The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, July 22, 2022

Summer at Home: Harry and Robbie

If I am at home, I will visit the Ditch. And if I visit the Ditch, I will probably encounter my Big Bird buddy, Harry the Heron.

He was in a particularly lovely setting in one of the most recent visits. 

Generally, I find him in the center of the largest pond. This time he was in one of the smaller ones, and quite close. 

I have such trouble painting greens and getting them right, but I might have to try this!

In due course, he took off. The next series of photos are in flight, which always fascinates me. Their wingspan is enormous!



He wasn't the only bird at the ditch! There was this handsome robin...

...and a lovely red-winged blackbird. 

The duck families are getting much larger, but still seem to hang in a group.

Of course, the wildflowers are beginning to pop!

And the water lilies are beginning to burst open!

Back on the home front, I was lucky to see a Mama (?) Robin and her youngster, Junior.

They became separated and somehow, Junior ended up in the neighbor's back yard.


I hope they reconnected.

Sharing with:    Saturday's Critters   


  1. Beautiful photos of Harry, especially in flight. I always welcome late spring when I see their prehistoric resemblance flying overhead.

  2. It was nice to see Harry Heron once again, Jeanie, and always such an obliging photo subject for you.

  3. Hail, Harry!! Awesome pix of him in flight!

  4. As usual your heron photos are outstanding!

    best... mae at

  5. I loved seeing all your pictures. Hope you are having good days. It's been so very hot here in Indiana. Too hot for me to enjoy being outdoors long. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  6. Those shots of Harry are amazing -- I especially liked those of him gliding over the pond. Thanks for taking us on the nature walk!

  7. All of your photos are truly prize worthy! WOW!
    Green is difficult that is why I rarely use any green that is not SAP green- along with yellow ocher.

  8. Good evening, I enjoyed your post. We have herons here at the lake but they are difficult to catch a photo of-they are so skittish. You captured some great photos, loved seeing the little robin hope they reconnect too. Happy weekend Hugs Kathy

  9. Heron's are without a doubt the strangest looking birds, are they not? So prehistoric looking! We have one flying back and forth over our house morning and evening. There is a rookery in a big swamp well back on the road.
    Water lilies are so pretty.
    Hope you are feeling more yourself.

  10. Absolutely beautiful photos of Harry and his living environment :-)

  11. Harry sure has some interesting face!
    And a majestic bird in flight.
    And the wildflowers. The water lilies, oh, wonderful.
    The other day a... I think it was a sparrow? - was flying close by as I sat on the balcony - I was astonished how loud the flapping of those tiny wings were.
    To summer (I hope it will come back!)

  12. Lovely, lovely photos! You have the best trips to the ditch--LOL! ;)

  13. Your photos of the birds are amazing especially the heron in flight and the close up of its neck and eye. The robin is so different from ours. They entertain by coming into our garden and the ducks are cute. We need to keep topping up the standing bird bath and hanging bird bath container in this heat. I hope you're inspired to do some painting of your visit to the Ditch and you're keeping well.

  14. I am happy to see that your love affair with Harry the Heron continues. I can remember back to the earliest days of my awareness being impressed by herons - and I still am. If I lived close by I could probably find you a Green Heron and a Black-crowned Night Heron too, Jeanie, althoughI hav no doubt Harry would be Number One in your heart - right after Rick!

  15. Little ponds with water lilies have become an attraction in urban areas with high towers. Children enjoy that, me too. As I don't see myself living near a body of water, this 'transfer' of nature suits me.

  16. You did really really well with the heron and other birds.

  17. how cool your pictures made me feel. Our desert is hot an dry right now. Harry is quite handsome and you are a fantastic photographer. Be well, be happy!

  18. I love it that you name them, as well! :-)

    What a great sight, those close-ups are wonderful.

    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  19. Hello Jeanie,

    Great birds sighted at the Ditch. I always love seeing the Heron, Harry the Heron is looking beautiful. Love the Ducks, Robins and the Red-winged Blackbird too. I will look forward to seeing the Heron painting, your photos are beautiful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  20. Of course I love seeing Harry, but that robin mama and the youngster elicited an "Awwww..." Robins and red-winged blackbirds were such a part of my Iowa childhood that I always make a quick trip back in memory when I see a photo of one. Every year I cross my fingers that the migrant robins will show up in my area: sometimes they do, but generally not.

    I'd love to see a painting of Harry in that setting!

  21. You do such a great job photographing Harry. And he is such a great subject to watch, photo and paint. Can't wait to see what you do with him in watercolor.

  22. Good pictures! That wing a span is huge!
    Painting the heron, consider using masking fluid over a light pencil outline of Harry, then add the green hues. I saw on an artist's TV show, he tilted the paper vertical to achieve the water layers.

  23. marvelous photos - I really enjoy visiting Harry

  24. Magnificent pictures of Henry! I've had three robin's nests in my little landscape over the course of the past few months, and also have found two fledglings (each on separate occasions) that didn't make it for whatever reason. Can't wait to see you paint Henry. We have a resident heron along the river too. ;)

  25. The water lilies have always fascinated me. They are certainly pretty flowers. So glad you got to see Harry on a recent visit to the Ditch. Terrific photos of him in flight. Your Robins look very much like ours here, although when I lived in my hometown, they were large, but here in the mountains, they are a bit smaller. Try to stay cool this Summer, Jeanie. It's been in the 90's here, not too bad. It's wonderful to see your nature photos at the Ditch with each season. They make my heart sing.


  26. I enjoyed these pics from the ditch. Amazing indeed!

  27. I love red-winged blackbirds. We don't have them here in the UK so I have to now admire them from afar. :(

  28. What a beautiful Heron. And how lucky to be able to find and see him so often.

  29. Wow this is a beautiful place to walk. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  30. Gorgeous photos, Jeanie. Can't help but take a deep relaxing breath when viewing them! Hugs, Sandi

  31. I love seeing Harry the Horon, he's a beautiful bird. The ditch is the place to hangout and check who's playing on a given day. :)

  32. It is always interesting to see what you capture with your own camera. You are quite the photographer.

  33. Outstanding Heron pictures..great "in flight" ones..Nice series..Hope you are enjoying your weekend..

  34. That heron looks huge! I'm sure mama bird found the baby. It's fun to watch them while the parent birds are still looking after them. The flowers are pretty :)

  35. Such beautiful photos of your bird friend! And so much more you got to see on your visit!
    Thank you for sharing!

  36. Harry is a gorgeous bird! I particularly liked the ones of him taking flight. Beautifully captured! I haven’t seen his cousins lately around here. Hope to soon! The other birds were sweet, especially the baby. Pretty flowers also. Thank you for sharing them Jeanie. Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

  37. Harry is amazing …also the pictures!…great 🍀🍀🍀

  38. wonderful shots of those birds especially harry

  39. A beautiful set of photos, especially the ones of Harry taking flight.

  40. Your photos always impress me. That heron is absolutely amazing how you caught it in the water and in flight. Stunning!!

  41. Hello Jeanie, :=) I loved all your photos,and your friend Harry the Heron in particular, as you captured some wonderful images of him flying, these are really great. The Robin and junior, the ducks and flowers are all super photos.

  42. Fabulous pictures! You are a super photography.

  43. That should say photographer!

  44. Glad you were able to see and get some awesome photos of Harry and some of the other critters at the ditch.

  45. Birds are much less common around here in the heat of the summer. I do see them near the bayous and ponds, though. Glad you got to see so many today.

  46. wonderful captures Jeanie! love the water lilies and the wing span photos. I miss our blue heron Freddie, I haven't seen him since Hurricane Sally in Sept 2020...I do see an occasional heron on a neighbor's pier or boat house but it's just not the same as Freddy walking along our shore and taking drinks from our pool... Have a great week ahead~

  47. So lovely to see these photographs, a very nice post Jeanie.

    All the best Jan

  48. I so love seeing animals and birds. We have 4 baby bluejays hanging around that just learned to fly. Plus I saw 3 baby herons in the marsh this year. Janice

  49. Hello Harry and friends! Lovely to see you again. Enjoy the flight.

  50. Jeanie, I am late again! I always enjoy seeing Harry. Your photos are outstanding, love the water Lily! The ditch provides so many opportunities for lovely photography! Enjoy the week!

  51. He's such a pretty guy and I love these photos. I agree with you, great blue herons in flight are truly spectacular.

  52. These are gorgeous, Jeanie, and Harry is looking especially handsome. I'm envious of your shot of the red-winged black bird. I cannot seem to ever get a clear photo of them!

  53. Gorgeous photos, Jeanie! We have been seeing a heron by culvert that Will loves looking at - in his eyes it was a mini-waterfall this spring/early summer. Now it is bone dry because we are in a draught. :( But we would see a heron quite often and Paul started to call him Harry! Their wing span is amazing, and I love watching them gracefully walk through the water. They look so serene!


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