The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Winter is a Grand Time to Bake!

Sunday morning I awoke to 6 degrees F. Although it did warm up some later in the day, I knew from the time I got up that today would be a good day to bake. 

I am self-isolating till Omicron calms down and that includes from Rick for a few days. But I thought I could bake a few things I could leave on his doorstep!

I started out with Victoria Scones from Marie's ("The English Kitchen") "Best of British Baking" book. (I love this book!) 

I would like to tell you that I made the recipe just as Marie wrote. But poor planning on my part doesn't make for following a recipe. When I realized my milk was a lumpy, curdled mess, I substituted buttermilk, and since I didn't have the glace cherries she recommended, I incorporated about a half cup of dried cherries (or so) into the dough. Then when I made the dough rounds on the baking sheet, they were thicker than her 1/2 inch so they took a lot longer to cook.

Details, details! They are delicious, even with the buttermilk. I'm eager to do them "for real" soon. Her recipes are terrific! (When I cook a few more, I'll do a review, but my gut feeling is that it will be a good one -- and the price of this delicious book is very reasonable!)

I hadn't made madeleines in a while so I pulled out my favorite recipe which I'm happy to share with you, below. I did this batch as written, with orange zest, but I usually do them with lemon and both ways are good. On occasion, I will do a lemon glaze, which is great. This time I stuck to powdered sugar. Either way, a winner. 

(The secret? Letting the dough chill the full two hours, not overfilling the pans and after buttering and flouring the pans, chill them in the fridge or freezer. I don't know why it works but they come out like a charm.

Being on a roll, I decided to thaw a puff pastry crust and experiment. I recently did some cinnamon palmiers (which I'll share in another post) but I wanted something savory to leave at Rick's door. So, I checked out the fridge to see what was available.

 I had some gruyere cheese, shredded parmesan, frozen pesto I made last summer and some sliced ham. Hmmm. That sounded good. Ham and cheese with pesto? I could work with that!

So, I made a thin layer of parm on a piece of parchment and rolled it into the bottom of the thawed pastry sheet. On the top, I did a layer of pesto, some very finely diced ham, and then a layer of the gruyere mixed with some thyme. 

I decided to roll it two ways, cutting the dough in half width-wise. Half I rolled as I did the palmiers -- rolling each side in half to the middle and then cutting them. The other half I did as a spiral. Then I baked them about 25 minutes at 400. (I was thinking 20 but I may have cut them a little thick!)

It's a keeper! 

Then it was off to Rick's with my N95 firmly in place and a bag of treats to make his day a little brighter. (Post note: He gave it all a thumbs up!)

Here's the madeleine recipe:

Cream together: 

  • 1/2 c. melted butter
  • 2/3 c. sugar


  • 1 t. vanilla
  • 1/2 t. orange zest (I did the whole orange, medium size -- I don't think 1/2 t. is nearly enough for either orange or lemon)


  • 3 eggs, 1 at a time. 

When done, beat the whole thing for about three or four minutes. It will be very pale and appear to increase in volume.

Fold in:

  • 1/2 t. baking powder
  • 1 2/3 c. flour

Chill at least two hours and scoop into your madeleine pan. (I use my small cookie scoop but give it a good fill).

Bake about 10 minutes at 375. Cool and either glaze with a powdered sugar/juice glaze or dust with powdered sugar.

Then just enjoy! 

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  1. The Palmiers look scrumptous! A good recipe for easy and quick out of the freezer, if they make it that far. :)
    Happy Baking!

  2. Oh my! Everything looks so yummy. I have the ingredients out to make vanilla wafers today...sugar free. But they are SO good, light and crispy!

  3. Great to look at! Love them all. It is wonderful that you have the energy to bake.

  4. Well, THANK YOU for stirring up my sweet tooth which I have put to rest since Christmas. LOL. Everything looks wonderful. Would you believe I have never made scones? I think I need to do that! xo Diana

  5. It's like you did a mini-version of Bake-Off all by yourself! It all looks delicious - lucky Rick to get such a haul!

  6. Yum!! These projects all sounds so yummy! How kind of you to give Rick some treats. Winter is the best time to bake as the warmth from the oven is so pleasing on these cold days! I was just saying to Paul that we needed to bake something this weekend as we haven’t made anything for awhile. He loooooves to bake and is quite a good helper so it’s a fun thing to do together when Will is napping. I need to find something from my GF cookbook!

  7. Everything looks so delicious! My bakes aren't so fancy, but I do agree wintertime is the perfect time for baking :)

  8. Hello Jeanie,

    Your baked goodies look delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipes.

    Take care, have a happy day!

  9. I know the madeleines are good since you once gave me some. The rest sound delicious too.

    best… mae at

  10. The baked goods sound and look delicious.

  11. Well, if Rick has to be in quarantine, it looks like he is going to have some delicious treats to sustain him. These look amazing, Jeanie. And inspiring, too. Now that I have puff pastry in my freezer again, I've got those ham and cheese palmiers in my sights! Yum!

  12. Wow! you make pretty and yummy stuff!

  13. oooh Jeanie, what a great post, everything looks scrumptious. And I must mention your bird image (is it a cardinal?) It's gorgeous.

  14. Oh my gosh. Just looking at those foodie pictures, makes me hungry;)
    And the picture of the cardinal....breathtaking.

  15. I'd like to sign up for those palmiers, please!! They sound heavenly!

  16. it all sounds yummy. I'm not sure I've had Madelines but they look tasty. You're very creative with savory win. Hope you are having a good time eating them too.

  17. Well, I couldn't stop looking at that Cardinal to read about your baking, but I finally did. The madeleines look so Yummy, but the Victorian scones really got to me, as I love scones and cherries. I like scones better than cookies and cakes because they seem to have less sugar. That's so nice of you to bake goodies and leave them on Rick's doorstep. Oh, I wish I had one of those scones right now to go with my coffee. You're right, it's a good time to bake when we are inside with the snow and the cold temperatures that many of us are having. Happy baking Jeanie!


  18. Everything looks so yummy Jeanie. Cold days are the best for baking, aren't they? Those savory treats look like they would make a wonderful lunch or dinner with a salad. And last year you sent me your madeleine recipe, and I never got around to making them. I've printed the recipe again, and maybe Friday when its going to be cold I'll give them a try and brake in that madeleine pan I bought last year and have yet to use. Thanks for the inspiration. Stay warm, and it won't be long until you get to see Rick as I am sending positive vibes that he'll have a negative test. hugs-Erika

  19. Oh wow everything looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe too. Janice

  20. You're baking looks delicious. You introduced me to Marie's blog and I've been following her ever since. Her recipes are most mouthwatering to look at. The bird in your post is very pretty. I'm wondering if 6 degrees Celsius is a seasonal temperature for where you live? It was about minutes 8 during our cold spell. Perhaps a little colder. Now it is anywhere from 6 to 11 and it is such a huge jump that is feels warm.

  21. Your recipes and pictures sure made me hungry (all except for the ham part in the last one, since I'm vegetarian, but I'm sure that could be left out.) All in all, a yummy post! :-)

  22. Yum and a thumbs up from me too for how they all sound! I was looking back at photos last night of all my baking the past two far I'm a slacker. Maybe Mr. P's birthday next eeeknwill kick start my motivation.

  23. If I were Rick I think I would extend my confinement so that wonderful care packages could be delivered to my doorstep! Who knew that benevolent fairies came with N95 masks? Now we have proof positive that they do!

  24. Jeanie, You have been busy for sure!! Love the picture of the cardinal!! Thanks again for always dropping by!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  25. Jeanie, a cold day is perfect for baking! Scones and madeleines sound so good to go with my coffee this morning. Stay warm and cozy and thank you for sharing the recipes.

  26. I'm trying to get past my obsession with carbs, but if you post that recipe for the scones, I'll give it a go. I adore scones!

  27. You were talking about baking, and then you said, “Being on a roll …” I really liked that. 😎

  28. Looks like everything was a hit! Her book must be great! he first one was..

  29. They all sound delicious, but my mouth is especially watering for the savory palmiers. I bet Rick was thrilled to receive his goodie basket! Hope you two are back together in person soon.

  30. I love baking on a cold day. You certainly had a very successful day in your kitchen with these recipes. Madeleines are my favorites, great tips for all your recipes. I'm certain Rick was a happy camper with what he found on his step. Cold and raining here today, a good day to try out your recipe...........

  31. This post makes me want to bake. Not today though!
    Lucky Rick!
    I have actually been thinking about making madeleines. The first time I baked them I didn't know the chilling in the refrigerator tip and they stuck in the pan so bad I said never again. Then when I heard of chilling the pan I tried again. That tip works like a charm.
    I do love baking too; so soon there will be baking.

  32. They all look fabulous. I shall try the scones. Rick is so lucky. Winter is a great time to bake.

  33. Now I'm hungry! Your baking sounds perfect.

  34. Jeanie, these recipes look wonderful. Thanks so much for them and the tip on the book. I agree winter is a delightful time to be in the kitchen. Enjoy yourself and stay well!

  35. The savories with puff pastry look interesting enough to try, after I fill my refrigerator a bit. I'm glad baking give you a bit of joy. Take care.

  36. I've made scones a number of times with different recipes but have never made madeleines or Palmiers. I need to give them a try.
    You sound like me if I get in the mood to bake I do several things at the time. Cold weather or rainy days get me in the mood to bake too.
    I know Rick was delighted to get your baking goodies. They look and sound delicious.

  37. Winter is a very good time to bake, and make some wonderful comfort food. Sounds like you did great on those substitutions. They look very yummy! I have never made Madeleine’s and it has been a long since I made scones. Those savory pastries look great. Thank you for the great tips and that delicious recipe! I can almost smell the wonderful aroma wafting around your house, and Rick must have been over the moon to see all those delectable delights. As for current events, it's good to be extra cautious, especially now. We are doing the same.

  38. Six degrees????? WOW.. that is nuts but you made good of baking when it was to cold to go out. That looks yums.

  39. Jeanie, all your baking looks delicious. These cold days are really the great time to bake. I did make a chocolate cake the other day as my blood tests were good so I thought I would have a little treat. I just have to be careful to not overdo. I hope Rick gets a clean outcome and I love that photo. I am so sorry about your friends and hope they all come out OK. So far, I don't know any people personally that have gotten it, just a blogger friend whose husband has died which is especially sad. I wish the stubborn people would wake up and figure out how bad it can be. It is going to be around for a long time to come..Keep baking, that always keeps the spirits up..xxoJudy

  40. scones are one of my favorite things to bake. they look so complex, but they're easy to throw together.

    and they make any kind of soup meal complete.

    i eat the scones first!


  41. Wow! What a fabulous photograph of the Cardinal! Beautiful capture. I know we have cardinals here, but I haven't seen one at my feeders yet. I am so pleased you enjoy my book Jeanie. That means the world to me! Your scones look magnificent even if you couldn't get the right cherries. I am betting they tasted just wonderful! Your Rick is a very lucky man to have a baker on tap like you! I am sure he loved it all. Your puff pastry creations look wonderful! I would so Love to tuck into a couple of those. I love all of the ingredients you used! Must try that for myself and how adorable that it is shaped like hearts. You are a real sweetheart! xoxo

  42. Oh, My! Everything looks so nummy---but, we are giving up nummies for awhile, those extra holiday pounds. LOVE your bird photo---!! Excellent! Hugs, Sandi

  43. You have been baking a few of my faves: Scones AND Madeleines! YUM! Shanley Belle and Christopher are really getting into all things cherry! Yours looked like they turned out very well indeed, and I love buttermilk. I bet it made them less dry!

  44. I'm sorry you have to self-isolate again. I think you and I are on the same page about COVID behavior, so I imagine you're equally frustrated with how people have been behaving. Anyway.

    All of your baking looks delicious! Don't a lot of scone recipes call for buttermilk anyway? It seems like any recipe with buttermilk is almost guaranteed to be good. I've never made madeleines; I keep putting off getting a pan since our kitchen is pretty small and I'm not sure about the space for a pan that can only be used for one thig. Yours are making me want to find the space, though!

  45. Have you baked or cooked anything with pineapple? It's said to boost resistance to COVID.

  46. I haven't tried Palmiers yet. Your recipe looks really nice. I make my own puff pastry (try it Jeanie, it is easy peasy) so I think we'll give it a go.

  47. Oh my, could you come and stay here awhile?
    I will get all the ingredients and you can bake
    and make whatever lights your fancy!
    Was Rick negative??

  48. Everything looks delicious Jeanie! Baking is so therapeutic and a wonderful thing to share with loved ones. We recently bought a new convection oven with the air fry feature which we are obsessed with. We haven't tried baking in it yet and your post makes me want to try it!

  49. Rick must have been very pleased! I should live near you so you could drop off the same assortment to me! Love madeleines, especially with orange zest. And I much prefer the dried cherries in my scones; I'm not a fan of glace cherries. When I make small scones, I like to chop the dried cherries or cranberries or whatever quite small, about the size of zante currants. And the savory palmiers and spirals look and sound a treat!

  50. I´d be in for the puff pastry crust!!!!
    For lunch I have one of my last home made pizza muffins. But pastry sure sounds more yummy (mine are low-carb, hence eggs as base).

  51. Everything looks delicious. Rick must have been very happy. I am continuing to self isolate too due to Omicron, although our numbers are dropping now as rapidly as they rose. I don't think I'll ever stop wearing a mask now.

    Deb in Wales.

  52. Yum Jeanie, especially the ham, cheese and pesto spirals! Puff pastry is magical stuff, I might just have to whip up some tasty treats myself today! I've been staying home mostly too this week, omicron and the fact that it's too cold outside for me, yesterday our high was 34 degrees and I spent the day curled up with an electric blanket!

  53. Definitely a good day to bake. And Rick is so lucky to have you baking for him. Not surprised he said they were delicious.

  54. Now I'm really hungry. Those puff pastry bits look wonderful and I really want to make authentic British scones.

  55. Oh, everything looks so delicious, dearest Jeanie,
    my mouth is watering, truly, I'd love to be a guest of yours!
    Sending hugs and ever much love to you
    XO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  56. I do like your photograph of the Cardinal.
    Wonderful photographs of your baking, everything looks so delicious.

    All the best Jan

  57. I love Madeleines and have copied your recipe. I first need those pans before I try this, but it would be wonderful to be able to bake my own.

  58. I am visiting from Erika's post-your foods look delicious

  59. I'm going to try scones this way, by cutting them into rounds and scoring them. I have some buttermilk on hand and a recipe for ham/cheddar scones I want to try. Would you believe I can't find my rolling pin? (That's why I'll try the rounds....)


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