The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Still Home: This is What 70 Looks Like!

What a good birthday week! On Sunday, we had fun with the Little Boys and their mom (check it out here if you haven't already) and on Monday time with a friend I'd not seen in ages. Then Wednesday was my birthday and the day I registered my new used car! 


It was Rick's mom's -- he drove it up from Texas! And I love it. Just the first part of a good day!

It was fun opening the birthday cards and gifts I'd saved to open on the day. Then I went down to Rick's for dinner. I arrived a little early! He was still arranging flowers!

I think he did pretty well! 

Then delicious cheese, bread and wine. He bought a bottle of a 2016 Italian Barolo wine, for our celebration -- $1 for each of my seven decades -- which was incredibly generous. And delicious! 

It was so good, we never wanted it to end!  

Dinner followed. Rick grilled up steaks and we had corn and a wonderful salad. Then presents. I will be saying goodbye to my flip phone and land line soon!

 Four of our good friends joined us for cake a little later in the evening. We hadn't all been together for awhile and it was great to catch up.

This is a great way to take care of candles during Covid! It worked like a charm and my wish will come true!

After the candles were dimmed we brought out more candles and sat around and talked until the lightning in the west was a little too flashy and bright, the thunder a little too loud. 

They hit the road just as the first raindrops started. And those raindrops didn't stop. The next morning I started bailing my  basement -- not deep water, really. But a lot of it. Poor Lizzie didn't surface all night long and I didn't sleep any too well either with the lightning flashing through the bedroom curtains and the thunder booming. Meanwhile, I leave you with one more photo. This is what 70 looks like.

Very happy.

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  1. Happiest Birthday! Your smile is brilliant!
    Looking younger than 70 for sure. Nice new wheels there as well. And grilled steak dinner with flowers!

  2. Happy birthday! What a wonderful celebration! Im so happy for you.

  3. Belated Happy 🎂Birthday wishes to you, Jeanie, and that milestone looks pretty darn good on you. It looks like you had a great celebration with wine, good food, good friends and of course presents. Will you be sharing what they were in a future post? Good luck with the new (used) car too and just in time for your special day!

  4. Forgot to add that the rain was a bummer especially since the cellar was a bit flooded (again) and the lightning and thunder kept you awake.

  5. Happy Birthday, Jeanie! What a great celebration. You look great and oh so happy in that last photo. 70 never looked better!

  6. Happy happy birthday Jeanie! I think you had an exciting day. Nice new used car, and what a good way to get one! That was sweet of Rick to drive it up, and to get you that bottle of wine. And I must say, you do look beautiful with your hair up too. I hope the rest of your birthday week is as wonderful as it started out. Hugs-Erika

  7. Looks like a wonderful birthday! How very normal looking after so much madness. Nice to have a car that you know the history. Happy happy birthday!

  8. Happy, happy birthday, Jeanie! What a lovely gathering - incredible wine ( I assume, haven't had it). The car is great - you just can't go wrong with a Toyota in my opinion. In my mind you are much younger than seventy! -Jenn

  9. Shanley Belle told me about all the storms and power outages! I think the candle idea should be a permanent thing. Seriously blowing out candles has always grossed me out.

    Happy Birthday, Sweet Friend!

  10. Jeanie,
    Happy Birthday again as I wished you a Happy Birthday on face book!! Love your new to you car and 70 looks darn good on you my friend!!Sorry about having to bail the water out of your basement but it looks like you had a wonderful day!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  11. If I hadn't gone to Sandra's blog on Thursday playing catch up as I've done most of this bamboo laden month, I would not have known about your birthday. NOW I have it on record (in my calendar), so it won't be a surprise again. It's too bad the thunder storm had to break the mood of your birthday week, but it sounds wonderful otherwise. Gosh, I'd love to get a car on my birthday. What a splendid treat. Even this vegetarian thinks that steak looks pretty decent! Again, happy belated birthday, dear friend.

  12. Happy Birthday, Jeanie, glad you had such a wonderful day. Welcome to the 70s! Great new car, too. Have a good weekend, take care, hugs, Valerie

  13. Happy Birthday. You've aged much better than I have done.

  14. Happy birthday! It sounds like - apart from the storm related issues - it was an awesome birthday week. Sounds like Rick made your birthday dinner super special.

  15. Happy 70 birthday Jeanie, you look great. The birthday day and celebration with Rick and your friends sounds lovely. The flower arrangement is pretty, Rick did a great job. We have the same car, same color and we love it. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  16. What a great birthday, Jeanie! I was so happy to see your birthday pictures, and now to read the background stories of each. My daughter recently traded her truck for a Corolla (!) and she is very pleased with its economy. So sorry you had the issue of water again. Its an innate sense when the storms approach, knowing which ones will be the bad ones, isn't it? You're going to love your new phone and the pictures it will take! It will be interesting to see if it influences how much you use your camera in the future (just for ease of carrying if nothing else).

  17. What a wonderful birthday you had. So happy for you. Love your “new” car. Much better for traveling up north and for Lizzie too..
    Rick did the meal up perfect for you.! Wine looks delicious. Enjoy you seventies! Love, Pat

  18. Happy Birthday Jeannie. You look fabulous and what a nice celebration. Rick did good! :-)

  19. It sounds and looks like you had a wonderful birthday week!

  20. You look lovely for your 70th birthday, Jeanie! It sounds like your entire day was fabulous, especially topped off with good friends and great wine. The same storm came through Meijer Gardens as their summer concert was to begin. We were supposed to see the group America, but they cancelled it and we lost power at the cottage. So happy the storm held off for your big day!

  21. 70 looks beautiful on you! Happy, Happy Birthday! Wishing you all good things in the year ahead.....your birthday celebration surely started things off on the right foot!

  22. Happy Birthday! 70 is just a number. LOL!

  23. 70 looks bright and beautiful! Happy Birthday and all best wishes for many more such wonderful moments!

  24. Such a lovely birthday celebration Jeanie. A new car, Rick making dinner and arranging flowers and cake and friends makes 70 look like a great milestone birthday. Looking beautiful and no way do I believe that number! Happy weekend............

  25. At the risk of repeating myself lol...because I got blogger error..
    He's a keeper!!!
    How thoughtful the special wine and floral arrangement.
    Great set of wheels!
    Jeanie you make 70 look fun and youthful:)
    Happy Belated birthday.:)

  26. Happy Birthday sweet Jeanie! So glad you had a wonderful day!

  27. Happy birthday! This was my 70th year, too.
    Great way to blow out the candles. :)

  28. You don't even look 50 yet. Happy Birthday from Australia honey!!!!
    Love Cath

  29. It sounds like such a special birthday. How exciting to be getting a new phone and receiving a new to you car. Rick really made your day extra special. I love that he bought a special bottle of wine, flowers, and a lovely meal; then included friends for cake.70 looks good.

  30. Happy Happy belated Birthday Madame Marmelade Gypsy!!
    Thank you for all the sweet post!
    Keep them coming

  31. Happy Birthday, Jeanie. It looks as though your day was perfect. Your dinner looks scrumptious and the flowers are so pretty. What a way to begin your new year. And, not to mention the car, you will enjoy it I am certain.
    Again, a Happy Birthday!

  32. Happy Birthday you gorgeous, vibrant and beautiful 70 year old!

  33. 70?! I don't believe it! You certainly look younger :)

    A belated Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a great time!

  34. Congratulations! The flowers whose color match the color of Rick's tea shirt, are superb! Enjoy the car and all the other presents/cards you've got for your birthday celebration!

  35. Happy Birthday!!!! Looks like a great time was had by all !

  36. Happy birthday my sweet friend. What a lovely celebration.

  37. HaPpY you. Nice car. Looks like an amazing get together.

  38. Happiest of new decades to you, dear Jeanie!

    Love the new car! I hope you have many many miles of smiles to come.

  39. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Glad it was good! That steak looks pretty good too!

  40. Happy Birthday Jeannie! What a perfect celebration! The wine must have been such a treat.

  41. Darlin;, you look MARVELOUS! Happy Birthday!

  42. Happy Birthday Jeanie. You look great at 70. Nice car and lovely celebration. Too bad about the water.
    Take care. Thelma xo

  43. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a great time with some dear friends. And that car, wow! What a gift. I've always loved those flowers, the color is so brilliant. Glad you had a wonderful birthday Jeanie!

  44. Oh, Jeanie, I feel soooo silly right now.
    I so "dread" my Birthday. I will leave the 4. But, pffft, if the 7 is like this, I should just not care and tell myself it´s but a number, right?
    What a wonderful, cheerie post!
    And, mind you, "sorry" to say this, but you sure could pass much, MUCH younger :-)
    Do you still have to show your ID if you wanna buy wine, too? ;-)
    Ohhh, and thunder, what a pressie! So romantic! The water, though... not so much!
    Ohhhh, the 70´s!! And bread and cheese as parting pic! Hungry and happy here!

  45. You absolutely make 70 look fabulous! What a gift to celebrate with those you love.

    I'll be thinking of you when I turn 66 in a few weeks. You've given me a healthy perspective, friend!

  46. Happy birthday! You look great.
    Looks such a lovely celebration, I enjoyed all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  47. Happy birthday! You don't look 70 at all!

  48. Jeanie, your birthday celebration was perfect! The car, the dinner that Rick prepared, cards and presents, and seeing friends made for a delightful day! Happy birthday my friend!

  49. Jeanie you look absolutely beautiful, I agree with David. What a great time you have had, Rick is a diamond. I'm sorry to be late, so I wish you a very happy birthday year xx

  50. Happy birthday, Jeanie! Aloha from Hawaii. I love your new car. Very nice! And what a beautiful birthday party Rick hosted for you. I love how you blew out the birthday candles with the fan. Very clever! What a great day for you.

  51. A beautiful birthday celebration. The steak looks delicious and oh the yummy cake.
    Happy Birthday wishes Jeanie.

  52. If this is what seventy looks like, then seventy is beautiful! Happy birthday, my friend!

  53. My heartfelt congratulations for your birthday. May you have many more healthy and happy ones.

  54. Happy Birthday!!! It looks like a fantastic day! The flowers, the cake, the wine, the friends. All of it!

  55. Happy Birthday Jeanie! Looks like u had lot of fun!

  56. Happy Birthday to you! You look amazing! You are glowing with happiness.

  57. 70 looks happy :) What a celebration! May the coming year bring you even more joy.

  58. Happy Belated Birthday Jeanie. Your car looks super and how exciting to get it registered, and with such a lovely connection to your mom-in-law. Your celebration looked outstanding and such pretty flowers. Taking note of that wine! We are due for a trip to the store. Great photos of this delightful birthday celebration. You all looked very happy :) Too funny about blowing out your candles. It’s a different day isn’t it? I also used a similar technique for my 71st in July. Someone suggested a bellows! Fortunately I don’t have any or that would have been something. Sorry to hear about your basement. That must have been quite a storm. Great photo of you, a lovely smile and a pretty outfit with the flowers, a real pretty photo of you.

  59. 70 sure looks beautiful on you! And it looks like you had a beautiful day to match that radiant smile. Bet you'll enjoy that new phone (and the new car, too). That Rick? And those friends? Keepers, every one.

    Happy Birthday!

  60. What a wondrous birthday.
    You make 70 look good;)

  61. Happy belated birthday, dear Jeanie. You look a gorgeous 70 year old! I love the blouse you're wearing, those colors look great on you. It looks like you had a wonderful birthday - Rick is so sweet to arrange flowers for you and celebrating together with good friends and talk until late at night is just splendid. I hope that this 8th decade will a good one for you.

  62. I am so glad you enjoyed your birthday!
    May this be the beginning of a new year that inspires your smile daily.

  63. Happy Birthday Jeanie! You look radiant in these photos. 70 looks good on you. I hope you had a nice birthday doing all the things you love. The grilled steak dinner looks delicious. And such a sweet gift of black-eyed Susans that Rick put together. What a wonderful day spent with friends.


  64. What a fun post!! And Happy Birthday!

  65. Oh my LORD, I thought you must be about 42 at best! LOVELY! Happy birthday for the rest of your life, Beautiful photos. You do Birthdays very well- keep doing it!!

  66. Oh My Goodness -- I completely missed seeing this blog last week so please accept my great big BELATED birthday wishes! And 70 looks might good on you; you looked happy and lovely. And what a wonderful birthday dinner, and evening. I am 63, very close to 64 in October and was feeling a little "oh my gosh, I am gonna be 64??? WHA???" and then I thought today after seeing this blog, that really, it isn't so bad because look how lovely and happy you look at 70 :) HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY !!!

  67. HAPPY HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND JEANNIE!! Your b/day supper looks DELICIOUS, steak and corn would sure make me very very happy!!--one of my favorite suppers. Looks like you had a grand celebration and pretty flowers on the table and friends stopping by and time with your all looks happy! I love the last picture of you.....your are glowing girlfriend!!!! Hugs!! (ps....70???---NO WAY!)

  68. Jeanie, Congrats on the big birthday and the new to you car! It looks great. It looks like it was a great birthday with family and friends. That's the way it should be! Thanks for sharing and I love the yellow flowers. Have a great week. Sylvia D.

  69. 70 looks good on you! I am glad you had a special celebration with friends! Sounds like Rick made it really special. Phil had a milestone bday yesterday - 40. He will golf tomorrow and Sunday so those are his celebrations. We got take out last night which is what we tend to do for birthdays.

    I forgot to mention in my last comment that Lizzie and Oscar are so similar. Oscar is not a fan of kids. She would never hurt anyone but does a lot of hissing and growling to let kids know to keep their distance. We joke that Will isn’t crawling yet because there isn’t a cat enticing motion like there was with Paul! We are getting her back this weekend while my MIL goes to a class reunion but she will probably go back after her fall vet appt. she has become a very part time kitty for us but we think it’s best since she doesn’t love kids and Joan really values her company!!

  70. Happy Birthday beautiful lady! And yes...70 looks very good on you! And are catching up a little with me! lol We are both in our 70s now! YAY! We'll shake things up with our happy smiles, won't we? Make them wonder what we are up to! lol Sweet birthday hugs coming your way, Diane

  71. Happy Birthday, Jeanie! 70 looks fabulous on you! Keep celebrating!

  72. What a great birthday bash, Jeanie!!! Happiest of birthday months to you!!!!!!! <3 Happy to feature your post at this week's SYS for you (#315). :)

    Love seeing your new car and excited for all the good things coming your way,
    Love and birthday hugs,
    Barb :)

  73. Happy belated birthday Jeanie, your birthday party was great!
    You look happy and wonderful too.
    Congratulation on the "used" new car too, enjoy it.
    Hope the storm didn't do too much damage.

  74. You gotta be kidding about being 70, Jeanie! Maybe your smile makes you look at least 10 years younger? Happy Belated Birthday to you.


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