  38. His Paintings, his Poetry, Touches my Heart deeply, Thank You for Sharing both. I'm so glad you got that Painting with the added Gift of that Poem. Leaving behind our Artistic Creations rather gives us an Essence of Immortality really, something still here long after we're not, the Essence of us infused in whatever we Created. Some have endowed Civilization with more of it than others, but I always encourage people to infuse their Essence into something tangible, the World is better for it.

  39. I don't think most people realize how much good comes from open social media presences like your friend's. I hear so much condemnation of Facebook, and -though I understand the problems- I have benefited from people willing to share openly there. I am sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute you offer here.

  40. Oh, Jeanie! I'm so sorry for the loss of this special friend. His presence in your life -- and his creative offerings -- were all such a gift!

  41. You are one of Dick’s best conduits of joy, encouragement and inspiration ❤️

  42. So terribly sorry for your loss. Friends are amazing and no matter how many we have, we cherish each one in different ways. We miss, we love and we always cherish what they brought to our lives. Hold on to those memories and hold them close.

  43. Oh I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear friend. I remember your post about Dick. What a wonderful man. He was a gift to be cherished. Keep all those special memories tucked in your heart.
    Sending you great big hugs.

  44. I'm glad you have a painting by him - and I'm so sorry for your loss. Objects significance can go much further than the actual "value" of the object. Your feelings will be with you whenever you look at the painting.

  45. Deepest sympathy for your friend. Janice

  46. What a beautiful, exuberant life this man led. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend and mentor, glad for the painting you now hold, and grateful for your presence, friend, for being (as anonymous said), a "conduit of joy, encouragement and inspiration." ❤️

  47. A gift to treasure, and words to ponder. He sounds like a wonderful man who touched so many. May he rest in peace.

  48. So sorry for the lost f your dear friend and what a beautiful creator….and artist….love from me 🙏❤️🙏

  49. Oh, what a gorgeous, wonderful gift!!! I love his work. I like his poem, too.

  50. I remember the tribute you wrote to him. He was such a special guy. How wonderful to have a piece of art from him to hang in your home. And I am glad his voice is still in your ear - what a gift to feel his presence like you do.

  51. So sorry for your loss Jeanie. He sounds like a wonderful man and a great friend to have. I was moved by this post and his poem.

  52. Hello Jeanie
    The loss of a special friend who brought so much joy into your life was a gift never to be forgotten. I am so sorry he passed away and send you my heartfelt sympathy. This post was a wonderful tribute to your friend.

  53. Jeanie,
    So sorry for the loss of your friend! what a talented artist he was and how lucky you are to have one of his beautiful creations!
    Thanks so much for always stopping by and thanks for your encouraging words about my Journey toward a healthier life...weight loss is not easy and with my medical conditions, it really is an up hill battle but so far so good even though it is slow....Take care,

  54. I am sorry you lost your friend.
    It is always hard and cancer... cancer always wins, I had to learn that, too.

    But let us invest money to fly to moon and mars (sorry, I fail to understand those priorities! Save people and OUR planet first! My two cents).

    At least you have all the gifts.
    And memories.

  55. How special that he donated paintings for charity.
    YOU take special care.

  56. Losing a friend like Dick is incredibly hard. You have good memories of him and I know that you will keep them. He told you very wise words that I will remember as well. Thank you for sharing this, Jeanie. Yes, a real treasure.

  57. My condolences on Dick's passing. This was a lovely tribute.

  58. My condolences on Dick's passing. You have made a lovely and loving tribute to him.

  59. I am slow to visit, but so sorry for your loss in a dear friend. What a gift he gave you in so many ways. His paintings are wonderful and for some reason I really like the abstractness of some of them.
    BTW - so happy you are feeling better after your bout with pneumonia. Sorry you were sick. Hugs sent in comfort and joy and a little toe stepping too.

  60. I'm slow seeing this, because I'm behind on things (though trying to catch up) but wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss. The world has lost a beautiful and creative soul.


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