The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, June 17, 2021

At Long Last

What could be better than a perfect day in June? A perfect day spent with the Toddler Twosome and their mom and dad!  Rick was leaving for Dallas to meet up with his brothers and help clean out their mom's house before it goes on the market. The airport is close to Kevin and Molly's home so we went a day early to spend the day with the kids. I'm not sure who had more fun at this moment -- the two boys or Rick! They are relentless, but then, so is Rick!

I got to go with their mom to get them from day care and let me say, a welcome hug by this one (who has the best laugh ever!) is like a magic tonic!

There was time for Play Doh, playing Sorry and a story or two. And lots of time on the swing!

Kevin is a wonderful cook and dinner couldn't have been better -- grilled chops, a salad to die for and potatoes in the air fryer. 

The paper straws from Dollar Tree were a hit. I need to buy a bunch of those! 

The Oldest Toddler (who is four) was fascinated by the camera so I turned it over to him. I think every toy in the house is photographed, along with our breakfast, coins from the piggy bank and portraits of everyone. I thought he did well with one of me!

And this is my favorite that he took. I'm printing this one out!

All good things come to an end and the next morning Rick was off to Dallas and I was off to physical therapy. 

We'll miss those hugs till next time!


  1. What a wonderful visit you all had! Love the happy faces of everyone.

  2. Oh, Jeanie. Those hugs are the best kind! There is nothing better than a kid and their grandpa except, maybe a grandma! I can still remember going down to the kids when Jake was a toddler. Those were the best of times..I'm so glad you got to spend time with them. Hope the PT is going well..Happy June..xxoJudy

  3. Jeanie, there is joy written all over this post! I am so thrilled you and Rick had time with the Toddler Twosome, they are so cute.

  4. ן buy paper straws and little paper bags for sandwiches at the health store; never seen them at our dollar store. I'll check again.
    Rick and his brothers are a fine example of devoted sons.Lucky mother!

  5. What a lovely collection of family photos - lots of happy memories made.

  6. Glad you were able to spend time with your little guys and the rest of the family, these are moments to treasure. Hugs, Valerie

  7. It DOES look relentlessly busy, and in the nicest possible way. Isn't it wonderful how little children brighten everything up! You all look so happy and there's such a relaxed friendly feeling to the photos. (By the way, oldest boy is great with the camera - I'm impressed! ) It sounds as if Rick and his brothers have a good action plan for helping their mother now, and I hope it goes well.

  8. Joyful moments, the photos are nice. You have a wonderful smile.

  9. They have gotten so big! Sweet sweet time.

  10. What a perfect little visit, those hugs are the best! He did a great job with camera, I think you have a budding photographer there. :)

  11. I'm so happy for you and your family! It's been so long since we've all had quality time together.

  12. The big brother is a talented photographer! Great photos from a four year old :
    They will be miss two of you too.

  13. You have a beautiful family! I can tell y'all had the best time. And yay for paper straws! I love them, and they're safer than the stainless steel ones. I had a friend who was injured from one! I hope things are going well with your physical therapy!

  14. Such fun pics. I'm so glad you had a good time.

  15. Every photo is darling, Jeanie! Such precious times you and Rick enjoyed. It seems there is a photographer in the wings as he took a lovely photo of you. I do hope PT is helping your back issues. They can work wonders!

  16. How sweet! I know you have missed times like this.

  17. What sweet photos,and what fun you all had with the two adorables!! I know how busy little ones can be and they appeared very happily entertained. I think a future photographer is in the making!

  18. Jeanie, I love it, the hugs, family, and fun. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  19. What sweet faces on those boys and what a fun time Rick was having. Beautiful shots of the day, too. You were brave to loan your camera to a four year old, but he did a fantastic job. I can see a future as a photographer. Glad you had a great time.

  20. Aw! Precious moments! Spending time with family is always so nice, especially after this awful year. The little ones are darling and love the group photo. Happy faces - and hard to say goodbye, I'm sure. xx K

  21. Sounds like a wonderful day was had by all. Glad you were able to spend some time with them.

  22. Yay! What joy... those smiles say it all. <3

  23. Hello Jeanie,

    Wonderful photos of the cute toddlers and the family. It looks like everyone had a fun time.
    The future photographer took a great shot of you! I hope you are all together again soon.
    Have a happy day and great weekend!

  24. Only four and already a real photographer, my respect!
    Oh, so much fun! I so do hope for that, also, glad you had such a great, sweet, cuddly time :-)

  25. Awesome day, with those hugs, nothing better.

  26. Oh those hugs and smiles . . .
    I think photographer might be in his future.
    “The four of you” is a great picture!
    And the one of you Jeanie!
    Isn’t love grand . . .
    And the renewal of being out and about …
    Real again!
    (I still wear my mask though.)

  27. So, so good. The 4 yo did a great job!

  28. Jeanie, your post just brought a big smile from me siting here drinking my coffee. I totally understand the sheet delight of this visit to see your grands. Rick looks to be having as much fun as the twosome. I know it was a scene which will be repeated a lot this summer. And, I love the shot of parents and grands taken by the oldest. Happy summer!

  29. How exciting to see the boys. Too bad Rick had to leave you for a bit (I know you can definitely handle that), but you got spent time with those cuties. And the oldest is a great photographer. That was a nicely done photo of the 4 of you plus the pup. Have a great end of your week and weekend. I am guessing Rick will be gone for a bit. Hugs-Erika

  30. It is great fun to see young children's activity.

  31. Wonderful family photos Jeanie! How awesome that the Dollar Tree has paper straws. Those simple, accessible items are so helpful for our environment. We just stayed at a hotel where the shampoo, lotion, etc were in paper packaging. That was really neat to see.

  32. This really is the age to enjoy children. Soon enough they will be in their teens and indifferent to grandparents. We no longer have any that are interested in spending the weekend with grandpa and grandma, but the oldest one is now thinking of coming for a visit so that we can go birding together. All those walks I took him on when he was younger are paying off! And he really wants to give those new binoculars we bought for him a good workout! He has become very proficient actually and with good eyes and ears he is doing well. I hope that all goes well for Rick in Dallas and that he is soon home safe and sound.

  33. Such a heartwarming post. I enjoyed every minute. So glad you got to visit.

  34. You are a beautiful family! That summer day sounds perfect!!!

  35. The best day ever lol as kids say💙

  36. Nothing better than grandchild time!

  37. looks like you had a really fun time of it.

  38. How fun to spend time with the Toddler Twosome. Lots of smiles going on. Happy weekend Jeanie.

  39. I'm so looking forward to being able to give people hugs again :)


  40. Joy! What a wonderful visit y'all had :)

  41. Jeanie,
    Glad that you got to be with the kids and had a great time!! Good for you!! I have another week to go before I am considered fully vaccinated...I think my biggest thing will be returning to Mass in church....I will still wear a mask...Thanks so much for stopping by and for your input on blogging. I never thought of the frequency of posting effecting readers and for them finding it hard to keep up! Great point...I mentioned you in my last post. I am sure you saw it as you responded before I could let you know about it!!Thanks so much for always taking the tie to visit!! It is greatly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  42. Jeanie, these photos are great. Happy is all over everyone. I think the young 4 year old may have a skill. He is way better with a camera than I am.
    So happy you could all be together.

  43. Looks like a future photographer in the family. How fun to enjoy the kiddos again! Janice

  44. Oh how Wonderful! I’m so happy for ALL of you!
    Happy! Happy! Happy!
    What a beautiful family.
    Happy Weekend to You All!

  45. So glad you got to see them! Those giggles and hugs are so good for the heart! They sure are cute. And dinner sounds awesome!

    I thought of you this morning when I ran by a heron at the creek!!

  46. What fun Jeannie! Looks like they can count on Rick for a lot of fun! I hope all goes well for Rick in Dallas and they can get the house ready. It took us weeks to get my mom’s house ready but it wasn't being done everyday. Have a great weekend. (Why are you going to physical therapy, I have missed a bunch of posts).

  47. A wonderful post, I am smiling from ear to ear :)
    Those hugs are just the best kind.

    We were fortunate to see two of our grandchildren on Fathers Day and spent a wonderful couple of hours together.

    Hoping the week ahead is a good one for you.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan


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