The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, June 21, 2021

From Palette to Paper

I haven't done an art post in awhile so I thought I'd catch up with a few things I've been working on. As you know, I'm very fond of doing pet portraits and I've had a couple of lovely models to work with lately.

This is Sadie. Some blog readers may recognize her as Sarah's Sadie and she's a cutie. I wanted to do something for Sarah after sharing her lovely Quimper with me and the images of Sadie above and below came out of the brush. (And let me say, painting curly, light colored animals is a lot harder than it looks!)

My friend Judy's wonderful service dog left this earth after a lifetime as a therapy dog, making an impact on the tens of thousands of children and adults he visited over his lifetime. 

The image above was matted. The one below was one side of Jack's sympathy card.

And this was the other. These were done from photos Judy had taken.

I started this piece last summer. Then life got busy and it was shelved until I found it unfinished in my watercolor pad. You'll recognize it as the Bird B&B outside my window.

Those of you who have followed The Marmelade Gypsy for a long while know that one of my "happy places" is Southern Exposure Herb Farm, where I've taken many crafty workshops with friends. There's a wonderful old car on the grounds and that became the subject of this painting.

There's more to come, as I recently participated in a series of free online workshops. But that's another story!

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  1. These are stunning my friend. Well done. I love it. Happy Monday. Have a blessed day.

  2. They are ALL beautiful!!
    Dawn Pinnataro, Albany Georgia

  3. I do love the pet portraits - so detailed. I'm glad to see your art - keep painting and sharing!

  4. You have such skill! The pet portraits are lovely, showing their personalities :) The flowers are pretty, too, and that car would make a great element at a business like that. I like your style.

  5. These are WONDERFUL!! So glad to see your work. That is a lot to accomplish- well done , you!! LOVE them!

  6. Love all of your paintings, especially the one at the Herb Farm.

  7. Beautiful paintings of the gorgeous dogs and the bird box and vintage car are gorgeous also. The first dog looks like my Teddy lol. Your work is beautiful. Hope to see more of it soon.
    Hugs June x

  8. Your watercolours are always so pretty Jeanie.
    Sadie and Jack are such cute dogs :)

  9. Jeanie!!
    OMG!! Amazing!! You are so talented my friend!! I draw stick figures...My hands are not steady and with the carpal tunnel and arthritis, they cramp up a lot.... Thanks for sharing! Loved the dog pictures!!

  10. These paintings are so good! You are gifted. Love the ones of the dogs. Am I the only one that talks 'doggie talk' in my head when I see them, "Oh, such a good boy!" :)

    And that car?! I take pictures at car shows for my greeting cards (personal use only) and this is so realistic! Very nice job.

  11. I love your use of color. It's so cheerful and bright.

  12. Absolutely STUNNING paintings, Jeanie. You are so very, very talented. I am simply thrilled to even own one of your incredible paintings. I feel so blessed.

    The dog paintings are so good and so adorable. That car is absolutely out of this world. Thanks for sharing your incredible talents with the world, dear. You are truly amazing.

  13. Your artwork is lovely, and has a beautiful charm.

  14. You're a great artist and your work is a source of pleasure and delight to the viewer!

  15. They are fantastic Jeanie, you are such a good artist. The bird B&B is my favorite of all, the colors are just so beautiful!

  16. Hello, Jeanie

    Your paintings are beautiful. Being a dog lover, I just love all the doggie art work.
    The car is cool!

  17. Absolutely STUNNING paintings! Wow!!

    And having been the fortunate recipient of a card with my beloved sausage - Oscar - who passed away four years ago, painted by a dear friend, I can say that it's the most precious of gifts to receive. xo

  18. So many wonderful pieces Jeanie. Pet portraits are something you excel at. I really love the first piece, Sadie on the carpet. You really knocked that piece out of the park. And I love the painted carpet too. They are all fantastic however. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

  19. You are multi talented. Great artist, great cook, great blogger! What can you not do?

  20. You are so talented! I love the birdhouse surrounded by all the pretty flowers. It's a feel good painting!

  21. Jeanie, you have been working on lovely pieces. I love them all! I'd say your classes are agreeing with you! The Southern Exposure car piece is wonderful. Happy painting.

  22. oh wow.. these are all so beautiful.

  23. These are beautiful! :) Especially the pet portraits, you're very talented!

    We got a painting of a Shih Tzu the other year for Christmas and it's framed above our little guy's bed, haha! it's such a nice thing to do to paint someone's pet! :)

    Hope that your week is off to a good start :)

    Away From The Blue

  24. Jeanie, I love your pretty new blog design! I'm so behind in everything new for blogging. I've been using the same template forever. Did you do this yourself or hire someone to do it?

    Your watercolors are all wonderful! You really captured the sweet expressions of the pups.

  25. I think all of your paintings look great, I like them all.

    All the best Jan

  26. Your work is absolutely incredible and will be cherished by those lucky enough to be on the receiving end of it.

  27. Your artwork is fabulous.

  28. Lovely paintings Jeanie . . .
    Love the old car and red buildings.

  29. So love the emotion felt in each of these paintings. Even when it is just a setting. Thank you!

  30. Beautiful. All of them. You´re so talented, but to be frank... the last one is my fav.

    But I can imagine your friend was soooo happy with the portraits of her dog!
    You´re a very kind, caring person xx

  31. I bet everyone is thrilled with their pet portraits. I do so love your birdhouse painting. Art has got me through the last year!

  32. All of them are cute and nicely done Jan

  33. Now that you have put your talent for wonderful paintings of dogs and cats on display, Jeanie, it is obviously time to enter your bird period. The transition will doubtless be a seamless process, and soon you will be having private showings where the aficionados of fine wildlife art will be lined up, chequebooks in hand, begging for a bon mot or two with you. And I will be able to brag that I have two marvellous bookmarks that I treasure as much as the books In which they reside. There is one of them in a book in front of me right now. Maybe I will do a whole blog on my original Coopes, just to brag and impress the world! Soon Rick will be back from the dark backwaters of your lands, you will be at the cottage, the odour of bread baking will delight your senses, and there will be birds singing in anticipation of their portrait sitting. Life will be as near perfect as it can get, only made better if you can locate a bottle of Don David!

  34. I always love seeing your art. You are very talented, my friend!

  35. Each painting is beautiful. How wonderful to share them with others.
    You are very talented!
    Blessings to you today!

  36. Your artwork is so wonderful Jeanie! It must be so flattering when asked to paint a pet portrait.

  37. Love your color choices in all your art. you have quite the "eye" to bring a reality to your pictures..........wonderful. keep that paintbrush working my friend. I love painting wolves, coffee cups, flowers and other whims of my mind.

  38. These are wonderful!
    I recognized Sadie right away.Sarah must be over the moon!!

  39. Wonderful paintings Jeanie, the dog portraits are fabulous, you really captured Sarah's sweet Sadie! I have done quite a few dog portraits for friends, it's tricky catching their sweet personalities, great job! I look forward to seeing the paintings you did from your on line class. I haven't painted much lately, I am looking forward to daily painting in the month of July for World Watercolor Month. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work! Happy Painting!

  40. Wow, Jeanie ... you are some talented, creative artist! I leave here smiling this morning.


  41. I alway enjoy seeing your artwork Jeannie. I love the capture of Sarah's sweet Sadie. She really pops with all the beautiful color around her. Great work with the old car at one of your favorite destinations too. I'm sure you will enjoy summer and capturing the beautiful around the lake. Happy summer!

  42. Your painting are absolutely beautiful.
    You are blessed with such talent.

  43. I love the background of that first painting. It reminds me of Matisse.

  44. Marvelous paintings, Jeanie! A personal art show some time in the future? :)

  45. Beautiful joyous pictures - and I am specially touched by the ones of dogs. I get such a "feeling" of them from the images.

  46. So wonderful Jeanie, I love seeing the pets portraits.
    How wonderful to have the talent of painting.

  47. These are beautiful! You are so talented and I am sure the receivers of these paintings will treasure them!!

  48. Well my favourites are the forward facing matted painting of the therapy dog, the bird feeder and the car ones. Terrific!

    Love Cath from Aus

  49. Jeanie, thanks so much for sharing your beautiful art with us. I love the pet portraits…you are so talented!

  50. Jeanie, as usual, I'm late to this pet portrait party. Imagine my joyful reaction when I saw my sweet Sadie staring back at me! You know I adore these two painting! The are not yet framed, but they sit out on my desk. Your generous and creative gift touched my heart, sweet friend. Thank you, thank you!

  51. Your watercolor birdhouse is SO lovely, Jeannie! I'm excited to be featuring at tomorrow's Tuesday Turn About! Pinned!

  52. Wonderful. I recognized Sadie immediately. I love the one from Southern Exposure Herb Farm. Darling.

  53. Well, I just had to jump in with a comment - I've been visiting regularly, but have stopped commenting on most blogs as I really have so little say about life these days (no - I'm not going through an old-age crisis LOL - just weary of pandemic/politics/urban life in general)).

    However, all these new paintings are delightful; BUT, that first one of Sophie's Sadie is just tremendous. I'm crazy about it. I wish I had known you when our Dusty was still alive - I would love to have commissioned you to a watercolor. He was the cover boy for the Wooster Square Calendar one year LOL - but, he was never painted! And you are just the person we would have wanted.

    I hope your summer is being kind to you. I'm spending most of my time reading, watching Netflix and Britbox and Broadway HD, baking more desserts than two people REALLY need to consume ... and napping. Lots of naps.

    Be well! And, again, lovely paintings! I've enjoyed seeing your progression over the past few years! 👩‍🎨

  54. I love your watercolors, Jeanie!!! I was happy to feature your sweet pet-filled post at last week's Share Your Style #308 and I'm sorry I didn't get back over to let you know until today. We were massively busy working in the yard over the whole 4th of July weekend. Happy painting!!!

    Hugs and I hope you had a wonderful 4th,
    Barb :)


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