The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, August 22, 2022

Postcards from the Lake: Another Visitor!

It has been a month of house guests and the most recent has been Rick's mom, Kitty, who is visiting from Texas. She picked a good time to leave that hot state in the south for our much cooler Michigan summer.

We've done a few fun activities (I'll post about our visit to a Lavender farm soon!).


But much of the time has been spent with long talks. There have been a few good walks, too.

Kitty is supposed to walk more and so off we go!

There were several trips to the farm market. Kitty makes friends fast and enjoyed talking with the vendors.

And of course, we ended up with such wonderful corn and veggies -- a veritable rainbow of deliciousness!

We took a long ride to show her some of the territory around here, including the ski area that is so stunning in autumn. 

The views were more green this time around but still lovely. And there were some lovely spots to sit, relax and enjoy the scenery!

As what happened last fall, we sat on the deck for drinks and a light dinner -- and were scared inside by rain! 

The bonus? A beautiful rainbow in the distance.

Kitty came chair shopping with us and while we were out, stopped to see the only remaining car made by the Gaylord Motor Car company.


It's really quite impressive. I did a post on this a few years ago. You can find it here.

Greg came down for a visit and it was lovely to see grandson and grandmother together. 

We also visited Gaylord's elk park. We'll visit that in more detail in a future post!

There's quite a bit of land on the human side of the fence and it made for another good walking venture.

We've had some wonderful dinners and I tried out this new recipe of stacked zucchini and tomatoes by Patti of Pandora's Box. It was so good, we made it for dinner twice! Thanks, Patti!

We have another field trip coming up and one I'm eager to share with you. But that will have to wait!

More walking (and talking!) to do!

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  1. Sounds like a wonderful visit-hugs am excited to read about the lavender farm visit-that would be too awesome Kathy

  2. Jeanie,
    WOW!! Kitty looks to be in great shape!! Good for her!! Glad you all got to spend some time with her...I am sure she thoroughly enjoyed her visit!!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by again! I really do appreciate it!!

  3. It looks like a lovely visit Jeanie. Rick's mother looks active still, and willing to go out and about. That stacked zucchini and tomatoes looks so good. I am going to check out that recipe. And I look forward to your field trip posts too. It looks like you're having a wonderful summer. Hope all is well. Hugs-Erika

  4. Kitty seems like an amazing woman, and it looks like you shared a wonderful visit with her. Those zucchini and tomato stacks look delicious! Glad you were able to offer her a respite from the Texas heatwave!

  5. Looking like you all had a great visit. Walks are nice and I would prob enjoy them if I could get the butt up to move. I used to walk all the time, everywhere but just walking to the back of the store to pick up something brings pain and wears me out....

  6. So glad that you had a lovely time. Cooler weather must have helped when out and about. I'm sure Rick's mother enjoyed being with you and it was an opportunity for some walks, chats and being in beautiful natural surroundings.

  7. It's good to have visitors and get out and about with them! Those market veggies look so good, like real veggies should! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  8. Stacked zucchini and tomatoes sounds yummy! I've never heard of the Gaylord car company -- I guess they weren't around long.

  9. Hello,
    Lovely collection of photos, it looks like the family enjoyed their time at the lake house. I love to take walks, there is always something nice to see.
    The stacked zucchini and tomatoes looks yummy. Love the elk and the rainbow.
    Take care, have a great week!

  10. Not hard to see where Rick gets his good looks. Kitty looks amazing!

  11. What a blessing that visit was for her and her son and her grandson. Looks like you had a wonderful time too and the weather looks great.

  12. Sometimes I read quickly. The something doesn’t compute, and I have to go back. In this case, I first thought I read that Rick’s kitty was visiting from Texas. I am laughing now at that. 🤓

  13. Oh he's so lucky to have his mama:) Fun glad you got to see loved ones this summer.The stacks are cute in that divided dish`:)

  14. Wonderful visit, out of the Texas heat is a bonus. Lovely photos, the last one melts the heart.

  15. How wonderful that Kitty came to visit and seems to be in good health for walking about and doing fun things. I love the last photo, very touching to see son holding his mother’s hand! Happy Tuesday, Jeanie!

  16. Rick's mom seems to be in good shape and you seem to have had a good time with her. Love that rainbow photo :)

  17. Such a delightful and amazing time you spent with Kitty! I am very sure she is so happy as much as you all are happy with her visit! Super love the photos of her and Rick and also that shot you took by the deck - glorious! Hugs Jeanie!!!

  18. So happy Ricks Mother came for a visit. Impressed she is good about walking!
    My favorite picture I love most is them holding hands. Priceless 🥰

  19. It looks like a remarkably pleasant and enjoyable3 visit.

  20. Wonderful that Rick's mom visited. Oh, I love the farmer's market. I just went to one with the girls when I was in So Cal. So many good fruits and veggies. You know, Texas women always amaze me - they have so much energy, and Yes, friendly. That elk park is something else. It is definitely something I'd love to see. I usually see the deer around here, but look how spectacular the elk is! Love that last photo. And thank you for the rainbow. I believe it's a gift when we see one.


  21. Oh yes, your MIL did choose the perfect time for a visit with the dreaded heat and humidity engulfing the south. It looks like a wonderful visit for Rick and his mom, and grandson. Great food and looks like you kept her well entertained. Those temps sound wonderful. It'll be another month before we see them..........

  22. Nice family time..Can't beat it!!

  23. Oh how wonderful that she could come up for a good visit! Lovely places for a good wander and the farmer's market looks like a great spot to make acquaintances. ;) And the chats--precious times. :)

  24. I'm glad she was able to get out of the Texas heat! I love the last photo of Rick holding her hand. What a sweet moment to capture.

    I got to see my grandma during my lake trip. She turned 99 in May. She is in really great health for her age and is still very sharp. She often comments on what is going on in the financial markets which always blows Phil's mind. She knows we work in finance but I think she is just a generally curious and interested person so enjoys seeing what is happening in the markets but Phil can't believe she follows it or cares at her age!

    It looks like she is in good health and I hope that continues to be the case. So nice to see Greg twice this month, too!

  25. Love the last photo, Jeanie! What a nice visit you all had. So much to see and do in your area. And that rainbow is gorgeous!

  26. Great series of photos but the last one made me smile broadly :) You certainly had a lovely visit with a lot to see. And how super she got to see her grandson too.

  27. Farm markets seem to have become an attraction everywhere.
    Kitty and grandson look great in the picture of the two of them!

  28. looks like a fun time with family and friends. A wonderful array of produce on sale! Look forward to your visit to the lavender farm. I planted a new lavender border this past Spring.

  29. How lovely, Jeanie. Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time.

  30. Kitty did well on her visit! So glad see was able to visit with you and Rick. What an impressive car! We have a small museum a couple towns to the North where they made Wills Sainte Claire. Mr Wills was Henry Ford's chief engineer until he went out on his own to create this car company. Janice

  31. Wonderful visit, food, walking, and social interaction! Miss Kitty has done well with traveling and making the best of the time y'all have together!

  32. What a lovely visit. I'm so glad the weather was nice; even the rain produced a rainbow, and there's nothing wrong with that. I hope Rick's mom wasn't inconvenienced by the DFW rain and flooding. That's just so typically Texan. Part of the problem is that after extended drought, if the rain comes fast, the ground isn't ready to soak it up, and the runoff adds to the flooding that's part of our urban landscapes. Too much concrete! But, the rains are coming. In fact, we have rain lilies blooming all over town now. Hooray!

  33. What a great visit, nice walking areas with nice views and fun spots to visit. Love that farmer's market!

  34. What a pleasant visit! Rick resembles her. Yes, Michigan's cool weather is a respite for her, no doubt.

  35. Sounds like a lovely visit. Texas has been having a hard time of it with droughts and floods :(

  36. Jeanie,
    Thanks so much for stopping by again..Glad that you enjoyed the wedding pictures...we got some much needed rain which I am thrilled about because I am getting really sick of watering already!! I am looking forward to Fall...Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  37. Looks like you showed Rick's mom a great time! How nice that she'll be taking some wonderful memories back with her to Texas!

  38. How lovely it is that Rick's mom was able to come and enjoy the cooler weather with both of you up north. She looks like she had a great time!

  39. You make me want to head off to the farmer's market. Maybe on Saturday if it cools down a bit?

    Fresh veggies and fruit hit the spot these days.

  40. I've always wanted to see the Michigan Elk herd! I didn't know there was an actual elk park to go to.

    It looks like you guys had a great time visiting with Kitty!

  41. That first photo is beautiful. Those red impatiens (?) just pop.
    Have a great one.

  42. Jeanie, it was lovely to read about the visit of Rick's mom, Kitty, and especially to see her and Rick together walking. I imagine she really appreciated leaving the Texas heat and visiting you both at the lake. Looks like a lovely time was had and the stacked tomato and zucchini looked so good😋

  43. Looks like a lovely visit - beautiful photos, I appreciate you sharing them - have a great weekend!

  44. How come I missed this post - it´s lovely, wonderful!
    It must be so great to be mobile so long and simply have FUN!
    Thank you, Jeanie, for the big smile you gave me this Friday morning!

  45. wow all that wonderful produce... and a rainbow is such good luck of course :)

  46. Looks like everyone enjoyed the Kitty's visit and you found some quality time to spend with her.I'm sure she was so happy to be with family and cooler weather. I've never seen a live elk, and I love the tomato and zucchini recipe (thanks for sharing it) . The ending photo of Kitty and her son (?) holding hands is priceless.

  47. Glad it was a lovely visit, Jeanie.

    Kitty sounds like an amazing woman.

    Wonderful, wonderful post!

    Hugs and blessings, my dear friend.

  48. Your visitors must feel so special!

  49. Looks like a wonderful visit. Rick looks like his mom. The food looks wonderful and I know the time together was the best. I am sure Kitty enjoyed Kitty has enjoyed the senery. To me, Michigan would be such a treat over the heat in Texas.

  50. How totally lovely to have Rick's mom visit, including sight seeing and walks too.
    I must say I looked at the Michigan map to see where your lake is. It is quite north, isn't it. I bet they get a lot of snow in the winter.

  51. Rick's mom looks amazing and how wonderful that you could do different outings together. In my ignorance I have to admit that I had no idea there are ski hills in Michigan - I remember Michigan as being rather flat. Admittedly I hadn't been everywhere in your state.

  52. Such a lovely visit, I know she had a grand time!

  53. How wonderful that Kitty was able to come up for a visit.


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