The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Toying with Normal When You're Not

"I hug myself till my arms turn blue, then I close my eyes and cry and cry till the tears come down and I can taste them. I love to taste my tears. I am special. I am special! Please god, please, don't let me be normal!" -- "The Fantasticks"

I always thought that was the best line -- and it so fit me. Now I just want normal again. 

So, Rick is at the lake, opening the cottage. Last year there were all sorts of problems! On occasion, the porch screens blow in, but that's an easy, inexpensive fix. A new hot water heater is not! Fortunately, there's no drama this year.

He's off for a week, a well-deserved break after a stressful past week. I'm home -- appointments and such. Theoretically, I should accomplish a lot. But theory has never been my strong suit.

The service for my friend Wally was lovely. Rick played his classical guitar before the service and I was surprised when they asked if I'd speak. This was about a half hour before the service began and I thought I would be one of several. When the minister didn't introduce anyone else I thought, "Gee, if I'd known that I would have told more stories!" Maybe it's good to know when to quit. 

The next day, I was given a beautiful photo done by Wally and it happens to be one from one of my favorite places, "The Cotswolds." I need to make sure my hanging apparatus is strong enough for this before it goes on the wall, but isn't it lovely?

In other news, I had done a baseline medical test related to my lung issues, so my new infectious disease doc would know what things looked like when I felt good. When I felt crummy and we did the same test, he would be able to see the degree of progression. I was pretty distressed when it came back indicating not only the pseudomonas that I always have but MRSA too. I've started on the Big Girl Drugs to kick it out, which involves IV infusions along with oral stuff. (This is NOT my best May -- and this is a Wally calendar.)

I was under the impression that the infusion meds needed to be refrigerated. As you might imagine, my fridge was a packed mess. In theory I should be cleaning it regularly. As I mentioned, theory isn't my strong suit. Sometimes I need a little push. I really didn't want a wallop. (I told Rick I could probably cure myself just by eating the science experiments I found while cleaning it -- or injecting all that interesting looking stuff into my veins! No, even I'm not that crazy!)

I did, however, take the opportunity to employ a hack that one of my blogger friends mentioned ages ago (If I could remember who, I'd say, so ID yourself if you like in the comments!). Buy place mats at the dollar store and put them on the shelves. Next time you clean, you can just remove the mat to wipe down (and if it's really nasty, replace it.) 

After all that, I learned it needed to be kept at room temperature. Well, at least I have a clean fridge.

I had the PICC line installed and a nurse came to train me how to do the infusions. I did this about 10 years ago and have no desire to do it again but we don't get to pick, do we? (Pick...PICC! Not intended, but it works.) It went pretty well, with one major hiccup (there was no way I could do these without help unless an extension tube was added to my IV and fortunately she had one in her pack!) I was so grateful my friends Mark and Jan came by for moral support and a second set of ears.

I figured it out and it will be five and a half hours a day of doing medical stuff for the next two weeks, at specific times. So, till that's over, I will be laying very low, not traveling and limiting contact with people. I'm not contagious (except maybe to Rick, as that's closer contact) but Covid numbers are going up and should I get it now, recovery would be far more difficult -- and my resistance is down. I have books, paint and cat food. We'll be fine.

On the lighter side, you may remember that last year I met a group of plein air painters, which I wrote about here. I've been in touch with them and they have started painting again and so I finally joined in. We were painting at our local arboretum. This is the view I was painting.

Now, when I took this pic, it was after the light changed and the water color changed, too. This looks rather blue gray but in real-life when I started it was more blackish/greenish/brown. So, this is my very bad painting of that view, with the original light. I've never been able to do water well and the only way to improve is to practice! I know I will paint this over till I get it right, and next time the water will be more like the photo. But for painting outdoors the first time, I'll take it! 

The redbuds were in full bloom (mine on the painting look more like crabapple trees; I've got to soften that pink and put more "air space" in between the branches!). After I finished, I took a hike through the park. When I came on this site I knew I had to shoot it. And I did -- over and over. This one might be painted sometime this summer.

If anyone in the world is looking for a lovely little ranch house in a great neighborhood with a wonderful next door neighbor, let me know! I got the sad news that my delightful neighbor, Matt, a kid young man I would adopt in a heartbeat, is selling the house he's been in a couple of years and moving to Cleveland. (I think I know more people in Cleveland now than Lansing and I've never lived there.) I will sorely miss him and his sweetest-ever dog, Rosie. It's always nerve wracking to have a new neighbor. I hope someone nice buys it.

Meanwhile, I leave you with a few photos from not long ago when we celebrated my friend's 70th. It was at a goat farm and I was in love with the goats.

These were the cutest little things I've ever seen.

Well, not this one. He was wanting to eat my vest. Poor nutritional value! Don't you think he has a naughty-boy look?

And yes, it was a very windy evening! My 70s-style hippie hair was definitely doing its own thing!

There was the cutest little outhouse you ever saw!

This was its patio! I don't know a lot of outhouses with patios.

So, that's the news from here. I fear life will be quite uneventful for the next couple of weeks. But, in addition to (as Anno describes them, "The Chickadee Chronicles") in the front of the house, Wrennie the Wren was seen poking her head into the B&B on the side. I hope to have pix of both soon. And the colorful two-tone squirrels continue to delight!

 Have a wonderful day. Life is good. 

Just sometimes annoying.

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  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your health woes. Here's to you feeling yourself soon!

  2. So sorry you have to go through all that, virtual hugs and I hope each day you get a bit better. Those are both nasty infections, and I send you positive energy that the medications will work their magic. On the plus side, your painting is marvelous, you have such a talent.

  3. I am sorry to hear about the health issues you are going through. Sending gentle hugs to you. Would you mind if I "borrowed" your photo to paint as well?

  4. Oh Jeanie! I hope you can find the strength and fortitude to keep plugging away at this and that soon it will be a distant memory. Coming from someone who has a constant cough and frequent sinus issues to the point where I don't even bother seeing anyone about it anymore, I just live with it, I do sincerely hope that all this nastiness will result in something wonderful for you! -Jenn

  5. Ugh, I am sorry to hear about the MRSA and intense treatments. I have heard that MRSA is really hard to cure. My brother had it a number of times and my uncle has as well. Those IV treatments sound intense/long. But maybe an excuse/push to lay low and take it extra easy. Good call to limit contact as much as possible. Your body is fighting enough as it. This is day 8 since I tested positive for covid and I still don't feel well. I am sure caring for sick kids has not helped as I am pretty worn out from that. But this, too, shall pass.

    The pictures are beautiful! Your first attempt at that scene looks beautiful to me but I know you'll keep improving upon it. I have been enjoying walks in our neighborhood as the tulips are blooming and the trees are flowering. I'm soaking it up since it's a fleeting season.

  6. Jeanie,
    Prayers for your good health
    I am sorry you have to go through all that. I hope this summer is one of no hassles.
    Your photograph is a painting in itself, beautiful.

  7. Nothing but hugs coming your way ~

  8. Sorry to hear about the infection and the infusion. It doesn't sound like fun, but hopefully it will knock it on its feet and you'll be able to go up to the lake house very very soon. And how nice Rick is opening it. My husband is in a tizzy with too much to do, between finishing the art space project (our new name for the room) and other things, plus work, when he really wants to clean his boat, he's been kind of a bear lately. Those goats are adorable. And I had to smile at the photo of you. You are lucky that naughty boy goat didn't grab your headscarf. That would not have been fun. It would interesting to do lots of pieces of that view and see how they all differ. Anyhow, enough babble from me. Have a great day and hope all is well. hugs-Erika

  9. The last goat definitely has some attitude! 😄

    Wally was a talented artist! You are too.

    P.S. That fridge trick with the matts is genius.

  10. Good luck with all the medical disruption in your life -- I hope the treatment is a success.

    I don't use place mats in the fridge, I use a large flat tile. It also means I don't worry if a dish goes in when it's not completely cooled off. When it gets sticky I take it out and wash it. Of course jars fall over and spill, but I think the spills would creep under a placemat. No win here.

    best... mae at

  11. I'm always sad when a neighbor leaves, not because he leaves (sometimes it's a problematic neighbor), but because I stay. I so wish I could move to a better place, but there are issues.

  12. Thinking of you Special Lady Jeanie.

  13. Did anyone mention that while you're doing infusions or blood draws that it helps a lot if you drink plenty of water the day before? Sorry you have to go through all that but on the other hand we're lucky we live in an a time and place when we do have treatments.

    You are fearless with your painting. I wish that would rub off on me. I'm still working through my watercolor workbook, learning how to handle the paints.

  14. What you describe of the next two weeks I would not call uneventful! Good strength to you, Jeanie.

  15. So sorry to hear about the infusions. Hope they are temporary and cure you. You painted the water very well. I really like the framed photo by Wally. Take care and continue to blog. This is excellent.

  16. Oh dear, you have a plate full! Medical stuff is so annoying but must be done! Brave girl! I am glad that you appreciate the beauty around you and are able to paint it - and pet a kitty. Life is good...but could be better!! Stay well, love

  17. a fabulous picture of you smiling, hair blowing in the wind. beautiful, adventurous, joyful!

    i hope this week find you in improving health, friend ...

  18. I am sorry to hear of these medical woes, Jeanie. It give me more reason to be thankful for my robust good health and I will try to appreciate it more. I am sure that Rick will do a great job getting the cottage ready and it will be just the tonic you need when you get there. If I remember correctly last summer was especially idyllic and perhaps you will have a repeat this year. With my very best wishes. David

  19. So sorry to hear about the picc line as my daughter had to do one for months, so I know how hard it can be. I laughed about your refrigerator dilemma as I have the same thing going on with mine...a total mess where I am sure some stuff turned to powder. Wally's picture is just lovely and I know you will cherish it. If we lived on a farm Bob would have goats. He loves them. Those were cute! Janice

  20. Jeanie, I am so sorry you are having to go through all of the medical issues. I could cry with you just reading all about it. The picture of the Cotswolds is just gorgeous and I know you will treasure it. Take care of yourself, my friend!

  21. I'm sorry that you are dealing with a setback in your health, Jeanie. Please take care of yourself and I will send some healing thoughts. I'm also sorry that you lost your friend. Speaking for him is a wonderful tribute. The framed photo is a lovely reminder of his talent and friendship. Your painting is so pretty and really captures the essence of the scene. The photo of the redbuds along the path will make a great painting, too. I like the tip about the placemats in the fridge. I hate cleaning the fridge. The little goats are so sweet. My eldest son's first words at age two were, 'Mommy, I see the goats!' We had taken him to a petting zoo that day. We were concerned that he wasn't talking yet (his big sister did all the talking - haha!). He started with sentences and hasn't shut up since! (He's 42) Great capture of your kitty! Hoping you get to visit your little lake house soon. Sending hugs xo Karen

  22. Hang in there and take good care of yourself! So sorry you have to go through this. I love your photos and painting, as usual.
    Have a lovely weekend. xo, V.

  23. Oh Jeanie--yes! Life can be sooo annoying...but it is also so good. I agree.
    You will be in my thoughts for sure. Sending healing energy and positive thoughts. I do love that little calico goat! ;) *love and gentle hugs*

  24. So sorry to read about your medical issues, thinking of you and sending virtual hugs and lots of good wishes.
    Gosh, aren't those goats cute :)

    Take good care.

    All the best Jan

  25. ((hugs)) - from Joanne; I am on my cell phone and can’t get into google for my comments.

  26. Oh that is so annoying! But good that you are getting the heavy duty meds to get rid of the infection - you will be able to feel more confident now in going out and about knowing that if you should pick up something it would be easier to recover from. Your painting is lovely - I think you do the water very well and make it look more alive and interesting than even the photo. you do have a gift of giving a lot of life to your landscape paintings, and somehow conveying the feeling of the scene.

    What a wonderful photo of the wisteria on that Cotswold window. Wally was indeed talented.

    I wish we had two tone squirrels like yours, if we have to have those pesky little things at all. We get grey ones with little brownish bits and to be honest, I kind of love them for being so clever and agile and people-friendly. But when I go in the garden and turn up the number of daffodil bulbs with a bite or two taken from each....well, it's a different story.

  27. There’s so much here that I already forget most of it, but I do wish you better health soon.

    Those pink trees at the end of the path are fabulous. Only the outhouse patio may be better, but not to actually sit at maybe. 😀

  28. Take care Jeanie..All the best to you .
    The photo from Wally is lovely..Have fun painting..a great gift we have..the love of art:)

  29. That's quite a schedule you'll be having to keep. Obviously, the bad news is that you're grounded, but the good news is that you're already moving through that two weeks, and should be ready for the cottage with renewed health. I have to say those are some darned cute goats; I hope you can find equal amusement or at least pleasure in the activities available too you while you return to "normal"!

  30. Jeanie, thank goodness there are medical treatments (some of which we all dislike) that can lead to a "better feeling you." Sending energy your way for you to be back to a normal, and exciting and beautiful life. nice you have so many interests to keep you occupied during this medical treatment time. Hugs to you.

  31. Oh so sorry to hear of your health situation right now. With medication via the Picc line I'm sure your condition will improve soon. I once had a Picc line experience helping my husband after he came home from the hospital. It could be quite cumbersome but sounds like you're dealing with it tremendously well. My hats off to you, Jeanie! You're one brave and positive lady! Good that you're a painter and a reader. Also, maybe now's the time to catch up on Netflix offerings. Also, the M&M Album is backed by a lot of guitar playing, must be Andy. Rick might be interested to hear. I've bought it via iTune Store. BTW, that's a beautiful photo that Wally took, a wonderful way for you to remember him. And you're one deserving recipient of that gift. Do take care and enjoy Spring both outdoor and in. :)

  32. So sorry to hear you are sick again with MRSA! It’s a stubborn infection and IV’s are important to get better.
    Home therapy is not the easiest but you can do it I know!👍. Hope you have someone to check on you daily. Wish I was there to help🥰. Be good about washing hands and use sterile technique, I sound like a nurse or actually just a good friend who wants you well quickly❤️❤️ . Eat well and gets lots of rest, but stay busy too ( I know you will😍). Love and big hugs to you dear friend.
    Hope you can go to your cottage real soon. 🎍🌼🌸🌺🍀🌷🌞. 🙏🏻To you.

  33. I just wanted to let you know I have been reading your blog for some time now, and it gives me so much pleasure.

  34. Oh Jeanie, I'm so sorry you are going through all of this right now. I love your Bohemian look with the pretty scarf and blouse. The photo that was given to you made by your friend, Wally, is beautiful. That was so nice that Rick played the guitar at his service and that you spoke as well. The painting of the pink blossoms is really nice. This is such a great hobby that you have, Jeanie. And I love that photo of the pink blossoms on your hike through the park. I'm glad Rick is opening up the lake cottage. It's always so nice to see the happenings there. Take care, dear friend.


  35. I´m sorry to hear about your health complications. I hope you get through this well.
    And I admire you just yet again for your positive attitude in this.
    I love your painting!
    And those goats sure look cute.
    And I sure do love you laughing in that outfit in the wind!
    And Peanut´s cousin. Lizzie sure makes a point, too.
    You really manage to bring bad news that makes one smile in the end. Chapeau and hugs.

  36. Keep smiling and staying positive & get well quickly ~ Enjoy your painting group too

  37. Oh Jeanie, I'm very sorry to hear about your health problems. I know you will take care of yourself. The photo from Wally is beautiful. I've never seen a squirrel like that, it's pretty. Sending very best wishes x

  38. Hopefully the health issues go smoothly.

  39. Jeanie my friend, I hate that you're going thru this, but I'm so glad they have you diagnosed and that there's a plan. Your PICC line will be a big help for those infusions. I have to do a subcutaneous infusion once a week for 45 minutes and I know that's a bummer for me. AND, I need help too. It would be really hard without my hubby there to help me. So glad you have your painting and kitcats to keep you company this week. I had to laugh about the goats. I remember when I took our daughter to a petting zoo 40 years ago and a goat ate my treasured macramé purse and shopping bag. take care and hoping you have quick results with your meds!

  40. I do hope you're soon feeling better... as for Normal, it's so overrated. Better to extraordinary than ordinary. Those Goats have the most expressive faces, don't they?

  41. Sorry to hear about your health issues. Hugs that all this will be behind you soon.
    That's a beautiful painting gifted to you.

  42. The medical stuff doesn’t sound very nice, but as always you seem to have a good attitude and have it all under control. Your paintings are beautiful and I always like to see Lizzie.

  43. Oh Jeanie, bless your heart, I will be praying for you on your journey back to they say, attitude is everything, and you do a great job of keeping on the positive side. What an honor to speak at Wally's service and be gifted one of his special belongings. I'm so glad you have Lizzy, books and paint to keep your spirits up and just think about the summer fun that awaits you at the lake!

  44. Oh dear Jeanie, my heart breaks for you. I hope the IV infusions are able to kick it down so you can get on with what you want to do.
    Take care dear.


  45. I hope you heal quickly and can move on from it - you have a great attitude and that certainly helps. The hippie hair looks fantastic on you! Your "bad" painting isn't bad at all, water is one of the hardest things to capture if you ask me. We opened our little cottage last week and I'm happy to say we did not find one mouse poop anywhere inside! The placemats in fridge is a great tip, thanks for that!

  46. I am truly sorry to hear of your health issues. I am sending healing energy to you. I do love the painting. I think you captured it perfectly. I absolutely love the photo of you. Hair blowing and the blue scarf around your beautiful face.

  47. So saddened to hear your having health concerns... what a major bummer. *big hugs*

  48. Dear Jeanie,
    I will keep you in my prayers in hope that you recover sooner than later.
    Life is always so full of challenges, but you always come through. I am really sorry about your health issues.
    blessings dear friend

  49. I hope the meds get you in good shape soon! It sounds very complicated :( I'm sorry you're losing good neighbors. The situation sounds delightful, and I'm sure you'll get new neighbors soon. The goats are adorable!

  50. Jeanie, I thought of you this morning when I read about the tornado in Mich. I hope it was not close to you. Gosh, your medicine sounds quite complicated. Glad your friends came and yes, 2 sets of ears are better than 1. Hopefully, the meds will take care of the issues and put you on the mend for good. Your photo from your friend is gorgeous, I know it will always hold special meaning for you. It will be lake time soon, I know you are itching to stick your toes in the water. Your painting is wonderful and I enjoyed the photo of the goats. They are such curious creatures. Have a nice weekend, Jeanie.

  51. What is wrong with your health Jeanie?..what a beautiful painting again and your sweet cat oww so cute…have a nice Sunday …love Ria and Leaf 💗🐾🍀

  52. I have really taken to the face of a naughty boy.

  53. Jeanie, you are so inspiring! After everything that you are going through with your health, and infusions, to end your post "life is good" shows just how strong you are. Some people would go a lot further than thinking it's just annoying (I might be one of them), but your positive attitude is an inspiration.
    What an honor to speak at your friend's service. The Cotswold picture is so special.
    It may need work to your eyes, but,to me, your painting is beautiful!

  54. Oh Jeanie, I’m sorry the MRSA has flared it’s ugly colors! Sounds like you’ve got a handle on the infusion part. That painting is lovely from your friend Wally, sorry for your loss. I’m sure you’re anxious to get up to the cabin. I always enjoy your art work and I love the image you’ve created. I too love goats- I think they are funny to watch! Our hearts sank when the house next door went up for sale several years ago. Fortunately we ended up with great neighbors, even better than before! Take care of yourself!

  55. Nice pics! Hope you feel better soon!

  56. Praying for your good health..cheers!

  57. Hello Jeanie,
    I just love the adorable goats, they are cute critters. Your two toned squirrel is a great find. Lizzie is yawning away or is she talking to you.
    I am sorry about your health issues, I hope the meds do their thing. You must be looking forward to spending time at the lake. Wally's Cotswolds photo is beautiful. The redbud trees looked beautiful this spring. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  58. Oh no Jeanie! I am so sorry you got this news!! May has not been a kind month, has it? And here I thought April was the cruelest month. You've got this though, and I will be rooting you on during your confinement!

    I am sorry to hear about your friend. That photograph is stunning.

  59. Oh dear Jeanie it truly has been a difficult May for you. I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of your dear friend Wally. What a talent! I used to keep placemats in my old fridge. Oh that blog posts was from ages ago. I am determined to keep the new fridge cleaner. But theory... LOL
    Sweet friend I will keep you in my prayers that you heal quickly. The plein air painters sound like a perfect fit for you at this time.

  60. Hi, Jeanie! Such an interesting, pragmatic, and hopeful post. I'm sorry that you are dealing with medical issues, especially ones that keep you tethered to home and infusions. May it all go well! Books, paint, and cat food, plus glorious tulips! The goats are adorable. Take care!

  61. I get the impression, though we have only just met, that you do things in a big way ... and this time you picked an adversary with a real punch. MRSA is difficult but I know you know how important it is to stick to the regimen and keep things sterile ... no huggies with your husband for awhile. I am sorry you have to fight this fight, but you can and I dare say, will prevail. As for your post ... I spend a lot of time in our Arboretum and your pictures look so familiar (have to wonder if we might be neighbors). Unlike you, I have never attempted to paint the beautiful views I have captured on film. I think you did an awesome job, yes, even with your water. Ahhh, yes, and the goats ... what cute little bundles of mischief. And I have to say, even with your hippie hair flying in the wind, you look beautiful. Don't you just love the little Wrens ... they are so little and yet they have this very load and musical song that would seem to need much more wind behind it than what they could put out. and Multicolored squirrels ... where do you live? I want to come there. Your kitty seems to be saying "you had better get better Moms, we all want you to be well :) Be well, Jeanie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  62. I hope your health improves. Despite all, this was such a cheery post. Thank you.

  63. Sending hugs my friend. Love to you.

  64. Dear Jeanie
    Hoping all.goes well with your fusions and you will be back to feeling well soon.
    Blessings to you. 🤗💐

  65. Hope that you will get this infection under control and then be able to enjoy time at the cottage with Rick. Kudos to him for going to set it up solo and I know you will be so happy to return there. Meanwhile, as you said you have books, art and a feline companion so you are all set up, staying away from crowds sounds like the best thing to do now.

  66. So sorry to read about your health issues. Although I read every word, most of what you explained was Greek to me. I hope the treatments cure you.

    It was great that Rick was able to get your lake cottage open for the year. How sweet of him.

    I love that photo Wally took. Such a lovely reminder of your dear friend. Glad you are joining that painting group this year. I hope you'll be able to join them soon.

    Cute goats!

  67. Jeanie, I'm late here so I hope you are much better now and the infusion in your daily routine is just that, routine! This is serious and no laughing matter but I'm happy you have such a positive and funny attitude. I know your favorite past time of painting will keep you busy and your sweet Lizzie is there to keep you company along with Rick while you are on the mend. The cottage awaits and I know you are excited about opening the cottage for your first of the year visit. That's certainly an incentive to focus on the positive. I think the painting is fabulous, and those darling goats! I'm sure they were entertaining. Yes, I love the "naughty boy" and he looks like a goat into lot of mischief! Take care sweet friend, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  68. Sorry to hear about the medical drama. It's kind of a drag having to lay low but at least you have lots of projects. I LOVE that first goat photo!

  69. Dear Jeanie, I've been a little behind on my comments lately, but they are heartfelt, nonetheless. The service for Wally sounds beautiful, and I love the photograph they gave you. Such a profusion of wisteria against that ancient wall and the leaded glass. I like the sprig of forsythia that sneaked into the frame.

    And I'm so sorry to hear about the MRSA and various other medical issues. Glad to hear about the moral support and extra set of ears (although at first, I read that as an extra set of "tears"... kind of appropriate, right?)... it's a real blessing to have friends who can/will show up in situations like this. I hope all goes well and that these infections will clear soon. Books, paint, and cat food? That's a good foundation for a good time. I love your tulips and the redbuds. And as for that goat, once I saw your beautiful vest, I understood why he was trying to chew on it: gorgeous colors, gorgous flowers -- he must have thought you were bringing a garden to him!

    Take care, friend -- hope you are feeling much better very soon.

  70. What a beautiful picture given to you by your special Wally.
    Yes, paint the redbuds! Our redbuds didn't last long enough this year with all our rain.
    Oh my, sorry to hear you are having to give your self infusions. Take care and be well.
    Love the placemat idea. I need to remember that if I ever clean my refrigerator again. Ha!

  71. I'm so very sorry to learn that you are dealing with a setback in your health, please take care. While the infusions might be hard to do yourself, I believe that they are the best treatment.

  72. And now it is my turn to be back, again :). Sadly we are not neighbors, though not so far apart. I live in a Chicago suburb and not far from our Arboretum. There are many forest preserves out here and I used to walk them with my little Izzi (mini Aussie), but since she has passed, I just drive to the Arboretum with my friend and we find our favorite bench, have a picnic lunch then drive through both sides soaking in all that nature has to offer ... there is no place more peaceful and the trees speak to me as if they were old friends (which they are). So though miles separate us, we are neighbors in the sense that we share our love for life and nature. Be well, Jeanie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  73. Sad you have to go through so much right now...I'll be sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

    And I'm happy you can use this time to do more paintings...

  74. I am so very sorry to hear of your medical issues. I pray for you to get through these next few weeks.
    I loved your photo gift!
    Take care my friend!

  75. Jeanie, I am so sorry to hear about your problems. I have been out of town again and very busy with many things and have not been able to read blogs.
    I will be praying for you to get through these infections. I know you will be diligent and persevere. You can paint, read, and visit with all your blog friends. You have many!
    You will be in my thoughts and prayers. You are too sweet to be sick!

  76. I'm sorry to hear of your health issues. I hope you're still managing to keep smiling through it all, and things are improving.

  77. Sending hugs for your treatments being a grand success, it sounds rather daunting to me to administer it yourself but wonderful to do it at home. The goats are the cutest ever!

  78. Oh my goodness, Jeanie! How did you get a staph infection? I'm glad it only takes a short course of antibiotics. I have 2 friends who were on a PICC line for 6 weeks. They got the infection after surgery. I love seeing your emerging spring and the cute goats. Keep safe!


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