The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Postcards from the Lake: A Mostly Quiet Life

Now that Rick is recovered from his surgery, we've actually been having a nice time! There have been a couple of rainy days but that's OK -- so long as it's not every day! This van we saw in a restaurant parking lot sums it up pretty well!  

Our little world is quiet, except on weekends, it seems, when all the weekenders return and drive noisy boats! One highlight of the time here was the visit of my cousin David and his wife Bonnie. We celebrated Bonnie's belated and Rick's and my upcoming birthdays, heading out to only the second restaurant meal I've been to in a very long while!

This was a new spot to us -- The Thirsty Sturgeon. And the parmesan crusted walleye was a real treat!

It was there we saw this blast from the past! 

Ah, those were the days!

We've been doing cottage chores. Our neighbor Jim helped Rick repair some screens on the porch that blew out during the winter.

And he made me a lovely birdhouse which I finally got painted! Truth be told, it was not an easy paint job -- lots of crevices!

But it looks so cheerful! And so far, seems to be attracting lots of blue jays.

It looks nice in the back yard reading/grilling nook!

That geranium came from the cemetery flowers I got for my parents' plot. I always keep one and bring it up here. 

It's kind of like having them with me at the lake. 

Apart from the jays at the feeder and the ducks and geese on the lake, I'm not seeing many birds this year, so it was nice to see this gull.

And, I thought I'd share a Lizzie photo, since some of you have asked about her. She's a happy camper except during thunderstorms!

I've been working on weeding the beach -- it's quite a job. Now and then, neighbor Jim runs his tractor through it but he can't get too close to the water with it. But it's getting there!

That's our little house on the left, above, next to the people with no trees. I'll take our shady yard any day.

 I leave you with two views I love every single day -- the daytime view.

And the evening. We've been having some magnificent sunsets with wonderful skies.

It's a nice way to end a quiet day!

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  1. What a beautiful place! I've always wanted to have a view of the water. Is it as magical as it is in my imagination?! :)

  2. A quiet life is nice in the middle of summer. Good friends, good eats, and that crazy blast from the past...our hippie days; but I didn't realize one had to weed the beach. lovely sunset to end your day.

  3. Magnificent days at the lake. I'm glad Rick has recovered and Lizzie is enjoying herself. The restaurant sounds amazing and love the old camper. Sometimes I miss those days of long ago (and sometimes, not, lol). Wishing all of you a very happy birthday. xx

  4. Glad you are enjoying life in your beautiful, shady haven. I loved the 70s vibe from the van, and love, peace and music is the text on a new graffiti journal page I've made. That was my time back then! Hugs, Valerie

  5. That's the way like I my days -with quiet, pastoral views.
    Nice garden sitting corner of two chairs and a round, little table with a geranium flower on its top!
    The sun set is mind-blowing!

  6. Hello Jeanie,
    I am glad you and Rick are having some fun times at the lake. The dinner our and restaurant sound nice. The views of your flowers and of the lake are pretty. I love the sunset shot and the gull photo. Lizzie is looking adorable too. Take care, have a great new week!

  7. To own a property on the shore of a beautiful lake, and then cut down all the trees, seems to be the very definition of idiocy.

  8. What is a cottage without trees? Seriously! Fewer and fewer people have true cottages on our lakes anymore. They turn them in citified homes. I understand the trend but its sad. I love your cottage and your screen porch is perfect. Brings back many memories for me of our cottage.

  9. I love the hippie van! So glad you are enjoying summer life at the lake. :)

  10. Your little lakeside is so cute...almost as cute as the birdhouse! I love how you painted it. :D Our lake is getting "gentrified" unfortunately....all the city folk from Atlanta are ruining the charm of Lake Martin. However, we still have a "lake-y cabin" with as much porch living space as interior space. Life is always good at the lake! Have a lovely Sunday!!!

  11. It's such a shame to see the huge properties alongside the quaint, what has always been in such a rural retreat area. Just keep looking out to the beauty of the boaters and sunsets.

  12. I just love your lake cottage! That sunset is lovely.

  13. What a charming cottage on the lake! I've never thought you'd need to weed the beach. Lovely water views!

  14. Love the way you painted the birdhouse.
    Yes, I remember the days of love and painted vans.
    What a contrast of the house with no trees and your sweet cottage with trees. How I would love being tucked away in the trees and watching those beautiful sunsets. I loved your memory with the flower of your parents too. I noticed you have some flourishing pots of things growing by your cabin too. Basil?

  15. Glad Rick has recovered, and that you're enjoying the Summer days at the lake.

  16. Hi Jeanie! I have, I think, the same coloured geraniums in many of my pots this year. I love your little cottage with its trees. You need something to hold the soil back and your tree roots are doing their job. How was your meal at The Thirsty Sturgeon? Cute name. -Jenn

  17. Such a peaceful lakeside summer retreat! I am happy Rick is doing much better and can enjoy it too. The bird feeder it beautiful. It must be making a lot of winged cuties happy!

  18. Glad you're enjoying lake life, dining and family! Love the hippie van and your red birdhouse!

  19. I love your place, so peaceful (even taking those weekend boats into consideration lol). The bird feeder looks adorable.

  20. Love the contrast between the misplaced house and your cozy, idyllic cottage. Do they live there full time? Your photos, as always, tell lovely stories. Love the cheery birdhouse.

  21. I think your life at the cottage sounds prefect, quiet and lovely.

  22. Looks like such a nice and peaceful place to sit back and soak in. Love the van. know I would have NO issues riding around in something like that! haha

  23. I am *LOVING* that bird house!
    Super cute, and so glad that the blue jays are already visiting it.

    Thanks for this vicarious trip to the lake


  24. Your red feeder is glorious! I have three young bluejays that finally have started coming to mine, and they're hilarious. They still aren't quite sure they should be visiting, so they hover above the thing almost like hummingbirds. That's a lovely sunset photo. Are you getting some of the Saharan dust? We've had a bit; if I get my chores done today I might go out and see if it's still affecting us.

  25. Your lake home is paradise. I hope you have a beautiful day my friend.

  26. I love your little cottage. Can I come live there. My grandson made me a bird feeder identical to yours. Maybe it's time to paint it.

  27. It looks wonderful, Jeanie. I am thinking about sitting under the shady trees with you!..Happy Times..xxoJudy

  28. Life does look good at the lake. And summer is supposed to be low key and relaxed, and I'd say that is what you are doing. And your shady cottage looks like a much happier place than the big open house next to it. Anyone can have a more modern house any place, but a cottage full of memories is special. I like the birdhouse too, even if it was hard to paint. and your plants look great. I think I see basil. Hope you had a fantastic weekend and a great start to the new week. Hugs-Erika

  29. I love your cottage, Jeanie. Just right for peaceful times! The bird feeder is darling painted red. We had to remove ours as something is killing songbirds on the East Coast. I'm so glad to hear Rick is well and enjoying the summer by the water.

  30. Jeanie,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! The cottage is so really must enjoy it so much there....Love the red bird feeder....Stunning sunset!!
    I hope you had a great weekend!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  31. What a treat to see your wonderful house on the lake. You look great! I’m sorry I don’t pop in more often. It is always a delight to see what’s happening in your world. You look beautiful and happy and well. Hugs.

  32. "The People With No Trees" - sound like a good title for a movie! What a peace of heaven you have on that lake - it's nice to get the perspective of where you're actually situated!

  33. How sweet of your friend to make that birdhouse. It turned out lovely with your incredible paint and drawings.

    The reason for the incredible sunsets is due to the fires on the west coast. Beautiful views from your little bit of heaven on earth.

    Are you watching Unforgotten on PBS?

    Lizzie looks adorable as ever.

  34. Lizzie looks like a little princess on that cushion. What a wonderful summer home you have.

  35. Yay for Rick and wow to that van!
    Happy pic of the four of you :-)
    Creative name, "The Thirsty Sturgeon"!
    Peace. Oh, it must´ve been weird times. Well, they still are. Will there ever be peace.
    Beautifully painted birdhouse! And Lizzie. So sweet.
    Love the colors of your house. Beautiful lake. Last pic is stunning. We´re surrounded by houses and never see anything like that here.
    So... thank you for sharing :-)

  36. The lake sounds like a great way to spend quiet time and relax. Love the sweet birdhouse, that's special. Nice sentiment with the flower you keep, I still buy cards occasionally for mine. Anything that helps us feel close and near. I love all the trees around your house. Have a wonderful week Jeanie...........

  37. Lizzie has a nice summer vibe face on, all mellow for summer. Beautiful bird feeder, the red is quite cheery.

  38. Jeanie, I am happy for you and Rick to be able to enjoy quiet and relaxing time at the lake. Your cottage is just perfect for easy summer living. I love the red bird feeder and of course, sunsets!

  39. So many wonders. Loved the birdhouse:)

  40. Jeanie, I always love your lake photos. Your birdhouse is great and I would imagine the Jay's are happy with it. Your views are the best, and I know you and Rick treasure your time spent there. So glad you all were not bothered by storms, we heard Mich. was hit with tornadoes. Glad to hear Rich has recovered from his surgery.

  41. That sounds like a nice restaurant. It was good that your friend helped Rick with the screens for the porch. Your house looks magnificent, and yes, I, too, love trees. And what a cute little birdhouse. Love the red color.

  42. What a beautiful retreat you've created for yourself! It must be a deep sigh of relief when you go to spend time there.

    That birdhouse is a charmer - I love the way the flower paintings are the perfect counterpoint to the fire-engine red enamel. Lucky birds! I'm just curious - have you ever put a birdhouse or bird feeder next to furniture before? I once-upon-a-time did - and was forced to throw out an entire set of wicker furniture that had droppings-turned-to-concrete on it. LOL

    I have wanted the nerve to paint a fabulous hip-mobile since 1969! The closest I've ever been is buying a fiesta lime green car. LOL I'm far too cheap to pay for a total paint job that is stunning - and I'm so sure that I would manage to ruin it and it would look less like a hip-mobile and more like a limp-mobile. But, I've wanted one ever since I saw Janis Joplin's gorgeous Porsche when I was in high school. And I still do!

    Thanks for sharing your lovely weekend. It was marvelous. And I love the name The Thirsty Sturgeon - it reminds me of the wild names on pubs in London and in Edinburgh! Enjoy your week.

  43. Your cottage is “Lake Cottage!”
    Next door creates a different scenario!
    And what’s with the huge white fence in the back yard!
    Oh My!

    Love your bird house and the flowers painted on the side!
    Nice addition!

  44. Jeanie, it looks so nice and relaxing there. Thanks for sharing your photos. I LOVE the birdhouse!!! And Lizzie...we have a cat (Oscar) who can't handle t-storms either, poor things!!! Glad everyone is happy and healthy! The Thirsty Sturgeon sounds like a place I'd love to visit!! :)

  45. Good news about Rick's recovery and looks like Lizzie is very content at the cottage. Nice to see that you had a reunion and birthday celebrations. Your little cottage looks very cozy and I would also prefer trees to none. The birdhouse is so cheerful with the bright red color and flowers added. Weeding is an ongoing task, one which never ends.

  46. I love so many things about this post, Jeanie. That bird house! It turned out great, and you painted it red - such a vibrant and cheerful color for the birds. It's nice that you got to eat at a restaurant again. I've only been to a few places myself. That van is something else. That's a pretty photo of the seagull. Our seagulls here look a bit different - they are mostly white with a bit of grey on them. Yes, I will take your house with the beautiful trees over the house without them. I didn't realize you were that close to the water, that's nice. That sunset is so lovely, isn't it? I would be out there for a long time just gazing. Thanks for sharing your peaceful quiet days, Jeanie. There's just nothing quite like them.


  47. I am with Lizzie. I hate thunderstorms and we had some doozies last Saturday. Tornados all around us. Beautiful lake pics and so glad Rick is doing good. Janice

  48. I would love some rainy days!! It has been the driest, hottest summer. We’ve had something like 22 days where it’s been 90 or hotter so I imagine we will get to 30 days. I think 12 is the average! The temps are cooler now but we have wildfire smoke from Canada :(

    Glad Rick is feeling better and you guys are having some fun!!!

  49. So pleased that Rick is feeling better and you've been able to enjoy yourselves more.
    Your place looks beautiful, and I do like how you have trees nearby.
    Lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  50. That Hippie Van does bring back the Nostalgia! Glad Rick has been doing so well and recovering nicely. You've really had some nice visits from Friends and Family, sometimes I do miss that, everyone is so far flung now that it doesn't happen much here. Though The Young Prince will be here by the 13th from Washington State to Celebrate his 21st Birthday... all the Grandkids are getting so Old, how did that happen!? *Smiles*


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