The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Checking In

Touching base on a sunny, cold day! The birds are back at their feeding frenzy. Lizzie alternates between sleeping and watching! I alternate between baking, painting, reading, watching and blogging!

The good news, in case you missed it in the last post, is that Rick's test was negative so we finally could can see each other! He had a guitar lesson Friday and after came for a wonderful dinner. The menu? Scalloped potatoes with ham, salad, cranberry sauce and Marie's Ice Box Lemon Pie for dessert. Easiest thing ever and a super hit with everyone who's had it!

From the Shopping Front

I broke my "exit the house" rule to hit the store but went at 7:30. I bet I didn't see more than 10 customers -- all masked -- while I shopped. It felt as safe as anything can be in this upside down world. While I was there I did a bit of a reconnaissance of shelves, as I keep hearing about empty shelves in the stores.

I was pleased to find that isn't the case all that much in my Kroger, at least not at 7:30 before it's picked over. There were some holes in the meat section and parts of the frozen section (quite the run on Lean Cuisine, which was on sale!). Produce was well stocked, as was bread and dairy, along with canned goods. 

Most of the prices I noted were no more expensive than they had been before these shortages, at least at that store and in the products I buy. There were many in-store sales. Where I did notice a huge increase was in the cost of meat (you could send a kid to college on the cost of a couple pounds of ground beef!) and butter ($6/pound, usually no more than $5, generally $3.99 and often on sale -- and this was the store brand). I was relieved to see much price consistency and inventory.

And, in different shopping, my meds are still stuck in the supply chain. So, not all rosy. But it could be worse. At least the kids' Christmas gifts arrived!

In the Entertainment Zone

I've been enjoying some fun books I'll write more about soon, including "Second Act Trouble: The Inside Story of Broadway's Biggest Bombs," a couple of good mysteries and the delightful "Mrs. Queen Takes the Train." (Thanks, Lynne!) Look for a book review post coming soon.

I've also been watching "Under the Vines" (Acorn), an Australian series about two people who inherit a vineyard and will soon be binging the new season of "After Life" (Netflix).I love them both! I'm also into "Around the World in 80 Days" and "All Creatures Great and Small" on PBS. And, my newest series is "RFDS: Royal Flying Doctor Squad," which is on our PBS station. It's set in the Australian outback and I'm enjoying the plot lines. 

I'm easing into painting again. Boy, you lose your groove when you don't do it for awhile. Last summer I did this piece -- the view from Rick's hospital window after his kidney surgery. It's flat.

So, I decided to try to fix it a bit. It's basically the same, but I added another layer of color and I think it's much improved. (Unfortunately, that doesn't show up all that well in the photo.) To be honest, it's very far from perfect -- I'm not terribly good at water and I still don't like the boats (which I may have messed up more than helped!). But in person, at least, it's better and that was the point.

I also did a few bookmarks -- a good way to experiment without overusing expensive paper! They're kind of fun!


Outside it's cold! We got a couple of inches of snow with more to come. It does look very pretty, and Rick will be happy as he loves to cross country ski. 

The other morning I noticed this sunrise over the backyard.

Red sky at morning, sailors take warning. Yup. A sign of weather to come -- and it did!


While I was shoveling the driveway, my neighbor Frank was out with is snowblower and he finished the job for me. So, I decided to bake him some oatmeal raisin cookies. It was a small batch -- which was a pity!

We will soon be celebrating Christmas with the kids and their presents finally arrived and are now wrapped and good to go. (Well, almost -- a couple small things to get but we're on the way!)

And my bunny count for 2022 is four. I'm sure there are more but I've yet to see them. This one looks pretty darned cold.

I leave you with some dancing snowgirls.  

 Because why not? Keep cozy and stay well!

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  1. The lemon pie looks delicious, it's one of my favorites along with blueberry and cherry. The poor bunny does look cold hope it can survive a cold winter. Your neighbor was nice to finished snowblowing your driveway for you. Reminds me of our long driveway in Alaska and our neighbor worked for the city of Fairbanks and had access to a huge plower. He would always come and finish our driveway for us. Enjoy celebrating Christmas with the kids. I bet everyone is excited. Have a great day!

  2. I would love to have one of your bookmarks! Are you going to sell them? If so, please consider me first on the list!!

  3. Lizzie has her time well sorted :-) Good news about Rick. Is the 'Around the World in 80 Days' our BBC one? I'm watching it and thoroughly enjoying it. ooh your lemon pie looks delicious, I must do more baking. I hear you about losing the groove when not doing art for a while, I was almost thinking of not going to art class any more! I need to get back into it. That's two things I must start doing more of!!

  4. I enjoyed this post, Jeanie! I agree about the cost of meat. It is very high here as well. We just got quite a lot of snow. I have many, many bunny tracks! Oatmeal raisin cookies, especially if soft, make me swoon! -Jenn

  5. We have red skies around sunrise often, and I haven't found them predicting any particular weather pattern. However, there's something in the old saying, as weather systems in the midwest do come from the west, so the red there shows a high pressure system and good weather. Sunrise not so much. At least that's what I read. I like to see red skies because they are pretty, like your photo.

    best... mae at

  6. Glad to read that you are all OK and can soon celebrate Christmas with the Grands. I think prices at the grocery store are really going up here - it's a resort area after all. We're still doing pick up except for produce that we buy at Whole Foods. Like you, we go as soon as it opens and certainly not on a weekend! We had a bit more snow this AM - we could always use more. Hope Rick has enough to xski.

  7. That pie looks so good! The snow does look pretty, but cold! I like your painting of the water and boats.

  8. You've been so deliciously, beautifully productive! That lemon icebox pie looks lovely, especially garnished with the sugared raspberries... and I just happen to have a bag of lemons in the refrigerator. Hmmm...

    And those bookmarks are gorgeous! The purples/pinks are my favorites, but that may be just because I am eager for spring.

    Glad to hear that you have helpful neighbors. Sometimes it's good to be known as the neighborhood's Cookie Lady, right?

    Stay warm, friend. Looks like you have plenty of cozy pursuits to enjoy.

  9. It's been pretty cold here and I've been enjoying the different levels of floofed out the birds get at the feeders. The question of the month is: How puffy can a goldfinch get?

  10. It looks beautiful with the snow on the ground, but I am thankful that we don't have any. With me recovering from foot surgery, I am thankful that all we have had was a dusting of snow and I am thankful that we haven't had any real cold . Tomorrow is going to be really cold here with negative temperatures.

  11. Rising prices and empty shelves are an issue here too. Watching prices on many staples going up twenty to thirty percent between shopping deliveries now. It's frightening.

    Deb in Wales

  12. Looks like you have been very productive. We had snow 4 days in a row, but our Tundra snow dog is loving it. His kind of weather. Love your watercolors and seeing all that food is making me hungry. Janice

  13. Life looks good in your world. I don't know if it is a good thing that omicron is making us stay inside more (but be sure- omicron is not good), but it is a good excuse to hibernate in this weather. Your ice box pie looks yummy. I haven't made one of those for awhile. And book marks must also be a fun warm up. I make tags to warm up. I love the bookmarks though. Stay tight. The days are getting longer. Hugs-Erika

  14. Our King Soopers, which are what the Kroegers are called here, were on strike, so we did not shop and I tried to use up all we had in our larder. I found out that just by putting what ingredients I had on hand into a google search a plethora of delicious recipes would pop up! :) Who needs cookbooks any longer? I do! I still love cookbooks but I admit I use cooking blog recipes a lot. I will have to try your lemon pie--it looks so luscious.

    I ordered a big batch of N95 masks from Kimberly Clarke and feel safer wearing them, but we have been staying home. I;n glad Rick was negative and you can finally celebrate Christmas with the twins--it is often nice to spread out gift-giving for children as they enjoy them more.

  15. That pie looks wonderful! I.m glad you and Rick can finally get together again.

  16. That ice box lemon pie looks scrumptious, Jeanie. So glad you got to see Rick and that he's Ok. I know what you mean about meat at the grocery store. I think it's going up and up. Your painting is lovely, and I love those book marks! So nice of your neighbor to finish clearing your driveway with his snow blower, and good of you to make him some oatmeal raisin cookies, Yummy! I'll take a small batch any day. That sunrise in the backyard is beautiful, and I noticed your white bench with the wreath that I love. The dancing snowgirls are just delightful. Enjoy your snow, Jeanie. We are supposed to get some more on Wednesday. : )


  17. I wonder what Lizzie thinks of the wascally wabbits.

    I had scalloped potatoes with quiche tonight for dinner. Good comfort food.

  18. Hello, Jeanie

    I am sure Lizzie enjoys a spot at the window watching the birds. The fresh snow looks pretty. I like your painting and the bookmarks. I am glad Rick is Covid free and you will be celebrating Christmas soon. The pie looks yummy, I love lemon. Take care, enjoy your day!

  19. Fun post. I would love a slice of that lemon ice pie, yummy! Glad you were able to go shopping, and found time at home for reading and painting. Love the book marks! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  20. I haven't noticed many shortages here, and we seem to have been able to find what we needed. The most important thing for you is that there is no shortage of Rick and you can have an extra helping whenever you want!

  21. Dinner menu sounded delightful, and u couldn't get past Marie's lemon pie recipe link! Oh my, I love lemons and always keep a good supply. Must try! I love your dancing snowgirls! I can now see some of my grass with snowmelt....makes me want to dance too! Stay cozy.

  22. Still not ding grocery stores, but I have a pickup in 2 hours. It’s a pain sorting through things online, but it seems like the best way now. I will, hopefully, get back to it sooner than later as the latest ‘lockdown’ seems to be working. I did go into the pharmacy briefly this week to get my prescription sorted. They delivered it a day later. They started that for us as soon as C began.

    I really enjoyed Vines. After Life was okay, but it was very off-colour, and really, all three seasons were pretty much the same.

  23. A delightful catch-up. Hope your meds arrive soon.

  24. Bitter cold here too.
    Rusty after not painting for a while too!

  25. The pie looks wonderful, and I do like a good lemon pie. But -- I went over to her page, and there were so many ads scattered around that it was more than annoying. Not only that, by the time I found the recipe, it was covered up with ads, and no matter what I did I couldn't get past them. People who are trying to make money off their blogs need to realize that if they push it too far, people never will return to their blogs. OK. Done with that.

    Yesterday I heard a report about the train thefts in Los Angeles. It seems that one disruption that has serious implications involves drugs. So many come in at the port there from India, etc., that they're being stolen or destroyed. Since the LA District Attorney has decided that such thefts are misdemeanors, it's going to continue until a change is made. I've thought about that in terms of my glaucoma drops, which happen to come from -- India! Who knew?

  26. The dinner menu sounds fabulous. I bet Frank appreciated those oatmeal cookies. Oh my, Marie's lemon pie, how yummy. Love seeing the snow bunny.

  27. Oh a bunny! We haven't had any bunnies since coyotes discovered they were in the neighborhood. Sad!
    That pie looks delicious and easy is a good thing.
    Keep warm in all that snow.
    Glad you made it to the market. Your market review is about the same for me. I haven't seen many holes, but some prices have indeed gone up.
    Love your paintings including the bookmarks. I liked what you did on the boats too.
    Happy Wednesday!

  28. I'd enjoy that lemon pie while I'm bird-watching. Our Kroger is fairly well stocked, though there are some exceptions.

    We're enjoying "Around the World..." as episodes are released. I liked the new "All Creatures..." but had forgotten about it lol I need to make sure I've got it in my watchlist. I love your bookmarks! We never get enough snow to actually do anything with. Yours looks pretty. Those dancing snowgirls make perfect winter decorations.

  29. I am glad that there is so much beauty in your life. Ypu capture it so well in your blog!

  30. What a wonderful world you create with lockdown and being snowed-in. Birdwatching Lizzie, painting (I think it's lovely) and baking are wonderful pastimes. Pretty much the same here, still staying inside with so much unusual cold weather. The lemon ice-box pie looks delicious. That was my favorite pie when I was growing up, my mom made it a lot. It was so light and refreshing especially during our hot summers. You've inspired me to make it, I think I have everting I need except a prepared crust but I do have the crumbs to make one. Stay warm and be safe, off to the risky supermarket tomorrow!

  31. Did you update your blog interface slightly? I'm finally reading a post on my work computer after I got it reclassified as a personal website - it was blocked for the longest time so I always read and commented on my phone but finally got it reclassified this week! I think the background is a different color? Looks great!

    Your sunrise photo reminds me of the sunrise photo I shared a couple of weeks ago! So pretty! It's been horribly cold here. -14 this morning w/ a feels like temp of -31. We have had some snow falls lately but usually just a couple of inches. I did the shoveling on Saturday and Sunday of last week and that was a good workout, even though we didn't get much snow. We have a corner lot and our neighbor was out of town so we shoveled for her, so I was out there for quite awhile!

    I'm glad you'll get to celebrate Christmas with the grands. It's kind of nice to stretch out the gift seasons. Kids can get so much at once, it is kind of overwhelming (at least it is for me). So now they will actually be able to focus on what you give them!!

  32. Your lemon pie looks wonderful. I am a big fan and yours looks great.

    My friend Scott shops for me at Aldi. He told me several items have gone up, but because I am a vegetarian, I am not worried about meat. My coffee cream (1/2 & 1/2) has increased by $0.10, but I can live with that. He said eggs were nearly $2.00/doz. It wasn't that long ago, he got them for $0.59/doz. Quite an increase.

    Love your bookmarks. They are beautiful.

    Glad you were able to get the gifts you had ordered for the grands. I am sure a second Christmas will make this a very special year for them.

    I also love Around the World, but only watch All Creatures because it's on before Vienna Blood, my favorite mystery at the moment. I can't understand why more people aren't into it. You are the third person who watches the first two, but don't mention Vienna Blood. I must look for the RFDS. Is it local or on all PBS stations?

    Have a super week Jeanie. thanks for your daily visits to my blog, dear.

  33. Jeanie,
    Joe has reported no shortages here in what we buy and not any big increases in the price of the food we also buy....We have had several days here in the single digits in the mornings and barely getting into the 20's by the end of the day...I am not finished converting the downstairs over from Christmas to Winter/Valentine's so I am relaxing this week and catching up on some things I need to...Plan on doing some crafting too before I start packing up Christmas in the upstairs....So far, we have not had any issues in not receiving our meds on time...Thank Goodness!! Thanks for always stopping by!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  34. I'm trying to get in the mood to paint again too. I have the background to do on a portrait of my grandfather that has had me stymied. My art teacher posted some of her paintings that gave me some inspiration.
    Winter is really starting to get me down. I can't remember when we last went for a walk. I think maybe the day after the big storm over a week ago?
    Our stores have been kind of hit and miss. One store may have big holes, but the next fully stocked. There is no rhyme nor reason to it.

  35. So glad hubby was Covid free and could come home. Now I am hungry for scalloped potatoes and ham. Yum. I have The Vineyard series on my radar on Acorn. Did you watch The Good Karma Hospital on Acorn? It was wonderful- 3 seasons I think. Wish there were more.

    Our stores were pretty well stocked yesterday when I finally made a grocery run. I only go when I have to and then am in and out pretty quick.

    I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week, Jeanie. xo Diana

    ps- I think those might be the prettiest bookmarks I have ever seen!!!!!

  36. I'm glad you're able to spend time with Rick again, and managed to pick a good time to go to the grocery store. Great to hear you're painting some again, and finding plenty to read and watch to keep yourself entertained during all the Wintery weather. I'm sure your neighbour was very grateful for the cookies. Hope you can have that late Christmas celebration with the grands soon.

  37. Funny. My old bird feeder broke. Looking for something else I found another one. Birdies will be happy.

    Yay for meeting Rick!

    Yes, empty shelves, here, also at 07:30-something. As if I was in the East and the wall had never fallen.

    Oh. Christmas end of January! I received a Birthday card yesterday. It only travelled from Hamburg,, nearly around the corner!

    Oh, "RFDS: Royal Flying Doctor Squad" would be something for us! No Netflix here,, as we would get it German only :-(
    I made a note of the series, when it´s out on DVD I´ll get it, thank you!

    How is your painting not perfect - it´s beautiful! Great idea with the bookmarks, too. Niece loves reading, new motivation here :-)
    Outside, though... eeeeek. Great sunrise, though. And neighborhood. Snowgirls :-)

  38. That's a beautiful sunrise Jeanie. Funny, though, a beautiful sunset makes me feel happy and calm, a beautiful sunrise makes me feel slightly apprehensive. I think it must be that old Shepherd's Warning thing, although I never noticed if that works out in real life though.

    Those are beautiful bookmarks, too nice to use, almost. I want to do some more painting, although right now I am entirely swamped with the negatives that I've been scanning.

  39. What a nice post, Jeanie. Happy to see you are able to grocery shop, though the meat prices are quite high! We shopped on our way from out of town hoping to find more availability but unfortunately did not. Our local store has been quite bare in the meat and dairy aisle. Your snow is lovely. So glad a neighbor came to your rescue with the shoveling. And particularly glad to hear Rick is negative. Boy, this thing has really changed our lives!

  40. What a fun and warm post for what looks like a pretty cold setting. (Cold, but beautiful. I love snow visually, though being out in it, not so much.) I think your paintings are beautiful, both of them. I paint a little, but haven't attempted water scenes. Glad you can get the groceries you need safely. Here in Portugal, people are masked up when outside, so we feel pretty safe. Congratulations on the homecoming. Have a great day.

  41. What a fun and warm post for what looks like a pretty cold setting. (Cold, but beautiful. I love snow visually, though being out in it, not so much.) I think your paintings are beautiful, both of them. I paint a little, but haven't attempted water scenes. Glad you can get the groceries you need safely. Here in Portugal, people are masked up when outside, so we feel pretty safe. Congratulations on the homecoming. Have a great day.

  42. Jeanie, I always enjoying reading how you fill your winter days. You seem to make the best of the cold weather. It has been really cold here, we normally see milder temps. Perfect weather for reading and hot cocoa…

  43. Good news on Rick’s negative test results, a relief. A darling photo of the bird at the feeder. And that pie looks scrumptious! Good to read you felt comfortable going shopping. We tend to go at slow times also. We are also seeing a few empty shelves for certain products but not so bad really. Your book sounds interesting and thanks for all the tips on the TV shows. As a person who hasn’t painted in a very long time, I think your painting is lovely, as are your bookmarkers. We are expecting another snowfall tomorrow but we might be on the edge of it. How nice of your neighbor to help. Those oatmeal cookies look good. Wrapping paper always looks so colorful and festive. I have not seen a bunny in a long time and yours looks cute through the fence. And talking about cute, thanks for leaving with your dancing snowgirl decoration. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  44. Good morning, Jeanie. Your sunrise is fabulous. Your sweet bunny does look cold. We have seen tracks in the snow, but the bunny has not shown himself.

    Thanks for the link to the wonderful lemon pie. It is a favorite here at our house and I will definitely give the recipe a try.

  45. The pie looks so tasty.
    It has been really cold here too. But, like you, finding many enjoyable things to do.
    I love your colourful bookmarks.

  46. So here's a question, jeannie, if we loved closer and I helped shovel would you bake some oatmeal raisin cookies to share? Fair's fair and, if you helped shovel the snow we may or may not get this weekend, I would certainly do the same for you. Our outings to the local supermarket have shown some items in shorter supply, paper goods being one. We haven't bought any meats recently as we're trying to use what's in the fridge freezer before restocking, but sure we could be in for a surprise.

  47. Ilike that little boat painting and think it is improved now you have some colour in the horizon. It's so hard not to make things look flat, I have that problem too - I find putting something in the foreground helps but not always - sometimes it makes things too crowded, I suppose practise is the thing - I don't and should. But the boat is lovely and I think you should frame it now. Your snow looks scary, I am so afraid of slipping over I probably wouldn't venture out!

  48. Ooh, pie! What a wonderful neighbor you are and what a lovely neighborhood you live in. Found your blog via Rain. Your watercolor painting is awesome.

  49. Nice painting and lovely food. Visiting from Rain's.

  50. Your and Rick's meals always sound so scrumptious.
    Those bookmarks are gorgeous.

  51. You do winter well, Jeanie! You are actually making me miss the cold and snow! I have noticed here in Florida that there are definitely some shortages - cream cheese, for one; bottled water, certain cheeses that I like,and the other day, the milk cases were all but empty.
    Enjoy celebrating Christmas with the grand kids, and stay warm!

  52. A most beautiful and delicious post my friend.

  53. Nice watercolors and bookmarks! I think I might like that Broadway book. Does it include the musical "In My Life," which had a short-lived run on Broadway in 2005? I saw that one. Very strange show.

  54. I love your painting and your bookmarks!! I really love how you did the boats! I'd LOVE a piece of that lemon pie too! So happy to hear that Rick tested negative!!! ♥

  55. I'm so glad you have some sunshine to go with that cold weather and sure glad Rick tested negative. Your photos are all gorgeous and your goodies sure do look delicious! Have a fantastic Friday and a great weekend Jeanie. :)

  56. Your paintings are so beautiful and reminiscent of warmer days. Those cookies look delectable!

    I love After Life. However the most recent season I have only watched the first 2 episodes so far. At the end of the last season it looked like things were lightening up for Gervais' character but then the writing went dark again! I have to give it another try as I love the concept and the feeling behind it. I just want him to find some happiness. Regardless it is a brilliant show filled with heart.

  57. Those are the most beautiful bookmarks I have ever seen!
    Glad Rick tested negative! Yahoo!
    And Lemon Pie and Oatmeal Raisin Cookies... YUM!
    Stay warm my friend!
    Have a beautiful weekend!

  58. You are a busy woman! Well done.
    I love the book marks!

  59. What a lovely post, full of good things, I did enjoy it thank you.
    The sunrise over the backyard is just beautiful.
    Nature provides such wonderful colour.

    Enjoy your weekend.
    Stay warm and safe.

    All the best Jan

  60. Love the bookmarks and the dancing snowgirls! So glad Rick was negative!


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