The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Postcards from the Lake: A Quiet Summer

You may have noticed there haven't been as many postcards from the lake as usual. It's been an odd summer.

We got a late start, between my MRSA and Rick's Covid and didn't make it up here until the weekend of the Fourth of July. We do have a splendid view of the lake fireworks, which are shot off from the county park directly across the lake from us.

Surprisingly, and pleasingly, there were few personal fireworks in the neighborhood, definitely making life nicer for Lizzie, who once again took to the linen closet to wait out the festivities!

For the most part, days have been sunny and warm (with a few exceptions and to be honest, the rain was needed). It has been good swimming weather. My most profound experience was swimming and seeing about thirty or more geese swimming toward me, having been chased off the beach. These are not they, but it was the same kind of flotilla, only there were more birds.

We couldn't have been more than 30 feet apart. I think I might have been by this family that I have seen before and believe me -- no way I was getting close to goslings flanked by two parents!

The other frequent visitors are the Quackles, mom and her six babies. So far all are there. I'm continually surprised at how much smaller they are than those at home, which appear to be full grown or close to it.

My plants, which I brought up from home, are doing well and it's nice adding fresh basil, oregano, rosemary and thyme to our cooking. Last year I planted thyme here but it didn't make it and the oregano is puny. Fortunately, the potted plants are doing well. 

There are a few things here that need to be done, like getting a new door handle. (I find the brand name of the current one ironic!)

As you know, we had our sweet grandlittles visit, and my face-plant, which took us home for several days. I now have a new temporary crown. My dentist (the new partner) looks like a teenager but he seems to know what he's doing. And to be honest, anything would be better than the way it was!

I've spent a lot of time keeping our beach from getting out of control. Thanks to neighbor Jim (he's still here!), it was cleaned up by running his tractor through it. But you have to rake up the weeds and keep on it or they come back very fast! You've got to admit, sunset is its best time of day!

Rick was here on the first visit but had to stay home when I returned, taking care of the duplexes he owns. It's been quiet here with just Lizzie for company. I miss him!

The typical day involves getting online to visit all of you and answer your comments in the morning. That's broken up by painting or reading, walking or swimming. It's quiet, calm and laid back. I've been doing a bit of art and will include more in a separate post. 

The big news of this day involves the fallen tree in the backyard. We finally reached tree guy, he said he'd take care of it. But he hasn't come yet. So, a knock at the door found neighbor Jim there, saying he was going to do it. 

It was fascinating watching him tackle the tree -- it's a two day job but he got probably 80 percent of it chopped up and hauled away. I wanted to help (he refused; finally I at least helped haul some branches to the trailer and rake but I think he was just tolerating me!)  I wanted to pay him for his time. (Nope.) Finally, I sneaked over a bottle of wine to his porch while he was working. I'll do something else -- a gift card or gas card. Something. 

He hasn't sold his house here yet, but plans to this winter. I can't imagine having another neighbor there.  

At the end of the day after dinner, I'm generally on the porch, shading my eyes from the beating sun, checking in again!

Meals are simpler when I'm on my own. The centerpiece of last night's dinner was a watermelon and feta salad. My cousin had mentioned making one and how good it was, then I saw a similar recipe HERE and realized I had the ingredients, more or less. I substituted the lime juice for lemon and used basil instead of mint (which I have in abundance at home but not here), and then used scallion rather than the red onion, which I didn't fully marinate, but it didn't matter. 

SO good! And pretty, too! (The thing about this recipe is that quantities and measurements are more or less optional -- it's a great dump salad and so refreshing. I used the feta in brine. Don't use the crumbles.)

And now, someone else is hungry. And since she is being good and thinking inside the box while we're here, I should indulge her!

 I hope all's well for you.
Sharing with:  Share Your Style   /   Rain's Art Date   /   Saturday's Critters  


  1. Ohhh your herbs look amazing. Lovely photos of the lake. Your tooth looks great even for a temp. Wonderful art. I really love the boats. Jim is a good guy. That's a lot of work. I love your light meals. Stay well no more face plants. LOL

  2. Jeanie, I'm so glad you were able to get to the dentist. You are looking well and seem to have recovered from your mishap. We always say the same about new doctors that we see--some appear about twelve! How wonderful to spend your days at the lake. The sunset is lovely. You had a ringside seat for the fireworks display--so pretty. It's so nice you have such a sweet neighbor. I'm sure he must feel the same about you. Take care.

  3. Your face is looking much better. My new gastro specialist looks about twelve too. haha, I'm off to get the process started for my new front teeth (3) on Friday. Don't you wish we could just go in and they would fix it instead of this back and forth? It's putting a wrench in our travel plans.
    I am envious of your little bit of heaven there. Such a peaceful spot. Are you seeing this glorious full moon reflected on the lake?
    Will your neighbour be able to make use of the wood from the tree?
    Our friend has her farm across the road for sale. Today Mike told her she better find us good neighbours, haha. I hope she didn't take him too seriously!

  4. The mist and pastel like colour are in deed mesmerising from the lake.

  5. Odd summer is the correct phrase - here, also!
    And yes, for animals such fireworks are a confusing pain. Our dog always flipped, too.

    Ohhhh, swimming! I so miss that!
    Were you "afraid" of all the birds swimming towards you?

    Your basil look much better than mine! Also my flowers... nothing.

    "Security" is always good! Our door is double locked. And looks a bit better than yours atm, LOL.
    Sad we need it double locked. Would prefer your neighborhood.

    Great, happy pic of you and the tooth - perfect, just like my Niece´s.

    Wonderful sunset-pic. I really understand my T now (he plans to live by a lake when retired).
    Love your art. Have been sketching on the balcony yesterday, this time of the year is bliss.

    Great neighbor Jim!!!! Hope he changes his mind and stays for good. Bring more wine and yummy food maybe ;-)
    Like that yummy salad. And, ohhhh, Lizzie!

  6. A lovely post Jeanie. It looks like you're healing up very nicely. Thank goodness. It looks like a quiet, peaceful time at the cottage. Enjoy your time at lake. Oh by the way, I just learned today that the President of my university alma mater (UBC) has just accepted a posting to the University of Michigan.

  7. Your mention of swimming turns my thoughts to this summer's 'epidemics' of drownings in my country. We hear of weakly tragedies such as a father's drowning while trying to save his daughter.
    What a great neighbor you have! Volunteering to remove your fallen tree is a gesture to be much valued and appreciated.

  8. It is really wonderful to have a neighbour like Jim. You will be so sad to see him leave the lake. Imagine what Washington would be like if politicians could get along so well together and help each other. Imagine if cops faced with a crisis could leap into action so quickly. One guy in Michigan could be a model for the country!

  9. Hello Jeanie,
    Your smile looks beautiful, the dentist did great. I hope you are recovered from the fall. Beautiful captures of the fireworks, geese and the ducks. Lizzie is adorable too. I love basil, your watermelon salad looks yummy, refreshing for a summer meal. You have a wonderful neighbor at the lake, it will be sad when he sells his place. Take care, have a great day!

  10. I'm not sure I could even handle so much peace and serenity, although its the exact medicine i think I'd need. I'd probably be like Jim, looking for some work to do. He did an amazing job, btw. And your dental work looks good (I've gotten to where I pretty much call all young Drs Doujgie Houser anymore). I love your life at the lake. It's beautiful.

  11. I'm so glad to see the recovery going well. Falls are no fun, and sometimes there's damage that takes time to show up, but you seem to have escaped relatively unscathed -- if needing a little repair! I have a beautiful watermelon sitting in the fridge that I haven't cut yet. When I do, I'm going to try that salad. It sounds wonderful, even though plain old watermelon is terrific all on its own. We're still hitting well about a hundred in the afternoons, and nothing is more refreshing -- or hydrating -- than watermelon!

  12. so glad you were able to get your teeth done and your looked healed. Fresh herbs are just the best this time of year. The salad looks good.
    Nice neighbors I hope whoever buys his place is a good neighbor too.
    Sounds like perfect days to me.

  13. Life looks good. And your tooth fix looks fantastic. Slow and lazy summer days are good things. 👍. Glad all is well and you are having some quiet (and hopefully not too lonely) summer time at the lake. Hugs Erika

  14. I didn’t realize I was t signed I. And it posted me as anonymous. Hopefully you noticed it was me and didn’t delete the comment. Sorry about that. Hugs Erika

  15. Your herbs are doing wonderful! Beautiful pictures of your lake. Glad you neighbor was able to help with the tree.

  16. Your summer is getting better. The temporary crown looks good. The neighbor removing the tree warms the heart.
    Calling the geese a flotilla makes me laugh.

  17. Continued pretty hazy lazy days of summer to you🙂

  18. Hi. Looking good after your fall etc. Good to hear you are doing well. What a wonderful neighbor to take care of your fallen tree.
    That salad looks yummy 😋. Glad you are enjoying yout peaceful place after feeling so poorly.
    Had arm and hand surgery about 3 weeks ago. Ten years ago I fell and broke my elbow (remember?). A complicated surgery with some of the metal pieces removed. Arm is still very painful but slowly healing. My hand had 5 sutures and arm had 40 staples😢
    Starting PT today. The ulna nerve was involved and will take 6 months to heal better…
    I have been here at Harmony of Savanna Senior Independent living now. A beautiful building with 4 floors. The two top floors are independent living and the second floor is assisted living. First floor is memory care. A pretty facility and the dining room is very nice with good meals mostly good. My apartment is very small with an enclosed sun porch. Tootsie loves it and lives a lot on her cat tower looking out the window. Porch surrounded with windows which makes my living room very bright🥰.
    I have met several friends and we usually eat together.
    Anna has been so wonderful helpful me and taking me to appointments etc. Her school starts July 26th so her vacation is coming to a close. She has been to Tybee Island several times swimming and sunning. A wonderful place with lots of vacationers of course.😣. I think of the Cork Poppers often. Not sure you have met very often. Say hi the next time you all meet.
    My new address is: 9136 Old Montgomery Rd. Apt 4006. Savannah Georgia 31406. My cell phone is the same.
    If anyone wants this information please give it to them.
    Wishing you your summer happy and uneventful. Hi to Rick. Hope he is feeling well and will let get to the cottage soon.
    Take care of you. Your beautiful smile is getting back to normal I see.. No more falls!😬.
    Love, Pat🥰🥰🥰

  19. I totally relate to thinking new doctors/dentists/lawyers look young; I refer to them as "my 12 year old lawyer" or whatever (maybe an indication of my age, rather than theirs; but that's not the way I phrase it). I love watermelon salad - try throwing in some cucumber next time. I like your lake/rowing painting. Your crown looks good.

  20. Good to see you recovering from the fall and the illness! I love those salads with a couple of central ingredients and then lots of improvising. I sometimes improvise soft white goat cheese instead of the feta in this one or instead of the Italian mozzarella in caprese salad.

    best... mae at

  21. loved your post. you are definitely a gal who makes a positive experience when there are "issues abound in your life". keep healing and enjoying life. our desert in NM is hot and I so enjoy all your lake pictures. You are a blessing to so many Jeanie.

  22. It’s a good report, and you know that I want to shoot those fireworks, don’t you?

  23. Wow! swimming with geese could be fun or a bit scary.
    Love seeing you looking better. Also your reflection in the computer was fun. Love the hat.
    What a great idea to bring the herbs in pots for the summer cooking.
    And the watermelon salad sounds delicious. I love watermelon salad in the summer, but my "live in gardener" isn't fond of feta. Maybe I will make it without, then add feta just to mine. I usually have lemons, but must get some limes.
    Glad you got help with the tree.
    Loved the glimpse of Lizzie too.

  24. Jeanie, your cabin at the lake sounds like a wonderful summer getaway. I always look forward to your "what's happening" at the lake posts. It reminds me of an old movie I love but can't remember the name. LOL, your version is much more tame. What a sweet neighbor, I'm sorry he's planning to sell, I know you will miss hime. Sorry Rick had to stay behind this trip but I bet he'll be there soon. I would love the peace and quiet and Lizzie's company too. Enjoy, summer, it is passing so quickly.....

  25. Relax and enjoy your time at the lake - eat salads, read books, and play with the cat. Life is good - take care!

  26. Quiet can be good! I like how you've built your days. They sound wonderful! I'm glad the weather has been mostly good, too. We have barely had any rain here but my parents 2.5 hour NW of us have had a ton! Seems to be feast or famine w/ nothing in between these days.

    I'm glad the tree got taken care of but it's annoying the person you hired never did it. I hope you get your money back! Hope Rick can join you again soon but I'm glad you've got Lizzie's company in the meantime. Oscar is back at Joan's but it's for the best. Will has very few words so ends up screaming to communicate and OOF it's hard on our ears so had to be awful for Oscar. But she would still hang around us on the mainfloor. She has many places to go to get away from the noise but she seemed willing to put up w/ the noise/unpredictable toddler.

  27. Is it me or has the trips to the lake become less the last few summers? I love the pics, and your herbs look so nice. My rosemary has come back two summers and looks great. I love rosemary. Great art work. Hoping all is well with you and Rick also. Glad he recovered from that bout of COVID.

  28. So glad your tooth was fixed. I totally agree the doctors and dentists look so young.
    I know you are happy about the tree. Sorry he is selling. Enjoy you time away.

  29. Yes, a feta and watermelon salad IS good. I've never made one (I don't think?) but I've had them at restaurants. Your new crown looks great! I'm sure the permanent one will look even better. :)

  30. If anybody has an excuse for getting a slow start on the summer it's y'all. The lake looks inviting, and I know you're happy to settle in there. Your herbs look good. I keep meaning to pick up basil, but I forget...

    Your crown looks great! Y'all have a beautiful sunset view. I wanna buy neighbor Jim's place lol. You make it look so wonderful up there. He should link to your blog in his ads ;)

  31. Getting new neighbors who replace good ones is so hard, especially at lakes where we depend on neighbors more than in the city. The salad sure looks good and simple enough for me to try.

  32. You miss your sweetie but what a wonderful time!
    You have the best neighbor. I hope if he moves you get someone just as nice.
    Have a great weekend. :)

  33. To me, your days at the lake sound very calm and peaceful - maybe with the exception of the geese swimming towards you (what exaclty did you do in that situation? Dive down and holding your breath?) I hope that Rick will join you soon, I can understand that you miss him. Your neighbor Jim is a true gem, I hope he changes his mind about selling his house. And if he sells it, I hope for you that the new owners will be lovely people.

  34. Baby ducks, baby goslings, watching fireworks from the back porch and a lovely meal.Purrfect.

  35. You looking great !…enjoy summer love from me …🍀💗🐾🍀

  36. Love the reflection of the fireworks in the lake...
    I don't think I would enjoy 30 geese swimming toward me if I was in the water..
    I used to have a pair of nesting Mallards at my old house..Between the house and my pond..Every year.up against the Florida room..several clutches a summer..They would hatch and go right in to the pond..Then they would follow Mom down to the wetlands, the big pond and the snapping turtles..About half of them made it..Miss those days.
    Your tooth looks good.
    Like your painting..
    I know you will miss your neighbor..What a big help he is..
    Yummy looking salad..

  37. Jeanie, so nice to read and see that you are healing and that the new dentist is a good one. The herbs look great and we also enjiy having fresh ones in a windowsill planter because fresh herbs are so good in cooking😀 You do have such a great and helpful neighbor and that type is sometimes hard to replace. The sunset was lovely and the Quackles very sweet and fuzzy.

  38. So glad you are feeling better! We still have baby swans over here, and not sure why either. Love your painting! Janice

  39. A laid back vacation: That's what I enjoy! You look a lot better in your photo. So glad you are on the mend. I love your photos, and that salad looks refreshing.

  40. I'm back after two days without internet. Love the drawings/watercolors. You have such a great neighbor. I know you will miss Jim if he leaves. He was SO good to take care of that fallen tree.

    Nice to see you have a temorary tooth, too. Glad like is good there. Here it's frustrating.

  41. I'm glad you have recovered from your fall. Your days by the lake seem relaxing and it's good to have a helpful neighbour who is practical. The fireworks across the water look pretty but not so good for sensitive animals such as your kitty. I'm impressed that you swim in the lake. The geese are better observed on land rather than encountered during your swim. I can imagine you turning away as quickly as possible.

  42. Those fireworks over the lake look awesome!

    I am glad you are doing better and enjoying some quiet days. :) Hopefully Rick is back soon.

    That salad looks delicious!

  43. Hi Jeanie. Life seems as slow at the lake as it is here at the Cottage. I am beginning to like it that way, or at least getting a little more used to it. Glad you got your tooth fixed and that Lizzie is thinking inside the box. I have been keeping up with everyone as I read on my Ipod in bed at night, but cannot type on it so my answering is very slow as I don't always even turn my computer on during the day. I have grand intentions but reality is a whole different matter. That salad sounds delicious and so refreshing. When dinner time rolls around most of my energy has hidden some place and it has been so hot that anything simple sounds really good. What a jewel is your neighbor, I imagine you hope he never sells. Keep plugging along and enjoying the days of summer..xxoJudy

  44. Happy to hear things are a bit sweeter
    than a few days ago.
    It is difficult for me to believe
    MRSA and Covid visited you and Rick.
    Of anyone I knew through that crazy time
    you and Rick were most careful,
    vaccinated, masked,
    stayed in, didn’t do your usual
    couples, Cork Popper events
    and yet you two had all those issues confront you!
    Doesn’t make sense!
    I hope you are in a good great path now
    and that summer continues to cheer you!

  45. Glad the tree was taken care of, even if not by the person who was meant to do it. Hope you get someone as nice when he sells his place.

  46. The beach looks so nice (and weed-less) but seeing your smile was best of all. And the photo of you in the hat? WONDERFUL!
    I hope the rest of your beach time makes up for the iffy start.

  47. You definitely qualify Jeanie! ☺ I LOVE the look of that salad! And I'm happy about your crown, I can't imagine the pain you went through, you must feel better!! ♥ I love your painting too! ♥

  48. Hello Jeanie,
    I would love to try a bite of your salad, it looks yummy.
    Great captures of the geese and ducks at the lake. The ducklings are adorable.
    Lizzie is a cutie too, I am sure she deserves a treat. It is nice to see your smile, I hope both you and Rick are doing well. Everything is calm once again.
    Time for some fun days at the cabin and lake. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  49. I hope you are doing better and your tooth is ok too! Lovely photos of a special place! Happy weekend!

  50. oh yes a watermelon and fetta salad always goes down well on a hot day! love your artwork!

  51. Jeanie, the watermelon salad looks delicious. Lake life seems most pleasant with swimming, reading,, and painting. You neighbor is a good one! Take care!

  52. Nice photos from the lake. Wish I could visit. Overall great post, really enjoyed looking at all these pics.

  53. How strange, I left a comment (I thought) but it’s not I think I may have written my thoughts in my last email, or even inside my head!Anyhow, spotting it on FB reminded me of that watermelon salad which I mentally noted on first reading. It looks WONDERFUL! We are having 13 people over today so lots to do, and now the problem is do I make this salad with the small watermelon I got yesterday, or cut the melon into slices and save the salad sensation for when I have more time to prepare? I’m just finishing my breakfast coffee now … so ask me in a few hours time what I did… 😀

  54. Oh, your crown looks nice, Jeanie. I still have to take care of mine first of next month. That geese family is a sight to see, as is the beautiful sunsets at the lake. Your herbs look like they are coming along nicely. Jess likes to plant basil as well, because she cooks a lot with it. The fireworks display is grand. I'm glad to hear you are having a nice Summer, Jeanie. So good of your neighbor, Jim, to take care of the tree problem. Looks like it will be a big project. I have a tree in the front yard that will be cut down within the next month or so, but they don't haul the limbs away, go figure.


  55. So pleased you were able to get your tooth sorted, it looks good.
    That salad looks delicious, I must check out the recipe.
    I think your neighbour is just wonderful ...

    Enjoy the new week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  56. Your summer may seem quiet to you, but it seems wonderful and fulfilling to me. What a great neighbor you have. You will be sad to have him move. Glad you were able to get a temporary crown so quickly, Jeanie!

  57. Jim is a gem! What a kind neighbor! The days sound peaceful, after your rocky start to the summer. Hope it's smooth sailing from now on!

  58. Your tooth and face look so much better; you must be feeling a lot better now that everything is healing.

    Jim sounds like a wonderful neighbor. Our neighbors are like that and it's so nice to live next to people like that. They almost moved in the spring (put an offer in that was accepted, but decided to back out) and we were SO happy when they changed their minds. Hopefully Jim will change his mind, too.

    Your salad looks so good. I adore watermelon, so I think I want to try that.

  59. Nice photos, especially the Quackles...


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