The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Early March at the Ditch

In an earlier post I mentioned a lovely, early March walk to the Ditch. It was 60 degrees, sunny and perfect. The water still looked pretty cold. There's still a lot of ice, but it's breaking up and the weather was certainly helping. 

Some of the ducks were on the ice; others were brave enough to be in what still had to be frigid water. They are heartier than I!

Most of the paths were clear, but someone had kindly chipped a path through the icier parts.

The Canada geese were sunning themselves on the bank. There are plenty of them. In another couple of months we'll see lots of goslings.

 I love that someone has hung out a collection of bird feeders.

And yes, there's corn for the corn fans!

There were more than a few walkers and several families with children or dogs.


It couldn't have been a lovelier day.  So, you'd think spring was here, right? Think again! 

But you have to admit, it's pretty.

The trees were just kissed by the snow -- nothing too major, just a dusting.

But definitely a reminder -- spring is not yet here in my town. 

I can wait. Really, do I have a choice?

(We had snow Sunday; 50s today (Tuesday). Tiny sprouts of daffs are peeking out of the mulch and leaves. It's coming!)

Sharing with:   Saturday's Critters  


  1. Beautiful pictures, although at some point I would like to see snowless pictures ;-)
    Here it´s very cold still, too...

  2. Mother Nature can be a moody tease and quite fickle. ;)

  3. Hello Jeanie,

    Nice views of the trail and the ducks. It is nice that someone hung feeders for the birds. Our snow has melted, I think we have seen the last of the snow here. At least I hope so. Pretty views and photos. Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. We had snow overnight, but we have a lot more snow on the ground than you do. In the 50s today which will melt a lot of it.
    looking for spring too.

  5. The photos are very pretty to see even with the little bits of snow. Spring is marching forward so it will melt the remaning snow and welcome spring. Enjoy your day, Jeanie.

  6. The Ditch is a pretty place to walk, and you even have paved trails which is really nice. Keeps you out of the mud. Smile. I'd say your winter is going about like ours is. And your photos are pretty. It's nice to see spring coming along though, and we're having nice temperatures too which is taking the edge off of late winter for certain. Hope all else is well. Hugs-Erika

  7. Those are brave little daffodils to even begin to peak out of the ground. March can indeed be fickle. I love that you have had some pretty walks at the ditch. Can't wait to see those goslings later in the spring.

  8. The Ditch looks lovely. I am beginning to feel that the balance of power has shifted to more spring coming/less winter lingering.

  9. You have more snow left that we do today. I'm going to have plenty of geese to watch this years for the first time in decades. Can't wait although the management and half the residents are trying to discourage them.

  10. I just looked at our forecast and could hardly believe it: sun and 70s both Saturday and Sunday. I don't know exactly where I'll be, but "out" will be good enough. I do like seeing pictures of that powdered sugar snow, but I can well imagine you're heartily sick of any of it by now. At least the ice is melting, and there are little signs of spring. Hang in there!

  11. I think Spring is sort of here in Minnesota - or coming. Chances are we will get more snow in the next month or so, but the temps have really warmed up here! It was terrible last night with temps below zero in the morning and not much of a warm-up. But Sunday was beautiful and it's been nice ever since, although we did have some snow on Monday morning but it melted right away. Paul went scooting for the first time last night and loved scooting through the puddles. His feet were sopping wet when we got back but he was so excited to be outside again!

  12. Lovely walk
    This is sugar snow season, sap running time for making maple syrup. :)

  13. The area is well-maintained. That's nice. I imagine the animals appreciate the buffet :) and the people appreciate the bench for the bird-watching opportunities.

  14. You have such a popular blog, and I can see why. Lovely photos! Hopefully, spring will be there shortly.

  15. Such pretty photos, Jeanie. I love the one of the Canadian Geese on the bank, it makes me want to sit with them. We are to have nice weather all this week, but I won't declare that spring has arrived until the middle of April.

    Enjoy your walks!

  16. When ice starts melting, and tulips start popping, you know spring is not too far away!

  17. Hoping we are done with the snow. Beautiful pics.

  18. You are so right, Jeanie. It is so pretty and we don't have any choices. We can just wish and, like the ducks, sit on the sunny side..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  19. I know the feeling- you think it SHOULD be Spring but, in reality, we are a ways off from continual warm weather. Would you believe we got up to 60˚F this afternoon? What a fluke and I always am waiting for the shoe to drop (into Minus Degrees). lol
    Great pictures, as always! xo Diana

  20. I always love to see your Ditch photos, Jeanie, and I appreciate that you step into nature now and then, and appreciate all the beauty and peace that it brings. Oh, your snow is, indeed, pretty, and I love that photo of the bench with the snow, even if it was only a dusting. That's nice that someone put the feeders out for the birds, and is that real corn for the critters? It was really a pretty day, with warm temps, and I'm glad you got to visit the Ditch once again. Oh, I must come back and see this post, Jeanie.


  21. When I looked at the first few photos, Jeanie, I was thinking that spring might be in your area soon, but then there was that bit of snow. We are getting rain for the next few days, but temps are well above any snow coming this way, at least for now.

  22. 'Kissed by the snow.' A lovely turn of phrase.
    What a wondrous, serene walk.

  23. Spring is coming... I promise you that.
    What a lovely place to take a stroll... and how kind of someone to be feeding the birds. The snow dusting was quite lovely.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!

  24. We're seeing signs of spring here, too! My mini iris' bloomed about a week and a half ago; tulip sprouts are popping up, and our duck couple is back!! This is the fifth year we've "hosted" them ~ always the nest is in the same place. So far, there are 4 eggs; we usually end up with 10-12 of them.
    Lovely seeing the ditch, even in the winter!

  25. What I appreciate about March is that it might snow (and probably will *sigh*), but the snow melts relatively quickly. Fingers crossed spring comes quickly, although it does feel like we're jumping the gun a little bit! It's just that winter is so long!

  26. Ducks in icy cold water always seem like a mystery to me. I know they have special feathers and down, but I just can't see how they can stand it.

    best... mae at

  27. I haven't seen or heard Canada geese yet, but that doesn't mean they haven't been around.

  28. It was nice going outside with Tundra today. I hope it stays, but with Michigan one can never predict as you know. I am sure you had a lovely walk in the ditch! Janice

  29. Lovely photos, Jeanie! Your ditch is a very special spot that is obviously loved by humans and critters. Love the corn lovers photo! Glad to hear the daffodils are peeking out to see if they can come out.

  30. Oh, so cold! I don't know how you do it. But it is also stunningly beautiful. Love those geese.

  31. Oh Jeanie, it is so beautiful, and seems very peaceful. I know you are looking forward to the spring air, but it sure is a gorgeous view.
    Thank you for sharing. Love the Geese.

  32. Loved seeing the ditch before and after the "dusting" of snow. Those geese have stopped moving south because people feed them. At least they do in Wichita. Nice to see the ducks, though. Really great bird feeders and attract different types of birds, too. Beautiful photos, Jeanie.

  33. Jeanie, I know how much you enjoy your walks at the ditch. It must have been wonderful to have a warm enough day to get out in nature. Spring is definitely arriving here and I am embracing every new bloom!

  34. It's nice to see early signs of the seasons changing! The brighter sun is a big plus, too.

  35. Jeanie,
    Your pictures are just stunning!! Our snow is all gone because of high 60 degree temps...May break a record on Friday but I am sure that we will pay for it in April...Last week, we had frost in May so this is nothing but a fluke! Thanks again for always stopping by!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  36. Lovely, wintry photos. I've heard there have been some spring-like days up north. Enjoy them! I'm looking forward to getting back up north in time to witness early spring blooms!

  37. What a lovely walk Jeanie. So pretty and yes, even with the kiss of snow! I loved the way you put that! We are having a very Spring-like day here today. The snow piles are definitely shrinking, but I am sure we will have a few more kisses before the snow is done for the year! xoxo

  38. So dreary here today! Bleh. BUT... tomorrow will be 70, they say!

    Lovely photos, snow or not.

    And no one is bombing overhead - it's a good day to be alive.

    Slainte 🍀

  39. Hi Jeanie, it looks great down at the ditch, but cold! Glad you had a nice walk and were able to enjoy the ducks and the scene. Hugs, Valerie

  40. Your neighbors have made the pond and walkway a community project with the walkway cleaning and bird feeders. Yeah!

  41. It's definitely been a moody spring, and I hope the early warmth has not coaxed birds and buds into liveliness too early. The sandhill cranes arrived nearly two weeks before usual, and we're already hearing mourning doves cooing on the roof. Forsythia tips are looking swollen. I'm too used to the vagaries of Michigan weather, and I worry about what a sudden frost or snow might mean.

    That said, yes, we had snow this weekend. But today it's 65. I'll take it.

    Great pictures, as always. I love the bird feeders (and the corn holder)!

  42. So nice to see the ducks on a sunny day.
    It's slowly warming up here too.
    Happy Spring.

  43. we’re hitting 60 just now at3:40pm. Actually almost 61. It’s quite wonderful.

  44. A beautiful warm day on my patch. There is so much dripping going on, I thought it was raining.

  45. Beautiful images Jeanie! That is wonderful that people bring feeders for the birds. This time of year is wacky here too. 2 weeks ago we had a couple of days reach 80 and just over the past weekend, temperatures dropped into the 20s overnight! Very stressful for the plants and trees.

  46. It is always like that here Jeanie. Cold one day and sunny and warm the next. Looks as if it was the perfect day for a much needed get out of the house walk! Just be careful with all the ice still around. Happy weekend......

  47. You have a wonderful place to walk. I don’t miss the snow though.

  48. Can we move the bench to that sunny spot on the bank? It's nice when the temps improve but it still looks chilly! Enjoy your weekend!

  49. Hello Jeanie,
    The Ditch seems to be a great spot for watching the birds. The ducks and geese do not seem to mind the cold icy water. I sure Harry or henry the Heron will be returning soon. The trail looks nice for walking and enjoy nature. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  50. Looks as if you got about as much snow as we did in Virginia.

  51. It looks cold at the ditch, but I enjoyed seeing the photographs from your walk.

    All the best Jan

  52. Hello Jeanie, I enjoyed looking at your photos of your walk, and seeing the water birds, and the scenes of the dusting of snow covering the trees and walk ways, which to me seem very pretty images. We never get snow where I live. It was a nice gesture of someone to put out food for the birds which still need food at this time of the year.
    Have a good week.:=)

  53. Sounds like it was a lovely walk. Shame I couldn't have had that snow instead. Wish we could swap... It's been sunny (though not all that warm as a rule) here most of the time in the past couple of weeks.


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