The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, January 1, 2022

2021 in Pictures

Happy New Year, everyone! I love going back through photo files at the end of the year and the images remind me of the highlights -- and sometimes, low lights -- of the year. Here are a few.


Covid rears its ugly head. Vaccines are approved but it will be a couple months before we get them. Meanwhile, the hair continues to grow.

After the horror of the January 6, Joe Biden was sworn in. It hasn't been perfect by any means, but even now, almost a year later, it feels sane. And after four years of tension and insanity, that was a plus. We all needed calm.  Well, at least I did.


Our oldest grand-toddler turned four! Barely vaxed (first shot), we took a chance and celebrated with them.

Snow. It's Michigan. I happens. I don't love it -- but it IS pretty! And I got my second vax. It felt a bit like things were lifting.


Time to prep for an early April Easter! There was painting of other things too, but doing the faux eggs was fun!

Finally fully vaxed, we could see friends we'd missed for aged -- without masks!


And, being fully vaxed, Rick got his hair cut. (Jeanie did not.)



Spring at last! Joy!

We celebrated Easter with Little Toddler and his dad. It was a perfect day -- sunny enough to go to the park and have an egg hunt!

Harry the Heron returned to the Ditch.



Beautiful weather brought more walks to the Ditch -- and Harry watching!


We had our first Cork Poppers gathering in 18 months at Rick's. Rick spent that morning in the ER for what, one month later, we would learn was a pesky kidney stone.


We returned to the lake after opening in June and would spend about 90 days at the cottage between June and November. 

Little Toddler turned three. We were able to celebrate with the boys and their other grandparents up north.

That pesky kidney stone that popped up in June turned ugly and Rick had emergency surgery to have it blasted into oblivion.

July brought overdue family time, too -- celebrating Rick's birthday and my upcoming birthday with cousins David and Bonnie.

I got my first visit with Baby Ben, another cousin's first grandson, and his dad, Mark.


The month kicked off with our annual Art Camp retreat at the lake for my friend Kate and me.

We discovered the return of "Harry North," the up-north heron!

I turned 70 -- and replaced my 2001 car with a new-to-me version! (I still miss my manual transmission.)



The month brought a sad farewell to one of my former graduate advisors as we celebrated his life in Traverse City. While there, I enjoyed time with a former WKAR colleague and a fun ride-around.

Taking an art class, I learned a new technique and enjoyed the challenge of painting in black and white.

We enjoyed time with our friends Pat and Susan hunting for Petoskey Stones on Little Traverse Bay.

 Days were shorter. And sunsets more beautiful. And boosters became available.



The color at the lake was early. And spectacular.


Oddly enough, fall would last a very long time downstate, with trees not fully turning, even into November. But at the lake, on October 3, the trees were blazing with color.

After an overnight in Oberlin, Ohio, we went to our first wedding in -- well, ages.

And, at long last, we saw my extended family together!

We also spent four days toddler sitting.

And, we returned with even greater increased respect for parents who work at home during the pandemic!


The fall color show continued.

At the Ditch, Harry would be spotted by our neighborhood photographer as late as December.

I had a delightful and successful sale, joining with six other artist friends -- another even we missed last year.

 I sold my car! Bye bye, old friend!

After speaking to a masters level theatre design class, I attended their presentations and came back wildly impressed by their talent.

Over Thanksgiving weekend, we saw the toddlers and made a little gingerbread house! 


An early walk, a cheery companion!

We anticipate the holidays!

December brought a long-awaited return visit to Southern Exposure for their holiday walk-about.

And a beautiful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 

It has also brought a terrible surge in the virus with many breakthrough infections, which have touched many I know. I continue to lay low. In the dark days of winter, we look forward to the promise of spring. 

It's only a few months away! Meanwhile, we wish you a safe, happy, healthy New Year, all year long.


  1. A beautiful year, in spite of it all!

  2. Happy New Year, Jeanie! 🎉

  3. My Jeanie, you certainly had a very busy year despite Covid. I enjoy your zest for life. Somehow I missed that you got a new card. Congratulations on that. Please stay safe out there. I too am now hearing about more people being infected. So sad but thankfully those that are fully vaccinated appear to be managing it all. All the very best to you and Rick in 2022.

  4. What a lovely look back in words and photos of your wonderful life. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE every photo and every thought. Can't believe we went from no vaccine to booster to new outbreaks in a single year, though. Happy new year, dear Jeanie.

  5. Jeanie, it's so nice looking back at old photos. I've been doing that lately too, and keeping some and deleting others from years ago. I remember many of the photos you shared. That gingerbread house with your grandson says it all. I LOVE that picture. And your Autumn is just beautiful. You look so pretty at the table with the black-eyed susans. That Easter bunny cake is delightful, and the painting of the Easter eggs looks like so much fun, very creative, Jeanie. I smiled when you said, "almost a year later, it feels sane." I know what you mean. Your vintage New Years card is so cute, and you know how much I love the RED.

    Happy New Year Jeanie. Thanks for your blog friendship all these years. I look forward to more of your wonderful posts this year.


  6. Looks like all things considered, Jeanie, you had a pretty good year. There were a few bleak spots, but I'm sure that's true for all of us, COVID or not. Let's hope that in 2022 we can finally put COVID behind us, or devise ways to live with it.

  7. A lovely textured year in photos and memories
    Prayers in 2022 for good health and happiness!

  8. The hair-pic :-) Sorry to say, but... very cute.

    Calm, yes. We had the orange baby on our German news all the time - and not in an enjoyable way.
    Now we hear not a thing.

    Love how the younger one looks on in joy, no jealousy, cute, that is love!

    Uh. A lot of snow there!

    Argh. Still did not try water-colors.

    Super-, wonderful-pic with you and your friends!

    Great Spring-pic, the smile, the jump, the shadow - art!!!!

    And Harry, of course. Elegant.
    Uh. And... precise.

    Kidney-stone. Spooky. Ingo had that, too. Brrr.... The body can get weird.

    Beautiful family pic. I think it reads "Party Animal"? The way the pic came out is much better, though! LOL.

    Yay for hospitals and I don´t like them...

    The pic with the two baseball-caps is too cute.

    Art, oh, I miss it now. Harry looks like he´s taking off!

    70. Pffft. You pass for much younger - do you need your ID for buying wine still?
    Oh, I hate automatic cars. Always have to put my left leg behind the seat to not do anything stupid ;-)

    Sad about lost ones but the pic with the seats is .... wonderful.
    Black and white scenes always remind me of people I never met. Which is sad. But it has also the good.

    Shorter days. Always make me sad, but the sunsets sure make up for that.

    Yay for weddings. And family.

    Wow on the sale!!

    Sad with the car. I really did cry after we sold our huge "baby".

    The house is super-cool.

    A cat-calendar, oh, funny times.

    Thank you, this was a wonderful post - to a Happy New Year, Jeanie!

  9. Happy New Year. Great memories - may we all make many happy memories throughout 2022 :)

  10. Wonderful photos. Happy New Year to you and yours! Hugs, Valerie

  11. I also love looking back on the photos we've taken during the year - and what a year it's been! I think here in France our fall colours were more spectacular than we usually get them, so that was a little bit of light in the long tunnel of 2021. Happy New Year and bonne santé as we say here in France - may it be a year of good health for you both xx

  12. Hello Jeanie,

    I enjoyed your look back at 2021, even with Covid you had a wonderful year.
    Beautiful collection of photos, fun times with family and friends. Take care and stay safe! I wish you and your family all the best in 2022! Happy New Year!

  13. I really enjoyed your year!
    Your smile is amazing, seeing the grandies. I miss ours.

  14. A lovely recap! Great idea and a very healthy woderful New Year to you and use..

  15. It's great looking back and appreciating all of the wonderful things that did happen!

  16. Oh, Jeanie- I just loved this year in pictures. So many of them are just so precious and others just make me feel like I am right there with you. God bless you and hubby in 2022. Let's hope it is a safe, healthy one for all of us- xo Diana

  17. What a wonderful recap of a year that started out so promising. Recent increases in the virus, and within our family, have left us a bit hesitant as we begin 2022. We will be keeping a low profile too. Thanks for the entertaining posts throughout the year, Jeanie. 70 looks good on you.

  18. What a lot of work to put this together! Hope you enjoyed the process as much as I enjoyed the results.

  19. I am going to keep my eyes peeled for the stones when I'm on the North Shore next summer, God Willing.
    Happy New YEAR!

  20. Beautiful retrospective, Jeanie -- and a great way to remember that, despite COVID, the year wasn't all bad. Looks like many opportunities to connect with family and friends, lots of beauty to enjoy, lots of beautiful artwork that you made. (Lots of pretty darn delicious food, too!) Here's to even more of the same in 2022! Happy New Year! xx

  21. A beautiful tribute to a year that has been trying for certain. I am thankful that you were able to be out a bit and enjoy time with friends and family. It is so true that we need our tribes!

  22. Wonderful Happy photos and so many lovely memories. Thank you for sharing your colourful year

  23. Looking back over the year :) It looks like you have many happy memories.

  24. Jeanie, what a lovely year. Such great photos and happy memories, even in our crazy world. My favorite photo is the second one of Harry - you can really see his markings. He is a handsome guy, I know you enjoy him.

    Wishing you, Rick and family a happy, healthy, New Year!

  25. Beautiful post!
    Happy New Year! :)

  26. I hope you have a healthy and FUN 2022, Jeanie!

  27. I enjoyed your review of 2021. Looks like you had some special times even though we are living in uncertain times. It's nice to have photos that bring back the good times along with the memories. Hope 2022 will be even better for you filled with new memories and lots of stories.

  28. Lovely recap of your year.
    Wishing you a very happy new year!
    Darling pictures with the kids.

  29. A lovely post and look back ...
    Wishing you, Rick and all the family a happy and healthy New Year.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  30. What a nice retrospect from last years posts. Happy New Year! Janice

  31. I'd say mostly it was a good year for you. I find it interesting how we had so much hope with the vaccines and now we are back with this omicron scare. But it is still better than it was. Hopefully no more kidney stone scares for Rick and life can be as close to fun and normal as it can be right now.I hope 2022 has started in a good way for you Jeanie. Hugs-Erika

  32. Great recap, Jeanie! The photos of the toddlers are adorable!

  33. Great review in words and pictures of a difficult period for all of us!
    I like the emphasis on the positive and beautiful aspects of life in those days.

  34. Great photos! I hope 2022 is every bit as wonderful!

  35. What a great way to look back at the year. I'm glad there were so many wonderful things to look back on, despite all the not so good things thrown in. Happy New Year. Hope this one is a fantastic one for you and Rick.

  36. In spite of it all, you did extremely well. Happy new year to you and Rick!

  37. Photos are such a great way to document the past year. In spite of Covid you have really gotten back into life. I hope we will be able to do the same here but still cautious with the new strain everywhere. Cheers.........

  38. Dear Jeanie,
    Well, here we are in 2022 and I am wishing you a Happy season of well being, good health and continued artistry and joy.
    I am most certain that you and I could never have imagined in our "mature," years of living in such a unusual environment!
    I suppose we are resilient by now and that has worked in our favor.
    I think back to the visit you paid to Texas a few years back and how much we enjoyed our luncheon together.
    You were a doll then and you are now!
    Happy New Year my friend!

  39. Beautiful photos and great times, despite all that was going on, and continues to go on. I'm grateful to have "met" you this year and thanks for the reminder that Coffee Light needs an update. It's on my list for this week. Take care and healthy, happy and safe wishes for the year ahead.

  40. A lovely recap Jeanie - always good to remember the highs as well as the rest! I do hope 2022 is a great one for you and your new wheels! With lots more family reunions and cork popper gatherings!
    Wren x

  41. A wonderful roundup of beautiful pictures Jeanie.
    A very rich year indeed 👏👏👏
    Thank you for sharing ❤️

  42. I love your review of the year from the long hair on Rick to the ditch and sunsets. Oh 90 days in the cottage and art camp would be a delight. Thanks for sharing your beauty and your little guys too.

  43. Happy and Healthy New Year, Jeanie! This was a wonderful look back at 2021--the good and the few sad/bad times. I hope Rick is completely kidney stone-free from now on! I used to make the same Easter Bunny cake for my children when they were young--good memories. Now I came easter basket cupcakes for the grandchildren.

    I know snow can be a pain but after the recent fires here in December I'll never take snow for granted ever again!

  44. I always enjoy your visits to the ditch and to the lake with your Harrys. Looks like a full year and I pray 2022 is a fun and safe year for us both

  45. What a cheerful and colourful - and interesting - review of a year that certainly had its ups and downs! Thank you!!! Those are great pictures, as always, hard to choose favourites but I like your black and white mountain scene, what a feeling of depth. But the all time favourite has to be the sheer happiness of Little Toddler welcoming Spring in April. I love how his feet aren't even touching the ground. Don't you just remember that kind of happiness when you were little, and you simply HAVE to skip?!

  46. So many great reads.. I haven't read any of these.

  47. Jeanie, what a great year in review was in this post. It was wonderful to see you and Rick and the toddlers and family and everything else. Despite the downfalls of 2021, there were some good times and that was so good to see. We need to remember them and not become fearful or despondent so here's hoping for a good 2022 for all of us.

  48. I enjoyed a review of your year in pictures. 70 looks good on you! Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  49. This was such a beautiful look back at your year! It looks like such a good one, full of reconnecting with family, art, and good times. :)

  50. That's a great round up Jeanie. I love the photos of your grandsons, particularly the one of him jumping, a great capture.

  51. This was fun to read! I forgot how long Rick’s hair got! With all the non-Covid illnesses we have battled lately (which have continued - Will has another ear infection), recency bias would kind of color my view of 2021 as being not awesome? But I know there was a lot of good. We saw a lot of friends, mostly outdoors, and introduced Will to most of our extended families. I met my new niece and spent 4 weekends at the lake. And I enjoyed my time working from home. So there was a lot of good. But this omicron surge has left me feeling pretty blue and defeated and as if nearly everyone is going to get Covid eventually. I keep hearing of break through infections and am just waiting for an email from daycare saying a kid has been exposed… but hopefully it burns out very soon so 2022 can be even brighter than 2021 was!!

  52. A great review of your 2021 Jeanie. Despite the bad times you managed a few good moments with family and friends. Love all the photos of the sunsets and the little blondies :)
    I'm dreading this Omicron variant, just got my booster today!
    Wishing you and Rick a wonderful and healthy 2022.

  53. What a wonderful year you've had. It's nice to make these round-ups and see how much things have changed in an year.

  54. A nice recap of a crazy Year, where I see you focused on the Joys and not so much the sorrows/challenges it brought, things that made it most Memorable are what we should hang onto and Cherish in our Memories. That Joyful April pix of the Grand skipping is EVERYTHING!!!

  55. What a fun way to remember your year! I have been feeling like it's Ground Hog Day lately, we seem to be back in 2020 with Covid shut downs and masking! I hope 2022 will be more normal soon!

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