Monday, August 15, 2022

Postcards from the Lake: A Birthday and a Mass Invasion!

Everything this summer has been more than a little topsy turvy with a few big monkey wrenches thrown into the mix. Would my birthday be the same? Nope! It was terrific!

Early in the week, Rick's brother and his family, including two nine-year-old granddaughters, came for a visit. You'd think that adding five people to my usual semi-solitary existence would be a challenge. It was more like a delightful vacation! The Massachusetts Oberle gang pitched their tents (and hammock) in the yard (with one grand girl taking the guest room!). 

From then on, it was just the fun of it. Bike rides for Rick and his niece...

...and Randy and the girls. 

There was fun in the sand on one of our rare warm and sunny days.

Rick helped the girls dig a massive hole and build a tall mound of sand so firm they could stand on it...


...and deep enough to sit in!

Randy took the girls on individual kayak rides in the fold-up, origami kayak that Annie Linda Hyders brought.

Then Rick took a spin at the Golden Hour.


There was a lot of grilling! Those Oberle boys all look alike!

A bit of an accident (a tipped over grill) caused some consternation...

...and sent Rick to the faucet to wash off the brats!

 It was always a happy crowd....and even happier after post-dinner neck massages by one of the girls. This young one has a career in store for her as a massage therapist if she chooses to take it! And the strongest hands of any nine-year-old I've ever experienced!

Birthday was a good day. Greg came down for breakfast, bringing his lovely friend, Amelia, with him.

(And a few presents too, but the best present was his presence!)

Rick, Olivia and Randy made my birthday pie -- or rather, pies. Key lime. Yum!

And we also had corn from the market, wonderful steaks and pasta salad.

Summer food! All our dinners were served up with big smiles!

I was sad to say farewell to my Sister From Another Mother and the whole gang. We had so many good, long talks and completely on the same wavelength. That's a real gift too.

They're welcome back any time.

I leave you with the sunset that, unfortunately, we didn't roll out for them during their visit. 

It was a beauty, rivaled only by the enormous Sturgeon Super Moon shining through the bedroom window like a spotlight. No photo of that one. Just wonderful memories of a terrific time.


Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy Birthday!
Wow! Your celebrations with family and friends looks fantastic!

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, your post had me smiling. So much fun and good food for all of you Camping fun as well and grilling just perfect for a weekend and your birthday-I posted a photo with a heron too-hugs Kathy

eileeninmd said...

Happy Belted Birthday Jeanie! It looks like you had a fun day, it is nice to have so much company celebrating your day. Fun photos, I love the last sunset image. Take care, enjoy your new week!

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

A very happy belated birthday to you, Jeanie! What a nice gathering at the lake! - Jenn

anno said...

What a fabulous day! Amazing how easy entertaining can be when you're with people who are in perfect sync with your own interests and your own pace -- sure looks like everybody had a wonderful time. Happy Birthday, Jeanie!

Valerie-Jael said...

Glad you had such a great tine. Happy Belated Birthday from me. Guests who come with their own accomodation are a rare treat. I'm sure the kids had great fun. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

Penny Carlson said...

It sure sounds like it was a wonderful birthday! That sunset is stunning! I am having a giveaway on my blog. Come check it out!

Susie said...

Happy birthday Jeanie. All those beautiful faces and their wonder your birthday was festive. I enjoyed just seeing all together for fun in the sun. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Rustic Pumpkin said...

looks like one of the best birthdays ever {even if the bratwurst had a little extra seasoning} belated Happy Birthday!

Karen said...


What a lovely time for all of you - truly enjoyed reading this post, we all need more of that!

Lowcarb team member said...

Many happy birthday wishes to you.
Fabulous celebrations and what a magnificent sunset in your last photograph.

All the best Jan

Jenn Jilks said...

I do like my quiet time, but family is different! How fun.

Anonymous said...

a belated Happy Birthday Jeanie. Looks like a grand time was had by all. It feels so good to having life back to normal eh? your pal KarenW from the beautiful Ottawa Valley.....blogger playing silly beggers again

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Jeanie! You had lovely company!
I like the blue-vert color of the shirts in your picture with Rick and
You haven't forgotten Nature on your big day. The post opens with Heron and ends with a gorgeous Sunset.

acorn hollow said...

Happy Birthday! What a fun gathering. I am sure you were sad to see them go.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Being with family makes everything better. Add 2 nine year old girls and it's even better.

William Kendall said...

Sounds like you had fun.

Priscilla King said...

Congratulations on finding those masseuses!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

How marvelous, Jeanie!! What a great birthday celebration. Good times to savor all year long. Happy belated birthday, friend!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Happy Birthday!! Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration!! Good for you!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and often as you do!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

Emily said...

Good morning!! I am also blogging with you.

Stevenson Q said...

I feel so happy to visit your blog after a long time, on your very special day! I wish you all the best and happiness dearest Jeanie! I am sure you are having an amazing time because you are surrounded by the people you love, all your smiles make my heart happy as well. Thank you for being our dearest Jeanie in the blog world - we are blessed we know you!

Anca said...

Happy birthday!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Happy Birthday, Jeanie, celebrated with happy times at the lake. Thank goodness for a summer birthday you might say!

My name is Erika. said...

Happy belated birthday Jeanie. It looks like an Amazing day. Sunshine, laughter, key lime pie ( my daughters favorite) and lots of smiles. What could be better! Hope the current visitor is not to taxing. And you can have some painting time too. Hugs Erika

Anvilcloud said...

Great photo documentary. Sue is the photo-snapper in our family.

Ah, strong hands for massages. I sometimes ask Sue for a neck massage, but it’s like being caressed by feathers.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a wonderful day.

Rita said...

Happy, happy (belated) birthday!! Looks like such a wonderful time...other than the barbeque tipping over. ;) Great memories!

La Table De Nana said...

AWWW WHAT A GREAT TIME WAS HAD BY ALL! Whoops I had caps lock on..but it just says it all:) Happy Belated Birthday!Loving your natural hair!

Joanne Huffman said...

What wonderful memories! - and, how nice to have such good photos of them.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Happy Birthday Jeanie. Looks like a wonderful time for all. Sorry about the grill mishap.

Sandra at Maison De Jardin said...

Happy Birthday, Jeanie! This looks like such a special time, one for a little book all by itself. You should paint your memories of the day.
Love all the photos, summer is moving along. Enjoy every moment of your beautiful lake.

Pam Richardson said...

Jeanie, your birthday celebrations look like loads of fun. Enjoying family and friends are the best gifts of all. I am so happy for you that everything went so well, except maybe the grill fell over. But even that was ok, it is easy to wash brats!

Steve Reed said...

Looks like a wonderful birthday! That sunset is beautiful, and I laughed about the tipped-over grill. How did THAT happen?!

Divers and Sundry said...

Glorious! It looks like everybody had a great time and you got a consolation sunset. Happy belated Birthday!

It's me said...

Congratulations!!…good to see it was a fine day 🍀🍀🍀 love from me and Leaf 🍀💗🐾🍀

shoreacres said...

Happy belated birthday! It looks like some glorious family time -- and who wouldn't want to be part of a family willing to just wash off the brats? (Hmmmm.... there's a pun in there, but I'm sure none of your young 'uns are brats!)

DUTA said...

I haven't seen my comment among the other comments. Whatever the reason, I wish at least to send you a Happy Belated Birthday! said...

Happy Birthday Jeanie! It sounds like you had a grand time! How fun your guests could camp out in your yard~ nothing is better than hanging out, grilling and chilling, glad you had nice weather! 🥳

Prims By The Water said...

So glad you had a fun birthday and a dun time with all! I purchased some corn and peaches from the farmers market and they were so delish! So sad about the grill doing the topsy turvy. Janice

Meredith said...

Happy Birthday! It looks like a wonderful way to celebrate!

Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Birthday Jeanie! Sounds like you had a wonderful time with Rick's family. The kids look like they are having fun in the sand. Key Lime pie sounds scrumptious. Here's to many more fabulous birthdays, Jeanie! That sunset is dazzling.


Meow said...

Happy Birthday, Jeannie from a newcomer in this blogging world :) Seems that you have a lot of fun. I must say that you touch my heart with that gorgeous photo of sunset....was really beautiful!

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Happy Birthday and best wishes for a great new year ahead filled with everything that makes you happy.

SingingRiverSoulSpa said...

This is such beautiful togethering! Makes my heart thump all swimmy to see loved ones loving each other under the sun and blue sky. Love it.
And it makes me ache again for kayaks on the water. I miss that.
(note to self)
Thanks for sharing the view from your life, Jeanie.
All the richer for it!
Big joy to you as Summer winds down,

gigi-hawaii said...

What a wonderful birthday spent with great people! Happy birthday, dear Jeanie, and more to come, I am sure. Aloha from Hawaii.

The French Hutch said...

This gathering looks like so much fun for all and what a wonderful birthday you've enjoyed. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jeanie..........

This N That said...

Happy Birthday..What a lovely time everyone had making memories..

DVArtist said...

Ohhh what a fun time. I miss my family. You are fortunate to have this time.

Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday, Jeanie! Sounds like a very pleasant visit and celebration.

Iris Flavia said...

Happy, happy very belated Birthday wishes- to another wonderful year in your life!
Oh, and what a beautiful post!
Thank you for all the smiles, dear Jeanie!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

What a magnificent birthday! And a good time was had by all.!

Sandra Cox said...

A family of bikers:)
Glad you had such a good time and that you had a great birthday.

Little Wandering Wren said...

Oh Happy Days indeed, sounds like a wonderful birthday week. It took me back to my summers camping at a lake in Vermont when I was a camp counsellor.
Hope this week has been a good one for you
Wren x

Jenny Woolf said...

What a beautiful birthday, lovely people and the friendly atmosphere beams right out of the computer here into my room in London! So glad to read this post and apologies that I didn't send a card ... I've been quite discombobulated lately and there's lots I haven't done, but I was delighted to read your lovely post and know you had such a great time. And oh yes, I did a double take on RIck and his brother - they almost look like twins! It also amused me to see Greg overshadowing his dad, these young folk just keep getting taller and taller every generation. I would have simply loved all that time in the sand when I was a kid. I remember what a thrill it was, sand. And being able to get into the lake and have fun afterwards - perfect, I bet they'll remember it.

Carola Bartz said...

Happy belated birthday, Jeanie! Your post is such a wonderful summer feeling read, I enjoyed it all the way through. It's such a treat to spend time with people you really like, and all the different ages make it lively and very special. You all look so happy, I just love those big smiles.

stylefrontier said...

happy belated birthday Jeanie! this camping activity looks so fun! really enjoyed reading it

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Happy Birthday, Jeanie! So glad that your birthday was filled with people you love (and great food!). That sunset is a beauty - is there a painting of it in your future?!?!

crackercrumblife said...

This looks like an absolutely wonderful time. :) Perfect in every way. Happy belated birthday!

Anonymous said...

A belated happy birthday to you. May you have many more healthy and happy ones. 🎂 Karen (Back Road Journal)

Victoria Zigler said...

Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful one.

DeniseinVA said...

Happy Birthday Jeanie!!! This is a delightful post and it is so good to see all the happy smiling faces. Thank you so much for sharing them with us. They made me feel good looking at each one :)

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Happy belated birthday, Jeanie! Oh it looks as if you had a wonderful time!
The sunset at the end is just breathtaking.
Thank you so much for your most welcome visit and your encouraging and kind words. You too, inspire me!

Gretchen Joanna said...

That's a lot of happy camping! The sight of all those tents and smiling faces, lakeside sand digging, feasting... And key lime pie sounds just about perfect. Happy Birthday!

Pamela said...

Happy birthday! Looks like a great visit with family. I want to camp out in your yard too!

Priscilla King said...

A heron seems a special birthday blessing...

Sami said...

Happy belated birthday Jeanie. What an amazing family time you had! Rick and his brother look like twins :) That sunset is just wow!!
Lovely photos.
Hoping to be back regularly, as when on holidays I had no time to visit blog and then after getting home I've been jet-lagged and then got a cold too, so just didn't have the energy.

Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

Happy belated birthday! Looks like a wonderful time! I love how Rick can be one of the kids and help them dig a hole. He's a kid at heart which is a great way to be!

My mom celebrated her birthday last Sunday and Phil's was this past Thursday. We were up at the lake and had great weather for 2.5 days and then not so great weather. But we still had lots of fun!

Now tomorrow is the anniversary of Phil's dad's passing - 9 years. He passed 6 days after Phil's birthday so I think the upcoming anniversary of his dad is inseparable from his birthday. I know it's always on my mind as his birthday approaches. :(

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