The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Pretending It's Spring

Rick just left after watching the finale of "Derek" (Netflix) and part of "The Darkest Hour" (a timely film to see during these challenging times). Freshly fallen snow was on the ground as he started home. It's March.

Calendar art by Kate McNenly

I may or may not have seen a sprout in my garden the other day. It was so short, it could have been a weed. But I don't think so. I think it is destined to become this!

It is pretty, though. Especially in the morning when the sun is out and long shadows from the enormous tree in the backyard create beautiful shapes on the white snow.

Until tonight, most of our snow had melted -- a nice, slow melt that doesn't flood the gutters and frozen drains. That's promising -- but this is Michigan. We take nothing for granted. It's definitely not the time you want to be a Comcast guy!

Lent has begun and on the day before, Fat Tuesday, people were enjoying the tradional paczki. I mentioned this in the last post but in case you don't know what one is, here's a photo from a display at the market. As you can see, it's a pastry, similar to an American bismarck, with a filling (but I think the pastry is a little airier than a traditional jelly roll). Fillings can vary from cream to a fruit filling. I'm told by my friend Jan, who knows about these things, that the traditional paczki was made using fruits that may have been left after Christmas -- apples, apricots, prunes or a cream filling. Now you can find just about anything inside them.

I finished my puzzle. I don't work on them non-stop but I picked up the pace, wanting to move the dining table back into place (the leaf of the puzzle table means a furniture shift). 

I have to say I adore this puzzle and I would have been quite happy to extend it for a long time. I just loved the details.

If you do puzzles, do you ever hit a point where you are absolutely convinced there is a piece missing? I thought so till about the last 10 pieces and was afraid to vacuum near it, in case one fell on the rug! And then there's Lizzie who occasionally will bat a piece off. Nope. All there!

When I got my new computer last fall, I was disappointed that it didn't have the same movie-making program I was familiar with. But it did have something so I have been doing my best to bond with it and experiment. Here's a little sunflower piece in remembrance. We are so lucky to have roofs over our head. To have homes, to be safe. We should be willing to sacrifice what we can in terms of our own self-centered conveniences to remember that others are trying desperately to save their democracy, their homeland, and are fighting with great courage. (I still haven't figured out how to do a title image or dissolve images but I'm getting there! And the music is nice!)

Finally, I leave you with another reminder of Ukraine, a piece I did a couple of years ago as a card. 

Donate what you can. And send all the love, hope and prayer we can into the universe.  

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  1. Happy Thursday, Jeanie. How I love your sunflower as we continue to remember and pray for Ukraine. I put puzzles together with my two girls and they love doing them. The shadows on the snow are beautiful

  2. March is so deceptive. I wish we were really starting spring weather, but I don't know. You have quite a collection of sunflower photos! The number of species of sunflowers is huge, so there's plenty of variation.

    best... mae at

  3. Love the tree shadows on the snow.
    Enjoy your day!

  4. The snow is lovely- March is an indecisive month at best. Anyway your photos are really nice.
    I love your card of sunflowers, most appropriate about now as our hearts break and fear of the insanity of Putin overwhelms.
    Paczki- loading up on calories before lent?

  5. Most of us are behind every effort to support Ukraine in every way possible, but as long as Putin is able to rain down bombs on their cities knowing that no one is going to intervene in their air space it seems almost futile to me. It is as though we are saying to Putin, "Yes we will apply sanctions, and we will help the people who can escape from Ukraine (mothers and children, some of whom will never see their husbands/fathers again). In the meantime, however, feel free to blast their cities to smithereens and we will do nothing about it." Oh, and I forgot all these "prayers" are having a marvellous impact on the outcome. We really need more of those. And most important of all, don't return the house and senate to the Republicans in November, or Ukraine won't be the only place where democracy dies. Who could ever have imagined that the world would go through this scenario all over again?

  6. Oh my -- your montage of sunflowers expresses so much [heartbreaking] hope and yearning. Thank you for making this.

    And glad to hear about your signs of spring. We're seeing a few here, but nothing quite so lively as a new slip of green: just a lot of mud. I am happy, though, to hear the trilling of sandhill cranes over the fields. And I note that our woodchuck seems to have come out of hibernation.

    Congratulations on finishing that puzzle. And best wishes to you & Rick and you weather yet another trip.

  7. March in Michigan, I remember it well! Love your sunflower painting. My heart and prayers go to the people of Ukraine.

  8. The puzzle is nice. The shadows on snow have been pretty since the wind has stopped howling like it was. The music in the video is nice, soothing, calming.
    Wishing you a peaceful March

  9. The hope and prayers of the world are going to Ukraine.
    When working a puzzle I share the same feeling that a piece surely is missing. So glad that didn't come true for you.
    Spring is trying to come here. I picked our first daffodils this week. I can't tell you how happy that makes me!

  10. A lovely video tribute. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at a sunflower again without thinking of the terrible injustice the people of Ukraine are faced with. We are in a tough spot right now. If we help too much it will be seen as the start of WWIII with Russia and the USA facing off with Ukraine just a pawn in between.

    Love your puzzle! My next post is about the hardest puzzle I've ever done---two sided---and, yes, I've thought I've lost pieces. At least I know I don't have cat eating them.

  11. Seeing them packaged that way reminds me that I did have paczki one from the grocery store in a similar package. Perhaps I wil now remember what they are.

  12. Jeanie, that paczki dessert sounds really good with my coffee right now. I am looking at that chocolate one. ; ) It's so nice to see your snow, and how pretty it looks in your back yard. Way to go finishing up your puzzle - it looks great! Your painting of the sunflowers is perfect at this time. Now, I'm wondering what that yellow piece is in your back yard?


  13. I saw a similar display of paczki at our local grocery store here in Wisconsin. My husband and I puzzled over them for a while before shrugging it off and assuming it had something to do with Mardi Gras or the like. Ha!

  14. Hi Jeanne
    We had below zero weather last week, high 60's, and record-breaking 70's this week, and then expect snow on Sunday--crazy weather!!
    I love visiting New Orleans so I've adopted the custom of having King Cake for Mardi Gras instead of paczki.
    Both of my maternal grandparents were immigrants from Ukraine, so my heart has been heavy with all the news of the war.

  15. I do like the tree shadows on the snow photograph.
    Well done on finishing the puzzle.

    My good wishes for the month of March.

    All the best Jan

  16. I didn’t know about paczki. I don’t think I will find it here. I am sick about Ukraine and all that is happening.

  17. I'm so ready for spring! I'm also so ready for Putin to get what he deserves.

  18. i love your snow photos jeanie. hard to imagine as we are at the very tail end of summer (well officially autumn) and have endured terrible floods here in brisbane this week. Thank goodness our own house is high enough out of the waters! take care

  19. We are still in winter also. Welcome to March. I've heard of these packis, but I had never seen them. They aren't anything we have around here. WE don't have bismarcks either, are they donut like? And nice puzzle. I love the picture. Time to wrap up those winter projects. And hope spring is only days away. Have a great weekend Jeanie. Hugs-Erika

  20. Jeanie a beautiful post. The sunflower stands so tall and strong. The Ukrainian people and their leader are great examples of that strength. I pray that they will hold on and continue to show the world that there is still goodness to be found no matter that sometimes it seems like all hope is lost. xxoJudy

  21. I'm glad you explained what the delicacy for Fat Tuesday was since I'm unfamiliar with it in these parts. When we lived in Upper Michigan I do recall a lot of people from Finland lived in the Upper Peninsula so I wonder if it's an origin like that? Spring has broken out quickly here in the Desert, which it does the moment warmest weather returns, which is quick and brief before intense Heat, so Spring is brief too here, it goes right into Summer. Autumn and sometimes Winter is usually sublime in the Desert but this year Autumn and Winter were harsher, climate change I suppose. I'm feeling very much like Spring already, even just a couple days into it.

  22. Oh, my, you still have snow?!
    Here it´s just cold.

    Yes, the Ukraine needs and gets, luckily, lots of help. Refugees have arrived here and are taken care of. It is such a sad, weird, nasty thing what Putin does and his people really think Ukraine is a danger, what propaganda can do is... oh, boy.

  23. Love the polka dotted bird--LOL!
    Tree shadows are great on fresh snow...yes!
    Beautiful sunflower video, too.
    Have a really good weekend. :)

  24. Hello,

    I have seen donuts similar to the paczki, they look yummy. Love the snow and shadow photo, very pretty. Pretty daffodils, spring is a little slow to arrive here. Beautiful video, my prayers go out to the people of Ukraine. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great weekend!

  25. Your video is lovely! And the music is very nice. I love how you said pretending it's spring. Soon!

  26. Those daffodils startled me...has spring arrived in Michigan already? Haha, but, no, still a bit of snow there. Hopefully, you will be seeing beautiful new growth soon in your garden.

    I'm happy to see people supporting Ukraine in whatever way they can!

  27. What a beautiful little film, Jeanie.

  28. Thankfully, unlike you, my snow has finally melted. However, the bitter cold was here most of the week. Now it's finally warm outside, but still not in my house.

    Love your calendar page for March, and the puzzle is beautiful. I can see why you were attracted to it initially. I have glued and varnished some of mine and framed them. Yours is definitely frame worthy, dear.

    Your sunflowers are beautiful. Nice way to honor them. I might add, if you (the collective you) plan to send monetary support, make sure you know the charity you are sending your money to. Too many fake charities out there these days!

  29. Lovely video, Jeannie. It's so hard to imagine the decisions these poor people have to make about life - splitting up families, leaving husbands and sons to fight, fleeing home and possessions, and so much more.
    On a lighter note, I've never heard of paczki, but now want to keep an eye out for it.

  30. A sweet movie.And art work.I feel we are all painting them
    What a monster this man to inflict so much pain death and destruction in so many.

  31. Beautiful sunflower movie. I had never heard of paczi before. The puzzle is worthy of framing. It's been many years since I made a puzzle. Enjoy the start of Spring Jeanie 🏵

  32. Love the sunflowerr card. Hope spring soon arrives. your puzzle lookks fantastic, but I am not a puzzler. Hugs, Valerie

  33. Here in Hawaii, the Portuguese celebrate Fat Tuesday by frying Malassadas, which are donuts filled with cream or chocolate or are served plain with a coating of sugar. Yummy!

  34. Such a fun puzzle. I haven't worked on a puzzle in years. Lovely sunflower card. So much heartbreak for Ukraine. I hope help arrives they can get rid of this horrible man who has inflicted so much pain and suffering.

  35. Love seeing the sunflower. You can keep the white stuff:)
    The paczki looks tasty and the puzzle fun. Good job on finishing it.
    Have a great weekend.

  36. the tragic events in Ukraine are just heartbreaking. All those women and children suffering the effects. how is it possible that that can happen in the 21st Century.

    I like the idea of spring, meteorologically it has arrived (1st March) but not so much when I look out of the window. I was actually out in the garden for an hour this morning doing some pruning.

  37. I observe the meteorological seasons so think of it as spring beginning March 1st. The weather here is even cooperating :)

    I've never had paczki.

  38. Hi Jeanie, Every other Friday night a group of four of us gather to share supper and work on a jigsaw puzzle. We place the puzzle on a roll-up puzzle saver, so we work on the same one every week until completion. Sometimes it takes us months to finish one, but it is fun nonetheless. Bonnie

  39. A beautiful sunflower. I really enjoyed watching The Darkest Hour a couple of years back.

  40. Hello, Jeanie. I do love your sunflower. The people of Ukraine will forever be in my heart and mind and the sunflower will serve as a reminder of their beautiful spirit.
    We are having spring temperatures this weekend - but snow in the forecast for next week. Got to love March.

    Have a good weekend, friend.

  41. Love your video and painting.
    I do enjoy a puzzle, but it seems like I always have so many other things going on I don't get them out.

  42. Beautiful film clip . . .
    I feel stunned and heartbroken . . .
    The Ukraine destruction and suffering needs our care,
    our help, our peace filled hearts.
    We must carry ourselves forward as helpmates
    to our friends of Ukraine, for them
    to find hope and strength toward a new day.

    Loved your puzzle . . . and your
    sunny photos . . . with snow . . .
    Springtime teasing is happening . . .

  43. I've never heard of Paczki. Here, it's all about King Cakes; when I was growing up in Iowa, it was pancakes on parade. It surprises me that so many seem surprised by what's happening in Ukraine. There's a long history of conflict there; I became aware of it during the Euromaiden in 2014. As for Putin, he's got a long history of getting away with murder. It makes sense to me that he'd believe he can do it again. Whether he does is still an open question.

  44. The video for Ukraine is really well done and I am sure anyone seeing it will feel some warmth and peace.

  45. Meant to say that I recognise the Kate McNenly bird too! Her images are so bold yet charming.

  46. Jeanie, not only have I never heard of a paczki, but also not of American bismark so perhaps these are regional. Here, there are cross buns which are generally seen most often, perhaps only, at Easter time. The sunflower video was lovely and I have seen so many similar tributes in other blog posts. It is a distressing time and to think that not so long ago people feared that the pandemic was the worst thing to happen to the world.

    Snow - we still have it here in NH, but the worst is the ice as we learned when we tried to venture out for a walk today. Sheets of solid ice are scary to me and thank goodness for some snow to walk on.

  47. The puzzle looks like loads of fun! I'd never heard of paczki before this post. It looks decadent! Here in Alabama, it's all about king cakes and Moon Pies! ;P

  48. Jeannie, you are amazing!
    I love this. It is so nice to read and follow kind, caring, loving people like yourself!

  49. Paczki sounds intriguing. I will have to keep my eyes open for this treat. The Darkest Hour is an excellent movie. Oldman is such an incredible actor. I love seeing different actors playing Churchill who seemed to have been quite the unique character! Beautiful tributes to Ukraine. It is incredibly sad seeing what is happening.

  50. I haven't heard of paczki before being in Australia, but they look yummy! thank you for sharing! And the sunflower you made is beautiful too :)

    I had to get a new computer when my old one died as well and I was so upset to find the video editor had changed. I'm trying to get along with the new one for editing my Youtube videos but it's tricky and slow going, I feel I can't do as good a job as I could before, even though I only really do basic edits!

    Hope that you are having a great weekend! Was a hot and sunny one here :)

    Away From The Blue

  51. I always look forward to the sign of the first daffodils. I know Spring is around the corner then. About an week later I saw the pink blooms on the Jane Magnolia tree. Spring is here in TN....until the next cool spell hits.....

  52. Nice puzzle of New York and your painting of the sunflower is gorgeous.
    It's nice that the snow is finally melting and we can enjoy warmer weather.
    Thelma xo

  53. Someone mentioned those paczki on one of the ACB calls on Tuesday. It sounds really tasty.

    I'm jealous of your snow.

  54. I'm very intrigued and impressed with your puzzle! Hope spring is on its way despite your recent snow. Of course its nice and warm here in Florida.

  55. Oh what a lovely video! I think you have got it down as it came out quite nicely! And I have been praying for Ukraine and I am hoping that somehow Putin will stop.
    We had paczki… sweet Man went EVERYWHERE to find a package. It’s not a big deal out here in AZ …like it is in the Midwest. We had a store making fresh ones and that’s what he brought home. We had custard ones. They were delicious!
    The puzzle is quite lovely and I applaud you for finishing it.
    Spring is on its way!

  56. I always find tree shadows wonderful - and on snow is the best. I tried the Polish pastry when I lived in Michigan. Unfortunately, all of them at work were the jelly type which isn't my favorite. Beautiful post - we all need to supoort the Ukraine!

  57. Hi Jeanie, I've been so remiss in getting back to visit friends, but I've had company from out of town, which is very exciting. Had a fun food outing -- post to come -- and two plays this week. Hope you're doing well.

  58. Jeanie,
    It was 71 degrees here yesterday, breaking records...and snow predicted for the weekend!! Typical NEPA weather in March...Yes, I am quite familiar with Paczki....It is a big thing here now but as a child, I do not remember it being so and even my parents whose Grandparents and parents came from Poland, did not make or buy Paczki....My nieces do puzzles and frame then...I admire that as I do not have the patience...Thanks so much for stopping by!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  59. Your photos are stunners, Jeanie.

    And that polka dot bird is adorable!

    Your puzzle looks awesome.

  60. It is in the 70's here today. And then back in the 40's for the rest of the week. Our weather has been bizarre.
    That is a gorgeous puzzle.. love all the details.
    Lovely sunflower painting. We have to keep talking about it, keep sharing, keep donating.

  61. Spring feels so far off here. :( We had a weekend of weird weather. We had freezing rain for much of the day on Saturday, then a thunderstorm w/ loud thunder and pouring rain, and then woke up to about 5-6" of snow on top of all that water. Fun fun. So we were cooped up for much of the weekend. I did get outside with Paul for a bit yesterday.

    I nearly always think a piece of the puzzle is missing as I near the end! I remember feeling that way w/ the puzzle I did around Christmas. But sure enough, I had all the pieces.

    I have not heard of that pasty - must not be common in these parts! I kind of forgot about Fat Tuesday/Lent. It snuck up on me, even though it's on the later side this year. I usually give something up - typically social media. But I'm on an indefinite break from social media right now so decided not to give anything up this year. I feel weird about it but also feel like I'm so challenged right now in general that I didn't want to take something away!

  62. Came back to say hello again and tell you that I love the New Yorker puzzle! Very colorful and complex. We had very heavy snow this weekend and more will come this week. March is Colorado's snowiest month so spring seems far away as yet.

  63. That’s a cute crow :) I am rather fond of crows. I looked up 'Derek' as we have Netflix. I will watch later. Ah yes, looking forward to the daffodils. Yours are gorgeous, as is your garden with all the snow, and those tree limb shadows. Gosh, the Comcast guy deserves a medal! Paczki sounds very nice, and now I also know what an American Bismark is :) I googled images and oh my! Your puzzle is lovely. I got a little teary watching your sunflower video. We take so much for granted, even in the little things, when others are fighting for their lives. I have donated and will continue to do so. Thanks Jeanie, great post!

  64. Snow and the hope of daffodils - surely you will soon see winter turn toward spring. You are a puzzle wizard. A friend puts them together on-line with an app (no lost pieces...). Seeing the chaos in Ukraine is a constant reminder that the world is indeed a small place. The terror happening there spills forth to the rest of the world.


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