The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Mother Goose

The goslings have arrived and the nests all appear empty at the Ditch. Mother Goose is tending her babies!

And, it should be noted, the Father Goose is right at hand, ready to spit or advance on anyone that might be a threat!

My walk found me discovering two goose families. I'm told their is a third but have seen no sign of nest or babies. We'll see. The first was hanging close to the water bank. These little guys were enjoying the delicacies of whatever happens to grow there.

As I went around the Ditch, I noticed this group of seven swimming along.

By the time I got to the other side, they were out of the water, on land and enjoying their time together.

There is only so close you can get to a family of geese before they get a little territorial -- and, I suppose, with good reason.

So, I stood back a bit and watched carefully. 

The little ones are awfully cute. They're about eight inches long, head to tail, with very big feet!


There's always a straggler and this one seemed to get easily distracted, then run to keep up with his siblings. 

 This fellow tried to pass. They were having none of it! So, he turned around, walked through the trees and picked up the path far on the other side! 

By the time the second group came toward them, they were headed toward the water!

And mighty fine swimmers they are!

I'm told a duck family has emerged -- no sign of them today. But I'm happy to watch this clan.

Just don't mess with Mother Goose! (And Happy Mother's Day!)

Sharing with:   Saturday's Critters   /   Share Your Style  /     Pink Saturday  


  1. Hello,
    I would keep my distance from the Geese family. They can be very mean.
    The goslings are adorable, so cute and fuzzy. Great series of photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. I always enjoyed watching geese families! The little ones are so cute.

  3. A father goose is a formidable creature. When I used to wait with the grands at the bus stop, I’d feel like a father goose. I wasn’t formidable although I did sometimes stand on one foot just for fun.

  4. Those goslings are adorable and not too old as they still have some yellow. Mother and Father ducks and geese do take such good care of their babies, don't they? I haven't seen any babies yet, but then we haven't been up at my MIL's house for a few weeks. Usually there is a family of mergansers on the lake. Have a great weekend Jeanie. Floor work is going on here. My husband does the work, and I have to be there as moral support because he isn't liking how this floor goes in. Smile. Hugs-Erika

  5. Oh my gosh! Those babies are so sweet! What is it about baby animals? Cute cute cute!

  6. Geese are formidable when protecting nests or babies. I always yield the right of way. Not that I have much choice lol

  7. It just doesn't get any cuter than that! How precious they are! And how nice for them to hang around for you to get so many good photos! Enjoy your weekend!

  8. I love how protective mom and dad are of their babies. They are just adorable. I hope you have a blessed, wonderful Mother's Day! xo Diana

  9. Protective parents, cute goslings - just like in a human family.
    Great catures, Jeanie!

  10. And life returns to normal again. Spring babies and sunshine and walking where the wildlife lives.

  11. Wonderful pix, Jeanie! TFS ~

  12. Not a good idea to get within pecking distance of geese or swans!

    People used to keep domestic geese as guard "dogs" in the past, perhaps they still do - they'd scare me away for sure

  13. I meant great captures. (sorry for the typo)

  14. oh Jeanie, what a lovely heartwarming post. I love seeing baby duckings. You got some lovely photos of the little family :-)

  15. Great photos, we've had 3 or 4 "couples" coming to our bird feeder and eating stray seeds on the ground. We live close to several subdivision lakes and I need to visit them to see how many little broods there are. I'm looking forward to see some of our visitors bring the babies back to visit. Happy Mother's Day, Jeanie!

  16. Oh my -- they are darling! Is it just my imagination, or are those goslings kind of "spring green" in color?

    Adding my caution to others: geese have been known to injure people if they feel threatened -- do be cautious...

    We have sunlight here today -- hope you are enjoying much of the same!

  17. What adorable families! I love how protective the mother and father geese are with their babies. The babies are just too cute for words.

  18. Lovely photos, the geese and goslings are always so pretty and the parents look after their littles very well. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  19. So cute my friend. Sending hugs your way.

  20. LOL. They can't really bite, but they nibble at legs with passionate intensity. I remember my bird-loving husband inadvertently walking close to a goose family (on a trail, in the woods beside the lake) and, despite his intentions, finding himself forced to *kick* Father Goose.

  21. Loved your pictures and story.
    They sure are cute little goslings!
    Nice mothering post.
    Happy Mother’s Day Jeanie.

    Someone posted this today.

    “Mother isn't just a noun. It's a verb.
    And it has nothing to do with biology and everything to do with heart.
    Here's to those who practice the sacred art of mothering
    of children, of the helpless, of the lonely, of ourselves. Thank you."

  22. Happy Saturday, Jeanie. The goslings are so cute. I was wondering if you have a lot of geese? Canadian geese were very rare here for years and all of sudden, about 15 years ago, they are everywhere and never leave. They stop traffic on our four lane highways as they decide to cross. They have become somewhat tame. We do live around a significant amount of water, rivers, lakes, and ponds. Have a wonderful weekend!

  23. It is an endearing sight to see a family of geese and to witness dedicated parents. Humans could learn a lot from Canada Geese.

  24. Owwwwww so cute love your post…happy day…and bloglovin is working again! …o my I hope it stay …love Ria 🍀💗🍀

  25. The little goslings really are so cute! As far as goose intimidation goes, my mother was chased by a flock of geese once when she was a kid and said it was one of the scariest experiences of her life.

  26. The little goslings really are so cute! As far as goose intimidation goes, my mother was chased by a flock of geese once when she was a kid and said it was one of the scariest experiences of her life.

  27. They are so cute, aren't they?! I liked your narrative. Such fun.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  28. Lovely way to introduce those geese, which, as you know, are NOT my favorite birds. They are really cute, but yes, very territorial. Happy Mother's Day, dear Jeanie.

  29. 3rd try. 2 Whoops. what a nice way to introduce these geese, which you know are not my favorite birds. As you say, very territorial. Happy Mother's Day, dear Jeanie.

  30. Baby geese are so adorable. If only they didn't grow up to be such ornery birds!

  31. What a fun post, love the story of your day with the geese. Those little ones are just adorable.

  32. So cute--but can be aggressive. Good to keep your distance and capture them in pictures. :)

  33. The little ones are adorable but the adults can be mean.... Janice

  34. You got fantastic pictures of those adorable goslings! I have actually felt nervous around some geese at a local park. They are very aggressive!

  35. Happy Mother’s Day to you, Jeanie! Well, kinda late now but I’m sure your day has been full of fun. These photos make a perfect MD post. Just lovely! :)

  36. Awww! Those goslings are so cute!

    My grandma used to have geese on her property. As I remember, those birds were very fierce and territorial and I was terrified of them.

    Happy Monday, Jeanie.

  37. That was a risky shooting. Adorable pics nevertheless!

  38. You have such a nice park! This is something that you will not see here in Hawaii.

  39. Aren't they just the cutest babies ever.
    Funny about the parents being so possessive of the walkway.

  40. Those baby geese are adorable!!! I do not care for adult geese! I guess from a distance they are ok but I've developed a dislike for them since they make a horrible mess of the beach at my parents lake home, and they can be SO MEAN AND AGGRESSIVE! I've seen them on runs and I guess got a little too close and boy do they make it clear you've encroached on their territory! But the babies are very very cute!!

  41. Ohhhh, the babies are so fluffy!
    Sorry I´m late. Seesh, too much going on.

  42. What a lovely post both to look at, and read, lovely narration :)
    Always a joy to see the babies, we have some on a nearby lake but I haven't taken any photographs ...

    Enjoy the week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  43. Those geese can be vicious devils!

  44. These are beautiful photos! Reminded again of the wonderful families that surround us out in the wild. I'm watching a bird nest construction right smack next to the front door on a a semi-tacky spring flower plastic wreath I put up for Easter. I had planned on giving the wreath about 5 days but now it's up for the duration!

  45. You took great photos of these cute little darlings Jeanie. I haven't seen any goslings yet but have noticed the geese being very territorial.

  46. Beautiful pictures! The babies really are precious.

  47. I was away all weekend and missed this, but what wonderful photos of the babies! My sense is that geese are more tolerant of humans than mallards -- is that your experience? Of course, geese are bigger, and have 'that attitude,' so they're better able to keep humans at bay!

  48. Wonderful post, Jeanie. Isn't Nature just the best? There is always something great to entertain us.

    Enjoy the week!

  49. Such a sweet post. I love seeing this sweet family. All babies are adorable.

  50. How fun to see the little ones hatching and running about.
    Enjoy your visits to the ditch.

  51. Jeanie, such a sweet treat to watch the goose family on their walk. Stay clear, they are very protective of the goslings are adorable. Have a wonderful weekend......

  52. How incredibly sweet! I love seeing geese and their families strutting around!

  53. Just THE CUTEST!!! I love all the wildlife photos you share, Jeanie, and the little goslings and their parents are right up there with the best!! They sure are protective but they just have to be... Too many foxes out there trying to eat their little darlings... :( Anyway, happy to feature your post along with your favorite reads for April for this week's Share Your Style #346, as you know. <3

    Happy Memorial Day to you and I hope you get out for another look at the babies over the holiday weekend,
    Barb :)


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