The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, February 26, 2021

A Little Bit Stir Crazy

Would I be as sick of winter if we weren't still more or less shut in, awaiting Covid Vaccine Freedom Day? Oh, yes. No question. I'm done.

Rick was out of town on Saturday last week and I decided I'd do two things: stop at wine store that has curbside delivery and get their six-for-sixty package and then get take-out. Coral Gables is a pretty old restaurant in my town and the one where (in days of yore) I would meet with my former work colleagues for lunch. I want to keep them in business. And they bring the food to the car. 

Our gang, in the days when we went to a restaurant

Now, the city had plowed in my driveway a bit when they were plowing the street and it wasn't bad but I figured I'd best hit it pretty hard to get out. So I did. Let's just keep a couple of things in mind: when you have a lot of snow, your driveway seems to get more narrow throughout the winter. And, when you are going fast, it's best to go straight -- and not drive into a snowbank.

I am so fortunate to have great neighbors who both dug and pushed me out, and then blew out the offending driveway-blocking snow for me. Yes, the pizza was cold but there are remedies for that! And it was very good.

I'm reading a lot of posts about how everyone is just about "up to here" with staying in. Monique sent me a link to this video by The Marsh Family, a family of six who live in Kent, England, and have fabulous voices and a tremendous sense of humor. I laughed and I needed to laugh. I hope you enjoy. (You might want to check out their other videos, too!) 

I'm coming back "to" after a period of low motivation and today finally got the Christmas things put away in the basement, freed from the totebags in which they were taken downstairs. I still have my Happy Tree up, but it isn't long for this world. I'll miss it. (It will be down by this weekend.) And, since the guest room was a catch-all for "things you don't want to deal with," I pretty much have that under control, too. (The bed there has now become Lizzie's afternoon napping spot.) 

Rick went to Indiana to meet up with his niece and ski a bit. He was then to take her to her train back to Massachusetts and head home the next day. She had a negative Covid test and has been careful and they thought "no problem." Well, Rick found out that Indiana is not really big into enforcing masks. The hotel, which is more like an outdoor sports theme park in the winter, was filled with unmaskers. Inside. Restaurant, halls, everything. 

I have rarely seen Rick so freaked about anything related to Covid but this was too much. Even though he kept masked and had two vaccinations, he isn't outside the waiting period. So he decided that he would get a Covid test this week -- it was that bad. No distancing. No masks. No brains. I'm sure he's OK but we're keeping more stringent space till he gets results. (This just in! Negative test, yay!)

Speaking of which, if you are having difficulty finding places in your area to sign up for the vaccine, check out the link at Vaccinefinder. I was surprised to see many places in my community I didn't know were doing the vaccinations. I'm sure age ranges might vary state to state, but it's something to work with if you can.

I started this post on Rick's computer. I am finishing it on mine. It wasn't the hard drive. It still has its issues but my computer goddess, Kim, has it going a bit faster. She said it was doing really well on her internet but when we plugged in here, there were still issues. So, maybe part of the problem is Comcast. In any event, I'm still on the market for a new one, but it seems a bit less urgent now.

The weekend is here. And I know a little boy who is turning four!

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  1. Good job getting Christmas put away- I still have lights up and will keep them because they are happiness ! I had a hell of a time getting the first vaccine but managed in the end! YAY! Never been so happy about a jab! I would be freaked too, Rick is a smart guy! I think that i will be wearing a mask for the rest of my life. good thing i just ordered two more, CUTE ones!! It is all about fashion!

    Darling little four year old!

  2. I am so looking forward to going out in public and feeling safe doing those things we used to think of as normal. The Pfizer vaccine was approved two weeks ago here in Japan and medical people are being vaccinated now. People over age 65 will begin in April. I have hope.

  3. Braver than me. I’ve never driven in snow. In fact, I’ve never seen it snow but I have skied and enjoyed it thoroughly. Glad all is well and spring is coming !

  4. Good for Rick to be so conscious about masks and distancing!
    Ski resorts in some countries have become a covid-19 trap, with complete disregard of basic rules.

  5. Lizzie's nose needs to be, in the parlance, booped.

  6. Be careful barrelling the car at the snow Jeanie, especially that hard packed stuff. It's a good way to leave your muffler behind! Glad to hear that Rick is okay. He has been so conscientious it would be unfair for him to get COVID now wouldn't it? I know another boy with a birthday this weekend but a whole lot more than four I can tell you!

  7. It's the Moon! I read a headline about lack of sleep having to do with the present Moon phase. I think that might also slow energy. I'm having a bit of slow down myself.

  8. Oh, Lizzie! I would like to get a nap like you do :)
    Glad Rick stays Vovid-19 negative, I too, always worry if I had been in the crowd.
    The boy's growing fast!

  9. Wishing the birthday boy a Happy Birthday. So glad I have 4WD or I would have been stuck in our drive many times this Winter. Glad Rick tested negative. Janice

  10. I can't even imagine driving in snow and ice, I would obviously be crashing into all kinds of things! Hang in there Jeanie, spring is almost here. I've felt so much better since I've been getting out to walk everyday. A big happy birthday to the little guy! Have a great weekend :)

  11. Happy birthday, and how can he be turning four? I am sorry about the driveway problem. We rarely see snow so I have no clue how to drive in it! The video is really cute, thanks for the smiles, Jeanie. Have a nice weekend!

  12. You made me laugh with your getting out of the driveway story. I'm glad your neighbours were so helpful. I can understand why Rick would be freaking out about being in Indiana. I would too! Thankfully his test came back negative. Happy birthday to the little guy who is turning one. He is a cutie. Have a wonderful weekend Jeanie. xx

  13. Jeanie
    I laughed when I read the beginning of your post because "gunning" it to get the car up hills and through snow banks was my specialty!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    I hope you have a great weekend!!

  14. Yikes, you just reminded me that I need to finish stashing my Christmas boxes in their proper places.... that will probably lift my spirits a bit! Or maybe a lot...

  15. I don't have a driveway, so never had it snowed up! Sorry about Rick's adventures. In the Altstadt of Düsseldorf last weekend thousands of people thronged the streets, mostly unmasked and no distance to each other. Brainless indeed! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  16. The inconsiderate, irresponsible behaviour of non maskers and non vaxers is keeping me home. I just found out I've been bumped down a group too, which is annoying as I'd hoped to be vaccinated this month. It must have been pretty bad there to freak Rick out like that, and thank God his test is negative.

    Waving~~~Deb in Wales

  17. "... in the days when..." So depressing.

    Great you have nice neighbors.
    Beautiful! Yes, struggling to tell the days apart!!
    This is So.Darn.Clever!!! How creative!
    In the park... Today in the news... police cars chased a man without a mask in the park! Crazy (No other people around!).
    Oh, I remember that song. I was in hospital and lost my then boyfriend soon after. And met Ingo!
    Hope you don´t mind, but I´d like to just link this for tomorrow.
    As a reminder of these weird times.

    Sweetest nose there.

    Yes, no brains.

    Four, seesh, time runs, Happy Birthday!!

  18. It's great he got a negative result. I imagine it was very stressful for him. I get annoyed by people without masks too, I avoid them as much as I can, go on another aisle and so on. We are still in lockdown, so no restaurants or things like that for us. I will continue to wear a mask (in some situations) even after I get my vaccinations (June-July), as there are other viruses too.

    Happy birthday to the little one :)

  19. Hello,
    I think we are all COVID weary. I am glad your neighbor was there to help you to move your car. We have a nice neighbor that plows our driveway, we are so grateful for the help. Happy Birthday to the cute little guy! Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  20. Chin up as us Brits say, we are nearly through winter, it will get better and it will get warmer. We have sun here in France, although not really warm, but warm enough for me to embark on a big spring clean in the bedroom. The bedding is flapping in the breeze outside and there are far less dusty corners than when I started. It may be a chore I often put off, but this weekend it's helped pull me out of the winter funk.

  21. I know my “snowbank giggle” wasn’t nice . . . but I did it anyway!
    Happy your neighbors helped you out
    And that you enjoyed a warmed up pizza . . .

    Oh my . . . thankful Rick’s covid test was negative . . .
    Wonder why there is such a wide space between those
    taking IT seriously and those who do not.
    We are two weeks out from vaccine and we still mask up.
    And of late . . . we have been using “double mask.”

    Congratulations on getting the Christmas, holiday pretties tucked away

    Four already . . . it seems like yesterday we heard the news of his birth.
    Happy 4th Birthday to your grandson Rick & Jeanie . . .

  22. I really enjoyed the Marsh Family video. There are a lot of families around who have used the lock down to create family bonding time those kids won't forget and it's so nice to see something good come from all this.

    It makes me mad that some states don't have mask rules enforced. This pandemic will drag on all the longer for their stubbornness, for their making this into something political, thanks to the last president.

  23. I don't miss driving in snow. Glad your neighbors were able to help you out.

  24. Snowbanks:( Yes TG for good neighbours:)
    I hate to admit this..I am still so fine w/ winter.
    And still no vaccines..

    85 and up right now..I guess will be next group..etc etc..
    Glad Rick was negative..
    My gosh what a world.
    Bon weekend:)

  25. I can't imagine dealing with all that snow, and having to dig out the driveway to leave! We are having unseasonable temps this weekend and it's wonderful...I'm sending warm thoughts your way!

  26. It took our recent weather to give me a sense of what being locked in the house is like. The ice was so thick I barely could walk to the car, let alone drive anywhere. (Not that I particularly wanted to go anywhere, given that it was below freezing -- significantly -- for days on end.)
    I know this: even if I never use them, I'm adding some YakTrax and Crampons to my wardrobe -- just in case.

  27. Glad you had help getting dug out!! I was feeling soooo over winter but feel much better this week as our temps are in the 30-40 range. Being able to get out for walks makes a huge difference. But I am so ready for warmer temps. Sorry to hear about the stress Rick experienced. It’s sad that some areas are not taking it seriously. It makes me so angry!

    We are celebrating a birthday here, too! Paul turns 3 on Monday so we are celebrating tomorrow. Paul and I will make a cookie cake tomorrow morning. Hopefully it keeps well as there will only be 3 of us eating it!

  28. Thank you for the Marsh family video. Boy, you could NEVER have gotten my three siblings to do anything like that, on account that we were always fighting and I mean ALWAYS. But every Marsh kid has lovely voice and they seem to be handling confinement well -- good on their parents.

    I agree -- Lizzi'es nose does need to be booped.

  29. It appears I'm once again running behind visiting your blog. I'll be by tomorrow (Sunday) to catch up on what I've missed. At least that's the plan, anyway, dear Jeanie.

  30. Oh yes, the snow. Had a bit this morning and now it is raining. Luckily it should stay on the warmer side because there is already enough ice. And I had to laugh at your comment about the snow plow. Seems like it gets shoveled and cleaned off and then the plow comes by and you have to start back at square 1. I have started seeing a few people without masks lately and it makes me mad. I don't know if people feel they are vaccinated and don't need masks or if they are just sick of masks. I know people are sick of covid, but if they could just hang on for awhile longer. It sounds like there will lots plenty of vaccine by summer, and the only reasons the numbers went down is because people are being smart. Sorry for babbling about that because you know all of that. I hope you had a great take out dinner. And I can't believe that little boy is turning 4. Really? Enjoy your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  31. First, Jeanie, thanks for that clip from the Marsh family and after this comment I am off to look for more on YouTube. The family have great voices and an obvious sense of humor, so needed now! yeah for those kind and very helpful neighbors. Boo to those folks in Indiana who are not protecting themselves and others. Sure, most of us really dislike all the personal restrictions, but to see and hear of so many abusers is just so maddening 😡

  32. Yes I'm weary and restless, but with a couple of days of glorious weather I have made a start tidying the garden. Gardening always makes me feel better. Great news on Rick's test. Happy birthday to your grandson.

  33. Is he really turning four already?!? Time flies. Nick's mom and stepdad live in Indiana and have said it's horrible with people not wearing masks and not even acting like there's anything going on. They've been being careful, which basically means not going anywhere. I think we've all had periods of lower motivation/higher frustration levels during the pandemic. I was talking about that with a friend this week. We decided that basically we've all gone off the rails a few times, and are just glad we haven't all done it at once. It is wonderful to have great neighbors, isn't it? I hope your snow melts soon.

  34. Happy birthday to your grand! Wyatt's birthday is on Tuesday!

    And oh my gosh, I would have been totally freaked out as well! I went into a pet store the other day to get crickets for the lizards and I felt like everywhere I looked were people improperly wearing masks, including the employees. I won't be returning to that store anytime soon! I am glad to hear that his test came back negative, hooray!

    I think we all have cabin fever!

  35. Hi Jeanie, I love seeing the photo of you and your co-workers. I do miss seeing mine and the times we had lunch. There is such a bond with folks you have been in the trenches with, especially if you enjoyed each other. And, I was fortunate that was my case and it looks as though it was yours too.

    The city blocks us in also. It is wonderful you have neighbors to help you.
    I can certainly understand Rick's frustration with regard to masks. We have that somewhat here but not too much as of late. I think folks have finally connected the dots. And, I have good news. Mike and I got our first shots yesterday. It was the Pfizer vaccine and so far so good with regard to any reactions. Spring and warm weather can't arrive soon enough. And, I won't complain, as winter hasn't really been bad.
    Have a great day and week ahead.

  36. Four. What a magical age.
    What were you told was the necessary number of days to have built up immunity to the virus after the second vaccine? I've heard, 10, 14 and 28.
    Lack of mask wearing in the Midwest isn't surprising but it is sad.
    Take special care. Stay safe. Be well.

  37. I made the 1278 mile trip in two days and can tell you that southern Indiana had the worst mask compliance at rest stops and gas stations (the Michigan/Indiana border, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida were all better).

  38. Good job for having lovely neighbours to help at times of need - because I know that would be you if it was them too. Here's to that Vaccine Freedom day for you!
    Wren x

  39. Oh my, can't even believe IN! Here we are, totally fixed where we are (like the fabulous Marsh family), vaccinated, and STILL being so careful. What is wrong with people??
    Glad your computer is giving you less heartburn. I know that feeling, too, and it's so much better when there's not that sense of urgency and horror of a downed computer!

  40. My daughter is busy trying to coral the homeless and vulnerable people in her city to get their jabs.

  41. That is just awful about Rick being exposed to so many maskless people. That would have freaked me out, too. Oh my. Take care of yourself, Jeanie.

  42. Hang in dear friend and thanks for the outstanding video! Love the Marsh family. I have thought being with family during pandemic would have been better but may be not.

  43. Jeanie, thanks for the video. Too right on! I don't blame Rick for feeling overpowered. I think there will be quite a few times that most of us will feel that way even after we have been shot! It does sound entirely too simple to just get on with things after we are fortunate enough to be vaccinated, and that is what is so scary. There are alot out there that feel that way without vaccinations (or masks) already and that is so sad. Personally, I think we still have a long road ahead..Lizzie's nose is so cute and Happy Birthday to that handsome little boy!..Stay well..xxoJudy

  44. Cute video, very creative "singers".
    Very brave to drive in the snow, I never had to as when we lived in Germany only Jose would drive, so not sure I would know how, but great that your neighbours are helpful.
    Poor Rick, I can imagine getting freaked out with all those unmasked people near him.
    We went out to a beach dance event yesterday and was telling Jose how lucky we are here in Perth that we are again leading such a normal life. I sent some photos on Whatsapp to my parents and my Mom's reply straight away was "why isn't anyone wearing a mask"? No need Mom, we don't have any infections here...

  45. I’ve been stuck in snowbanks too. Here it's actually raining. Climate change. So nice to have good helping neighbors. Re Rick, I would be totally freaked out too and me, I wouldn’t have stayed.
    I also went through a low motivation and fatigued period in Jan and part of Feb. Not fun, glad you are feeling better. Love the video, that must be such a fun family to be in, even in a lockdown.
    I’ve been watching PBS fundraising and thinking of you. I loved the Dolly Parton special and the folk shows. I pledged during Suze Orman but didn’t "buy" the whole package. Happy March as we move toward spring and a vaccinated country. ♥️

  46. Love, love LOVE the music video. I kind of hit the Covid wall this weekend. It was just what I needed to keep going...errr stay at home. I'm waiting for the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and hope things will go well. Until then I am taking a break from posting on any social media and adding a bit of spring to the house. Stay safe and sane! :)

  47. Oh the adventures of COVID. I will be so glad when we are past it all. I can just imagine how scary it was for Rick with no one in masks. I get paranoid just with one non-masker around when I am out and about.
    There is sweet Lizzie's nose, sooooo cute.

  48. So pleased Rick tested negative ...
    Here in the UK our vaccination programme seems to be going well.

    That video is good isn't it.

    Hope you had a lovely weekend.
    Good wishes to the birthday boy.

    All the best Jan

  49. How is he four already? Time flies!

    So glad you got help getting dug out, and enjoyed your pizza and wine. Also incredibly glad Rick's test was negative. I already know too many people who have had positive results (thankfully nobody I've been in contact with, but several people I know online, including one who also has cancer complications and is unlikely to pull through).

    I got told about the Marsh family's songs myself recently. They're great for a smile, which I believe was their whole point of doing them, so mission accomplished.

    Well done on the progress getting things put away. At least that's one thing easy to do while keeping socially distanced.

  50. I'm ready to get out too. I can't believe that sweetie is 4 already. Time flies. I'm glad Rick didn't have Covid.


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