The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

On the Art Table

For whatever reason (and you can probably spell that reason "W-I-N-T-E-R") I've felt somewhat listless lately, though I had to admit, I have a list of to-do things as long as your arm! I'm chalking some of this up to my sinus infection and adjusting to my new a-fib meds, but the polar vortex isn't helping. 

Most of the house is put back together after Christmas (though I still have to put it all neatly away in the basement -- at least it is down there!). Yesterday I washed the floors in the kitchen and bathroom and felt I deserved a medal. (The painting below isn't new but it does capture winter's feel, even though this spot is near Bath, England.)

 I've been cooking  a lot -- baking, hearty stews, a wonderful new spinach and orzo dish with feta from the NYTimes and an old favorite, Marie's "Swedish Visiting Cake." Being a listless blogger, I have photographed none of this! I've noticed that my gas stove takes a lot longer to clean it than the old electric where you could just wipe it down! After all the cooking I've been doing lately, it's an ongoing job! (Note on the spinach dish -- the recipe indicated it was main dish size; Rick disagrees -- if you are using it as the main dish and not a side, double the recipe.)

I'm in a creative dry spell, having only turned out one poem for Rick's book and considering a gear-switch on his project. But I did spend a little time at the art table. Apart from a few sketch drawings in my Covid journal, I hadn't really touched the paints since October and it felt good to play with my watercolors again. This is my friend Kirk's dog, who had center stage on his holiday card this year. I'm very pleased with this one.

This was another version from a different photo. It's much looser and captures the feeling but not as detailed and I don't think as good as the solo-pup.

Here's Carson at the science museum. It doesn't look like Carson (Toddler #1) at all but not a half-bad illustration of a little boy having fun in a space suit.

And finally, my cousin's cottage at the lake. I spent a lot of time in my first 12 summers in this wonderful spot, where my mom and her sisters spent their childhoods beginning in 1923. I don't think this is done yet, but it captures the idea. I have a feeling I'll do this one over and over till I get it right.

I leave you with an older painting but one I had printed for some valentines.

 It just seems to fit the week! Keep cozy, wear your mask and fill the world with love!

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  1. I used to do that too. As long as my Christmas decor was in the basement, I took my time packing it away. No basement now, but much less, so I do it when I take it down 😀

  2. Ugh this weather is making lots of is listless. Today is our warmest day with a high of 7! Womp womp. Bring back the mild January weather! I was beginning to think maybe I didn’t hate winter so much in January but this weather has me disliking this season again! I love what you have painted! The dog paintings are so cute!! I bet the owner will just love them! It would be so hard to paint a pet or loved one so kudos to you for doing such a great job!!

  3. You really do have a knack for watercolors. I just love them all. You are so talented. About the gas stove, yes, it is harder to keep clean, which is why I prefer electric.

  4. I love your watercolors. The Valentine's card is precious!

  5. In that kind of weather I wouldn't be doing anything other than cuddling up under a warm blanket! Your artwork is beautiful!

  6. I always enjoy a viewing of your art. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Two things that I don't have: snow and talent. Your post is a beautiful display of both, and I've greatly enjoyed it.
    I like to do my cooking on a gas stove, so I know about its cleaning. You have to act immediately, otherwise it becomes a mess.

  8. I'm always impressed by the way you have attacked watercolor painting with such determination, and as you persisted, your paintings became so wonderful. These are all quite lovely!

    be well... mae at

  9. Glad you got motivated to paint, Jeanie. I love your Valentine, and the little dog is precious. Washing floors is a major job! After that you deserve a long rest with a good book. We've been having wind gusts lately, and we also have some new snow that has drifted. It freshened up our winter landscape.

  10. All so lovely and most interesting is the Swedish Visiting cake! Thanks.

  11. The winter scene is just gorgeous! Would make a beautiful card or a picture puzzle...a hard one! lol Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs!

  12. Glad to see you are painting again. Your paintings are so charming. I have not been at the easel since our move to Florida. To much settling in going on. Hopefully by the end of this month I will have a chance.

  13. I love all of your paintings, so pretty! Take care, hugs, Valerie

  14. Great artwork. Really love the cottage with the blue door. A very picturesque Wintery painting, Janice

  15. I didn't realize you painted. Nice to see you doing it again. It's lovely to look at what you've accomplished.

  16. Such a lovely post, I enjoyed seeing all of your paintings.

    Love your words here,
    "Keep cozy, wear your mask and fill the world with love!"

    Happy mid-week wishes.

    All the best Jan

  17. Jeanie, your winter scene in Bath is so lovely! But I must say the darling heart balloon carrying girl is my favorite. I do hope you are feeling better soon. I understand the funk you are feeling and hope it will pass soon. Stay well.

  18. I'm glad to hear you are exercising your creative cooking skill and your painting skill. I absolutely love the first painting hear Bath. Very beautifully done. I think the painting of Carson captures his look quite well too. Enjoy the rest of your week. It's a win if you can do more than the usual day to day cleaning.

  19. All the paintings are fun, but I especially love the first one.
    Ack on the sinus infection. No fun.
    Take special care.

  20. I've been the same way lately, so I know exactly what you mean about feeling listless. Art has been my one accomplishment, but then I keep thinking I should be doing something more useful. Good for you to wash floor and clean your stove. Your art is looking great. I love the winter house. I should paint my front door blue because that could be my house (minus all the chimneys). Smile. You're good at faces. Hope your weather improves soon, and then you can send it east to New England. Hugs-Erika

  21. Your watercolors capture both the likeness and the expressive character of your subjects -- they are so much fun! My favorites are the picture of Carson and the entire Shih Tzu series... but then I might have to include the winter house in Bath, and probably the others as well.

    To me, it feels like confinement has muted whatever creative range I ever possessed, and instead of a lively interplay between highs and lows, I'm feeling stuck in a dull kind of monotone. Glad you found the time to play with paints -- and thanks for sharing your work!

    FWIW, I just started reading another book I was dragged into -- Wintering, by Katherine May -- and I am already staggered by some of the insight it provides: "Plants and animals don't fight the winter; they don't pretend it's not happening and attempt to carry on living the same lives that they lived in the summer. They prepare. They perform extraordinary acts of metamophosis to get them through. Winter is a time of withdrawing from the world, maximizing scant resources, carrying out acts of brutal efficiency and vanishing from sight; but that's where the transformation occurs. Winter is not the death of the life cycle, but its crucible." Makes me feel weirdly optimistic...

    Anyway -- hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day week planned. Looking forward to more painting and cooking adventures!

  22. Wow...those are beautiful. I really LOVE the first one.

  23. I love your watercolors, Jeanie. The winter scene in Bath is beautiful and the Valentine one is charming. Stay well and hope you feel better soon!

  24. I love that English winter scene!

    Cooking, cleaning and painting should cure you of listlessness pretty quick! That's a lot of satisfying work.

  25. I don't think I have ever felt so listless. This, too, will pass.

    Deb in Wales

  26. The polar vortex - greatly said.
    You´re a great artist!

  27. Your art always brings pleasure, Jeanie. I seem to avoid this winter lassitude that grips so many and I think there are a couple of reasons. Nature captures my attention in all its seasons and there is so much about winter that is unavailable at other times in the year, and there are things to be done indoors that I have set aside during the balmy parts of the year. So, I have countless projects (projects is probably too grand a term) that I have deliberately set aside during spring and summer, "to be completed this winter." It works for me!

  28. I always found that having company over was a great motivator in keeping my house clean. Now that that isn't happening, I can quite easily leave things longer than I should. Your winter scene captures that "cozy" winter feel! -Jenn

  29. That winter scene at the top is one of your best ever. It does capture winter's feel, beautifully. The spinach and orzo dish looks wonderful. I'm going to lay in the supplies, since we're heading into some not-nice weather that not only will bring below-freezing temperatures, but sleet and freezing rain. Hello, iced-in! Ice storms here are the worst, as I suppose they are everywhere. I don't think we'll risk downed trees and wires, but it's certainly not going to be running-around weather!

  30. Hope the infection has cleared:)
    You know Roisin..the art teacher I follow..said it doesn't have to look like the has to capture the memory:)I LOVE that..
    And your work!

  31. I always love seeing your paintings!

  32. I also find myself slowing down in Winter, luckily it's not as harsh as yours, otherwise I would have to hibernate, lol.
    Your watercolour cards are just so cute Jeanie, love the little girl with the balloons.

  33. Oh your cottage painting is just amazing. It reminds me of the lovely abode in the movie The Holiday. May you find your creative mojo again very soon.

  34. I absolutely find it hard to get enthusiastic about much when we have such cold and wet weather like the winter we are having now. Sunshiny days are my friend and pep me up to accomplish more than I even anticipated. I am an early bird and love the mornings. I can see how living in such cold climates can make one feel listless. I think the snowy painting is beautiful and looks so romantic and I always dreamed of living in such a place but now I'm happy to have a dusting of snow. Love your paintings, I think you've been very busy and productive. The cooking sounds fun and delicious. Spring is teasing us here, it won't be long now. Take care.........

  35. It must be nice to have such skill and be able to create works that bring back fond memories.

  36. Oh my gosh will this below zero weather ever come to an end?
    I have recently purchased water paints and a small canvas to try my hand at painting. However I am not good at drawing at all.I just want to try.
    You do wonderful painting, I especially love the little dog


  37. I love your paintings as well! I also feel that I've lost control of my to-do list this week and it is Wednesday already. Crazy.

  38. Hello,

    I love your art work, the winter scene is beautiful. I also love the cute dog. Your meal and the cake both sound yummy. The last Valentine painting is adorable. Happy Valentine's Day to you! Take care, enjoy your day!

  39. Oh, Jeanie, I feel you. I have lost any little speck of energy that I might have had pre-Covid. I am not getting depressed or saying woe is me, but I just enjoy sitting around and letting my house and everything else practically fall around me. My day is spent trying to find a ##%@& Covid vaccination. I have signed up for everything available on-line, but evidently they only post in the dark hours of the night so by the time I get to the computer the next day, nothing is left. It is so frustrating. Boy, what a mess we were left with, everything from murder to mayhem!! Your painting are so lovely. I love that sweet little pup and the house in the snow..Stay well from you anonymous friend!.xxoJudy

  40. precious paintings of winter and summer, from puppies to toddlers ~ Wonderful! I can't get motivated to clean, so your doing better then me in that department! I did laundry today so that was an accomplishment :) Wouldn't you love to have a week in a summer cottage right now?! We have lot's to dream and look forward to. Blessings on your week ~

  41. Very nice! I especially like the house at the lake. I would love to see what changes you make if you were to redo it.

  42. Wonderful to see your watercolors. We all need a creative outlet. You’ve really been hit with the winter weather this year.

  43. Jeanie,
    I am always so impressed at your drawings...I have no talent nor a steady hand when it comes to drawing...I have really been working hard trying to go through everything i my craft room and purging what I do not need or think I will use...It is quite a freeing feeling and now I know everything that I have decided to keep!! I have been meaning to do this for quite a few years so i am thrilled that I got it all done. Thanks so much for stopping by!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  44. I'm sorry your muse is still practicing social distancing, and you've got a bad case of the Winter blues. I hope you soon adjust to the meds, and are soon feeling back to your usual creative self.

  45. I have been lax about stopping by for a visit and comment.
    Decided it is time for me to “pull up my boot straps!”
    (I am really “tugging hard” to get back UP and with it!)

    Out come the watercolors around here as well.
    Not fancy paintings like yours but I am liking the little
    “fluttering in the heart” and the “hum in my spirit” it gives me.
    Plus, “great grand” Oakland is stopping by for some paint fun too!

    Another plus, out came the kettle and I made some soup.

    Back to YOU . . . I like this best about your watercolor.
    It is yours . . . it says Jeanie . . . each, every piece, I see you Jeanie . . .
    Carry on, thank you for the Valentine painting reminder . . .
    Makes me smile . . .

    Happy Love Day . . .
    Carson is a jewel.

  46. Lovely drawings. You keep yourself busy which is good during these times. I am wondering about the Swedish Visiting Cake. Never heard about that, although it seems to be a sort of sponge cake. Would be interesting to hear the origin of it. I looked it up and it seems to be a cake easy to make with good flavours.

  47. Your paintings are all beautiful! I love the one of Bath, England. And I lol'd at your comment about doing things and not taking photos. Wyatt sometimes will ask me to take a photo of his lunch or dinner and I giggle to myself a little. He is a future food blogger I guess. :) Stay warm and enjoy your painting!

  48. Jeanie, I do love this post. I so enjoyed the painting of the two pups, what personality you show. And the one at the end tugs at my heart. Love the all though and appreciate your marvelous talent.
    I hope you will be feeling better soon. We have very cold and lots of snow, but it might feel like summer to you because I know your snow is deeper and your temperatures are colder. Stay cozy and warm. Hug Lizzie!

  49. I love your picture of the house in the snow. I love how your pictures are full of atmosphere and catch the feeling of a place so well. Oh, yes, cooking is good "therapy"! Eating also :)

  50. Ha! I agree with your assessment of February from your previous post. I'm enjoying your art, and the winter English scene is so pretty! I just cannot seem to get the hang of watercolor....I wanted to take a workshop on watercolor travel journaling in person, but I'll have to wait until we get the virus under control.

    You reminded me: I need to organize our attic from Christmas, because we just put the crates right in the doorway, LOL!

    Have a great weekend!

  51. Jeanie, I LOVE that painting. It reminds me of where I live now in the mountains. my brother wants to paint the house in Spring, and he will choose colors similar to this. That Valentine one is cute too. I will put that on my computer screen for Valentines Day.

    Have a pleasant weekend, dear Jeanie.


  52. Good for you, doing some stuff at the art table, Jeanie. I've been pasting up simple little collages, my sketching/drawing painting has been over shadowed. But, part of the goal was to organize and use up so many little snippety things that I've been saving...Gotta do it sometime! I wish I had the patience and talent for cooking. I crave hot soups and stews and meals, but my own food prep is très simple. I know what you mean about feeling good about getting some cleaning done. Anyway, keep at the art table, if you are so inclined...that first painting DOES capture the winter cold, such wonderful colors!

  53. I could have sworn I commented on this post. I'm losing it. :)
    It's beautiful, especially the first and last. You are so talented.

  54. You have been utilizing the "stay at home" time well, Jeanie, producing all these wonderful paintings!

    I was very happy to have vaccine #1 and my husband had #2 with no ill effects! Such a relief!

  55. Love your art, each and every one of them.

  56. Dear Jeanie,
    It seems like forever since I have visited, and I am in awe of your beautiful artwork! You are a true Artist my friend..
    I hope this note finds you well.
    I hope to post one day soon.
    Take care of yourself. I think of your often.

  57. Always JOY to see your art, Jeanie! And LOVE the cottage painting--and it's little glimpse of England! Christmas was put away a while ago here, but we still have lots of candles twinkie lights up--gotta have some extra light to cheer the winter. We're having a very COLD and snowy one this year... Finally the kitchen spruce up is nearing a finish--we're on to paint stage, can you believe it?? Almost a year on... haha! Be taking good care, my friend ((HUGS))

  58. Hi Jeanie.
    I think, I am in the same boat as you :( Been quite low these days.
    I love how your art work turned out. Thank you for sharing with us at Meraki Link Party.

  59. You have a way with watercolors, dear Jeanie. Actually, I thought it DID look like Carson. It was a great drawing of him at the science museum. And the little girl with the heart balloons tugged at my heart strings.


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