The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Romping with the Dynamic Duo

When Kevin and Molly asked if we could stay with the boys while they were at a wedding, we didn't hesitate! And it was delightful in every way!

We arrived on a gorgeous September afternoon. The weather couldn't have been nicer -- sunny, warm (but not too hot), not at all humid. We stayed home for a bit while Rick and the boys played checkers.

Meanwhile, the Camster introduced us to the newest family member -- Waffles. 

I have to say, I'm in love with Waffles. She's the age Gypsy was when he moved into the house and just as sweet and mellow as my dearly departed orange boy. And physically, they were identical.

Somehow she put up with two little boys who manhandled her (and she seemed to love it), and played as kittens do, with great abandon.

I am quite sure that Waffles and Gypsy are one and the same, my Marmelade Gypsy enjoying his next lifetime and keeping it in the family.

But I digress... the weather was too nice to stay inside so we went off to the cider-pumpkin-fun place we enjoyed last year and it was a great time! 

The boys again enjoyed the corn crib, an oversized "sandbox" filled with corn instead of sand. They had great fun burying themselves and making corn angels. 

And yes, there was this one. 

It was off to the slides. 

What joy!


Everyone who wanted a turn got one!

Meanwhile, we couldn't resist these.

Neither could the big kid.

There was a petting zoo of sorts and they enjoyed feeding the goats. 

Meanwhile, the Carburetor got to milk a fake cow!

We wrapped up with cider and donuts! All in all, a good day!

The next morning, after watching an episode of "Bluey" the night before about making an omelet, Rick had them cooking. No eggs were broken on the table or floor!

And the whisking went well!

There were other fun moments, too and it was a delightful time. 

We don't always get enough time with these guys. They're just far enough away to make that hard. But every second is worth it.


  1. Melts the heart y'all had a good time together. Great photos. The boyz have made wonderful memories, and cooking lessons. lol

  2. What a fun weekend. Waffles and my Leo could have been twins, as with your Gypsy. What is it about orange cats and being so social? And of course, it almost goes without saying how adorable those boys are. But it does need to be said. I think they enjoy having your both care for them while Mom and Dad were away. Look at those smiles. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week. Hugs-Erika

  3. What sweet times you and Rick enjoyed with the boys! Looks like a great time was enjoyed by all. I love seeing grandparents enjoy themselves with the grands.

  4. I so enjoyed this post-so fun, these orange kitties are the best along with calicos-great personalities Happy friday and weekend Kathy

  5. Waffles is a cutie pie, but I'm biased.

  6. Such a wonderful time. So great to spend time with the boys to have a fun and
    make wonderful memories.
    What a pretty kitty.

  7. There is something so astonishingly wonderful about having littles around. I'm off to stay for a few days with some of mine. Great fun!

  8. They're all adorable, lucky you!! The two littles, the kitty, and hubby. So glad you had that time with them!!

  9. what a patient gentle cat! lovely that your grandchildren have pets it's so good for them, looks like they had a great time with you.

  10. That looks like a fun game. Enjoy the lovely day

  11. Waffles is adorable. I like the sweater, too.

  12. I know how much you love those little munchkins, so I know it must have been a fabulous weekend for you! Great to see you all in action, Rick had fun, too. The cat is really like Gypsy. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  13. Oh, you can tell every second was worth it! And the new family member looks like a perfect fit and temperament for two young boys. What a lovely visit!! :)

  14. Such heart-warming photos of a fun time with the young ones and the kitten. You made every moment count with the varied activities. The dry corn play pit photo made me smile.

  15. You really did well with the photography.

  16. The kids are at a magical age for fun. It looks like you had lots of that. The new furry friend looks like my cat Morris from the 70's, but it looks like he's much more patient than Morris. Morris wouldn't have put up with young hands toting him around. When he was in the mood, he crawled in my lap but he was always in charge. I couldn't just pick him up. Have a good weekend!

  17. I loooooooved those days so much.Best anti aging serum ever.

  18. Owww so nice to see you both with the boys …and wafles is so cute and kindly for the kids… Happy weekend …love Ria and Leaf 🍀💗🐾🍀

  19. You clearly had a wonderful time. I've never seen the substitution of corn for sand, but what a clever idea. It would be much easier to clean up after playtime!

  20. What fun for all of you, and their parents could have a carefree weekend knowing their boys were in good hands.

  21. Joyful days with grandies! It makes me happy seeing them!

  22. Orange cats have the best personalities. (Don't tell my Tortie Himalayan or tuxedo cat lol) Waffles is adorable, and I love the thought that Waffles is your Gypsy.

    That cider place looks awesome! I think I am going to look it up!

  23. all I can say both families are lucky to enjoy these awesome active, fun loving boys, who are not afraid to try new things. All of you are so full of joy and that is easy to see from your pictures. thanks for sharing with us.

  24. What a great time, for both kids and adults!

  25. Oh Waffles! You know I love a Marmalade cat.
    What fun to have this special time with the boys. It looks like everyone really enjoyed it.

  26. This is a fun and fabulous post. Everyone happy and just enjoying the day.

  27. What a delightful weekend with 2 energetic boys! I bet you were exhausted when you left! I'm glad the weather cooperated so you could be out and about. That's the best way to spend a day as you know from reading my blog! Rick looks like a very patient and kind grandfather. It's notable that he was willing to make omelettes with the boys because that can be a messy endeavor. I bake quite a bit with Paul and have been impressed how great of a co-chef he is. He listens well and doesn't tend to make messes when baking. I think he recognizes that we are doing something special.

    Waffles is adorable! I wish our cat was like that but that is not her personality at all. Phil really wanted an orange boy but of course we adore Oscar. She's just not great with the kids so it's best that she spends most of her time with my MIL. A friend in the area has a white cat who has a similar personality to Waffles. She is willing to be carried around by a young child and is very calm and sweet.

  28. Oh what a wonderful time. And I'm so glad gypsy found his way back into your life. I keep looking for Belle.....

  29. What great photos of a wonderful time! Delightful memories for all.

  30. What a great time with the boys! That kitten is is so adorable. Just love it.

  31. What an adorable checker board trio ♥

  32. Your dynamic duo is wonderful! Glad you’d a great time with them. How old are they now? Even the younger one can play checkers. Marvelous! My duo is a bit younger, definitely will be a long while for them to sit down quietly and play a board game or checkers together. How I admire you.

  33. Your dynamic duo is wonderful! Glad you and Rick had the chance to be with them for a day. They look mature and cooperative. Even the younger one can play checkers. Marvelous! It will be a long while for ‘my’ duo to sit down quietly do play a board game together. 😉 (check you email)

  34. So much fun when you have the kids playing with you. Love Mr. Ed. I remember watching him when I was a kid, a long long time ago. :)

  35. Great time making memories with the boys..Love Waffles...seems like a wonderful cat..Pretty green eyes..Enjoy your weekend..

  36. You have been busy with the grands! Waffles is too, too cute, and the boys clearly love her. I love the slide photo: you captured the moment perfectly! :D

    Shanley Belle introduced me to cider donuts, and I don't think there is anything better.

  37. You two are such wonderful grandparents! I bet the boys had an incredibly good time and so did you, obviously. It is so good to spend time with children. Oh and that Waffles, what a cute ginger!

  38. Every picture of these boys made me smile, especially the one of them playing with the kitten!

  39. Oh! Waffles is sooo cute! And who knows...

    Oh, what a fun event!!! So cute!
    I am sorry I am late... again. Friday 10 hours of work and I wanted to stay in my training. And then I was so tired.
    Silly excuses, I know. Wishing you a happy weekend!

  40. Wonderful, Jeanie. They are at that age where they are really interesting. Do it as often as you can.

  41. I love the idea that your cat is having a next life "keeping it in the family". Sweet.

    That looks like a fun outing. I'd love spending time petting the goat :)

  42. The boys sound charming. So glad you had such a nice time.

    Love your reincarnated cat(s)!

  43. Such fun and fabulous times, you just can't beat them.
    I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.

    Happy October wishes.

    All the best Jan

  44. They sure are getting bigger. Glad you had fun! I was told once that orange kitties are the most friendliest. Not sure how true that is, but my orange tabby Tanner was. Janice

  45. Wow, the boys are growing so fast Jeanie. Looks like a wonderful time too. I know you sure enjoyed meeting Waffles, the sweet Gypsy look alike. These fun times are special no doubt. Loved seeing all the family photos.........

  46. Cats and dogs are good friends for young children. Animals by their side would teach them valuable things.

  47. Delightful post! I can feel your enjoyment!

  48. What a fun time you four must have had. Loved seeing the three "kids" while you took the photos. Such beautiful ones, too. And to see Gypsy reincarnated in Waffles must have been a joy. Memories are made of this!

  49. Jeanie, the boys are adorable and are growing too fast. What a fun time for you, Rick, and them. Waffles is too cute and it looks like you all had a blast. Grandchildren are the best. I hope you are feeling better.

  50. What a magical time you had with your boys! I have grandkids about the same age (boys ) who live about 2 and half hours away. We too were asked recently to babysit for a weekend while parents flew to a wedding. We too loved every minute. You captured some wonderful moments that I'm sure you will treasure for a long time.

  51. Jeanie,
    Looks like everyone had a wonderful time!! Good for you!! Thanks once again for always taking the time to stop by!! I truly do appreciate it!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  52. Looks like a fun day with the two boys. I love the kitty! She looks so good natured.

  53. It looks as though a great time was had by all. I do love Waffles. I had 2 yellow kitties. Jessie and Sydney. They were 2 spoiled rotten mischievous boys. I know the moments you spend with the boys are precious to you and Rick both. Have a great week!

  54. That looks like it was an incredibly fun day for all of you - little kids and big kids alike. LOL! Glad Waffles is happy to lap up the likely sometimes overly enthusiastic attention.

  55. What a Joyful time together, it made me Smile thru the whole Post, the visuals are the making of Memories, clearly, for them and for you. Their Cat, OMG, reminds me of one we had that would let the Kiddos do anything with her, like the Boneless Cat on the Peanuts Cartoon.


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