The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Holiday Decorating -- It's Starting to Come Together

I've started bringing out the fa la la, getting the house decorated for the season. It's a time I always enjoy and yet for some reason, this year I am a little slower, perhaps a bit more deliberate. And maybe that is a good thing. (Cue the music!)

We've had a little snow -- and then it goes. I'm OK with that. I dream of a White Christmas often -- but I'm not that big on the days before and after! 

No "big reveal" yet, but here are a few things that seem to have found their home for the season! 

I love the little bottlebrush trees. I recently moved my computer to the desk I've been using as a book case (because I can't have enough book cases) and since I'm sitting here a lot, I'd better foof it up a little bit!

This is the Marmelade Gypsy -- my sweet boy. I miss him.

Above another cabinet, five of my favorite Santas. I'm slowly weeding down the collection. A few others are elsewhere but these are standing guard!

By the clock, another Santa, more vintage postcards.

Here's a closer look.

The cards were tucked into a lot of places this year! They hide some of the over-clutter in the china cabinet!

I've loved this flocked wreath I've had for several years. And this year I added a few baubles and snowflakes.

Below it, another small tree and a glass Santa in his sleigh. 

I'm in a bit of a slump these days. Rick reminded me I always get depressed in December and he's right. I think the Covid situation is wearing on me. One of our grands has it -- not a bad case -- and so far, the rest of the family is OK. But I worry.

And Rick is headed to a trade show next week for an industry that as a whole is quite non-Covid-compliant -- anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers. When he gets home we will isolate till he has a negative test. I wish they'd cancel the show.


The one thing that does make me laugh these days is this one!

I got her a cat advent calendar from Trader Joe's and it is now her favorite thing. 

We all need a hobby!

And finally, a burst of beauty in an otherwise chaotic world.

The paperwhites have bloomed. And that's a good sign!

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  1. I enjoyed the photo of Marmelade Gypsy! It's fun to see the special Santas in their spots, too.

  2. Covid is making us all weary. The flu is also making ravages; virus A which is included in this year's flu vaccine, is blamed for infecting people of all ages.
    The paperwhites in your last picture, are stunning!

  3. Of course, you're always on my mind when I decorate (minimally). I love that Lizzie is so enthralled with her calendar! (Does it smell of catnip?)Hope your Grand is better by now and that Rick comes home healthy. There is no way I'd want to attend a conference right now. Stay well!

  4. I'm glad to hear the little one isn't too sick but horrible he has covid. You must be really worried. The house is looking good though, and you remind me that I should weed my Santa collect down too. You still have time to finish decorating too. And I have to laugh at Lizzie. I got the dogs advent calendars too. They look forward to their daily treats. This was a fun post Jeanie. Stay smiling. Hugs-Erika

  5. I would love some paperwhites!
    Your decorations are lovely.
    Re: a white Christmas, we're expecting rain Saturday, and there will go our lovely snow!

  6. Covid does put a damper on things. I hope you're somewhat cheered by your beautiful decorations.

  7. I love the picture of the Marmalade Gypsy.
    We never stop missing them do we?

  8. For me, the best thing about Paper Whites . . . the fragrance.
    Although you are tempting me with that photo.
    The white blooms cheer me up like my red Amaryllis does!
    I used to have Paper Whites at Christmas and
    kept them on the stair steps. We could sit in the
    living room and see this sheet of white on the steps
    and catch the fragranced as well!
    It was such a pretty sight! Long, long time ago.

    Sorry to hear about your grandson.
    I hope he continues to do ok.
    How could he get it and none of you others.
    I am weary with all this Covid stuff as well!

    Liking your Christmas touches,
    Old postcards are such a love!
    And the kitty and cat calendar is a hoot!

    I don’t have my zing like usual either,
    we need something to turn ourselves around!
    How about a hug . . . {{{❤️}}} . . .
    Turn up the music . . .

  9. Love the paperwhites!

    If going to a convention with people who might have original COVID I'd have the vaccine. If they might have Delta COVID, which the vaccine won't touch, I'd wear a mask and rinse with *original* Listerine (all antiviral herb oils, no sugar) hourly...and remember most ambulatory people who get either version either don't notice, or have a very mild chest cold. Quarantine for this is mostly just to protect the fragile, like most of Dr. Fauci's surviving friends, bless their poor old HIV-positive hearts.

  10. Oh Jeanie, I am so sorry to hear your grandchild got the virus, that is terrible. It's still such a scary time, and I'll be traveling soon, but only a three hour drive. It was wonderful to see all your Christmas goodies around your home. You always decorate so festively. I have to say the glass Santa really got to me, I liked that one. And the vintage card is so charming. I've always loved the vintage cards. You have a lot of old things that you've kept through the years, and I think that's why I love looking at all of them. The bottle brush trees are so cute, and I've never seen a white one before. Oh, I'd love to get one for my mantel. You already got a little snow? We haven't gotten any yet, but I'm still hoping we will for Christmas. January and February are the coldest months in the mountains, and that's when the snow falls. But last year it was so deep it covered my car. Thank you for sharing your lovelies with us, Jeanie. Everything looks very nice and cozy in your home.


  11. Lizzie is a darling.

    I'm sorry about your family member dealing with covid.

    I get depressed in December. Christmas does it to me.

  12. Aw...the decor looks great. I love it. And SNOW. I heard a report that our weather station did that is an out look for the next ten yrs....NO SNOW. Maybe a flurry here and there but our days of snow is pretty much gone. My five inches last yr was a flunk!

  13. Your decorations are very cheery, and I hope they lift your spirits quickly. All the risky parts of this December are beginning to get to me also. We cancelled our trip to Costa Rica -- decided that over a month ago. But we are still very sad that we can't go birding there because of all the risks of traveling. So I sympathize with you as Rick heads off.

    best... mae at

  14. I really can´t remember the last white Christmas. When we were kids this was normal. Now... nope.
    Ilook at books over my work PC, too. Distracting, LOL.

    Gypsy sure was the cutest Santa!

    Yes, here, too, cases pop up, also. Scary.
    But I can say... inside I haven´t seen any person without a mask. Other than little kids. Hope your Rick comes home negative and maybe with another Santa!

    Bet the calendar smells incredible (to cats). And beautiful last pic, enjoy the time!

  15. How lovely and welcoming and cosy your home looks with your decorations up, I can see you have lots of special things there, I love the little woolly sheep. I think lack of sunlight in Winter has a huge impact on many of us mentally, myself included, so I hope you feel better.

  16. Lots of lovely decorations. Glad lizzie likes her present! Hugs, Valerie

  17. Hello Jeanie,
    Your decorations look so pretty and festive. I hope your grandson recovers quickly and Rick stays virus-free. Lizzie looks very happy with her advent calendar, love the framed image of your sweet Gypsy. The Paperwhites are lovely, I should growing some next year. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

  18. I think and think and think about all the activities that I have been asked to participate go...or not. I end up with a mishmash of skipping this and going to this that really doesn't make any sense at all.

    It's really such an awful time, such a stressful time. Know that my thoughts are with you, Jeanie.

  19. It is very disturbing to hear that one of the little guys has COVID. Let's us all hope that with the resilience of childhood he will get through it. Bring us good news of him soon, Jeanie.

  20. Marmalade Gypsy was so lovely. Thank you for sharing her. I loved seeing all of your Christmas photos! So beautiful! I don't have a lot of Christmas stuff now due to the move, but I will gather it all again hopefully! I am feeling a bit blue as well. So not like me this time of year. I think Covid is wearing thin on all of us. I hope and pray and both Rick and yourself will be okay after the event he needs to attend. It would be a real worry. Love, hugs and Merry Christmas wishes! xoxo

  21. Happy holiday is coming. Please take care in cold weather.

  22. You know me -- I think that snow is the best decoration! It's a bit odd to read posts like yours, re: the pandemic. Down here, life is different, to say the least. Apart from a visit to the eye doc and the a couple of visits to the dentist, I haven't worn a mask since I didn't need one to buy food, and most others don't, either. No one fusses at or ridicules those who do, but I'm glad we've moved past that. In my area, our case rate's been plunging, and so have hospitalizations. I just looked at the stats, and in the last week there have been just sixty-six cases recorded. That'sthe Christmas gift I wish for you and everyone up there -- freedom from what I like to call the Demon Virus!

  23. Lovely decorations, nice to have a bit of Christmas cheer. I share your trepidation with crowds. I'll wear a mask to protect myself, even though I've had the first two jabs plus the booster. And I don't care what anyone else thinks about me in a mask, it's my health I am protecting. I hope your grand recovers soon. Take care of yourself!

  24. Just that diagnosis could send me into a slump poor Little..Does he go to daycare? Could be there..My thoughts are with you so that he gets better soon and no one else gets it..Keep unslumps:)

  25. Enjoy your posts. Hope your decorations inspire your spirit. Merry Christmas.

  26. I love Christmas and have already decorated. You need the light during these dark times in Sweden.
    You have really a lot of nice Christmas decorations, and far more than me.
    I hope you and Rob and your families have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  27. Wondeful decorations ! Inspires me to start my home decoration this weekend!

  28. I haven't seen a paper white in years and I used to love them. You have so many wonderful holiday things, it's always fun to see them. The cat advent calendar is a hoot.

    By the way, the email address you've been using for me is closed and no longer works.

  29. I cracked up at your description---Over clutter in the cabinets(so lets just put cards to cover it up)...Hee---hee.
    I was supposed to cull and reduce Christmas clutter this year, but am finding I want to put everything OUT...! Love all your vintage, and it's only once a year, so let it GO! lol, Have a Happy Holiday Season, Sandi

  30. You truly have the holiday spirit. Excellent decor!

  31. Love those bottle brush trees.

  32. I love bottle brush trees, old postcards, and paperwhites! It is definitely looking like Christmas at your house. Jeanie, I purged a box of decorations this week, it was hard, but time to let go. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  33. Lizzie and her card are so sweet.
    Happy Holidays.

  34. I'm so sorry to read about the grandchild. and sorry Rick has to go to that industry show. Scary times.

    Love seeing the cards and the sneak peek. I love the little tree and the bottle brush trees. I had some bottle brush trees at one time and now I can't find them. I'm sick about it, too. Hope your depression improves dear friend. It happens about this time of year, that's for sure and you are NOT alone.

  35. Lovely Jeanie. You're getting me in the mood to decorate.

    I pray your grandson gets well soon, Rick doesn't catch covid and none of the family.
    Love Cath in Australia

  36. Your Christmas decor is so festive, Jeannie. I like how you intermingled it amongst your books and treasures. I love the bottle brush trees, it was so cool to find the old ones at antique stores years ago. I, myself, never collected them but I have my fair share of Shiny Brite ornaments!

    I'm so sorry about your grandson. Godspeed to him. And a little snow down here would make me happy...we have rain forecasted this afternoon.😒. Not what I had in mind.

    Jane x

  37. Hi Jeanie. I do love your bottle brush trees and I just swoon every time I see your lovely clock. It is a real treasure.
    I think we all are way over Covid. It has truly over-stayed its welcome and I do wonder when it will leave. In WV (our little state) we are having 1,000 new cases each day. I am so sorry about your grandson - and I know you must be most concerned about Rick. Your spirits may be low, but it doesn't show.

    Have a great weekend!

  38. Such pretty Christmas deco Jeanie. Love the bottle brush trees. So sorry to hear about one of your littles getting covid. Prayers for the family.

  39. That lil French bear speaks to me. How cute! I am still trying to finish up my decor. So little time now. Just finished my one tree this afternoon, now I have to do my large one, other wise it will just have lights on it. LOL I am also a fan of bottle brush trees and I spotted some of your sweet ones too! Janice

  40. Jeanie, I’m so sorry to hear one of the boys has Covid. I pray the rest of his family stays safe. That’s terrible about Rick going to this trade show where they don’t give a darn about this virus. I love your decorations and I love your old clock. Does it still work? I get how you’re not feeling it this year. All I’ve been doing is going to doctors, more doctors and tests. MRI for my back and next week CT of my head and ultra sound of my arteries in my neck. I’ve fallen 3 times within the past month or so, along with dizziness. I’m glad our place is decorated and I’m trying to get packages wrapped. Other than the two youngest grandkids, everyone else is getting gift cards. I’m not in the mood to shop other than through the internet.

  41. Holiday decoration is always so fun! Lovely Post dear! xoxo

  42. I just found this article about a hospital in Lansing. It made me wonder about the vaccination rate in your area. I found a site that keeps a running total for the counties where I spend my time, and in some the rate is over 70%. That surely makes a difference; I was astonished to read there are places in the country where the rate's still in the thirty per-cent range. Sometimes, I just don't understand people. I didn't mean my previous comment to minimize things there -- it's just that our situation is so very different.

  43. Sorry about the sick grand - hope he's better soon, and nobody else gets sick. I'm also sorry about your depression setting in, and hope your holiday decorations are helping with that at least a little. I put mine up a couple of days ago.

  44. I enjoyed seeing your Christmas decorations. I love the felt ornaments! :D I especially like the little flocked tree by Santa in his sleigh. I would like to purchase several small trees when they go on sale after Christmas. Your paperwhites are so pretty! Mine aren't even growing yet....just about an inch long stem on each bulb!

  45. Cute and cozy decorations, Jeanie. It's easy to fall into depression this time of year. I feel so bad for those who cannot make ends meet, let alone do up Christmas. Sickness, particularly Covid, is worrisome enough, but when illness hits home, its almost too much. I hope you find joy in all these little things you do each day Jeanie, and I hope your grandchildbrecovers fully & quickly.

  46. Jeanie, I'm so sorry to hear about the babygrand's infection and Rick's upcoming conference -- I hope all is well with everyone's family, and I hope Rick's post-conference isolation proves completely unnecessary.

    That's a lot to have on your mind... so whether you are managing to do all this beautiful decorating is despite these concerns, or because of them... well, we are the beneficiaries. You have a gift for creating lovely and engaging arrangements from your collections, and I appreciate your sharing them with us.

    And, OMG, the picture of Lizzie with her Advent Calendar is hilarious! Lucky cat!

  47. I am so sorry to hear one of your grands has the virus. Prayers for all the family!
    I love your decorations…
    IDecember is a rough month for many and a Covid does not helps matters. I will keep you in my prayers, Jeanie!

  48. It kinda feels like Christmas, almost. No snow here, but I look at photos instead.
    Virus is still active.

  49. We are praying for you and yours. Stay safe.

    Your photos are beautiful. Makes your house magical.

  50. Beautiful flowers and of course all your Christmas goodies are so pretty.
    This week I popped into a couple of thrift shops and bought quite a few nice Christmas decor items, and distributed them through the Entry hall, living and dining room.
    Sorry one of your grandkids has the virus, I hope he gets over it quickly.
    We also have anti-vaxxers here sadly...on Thursday I visited a friend and one of her guests was one, who went on and on why he wouldn't get vaccinated even though he will be losing his job because of that, as he works for the Police.

  51. Everything looks festive, Jeanie! I had a laugh about the cat advent calendar! Yes, Covid is wearing us all down, especially when news keeps coming about variants, and such. Sorry to hear your little grand has it.

  52. Hi Jeanie!
    Everything is festive and cute! It takes a while to get out the Christmas deco and set it all out doesn’t it! We had thunder and lightning yesterday morning, the pouring rain, and by early afternoon it was snowing again! Crazy weather! Merry Christmas from Traverse City!

  53. Yes, Covid is wearing us all down, our little grand-nephew and his Dad had it recently ... fortunately they are well now.
    Sorry to read about your little one catching it, hopefully he will be better soon.
    Your paperwhites look lovely.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  54. I am late coming to this post. I hope your little grand is feeling better and everyone else in the family is OK. It is sooo depressing for sure.
    Love seeing your decorations!!! The postcard idea is great. I haven't even brought my postcards out. I need to do that. Thanks for the inspiration.
    I don't think I saw the pet advent calendar. Joey would have loved it. Glad Lizzie is getting special treats. I can see why it would be a favorite.

  55. I love all your decorations, Jeanie! Every year I say I'm not going to do as much and then end up doing the same as every other
    I hope your grand is feeling better and that Rick comes home healthy from the conference. Children seem to do OK with covid--they have strong immune systems. Being fully vaccinated and boosted should help Rick be OK even if he gets infected, but it is wise to quarantine or do a home test for covid.


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