The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, April 7, 2022

More Bunnies

With only two weeks until Easter, it was time to bring on the rest of the bunnies! It may be frigid outdoors here in Michigan -- or not, we're on the seesaw season of Sprinter, no matter what the calendar says! But inside it's pretty cozy!

And, not surprisingly, my house is filled with bunnies!

I'll walk you through a few vignettes inside my Sprinter home! This is one of the egg trees and my big, happy yellow bunny!

All the eggs on this tree were done by my mom or by me decades ago. A couple need minor repair. All in good time.

The other egg tree is in the family room and has some I've collected traveling, from friends or chose just because I liked them! 

I definitely have a bunny thing going on again this year! They took over the mantel.


This vignette features birds and eggs in a vintage basket, found feathers, a bunny feltie and last year's Easter card by my friend, Kate. Suitable for framing -- so I did!

Above it, a wreath!

 I loved this bird from the second I saw him. 

 A favorite white rabbit guards my two favorite kids!

 If you can't bring out Peter Rabbit at Easter, when can you bring him out?

A few felties...

...and another, tucked inside some forsythia branches.

A peek inside the hutch.

April calls for yellow! What could be better than yellow tulips?

Or, a cheery brunch table.

Mom's crystal, bunny plates, and a simple basket centerpiece, along with colors for Ukraine.

All I need are the guests. Oh, wait! They're here!

I leave you with a few wooden eggs that I painted last year.

And a sweet bird. Soon to be nesting near, I would hope, but until then...

This one will have to do!

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  1. Love your bunnies but I really love your plates.

  2. I’m not surprised at all of your Easter decor! I love that you embrace every holiday! -Jenn

  3. And what does Lizzie make of all this?

  4. What a lovely spring home you have! The plates were darling

  5. So uplifting to see your Easter parade. I remember when bejeweling Easter eggs was a fad. It would be fun to try it again. We finally got a couple of bunnies here.

  6. I love bunnies and cats too, found your blog on Lavender Dreamers blog. Have a great week!

  7. oh my -- I love those dishes so much! Beautiful tulips,too. And the sprig of forsythia, as well. Yellow is such a refreshing color, right? You look beautifully prepared for spring! (It's coming, right?)

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Your Easter decorations are always beautiful Jeanie.

  9. your home looks very pretty and welcoming. The painted wooden eggs you made are the most beautiful in all of your collection in my opinion, although I do like bunnies too :)

  10. Your decorations are very pretty, I don't have any bunnies! Hugs, Valerie

  11. You are certainly into Easter. I have never seen anything like those plates

  12. Hello Jeanie,

    Your Spring/Easter decorations are beautiful. I love all the bunnies and the eggs, they are all beautiful. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  13. Lovely... As always, your house reflects your amazing imagination! I think the real bunnies are in fact getting their spring appearances going.

    best... mae at

  14. Your spring/Easter decor is so charming. I really love the floral bunny.

  15. As others have said, those plates are wonderful. But the most eye-catching thing for me is the forsythia: a sign of early spring I grew up with, and still miss, despite our abundance of other flowers.

  16. Easter is adorable and so are all your treasures!

  17. Bunnies! Beautiful eggs,a
    and dinnerware.

  18. I'm loving your bunnies Jeanie. I have a few out, but my house doesn't really do spring very well. So I really enjoyed seeing yours. I would be tempted to get some bunny plates though. They look excellent on your table. Spring this year at least feels like spring here in NH, not exactly warm, not exactly dry, but ups and downs and wets and drys like I always remember spring being. And at least its not too hot like summer. Have a great start to the weekend. hugs-Erika

  19. Jeanie, I always enjoy seeing the goodies around your house. Where do I start? Well, I have to start with that green egg that you or your Mom made. It's beautiful. It reminds me of Emerald with all the jewels added, which is my birthstone. Your mantel is charming with all the bunnies. Your brick fireplace reminds me of my Mom's, who also had a brick fireplace. The felties are darling, especially that blue bird hanging onto the branches. The yellow tulips are pretty, and Yes, perfect for Spring. And I love those eggs you painted. Everything looks very nice, Jeanie. I enjoyed browsing through it all while sipping my coffee this morning. : )


  20. The yellow tulips are perfect for this season. I enjoyed seeing your delightful seasonal decorations. I'm looking forward to our Easter celebrations with family and friends.

  21. I've never heard the term Sprinter before, that is a great way to describe this time of year! Even in the South it's 80 one day and frosty the next! Your Easter decor is adorable Jeanie, so many cute birds and bunnies! Love your eggs too~ I have been a little lazy this year, I haven't gotten very many Easter things out, you have motivated me to do a little decorating! Have a great weekend...

  22. Very sweet bunnies. Absolutely bring out Per rabbit The egg your mom and yourself created are lovely. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  23. You are definitely ready for the bunny. :)

  24. I've woken up to a covering of snow nearly every day this week so it really does not feel like Easter is on the horizon! But the weekend forecast is looking better so maybe spring is finally arriving? I love all of your Easter decorations - especially that yellow bunny and your felties! And your mom's bunny plates - adorable!!

    I just picked up Easter goodies for the boys' baskets yesterday. I hope that the weather cooperates so we can have an outdoor egg hunt for Paul. We will see what mother nature has in mind!

  25. I just love your egg trees! Those yellow tulips and the crystal glasses are so beautiful. Your guests look happy to be there with you and Rick. The food looks delicious! Cheery post!

  26. That is one happy yellow bunny!

    I would say you are definitely ready for Easter. Bring it on.

  27. I love your collection of Easter decor; it's sweet. My favorite is the bunny plates. I'm mad for bunnies and they are adorable! Have a great weekend.

  28. Everything is so bright and cheery! I think I spied Lambchop, too. Love the hand-painted wooden eggs!! Just gorgeous. Looks like a wonderful time. :)

  29. Love all your cheerful bunnies, birds, eggs, tabletop, and grands! Yay Spring (except we're forecast to have yet another weekend of colder temps and even flurries!). I hope spring lingers as long as winter seems to want to!

  30. Jeanie, I love all of your bunnies and the precious egg trees, especially those eggs made by your mom and you. The vignettes are perfect for spring or sprinter. Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  31. So many pretties. Love those bunny plates.

  32. Jeanie, you have some very cute bunnies. You mentioned mine on the mantel, I call it the Chorus Line, your white one guarding the littles reminds me of them. I have a few more that I may put out for next week, so I can at least have something to write about. I seem to have writer's block among other things! Happy Weekend to you..xxoJudy

  33. What a delightful spring and Easter home you have made!

  34. My favorite time of year for I love love BUNNIES! Especially love those dishes. Janice

  35. Nothing better than cheery yellow tulips to get you in the mood for spring!
    Love the bunny thing you've got going on, and the eggs you and your mom made are something special!

  36. Oh my gosh! How can it be Easter in two weeks?! Stop the time, pretty please!
    (OK, maybe not today, it´s cold!)
    I just had to get up and check: Yes. W´s chocolate Easter bunny still sits here. From last year. He greets yours!
    Those eggs are beautiful.
    Thank you, what a wonderful post, friends included!

  37. All of your bunnies make me so happy! And I love love love those plates!

  38. How sweet that you still have so many of your mother's seasonal decorations...especially the delicate decorated Easter eggs.

  39. Love it all . . . haven't heard of the term Sprinter but yes indeed it has been crazy down below you in IL as well!! Nuts! It was snowing again here yesterday and we woke up to another light dusting this morning. Everytime I think it just MIGHT warm up . . . we get slammed again. Your bunnies are all so cheerful!

  40. Your felted friends are adorable and so are the bunnies. The bunny plates are just too cute. I hope spring arrives soon.

  41. Lovely to see all of your photographs, I do like your Easter décor.
    I actually got around to getting our Easter Chicks out today :)

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  42. Ah, Jeanie. I love your bunnies and all your glorious signs of spring. It is snowing here, so I really enjoy the post. Your guests seem thrilled to be with you and the wooden eggs truly show your talent.

    Happy Easter and Spring, my friend.

  43. As always, wonderful holiday decorations!

  44. I absolutely love your Easter decor!

    I adore your bunnies and felted friends.

    Happy Sunday, Jeanie!

  45. All of your spring and Easter decorations and table settings are beautiful and festive. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed it.

  46. Jeanie,
    LOVE all those sweet bunnies and eggs but I really love those pretty dishes that you set out for Brunch!!! Easter is but a week away now and it is snowing lightly here!!! LOL!! Hope you are having a great weekend!!

  47. I love your bunnies. They are all darling but that first one really caught my fancy. I did not bring out my egg tree this year. I haven't done half of what I usually do and that is okay.
    I hope you have a wonderful, blessed Palm Sunday- xo Diana

  48. Jeanie, your home is so gaily decorated for Easter. I enjoyed seeing all the holiday decor and even though it's not quite spring outdoors, your interiors are warm and inviting. And, the guests looked pleased as well. Thanks for the guided tour of all your decorations including the memories they hold for you.

  49. I apologize for being so late visiting. I was offline, but not on purpose. Your bunnies have multiplied and taken over your home, dear. It is filled with the love of Bunnies and Easter, too. Love these so much. You put vignettes together so very well.

  50. I'm terribly late but all the bunnies here decided to come out at once. I think you have so many pretty bunnies and eggs. You are right, if you can't get Peter out now when, I forgot him here so I'll find him today. Have a happy and blessed Easter week Jeanie.

  51. I absolutely adore all your bunnies, especially those bunny plates. I really need to bring out more than the two bunnies that have appeared.

  52. I love all your rabbits. Your table looks perfect, with good company to enjoy it :)

  53. What beautiful Easter decorations you have and your dinner table looked so wonderful and touching with the Ukrainian colors included.

  54. That is a lot of bunnies! And a couple very cute birds.

  55. Your decorations are always so pretty. I especially like the pink floral bunny and the pink floral egg.

  56. What pretty decorations! Flower blue and yellow always sing of springtime...

  57. What a fabulous collection! So many memories.
    I would love to see a real bunny but only chocolate rabbits around here..

  58. Bunnies, bunnies, everywhere. And I agree with the comment about how it's the perfect time to bring out Peter Rabbit.


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