The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, August 12, 2022

Postcards From the Lake: More Fun with Friends

When we last left our family and friends, Rick had set off from friends Anne and Clayton's home to attend a memorial for a cycling mentor. He would ride the fifty or so miles and after the event, return to their home for another overnight and then take off on a bike hike. I, on the other hand, would skip the memorial, enjoy time with our hosts and then head home to enjoy two days of just-me time before the next round of activity.

Oh, the things we think we are going to do.

I never answer my phone driving but when I saw on the screen it was Rick, I was worried and though I was headed home, answered. A good thing I did. He had crashed out, cracking his helmet, damaging his glasses, and bending the wheel of his bike -- not to mention landing on his head and hip. So, of course I turned around and got him.

He was only a couple miles from the memorial so he got there and that's where I picked him up -- in the beautiful farmland of mid-Michigan. After the memorial tributes we both enjoyed the after-event refreshments, we loaded up and headed back to the lake.


Well, not quite. First we bought a helmet. Then we got his glasses "untwisted." Then we went back to Anne and Clayton's to get the things he'd left there, planning to return. 

Finally, after a stop for gas, we returned home to a hungry cat and time for a short swim. 

Not the day either of us had expected, to be sure. But it did mean that the following morning, when my friend from high school, Nancy, was coming to the cottage for a meet-up, that her husband, Bill, would come along too! They brought the pastries, we had the coffee and fruit. And the conversation was terrific.

It's lovely that you can get together with someone you knew way-back-when and five decades later (well, we DID see each other once last summer) it still works. The conversation grows, you are sympatico on many of your beliefs about the world, and you still like each other!

I leave you with another couple paintings to remind us that fall will arrive. 

But I hope, not soon.

I'm just starting to have a summer. But there's more family to come!


  1. Glad Rick is OK and wears a helmet! Having fun with friends is a cherished thing these days.

  2. Bike accidents are not good, and this must have been bad enough to cause the damage that it did. Fortunately, it appears that the rider was relatively unscathed.

  3. You just never know when you make plans what will happen next. I'm glad Rick wasn't hurt and you were able to get so much 'set to right'! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I'm impressed by his cycling miles. I'm sorry about his crash but pleased he came out of it ok.

    What a congenial meet-up! Summer is still in full force here, but I know the Autumn color has already started rolling in.

  5. Yikes that sounds like a scary crash! I am glad that he is ok! Bike accident aside, it sounds like a great week. It's always wonderful when you can catch up with friends you don't see all that often and it's like no time has changed. And it helps with you have similar views on the world... 10 years ago having different views wouldn't have mattered all that much, at least in my experience. But in these times, it makes a huge difference...

    It's a soggy day here but we badly need the rain and at least it's happening on a week day. The weather looks good for our trip to the lake next week - looks like highs in the 70s which should feel good as long as it's not windy! But even if it's windy, we'll still have a great time and I will appreciate some quiet, laid back time with my parents.

  6. Glad to know Rick is doing fine. Quite an adventure

  7. Glad Rick is all right. A cracked helmut sounds very ouch! Lovely words about old friends. The pastries the next day make life better.

  8. my husband's life was saved on more than one occasion by wearing his helmet. I gave up cycling a long time ago. Glad Rick is unhurt. Simply adore your pumpkin painting!

  9. I am glad that Rick survived that terrible fall. Looks like a very nice time with friends! Enjoy the summer.

  10. No, NO! Not fall coming. Say it isn't true.

    Glad Rick didn't get hurt any more than he did. Still got to be scary reminder of how dangerous daily life can be with we leave the comfort of our side chairs.

    I love having meet ups with decades old friends. Doesn't happen often for me anymore as everyone is out of state.

  11. I'm glad that it's only a helmet and a wheel that got damaged and not Rick! He was lucky and I'm sure you are super relieved about it. It can happen so quickly. This spring, I fell with my bike on my way to work at the German School. I was okay except for a very bruised hip, but boy! was I thankful that nothing more was damaged. Your photos of the countryside are beautiful, and seeing old friends again and finding you still like each other is worth a million dollars. Good friends as wonderful! And I like you fall inspired paintings.

  12. Glad the crash wasn’t worse than it was, how scary! Your summer get togethers look very nice.

  13. Lovely photos, glad you enjoyed your get together with friends. And I wish I could bribe autumn to come tomorrow! Hug, Valerie

  14. Yikes! Well, I'm glad Rick wasn't hurt too badly. At least helmets are easily replaced. Isn't it amazing to think that not too many years ago, none of us wore helmets when bike-riding?

  15. Sorry to hear about Rick's accident! Sounds like other than that you are having a great time! Love your fall paintings.

  16. Perhaps Rick resumed biking too soon after Covid. He looks thin, and might still be tired from his struggle with the virus.
    Hopefully, the new helmet is strong and won't crack.

  17. I'm glad that this story had a happy ending. Hearing the damage that was done to the bike, the glasses, the helmet, I was worried that your husband might have injuries, so I was glad to read on and see that he did not. What a lucky outcome. Meanwhile, yes, we've had friends of 50 years who remain as easy to relate to now as they were then, and friendships like that are a real treasure.

  18. Cycling accidents are so scary! I'm glad he was all right and all was well in the end.

  19. Thank goodness for bike helmets! So glad you could rescue Rick and that he was relatively okay. It's lovely to meet up with folks from long ago and particularly nice when you are in agreement on most topics. Unfortunately that is not always the case with old friends and even family. Enjoy the last days of summer.

  20. You ane Rick are rather accident prone this summer aren't you? Hope Rick isn't too sore tomorrow.
    We are heading to the lake tomorrow. A friend has offered up her big trailer on a small private lake. I see lots of kayaking and fishing if the rain holds off.

  21. Fifty miles, that's quite a bike ride. Glad Rich is ok and your painting are lovely.
    Enjoy the rest of Summer. It's passing fast.

  22. Thank goodness Rick is ok! Wow..We all remember the last time..Take care!

  23. I am glad that Rick is okay. I am sure he doesn't want to hear this, but riding alone is maybe not a good thing as he gets older. This time he was fortunate that you were close by but this could have happened on one of his marathon rides where help was not so easy to come by. When I was younger, I used to bird alone most of the time, but once I tripped over some tree roots and was stunned for a few minutes. I had no broken bones, but a gash on my leg and several bruises, and stiffened up as I walked back to my car about four kilometres away. Had I broken a leg who knows how long I might have lain there before somebody found me - hopefully before a bear did! Maybe be time to modify your plans, Rick! All the best - Dr. David.

  24. Oh my goodness! I'm glad Rick was wearing a good helmet, and I'm glad he wasn't more seriously hurt.

    It is wonderful to see old friends and to find that you are still in sync. Here's to friends and family!

  25. I'm glad Rick wasn't seriously injured. Lovely cute paintings - I'm mad for the last one!

  26. I am also happy Rick wasn't hurt severely and you answered your phone.
    Whew! Glad you were able to be there for him and go on to have a good couple of days.
    Ugh! With hot weather I wish for the cooler days of Fall, but not sure I want to quite leave Summer. Time to just savor each day I guess.

  27. Untwisting glasses always is better than replacing glasses, and a broken helmet beats a broken head every time. All things considered, he got out of this one fairly well, and it's good that your day -- though different from what you had planned -- still was a pleasing one!

  28. Good morning, Jeanie. So thankful Rick was not seriously hurt. I know that was a scare for you. It is great to be with old friends and enjoy each other. Your pumpkins are wonderful! Have a great lake weekend!

  29. Jeanie, that’s scary news to hear! So thankful Rick wasn’t seriously hurt. You both have suffered from falls this summer and I’m hoping that will be all for the rest of this year. Seeing friends is always the best of times.

  30. So glad Rick is ok. Sometimes answering the phone is important. Your art is adorable. Happy weekend.

  31. Rick was very fortunate on many fronts, and I'm really glad he didn't have it any worse. You are just a social butterfly this year, Jeanie! Enjoy the visits.

  32. Glad Rick is ok. If you're going to crash, good to crash in a relatively safe place, near your destination. Enjoy what's left of summer.

  33. The poor man. He seems to have been OK! Good thing.

  34. As others have already commented, glad to read that Rick was OK and that only the helmet and bike were the worse off. I am always amazed by his long distance rides you post about, Jeanie. It's nice that you were able to "rescue" him and that you both were able to spend time with friends. The pumpkin art was sweet and yes, I will look forward to fall soon enough.

  35. OH no! So glad Rick didn't get hurt any worse than he did. Helmets are amazing!
    Looks like such a fun time with old friends.
    Stay safe, you two! :)

  36. Poor poor Rick…I am glad he is ok now…I hate bicycle…I am afraid to do that…nice to meet your friends from long ago…enjoy summer …I hope autumn will wait a view weeks πŸ™ˆπŸ€ love from me and Leaf πŸ€πŸΎπŸ’—πŸ€

  37. Glad Rick is OK and that he had a helmet on..t's easier to replace a helmet.
    Nice to see old friends..they are the best.
    Did your kitty forgive you??
    ENjoy the rest of your weekend.

  38. I am truly enjoying this post, you are lucky!
    A man who´s into sport - DOING it, and friends from so long ago!
    I occasionally meet people I went to school with when visiting my Brother.
    They recognize me (cause I look like my Brother), even remember my name, but that is that.

    Oh, enjoy your swims!!!

  39. I'm glad Rick is OK. That must have been a scary call until you could actually be there and access the situation. You look like you are enjoying summer. Me too. It's been busy but fun, and not anything like I expected it to be. Enjoy the lake too. Hope you're getting some nice weather. hugs-Erika

  40. Wow, you and Rick sure are overcomers! Glad Rick is okay after this mishap and that you were close by to pick him up. All the best for the rest of the summer to be safe and enjoyable!

  41. It sounds as if you've both come through okay and I'm glad. It's been an adventurous Summer for you both. Stay well and safe. Autumn will be here soon enough. Love your Autumn sketches.

  42. I am so glad that Rick was ok! That is some scary stuff. It is so nice to reconnect with friends and pick up where you left off. I always enjoy seeing your paintings. Have a lovely week, Jeanie!

  43. Oh I hope Rick is ok and has mended well.

    Meanwhile, it's kind of fun to see pumpkins even though I'm in no hurry for summer to end.

  44. Glad Rick wasn't hurt.

    Looks like a wonderful time with friends.

    I enjoyed your beautiful photos as always, Jeanie.

  45. I remember hearing of this incident first on Facebook, Jeanie. I am so glad Rick was OK after such a serious spill. So glad his helmet protected him and that he was able to get in touch with you and still attend the memorial.

    How nice to see a long-time friend again and enjoy their company. I hope to see a high school friend soon who is visiting Colorado with her daughter and family. It will be fun!

  46. The paintings are drawing, especially the first one.
    Sorry Rick had a crash. Glad he's okay.
    Hope your birthday was wondrous.

  47. Glad the accident was no worse.

  48. So pleased that Rick is OK.
    The grandchildren love to be out on their bikes and they always wear their helmets ... so important.

    Take care and enjoy the summer months, Autumn is already knocking on the door.

    All the best Jan

  49. I am so glad Rick is ok. What a crash that was.
    I love your pumpkin paintings, the last one has a vintage look. I love it!
    blessings, dear friend. Both of you stay safe.

  50. I'm a few days behind in my sorry to hear about Rick's fall, but glad that he's okay. It's so wonderful to spend time with old friends. It's like no time has gone by, even when you don't see each other for years!

  51. I'm a few days behind in my sorry to hear about Rick's fall, but glad that he's okay. It's so wonderful to spend time with old friends. It's like no time has gone by, even when you don't see each other for years!

  52. Oof! I am glad to hear that Rick suffered only minor issues like twisted glasses and a cracked helmet - and thank goodness for that helmet!!

    It looks like you had a lovely time with your friend!

  53. I’m glad you got to enjoy your friends and that Rick didn’t get seriously hurt. Karen (Back Road Journal)

  54. Sorry Rick had an accident. Glad he was OK, and had you to go rescue him.


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