Thursday, May 12, 2022

Catching Up and Recipes for You!

I remember when I was working and how hectic spring used to be. I sometimes wonder how I managed to have much of a life while I still had a job. Oh wait, maybe I didn't manage all that well! 

It seems as though my calendar has been more or less empty for so many months, I don't know what to do when something fills it up. I took a quick glance at an upcoming week. The doc. The dentist. Going with Rick to a retirement planning seminar. A birthday gathering for a dear friend turning 70.

 It almost feels normal.

All that, plus being super careful and masking up. I got my booster shot and hope it kicks in fast and stays a long while. This gets so old, doesn't it? But there's also lots of art going on and lots of cooking!

We've had some wonderful dinners. I hit a terrific sale of salmon and stocked the freezer. 

My favorite salmon marinade is at the bottom of this post. Served with rice and a cold corn salad (also below), it was pretty darned close to perfect!

Our Sunday breakfast was an egg scramble over a sweet potato hash. That one's easy -- dice one sweet potato very small and cook till browned and close to done, stirring frequently. Near the end of the cooking add chopped onion (I used green onions because that's what I had but I use any kind), a finely diced Roma tomato, the herbs of your choice and, if you choose, some heat (red pepper -- be careful) or hot sauce. I cheated and added pre-made bacon pieces but if I'd had the time I would have first done some bacon and grilled the potatoes in the drippings. Mix up your eggs as you would to scramble and pour over the hash, sprinkle with shredded cheese and mix together till done. Serve with Rick's homemade bread (and sausage links, if you have them!) and you have something to celebrate! (Photo before eggs added.)

 I keep waiting for action at Chez Chick. They certainly keep watch regularly outside the house, either on the stoop or on the hook in the garden or on the bricks. Waiting. Waiting!

I've been watching "The Chelsea Detective" (below) on Acorn for the second time (this time with Rick) and a mystery series set in London called "London Kills. "Madame Blanc" is another British mystery but set in the South of France and quite delightful. I wouldn't miss "Call the Midwife" for anything, or "Death in Paradise." If you have Netflix, I can't recommend "Anatomy of a Scandal" high enough. I was riveted! And every time I watch "Finding Your Roots" -- even reruns -- I start back on my family history journey again.

I have a few local critters to share with "Saturday's Critters." In the backyard birdwatching department, I spotted a new one! This beauty, I am told, is a Swainson's Thrush. What a stunner!

 And so far I've counted sixteen rabbits, the most ever for this early in the year. This fellow was very handsome!

For the first time in a couple of years, the purple finches have been back at the feeder and I even saw a goldfinch one day as well. Lizzie and I are on alert.

Speaking of the girl, she's still thinking out of the box for #1, so I continually haul her to the basement where she sits in front of the litter box until we both get bored -- unless she's ready, in which case she gets a treat. It's fine when I'm here. When I overnight at Rick's all bets are off. Thank goodness for puppy pads. (And yes, she's fine. She's just stubborn. But sweet.

And colorful, too! I know she doesn't look happy here. She didn't want to pose but I couldn't resist capturing her under the refraction of my prism sticker!

My friend Jerry came to visit from Paris. We talked for hours. He brought the one kind of Bonne Maman (Citron) I cannot find in the U.S. and the pain patches that aren't available here. College friends -- fifty years. Where did that time go?

And yes, we had dinner! Ina's risotto, salmon, roasted tomatoes, sorbet. 

I leave you with three easy recipes -- Salmon Marinade, Cool Corn Salad and Jeanie Crostini. Enjoy!

Salmon Marinade

Combine together 1/4 c. packed brown sugar; 1/4 c. soy sauce; 1-2 cloves garlic, finely minced or grated; about 1 inch grated of fresh ginger; 1-2 T. olive oil; optional - red pepper. Pour over 1 to 1.5 pound salmon filet and marinate 1-8 hours. Bake with marinade on top at 400, about 20 minutes. Spoon marinade over fish and serve with rice.

Cool Corn Salad

2 c. frozen corn, cooked in microwave; 1 Roma tomato, finely diced or halved grape tomatoes -- you pick the quantity to fit for you; 1 shallot, thinly sliced or finely diced; torn fresh basil leaves; feta cheese, in squares or crumbled; kalamata olives. (I rarely measure -- but you'll know when it's right.) For dressing, I just squeeze a fresh lime or two over it and toss. Serve chilled.

Jeanie Crostini

This is my favorite take-away to a gathering. 

Thinly slice one store baguette on the diagonal. Don't worry about getting the best artisan bread. Arrange on a baking sheet and brush lightly with olive oil. Sprinkle with a VERY LIGHT pinch of kosher or sea salt; dried herbs of your choice (I use thyme, basil and oregano); grated parmesan cheese. (You could also use a bit of garlic powder, but be careful! Or, a bit of cayenne (but be careful here, too!)

Bake at 375 -- check at 12 minutes (last time I did it, I did 15 and 16 would have been too much!)

Serve with the dip or spread of your choice. Two easy ones are softened cream cheese with either chopped olives or chili sauce (you might want to add a bit of spice to this one). 

Orange Star Flower

 As Julia would say, "Bon Appetit!"

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Valerie-Jael said...

Having read your post I now feel hungry! Love all the photos of food and flowers and the sweedt birds. Hve a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie.

Divers and Sundry said...

As luck would have it we're having salmon tonight, so I may try your marinade. Thanks :) I have trouble telling purple finches from house finches, but we get them year 'round and saw babies being fed from our feeder yesterday. Bird-watching is so much fun!

Acorn is a service we're not subscribing to right now. We picked BritBox instead, but there are a lot of good shows on Acorn I'd like to see. I'll keep this one in mind for our eventual yielding to a subscription lol

My name is Erika. said...

Life sounds good Jeanie. My calendar has started to fill up a bit, but all the home projects are keeping me busy, and I'm OK with not having too much on my agenda. You are so right about not being able to manage everything back in working days. I've been having fun doing some cooking too. I love your bunny plates. Your tables always look beautiful! And I am still masking up, but I wish more people were. Our numbers here in NH are back to where they were in February when they were high.It's discouraging how people just don't seem to care. My daughter is feeling mostly better and back working from home. I hope she has no long term side effects. Thanks for the recipes and have a wonderful rest of your Thursday. hugs-Erika

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful flowers. I never had sweet potato and wonder if it´s really sweet!
And such a cute bird.
That is some angry look and great addition with that "rainbow"!
Very cool, 50 years of friendship and you both look so happy!
And bunnies everywhere, too :-) The baguette looks yummy. Now I´m hungry...

Pam Richardson said...

Happy Thursday, Jeanie. The food looks delicious and I especially like the corn salad recipe. I will definitely try that one. So glad you could visit with your friend from France!

Sami said...

Love your photos of the birds, the flowers and the food and beautiful table setting. That tiny bird hanging onto the brick is amazing :)
I might try your salmon this weekend, thanks Jeanie :)

DUTA said...

You look great in the picture with Rick, and in the one with Jim!
I've become rather a curiosity with the mask, as almost all people got rid of it. I feel safe with it not because of covid, but because of the flu. The flu jab never prevented it, not made it easy on me. Since I wear a mask, I never even got the flu, thank God.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Great recipes, thank you. That is a good photo of you and Rick, party fun. Purple finches have been scarce here as well.

Anvilcloud said...

I have watched those show and agree with Anatomy although I am darned if I can remember it right now except that it was good. Chelsea was good. I hope they renew it. I have watched some of Paradise, but I don’t think it grabbed me too much.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

You HAVE been busy! It does almost seem like normal.

I have never seen a Swainson's Thrush. Lucky you. We are sending the purple finches and the goldfinches back up to you after a winter down here. Both groups should have some stories to tell of their Gulf Coast adventures.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jeanie,
I am amazed at how fast time goes since I retired. Your meals look delicious, I am saving the marinade recipe and the Sweet potato hash looks yummy too.
Great captures of the birds, I love the Bunny, Chickadee and the Thrush. Your Lizzie looks adorable. I am sure it was wonderful having your friend visit from France. Thanks for sharing your recipes. Take care, have a great day!

Sandra Cox said...

Lots of wonders today. Glad you got to see an old friend. Sixteen rabbits? Wow.
Have a great one.

Jenn Jilks said...

You are wonderful! I'm glad I found you. What a delicious post.
I lead such an isolated life.
what a fun post. I live vicariously!

It's me said...

Mmmmmm delicious recepies ….what a sweet cat you have …salmon is my favorite to eat….owww I really really like your dinner plates with that rabbit on it…have a nice weekend love from me 🍀💗🍀

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This was quite a diverse post. Such delicious looking food, Jeanie, and thanks for including all the recipes too. That sweet potato hash is one I plan to try. Can Rick send bread and sausage? How wonderful to have a long-distance friend visit too.

I have also watched The Chelsea Detective and now watching Anatomy of a Scandal (may read the book at a later date). We also enjoy Call the Midwife, Murdock Mysteries, Frankie Drake Mysteries (same Canadian production company for both of these), Death in Paradise is currently in the new season on Britbox. On PBS passport, I would recommend Vienna Blood and Miss Scarlet and the Duke.

Rita said...

We like a lot of the same shows!
Everything looks delicious. :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am quite sure that I have said this before, Jeanie, but you know how to wring every drop of joy from life, and even when times are gloomy or circumstances well up against you, you have that knack of finding a glimmer of joy and focussing on that. That's why we all love you.

Mae Travels said...

All your recipes sound delicious. I love salmon, and your prep sounds great. Ditto the sweet potato hash. I make impromptu corn salad all the time with whatever I have on hand, so your recipe is also tempting.

best... mae at

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

All of your recipes sound mouth-watering, Jeanie, and so nice that you could share a meal with your college friend. I also wonder how I ever balanced work and home life - even when there's nothing on my calendar now, the day is full.
Call The Midwife is one of my most favorite shows ever! I'm now catching up on season 11. Anatomy of a Scandal is on my list.

The French Hutch said...

We are already in summer here with the calendar saying otherwise. I enjoy seeing your photos with, birds and rabbits. Spring is such a gift! We use to enjoy watching rabbits frolic in our yard but they've disappeared and I'm not sure why. Thanks for sharing your recipes, I'm saving the corn recipe (making it tomorrow) and the easy Jeanie Crostini. All your recipes look delicious so thanks for sharing these.I love the pics of you and Rick (hello Rick) and you with your friend. I'm so happy he brought you your favorite Bonne Maman. Also love seeing pics of your girl Lizzy. How old is she now? My sister has a kitty getting up there, about 18 or more.
I adore those rabbit plates, such a pretty spring setting. Have a wonderful weekend Jeanie.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Yum, I love salmon too, and your marinade looks delicious. We've got two more episodes of Anatomy of a Scandal to go, gripping story!

La Table De Nana said...

Fun times!And lovely Larry came from Paris!

gigi-hawaii said...

What can I say? you're an amazing lady! I tried your salmon marinade. Now I am going to try your cool corn salad. Yum!

Pam said...

Okay, so YUM, I am hungry now. haha....Looks like a fun time. I had my booster in Jan after being sick in Dec. I need to get my hands on a N9 mask to fly with. I know it is not required but I plan on wearing one when I fly.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Life is always busy, isn't it? I have Anatomy of a Scandal on my long list to watch. I just finished Only Murders in the Building on Hulu starring Steve Martin and Martin Short. So creative and it kept me guessing! The sweet potato egg dish sounds amazing. The crop is so delicious right now that we have been roasting sweet potatoes every other day or so. Lizzie is so adorable with that not so happy looking face. That is a unique capture with the light!

Joanne Huffman said...

I love The Chelsea Detective and am hoping they make more. Great looking recipes I will try the corn salad soon.

Rita C at Panoply said...

You ARE busy! All those appointments - they do get in the way, don't they? We try to cluster ours, and May has been a busy month already for each of us too. Your recipes and meals look wonderful, beautiful table. How wonderful to have your visit with Jerry!

Sandra at Maison De Jardin said...

Jeanie, you are so busy. Thanks so much for the recipes - I always enjoy them. Love the photo of you and Rick together and your array of birds are amazing. Have a great weekend!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Sounds like you have been busy at home!! That is what i like as I never was one to go out much even when i was working and before the Pandemic because of my exhausting night shift work schedule...My Dr. advised to not to take any booster shots anymore because of the reaction that I had after the last one with my operative knee and the fact that i had a fever of 102 -103 for almost 4 days with the other ones...He called that reactions and not normal responses....So I will be staying home a lot and masking up like I have been til God knows when because i give this another 2-3 years before things go back to normal if they ever do.....Viruses do not go away..we just learn to deal better with them but in my opinion, America is failing terribly at that....
Thanks so much for stopping by all the time!! I truly appreciate it!!

shoreacres said...

There's only one thing that frustrates me about your blog these days -- all those recipes look absolutely wonderful, and I just can't afford that kind of cooking just now. It's back to the basics here; no more salmon filets or fancy cheeses! I'm going to have to stop making so many weekend trips to visit the refuges, too, because of the gas prices. There will be ways to work around it, though. If nothing else, I may find some nearby spots that have escaped me in the past!

Priscilla King said...

I love "dressing" a salad with just the lemon/lime juice, especially if it contains nuts, fish, etc. and needs no more oil.

Elderberry-Rob said...

you have some lovely wildlife around your home, we see tiny baby rabbits up near the airport on the grass verges around here but never in our garden!

Anca said...

Lizzie is stubborn indeed. :)) The purple finch is so cute. 16 rabbits? that sounds like a lot, they are cute and funny too.

roughterrain crane said...

Enjoy wonderful days with animals and birds around you!

Pamela said...

What a great life! Good friends, good food, and so much wild life around. And Lizzie of course.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jeanie,

Great captures of the birds, The Swainson's Thrush is a beauty, I love the cute Chickadee. Your meal and crostini look yummy. I think Lizzie has you wrapped around her little paws, she is a sweetie. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

All of your fun visits and good food does look so nice after the past few years. You take such good photos my friend. We love Salmon so I'll try this marinade! Enjoy your weekend!

DVArtist said...

Jeanie this is a really wonderful post. Your photos are excellent and great looking food. You seem happy and full of life where you live. Have a lovely day.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

We recently went to the last Opera Colorado performance of the season--the always excellent Carmen--we are season ticket holders--and we were surprised how few in the audience were masked now that the mask mandate was revoked! My husband and I both had our second boosters but we wear masks in indoor settings, especially when crowded. We are still as cautious as possible. We had on N95 masks, which I hate but still wore all night for the performance.

Your dinner looked good! Thanks for the recipes!

It's me said...

What a beautiful post again…I enjoy reading it…have a nice weekend…here we have beautiful weather in Holland…I enjoy sitting outside reading a book ……love from me Ria 🍀💗🍀

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

I always enjoy your posts. They are so full of life and joy. The little chick is so sweet, all the small creatures. After looking at all this wonderful food I am feeling so hungry. It all looks delicious! Oh, I love the plates!
Wishing you a beautiful weekend
blessings dear friend

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Thank you so much, Jeanie! I still have much room for improvement, but I am so happy you enjoyed.

Anu said...

Hello. Lovely post.
The Swainson's Thrush is a beautiful.
Take care.

Linda Stoll said...

tulips on the table are always a delight, aren't they ...

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

16 rabbits?! Wow! For the first time in 20-odd years, I saw a rabbit in the garden one evening last weekend.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I'm so glad I stopped by your blog...came from Sandra Lambiotte's). What a delightful post. Everything looked so lovely and the food delicious. Wonderful glimpses of spring in your corner of the world. I want to try your salmon recipe (probably for dinner tonight).

Wishing you a beautiful day and a wonderful week ahead.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I loved your list of Brit shows you watch. Madame Blanc is one of my favorites too. I just loved Jane Seymour as Harry Wild and the new show Senora Volpe on Acorn. Chelsea Detective is great -- I've watched season 1 twice already.

Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

The food all looks and sounds delicious! I am glad you've had some fun events with some of your favorite people! It is really nice to see people after being cooped up for so long.

We facetimed with my mom yesterday and she talked about all the Orioles they are seeing. They ate a jar of jam in one day this weekend and she spotted a new-to-her orioles that she hadn't seen before so was excited about that. We do not have any bird feeders or things like that, so we do not get birds here, but they get a ton on their front patio and get so much entertainment from watching the birds. I am so glad they are FINALLY fully retired. They are 74 so it was high time for them to relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor. My mom has been retired for about a year, but my dad is probably only 6 months into retirement.

Marilyn Miller said...

Thanks for the recipes. I do love having salmon in the freezer for special meals. Love the leftovers in scrambled eggs and patties, right now Joey is enjoying a tiny bit of leftovers.
Thanks for the show recommendations. I will check out the one on Netflix.
Oh that Lizzie! I need to go clean up Joey's misses right now.

Red Rose Alley said...

Don't you look Bohemian with your pretty blue head scarf? I remember wearing a beaded head piece when Nel was a baby. I used to love that look. The food on here looks delicious. Lizzie always looks so content in your house. And I love those bunny plates. I would use them all year. The orange star flowers are very pretty.

Have a good May week, Jeanie.


DeniseinVA said...

This all sounds wonderful Jeanie, such a delightful post and I enjoyed each and every photo of all your happenings, and the recipes! Thank you so much for sharing and enjoy the rest of the week.

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a lovely post and yummy salmon, one of our favourite meals with so many ways to serve it.

Enjoy the rest of your week, the days do go by so quickly :)

All the best Jan

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

My calendar is always full, but I don't use mine for appointments, because I never have any. i write what happened at the end of the day.

Nice that a friend came to visit from Paris and nice that you got a great deal on salmon. It has gotten SO expensive. Thanks for the recipes and I loved the rabbit dinner services.

Victoria Zigler said...

It's wonderful you're able to meet up with friends again.

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