The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, January 25, 2021

Life In Our World

A spot of winter decor, some backyard bird watching, time at the doc's and just getting through winter. That's about it in our world of late.

Lizzie has found a new sleep spot. I moved the "Happy Tree"to a short table and Lizzie decided she needed to make it one of her new spots. I can't tell you how much looking at this little tree cheers me up on cold, dark, gray days.

When not sleeping, she and I have been doing some backyard bird watching. The cardinals are too fast for me, but some of our friends at Lizzie's Bar and Grill hang out in the trees between snatching some seed.

These purple finches never hang out at the finch feeder. I might replace it and just mix their seed in with the other!

And of course the chickadee is one of my very favorites!

I've spent way more time at the hospital and doc's office than I'd like -- they had to redo the scans for my stress test multiple times. By the time I left after the second day there, I felt like the techs were my new best friends.

Rick knew I was brain fried after all that -- so he made a wonderful coc au vin for dinner!

He's been spending a lot of time on the phone and the computer as he and his brothers walk through the continuing care situation for their mom. There are several plans, depending on her physical ability, on the table. We just hope that she can gain back as much of her mobility as possible so she has choice.

Meanwhile, we've been binge watching "Schitt's Creek," falling in love with "All Creatures Great and Small," and beating out contestants on "Wheel of Fortune." I'm thrilled that "Finding Your Roots" is back and a short new series about Agatha Christie on PBS is interesting. Rick's skiing, I'm reading ("A Woman of No Importance" and more by Donna Leon and Elly Griffiths. And I finally finished my Covid journal (or at least volume one...more on that soon enough.

Snowfolk are quietly taking over the house -- outside....

....and in. They're so darned jolly, I can't help but loving them all!

 And a spot of good news. After an abysmal start-up to distribution of Covid vaccine (honestly, fast-track a vaccine that is great, but don't assist with any plan for distribution? Sigh...) I got my first vaccine jab! Rick, on the other hand, is stuck in roll-out hell because this thing is so badly managed so he's still waiting.  I'll still be wearing these for a long while! (Yes, we used to dry our nylons on the shower bar.... that was then, this is now.

(And they keep your face warm in winter, too!)

Sharing with:    Saturday's Critters     


  1. Great that you got the vaccine! Ann Arbor isn't on top of things yet. We have no info, they have too little vaccine -- it's all going to second doses for people who already started.

    I just read the second in Elly Griffiths' series: it started with your recommendation. My review will be up tomorrow morning.

    be safe...mae at

  2. Smiling at your mask drying, as it is quite familiar here in my house.
    Hoping Rick's mom can get back to normal.
    So very happy you were able to receive the vaccination. Each person that receives it brings us closer to eradicating that monster.
    Love your happy tree with Lizzie underneath. That would make me smile too.
    You have some of the same birds we get in our garden, finches and chickadees. We love watching them at our feeders.

  3. JEANIE! It's great to see you here! Wow, what a winter so far, huh? So you got your JAB! Good. But poor Rick....we have no idea when we'll get ours but we're hanging tight. I am so relieved that you are getting the care necessary to get you on track. I love your photos of the birds and I need to find All Creatures Great and Small. I hear it's so good and we love England and creatures so that should be up our alley!

    Thank you my friend for coming to visit me. It's always nice to have a visitor.

  4. Your sweet little birds made my day.
    I hope you are feeling better soon Jeannie. Gosh, what a schlmozzel.
    Yeah, I was thanking the mask for keeping my face warm these last couple of COLD days too. I'm going to sew a different type, sort of a cowl I guess you would call it. Keeps the neck warm and you can pull it up over the face for that protection. Just waiting to get a lining fabric.

  5. Dearest Jeanie! Happy happy New Year! It feels like home to be back on your blog and see all these beautiful decorations! I have to say my favorite is the colorful masks! I know it's not a decor but the variety of fabric designs make me so happy than those plain ones we use here. Love to see your series and movie lists, my boss in Rhode Island watches Schitt's Creek too! And having a bite on your plate of coc au vin! Yumm!

  6. Prayers your test results are good
    Lizzie under the tree is uber precious. She must feel like the ornaments are good company full of your happy vibes.


  7. The dinner prepared by Rick looks very appetizing!
    The finches and chickadees are lovely birds, to contemplate on the wintery background of bare tree branches.

  8. Yay for getting your first dose!! Joan gets hers next Monday. I don’t know when my parents will. They are not pursuing it as aggressively as I would like. There was a site to sign up for a shot for their age group but the site crashed due to volume. It will open again tomorrow so I hope they try this week. They are also emailing my dad’s kidney doctor. They will drive down to AZ when my sister has her baby and stay for 2 weeks so really should get their vaccine before they go if possible!

    This has been a pleasant January here. It’s been so mild for the most part so I have gone on lots of walks and we’ve done a lot of sledding with Paul!

    I do not know when I will get my vaccine. My rheum tagged my medical record with immune compromised so is hoping I get prioritized over others in my age group!

  9. I love all the sweet little birds! I'm glad you were able to get started on the vaccine. Hope Rick will be able to get it soon too. I also hope things work out well with his mom. I'm sorry having your scans was a problem. I hope everything comes back well. Lovely dinner Rick prepared for you too! Have a great week Jeanie. Hugs!

  10. love all your birds - the finches are so beautiful - your dinner looks fabulous too!

  11. A big YUM to the dinner Rick prepared, I'm sure it was delicious and just what you needed after your stressful time.

    Glad that you've had your vaccination, and I hope Rick will be able to get his soon.

    Still praying that things will work out ok with his mom.

    All the best Jan

  12. Lizzie is so adorable! The birds are so interesting. I’m glad you were able to get your first dose. We are still waiting for government approval on the vaccines in Japan. My shower bar looks similar with drying masks. Take care!

  13. I agree, masks do keep our faces warm. But if I take a brisk walk it gets damp..... some days that could freeze ;-0

    Sorry to hear your scans had to be redone. But it is nice to meet caring health professionals.

    Gosh a flash of red on a bird sure would get my attention and it happens sometimes, but not in winter at my feeder.
    Sweet to see your birds.

  14. Pleased to know that you got a jab, I may get one in summer, the roll out has not been rolling up here.Pathetic. Fingers crossed for your doctor stuff...that can be worrying. Though , if it is your heart, I am pretty sure that it is fine, because it's YOUR HEART! Masks on the line is a good one! My ears are so small that my masks fall off all the time. Staying home!

  15. Sorry to hear you had to have your scans repeated! That's no fun. But you have a cozy home to retreat after your tests. We share the same tv programs. Having them recorded helps pass the evening hours. I loved the old Creatures Great and Small and am enjoying the new series. Makes me miss England, though!

  16. Is your book about Elizabeth Smith Friedman? I am watching American Experience about her and I think this sounds like her. Life sounds busy, even if you do have some medical issues (both yours and Rick's mother's) to deal with. I gree, that tree would make me happy too. The colors are fun. Ncie bird photos too. It is almost the end of January. Even though February is still winter, there is a bit longer days and we will be getting closer to spring. Now watch it snow all month after I write that. Stay tough. Hugs-Erika

  17. I like your collection of fabric masks. They are more interesting than mine. I hope you tests will give you the results you want. It sucks to have to do them in the first place and double sucks if they need to be redone. I hope Rick and his brothers find the right situation for their mom. I know how stressful it can be. I like your collection of bird photos and your happy tree. So cute. As for me, I'm not getting much done, or at least it doesn't feel like it. I just don't have any interest in reading or crafts. I am reading a boring to me book and hoping it will improve. I'll plod through it because it's a classic and I always feel I must read classics when I have a chance. Other than that I'm just keeping up, barely to cooking, dishes, laundry and a bit of cleaning. Soon I hope to be with it again ;-) Enjoy your week. xx

  18. Finding new spots is a cat's obligation.

  19. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good news from your stress tests... and that's great news about getting the first jab! Hopefully this means fewer constraints and more visitors very soon!

    As always, delicious-looking food, charming wildlife, and one very adorable cat.

    I'll be looking forward to your next set of book reviews... for some reason, absorbing reading has been hard to come by, but I always find something of interest in your reading round-ups.

    January has sure been a bit of a hard slog. Sending wishes for warmth and light, maybe even a bit of laughter your way. Take care.

  20. I laughed out loud at the photo of Lizzie crowded under the tree. She clearly knows you like looking at it and she wants to make sure she's seen too.

    The vintage diner plate Rick used for the coc au vin is what I use for my every day dishes.

  21. Yay for getting your first shot!!! Vaccination roll-out has been a disaster here as well. I'm in one of the priority groups because I work in a public school. We're supposed to get out shot(s) in February, but I don't think this will happen. Anyway, they start with elementary school teachers and staff since they are the first to re-open in March (maybe) and the high schools' turn is way later. It's embarrassing to see how poorply this country has been doing in everything COVID related.
    Is that Dr. Fauci on one of the masks? I read an interview with him in the NYT, it was very interesting. He has a good sense of humor as well.

  22. That book looks good, I'll have to look for that! Those are great pictures of the birds. I love to watch our birds flock to the feeders. Your little happy tree is bright and cheerful, love it! And that supper looks AMAZING....GREAT JOB RICK!

  23. Hello Jeanie,
    I am glad you could get the vaccine, it is slow going! We need more doses available.
    Lizzie is adorable, it is a weird spot for her to nap. The snowmen are cute, pretty wreath and decorations. I hope Rick and his family are able to work out a good plan for his mom. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

  24. I am glad to hear that you received your first shot, Jeanie. That must bring a whole lot of peace of mind. In Canada at present we are not receiving vaccine at all, so the whole enterprise is on hold. Pfizer is retooling its plant in Belgium, which is where we get our vaccine, and shipments have been suspended entirely. Oh joy! The coq au vin looks wonderful, Rick. No wonder Jeanie hangs on to you. I suspect that with your new coiffure your budget for shampoo has increased measurably, but you have acquired the mantle of maestro, and who among us can scoff at that?

  25. It sounds like you have enough on the go to keep you entertained. I can't believe you've had your first vaccine! It is abysmally slow here, if you read our news at all. I rather doubt I'll get the vaccine before summer. That supper looks delicious. -Jenn

  26. Happy you received the vaccine . . .
    How frustrating it has been for those who have registered and are waiting!
    Lizzie looks like she she doesn’t have much room under the tree, although really snuggled.
    Aren’t the birds fun to watch! The picture of the male and female Finch is wonderful.
    I was way off thinking Scarlet Tanager.
    I hope Rick’s mom rallies, so difficult being far away.
    Hope your tests bring some positive results.
    We are changing up our mask wear.
    Doubling up with surgical and cloth masks until we can purchase the newly recommended.
    I think masks might be here forever. (One plus . .. I agree, the mask/masks keep my face warm outdoors.)
    Read on . . . books have piled up around here since the accident. Concentration is in slow mode!
    Discovering a new puzzle app has been great though.

  27. Hope you're feeling better and will be hospital and doctor office free for a very long time. Your photos are delightful. Enjoy your reading (I've been enjoying some light listening on audio books while ineffectively trying to tidy up my studio).

  28. Covetous!! First injection! Geesh don't ask me what I think..

    Of ours here..because I would be bad mouthing our PM.

    None in sight for us..Good news all extended care patients are done..
    You know..this vaccine was ready last March..the Moderna one..imagine how many lives could have ben much havoc could have been spared.
    Nevr thought I would say this..but we got into Yellowstone and I like it a lot;)
    Also..Gold Digger..Julia Ormond.
    When is CTM coming back?

    Hope all test results are good and that help for Rick's mom will go smoothly.

  29. Jeanie, the happy tree is definitely that, it makes me smile just seeing it. I am glad it is Lizzie approved. Your bird photography is always excellent, I enjoy your photos. I am so sorry you have had to spend so much time in health care. The meal that Rick prepared looks amazing and I know it was comfort food at its best. My sweet Daddy received his first shot, and it went very smoothly, they were well organized! Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday!

  30. You did great taking pictures of your birds! We had Coq au Vin last night as well! Glad you got your first vaccine. I have had mine too, but my husband is still waiting.

  31. Hi, Jeanie! A treat, as always, to catch up with you! LOVE your Happy Tree--that is AMAZING!! Sweet how Miss Lizzie has taken to snoozing there... I would too! ;) Hope your medical tests will soon be fewer and farther between? VERY glad you got your first Covid jab! Do hope Rick will get his too, before long. It is slow going here as well. I don't think we'll get ours until well into autumn. Your line of drying face masks is the sign of the times... haha! Oh, but that coq au vin looks sooo good, and so does the wine! It can be tough when parents need continuing care. We wish TJ's parents would consider assisted living (his Mom had a fall the other week, which was very scary!) but they are so stubborn, they think they can still live/do the house, but it's getting very fragile and worrisome! :/ Ooo.. the new version of All Creatures Great and Small-- we are sooo in love with that too! We saw it late last autumn, and can't wait for the new second series! Thank goodness for some good things to cheer these days! Thinking of you all there often--be keeping well and safe! ((LOVE & HUGS))

  32. I had a stress test a few years ago, which I passed. It was interesting to watch my heart beat on the computer monitor and my chest move up and down like I was running the marathon -- while I was lying on my side on the bed. Awesome technology! Hope yours turns out okay, too.

  33. Good morning, Jeanie. Love your happy tree and the photos of your gorgeous birds are wonderful. Kicking and screaming, I will finish taking down the tree today. I hold onto it as long as possible. Most all the other decorations are put away for another year.

    Hospitals and doctor's offices can be exhausting. Walking around them is exhausting too. I am happy you have received your first shot. We are on the waiting list - hopefully soon we will be called.

    Happy day and week to you! Stay well.

  34. Jeanie, So glad you got your first vaccine shot. Miles is getting his this morning and should be back on this way home from doing so. I'm on a list, as well as having an appointment on Feb. 11 for one at our county health department. However, I'm not holding my breath on the latter because of all the shortages and cancellations that are happing. I hope your testing results will be good. Please keep us informed.

  35. It’s good to see that you have lovely things to keep you busy and happy. We all need cheering up desperately. Sometimes I wonder if there is any spot left on earth where people are not suffering. Ill health makes it all so much worse on top of the misery prevailing right now. I have been promised a shot for the end of this week; let’s see if it happens.

    Keep up your spirits. Much love and best wishes.

  36. Did you really write "Rick's skiing"? I don't remember you ever saying Rick skis.... I love all your masks - who would have thought last year at this time we'd have so many and be wearing them every time we step outside? Lizzie looks very comfortable under "her" tree.

  37. So glad you got your vaccine. I've been advised mid March if I'm lucky. Love your Happy Tree, great idea for brightening things up during gloomy January

    Deb in Wales

  38. That's fast! You've got your vaccine shot already. I suppose you'll need to do the second one after a few weeks? I suppose you happily posted these mean there's no adverse effects for you which I'm glad. As for the bird photos, I see you have the chickadee and I suppose that's very common in your area too?

  39. Your life as of late and ours sounds a lot alike. We've been watching critters in the back yard. Now we are on our daff watch, they're up and I can't wait for blooms. Glad you've had your first injection. We are waiting to get on a list once they drop the age limit. Our state is slow rolling out sites and also didn't receive a fair share of the vaccine! Go figure. No waste here, not enough to begin with!!!! We are hoping by March or April to hopefully get on the list. Take care........

  40. I agree about group encouragement (previous post) I miss my art group, I haven’t done much painting at all. Excellent news about your vaccine jab. I think it will be a while before I get one. I love the image of your masks drying, they’re taking over - replacing lipstick and now nylons!! I agree, they do keep my face warm. Those little birds look lovely. I hope your test results are good Jeanie. Well done Lizzie.

  41. You made me chuckle with the masks hanging. Janice

  42. I don't know why I dislike the word 'jab' for a vaccination, but it just sets my teeth on edge. I think it must have come here from England; it seems to be the word used there. In some ways, I suppose it's better than "shot," but it evokes more painful feelings in me. So odd. Whatever it's called, I'm sure glad you have yours -- which vaccine did you get? I'm getting my first Moderna tomorrow. We're having supply problems here, too, but they really have worked out the signup procedures nicely. Well, at least they work like a dream until the systems crash! The day I managed to register, there were 150,000 hits on the website the minute it opened! There's not much vaccine reluctance around here!

  43. The picture of Lizzie is adorable and I love the birds.
    Hope everyone is healthy soon.
    Take special care.

  44. PS Many congrats on getting the vaccine. We're still trying.

  45. The little tree and Lizzie under it are both super cute :)
    I'm sure you must be happy to have had the vaccine already, hope Rick gets his soon.
    I like the masks drying rack, very funny.

  46. Jeanie,
    Love your sweet snow folk!! I will have to check out that PBS series that you mentioned...I am watching Stranger Things now..What a cray but entertaining show...My son hooked me up with I think every streaming service there is so I have enjoyed watching several shows like Little Fires everywhere, Designated Survivor and Lucifer...Thanks so much for stopping by!!Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  47. You made me laugh out loud on that last pic. Too funny.
    I love snowmen. I still have one that's sitting on a bookcase in the kitchen. They're so cheerful, and lordy, don't we need that? That coc au vin looks wonderful to me. I haven't made it in ages. Love it.
    Hospitals and doctor's offices are not fun places. I'm sorry you're going through all this. It's mostly exhausting. Why is that? But it is. Thinking of you.

  48. That is a cheering tree, especially with a happy cat underneath :) Bird-watching is one of my favorite things, but I'm not able to get many decent photos. I hope your mom-in-law does re-gain enough health to have choices going forward.

    I'm also loving the new "All Creatures Great and Small".

    Congrats on the vaccine! We're still waiting, as our governor hasn't sent as much to our big city as we need :( Maybe by March...

  49. Congrats on your vaccine, Jeanie! I can't wait to get mine. Even though we have seen every Shitt's Creek show I still like to watch an episode before I go to sleep because they make me so happy. Isn't Creatures Great and Small wonderful? Love all your masks, btw. Have a great week.

  50. Oh I forgot to say how much I like your happy tree!

  51. So many happy snowfolk :) much more welcoming then a shower full of masks. I have mine drying on all the knobs in the playroom constantly. Your dinner looks like it was yummy ~ I'm glad your tests are through and that you received your first vaccine. Beautiful bird shots ~ Enjoy your furry and feathered friends ~ Love, Karen

  52. My husband and I are both still 64, so it will be a while before we get our vaccine. So glad you were able to get your first shot.

    We have purple finches and chickadees here, too. The color on our finches is not so intense, though. I do love my time doing Project FeederWatch each week.

  53. You've definitely had some ups and downs lately, but the good news is, you got your first shot. It will be a LONG time before I qualify. I won't be eligible until all the nursing home patients and people over 80 have gotten theirs. Then it will revert to 65 and older and those who have some type of problem. I know I won't be eligible till late spring, maybe summer. I hope Rick gets his soon for your sake.

    Those bird photos are incredible. Gotta LOVE them, dear.

  54. I forgot to mention, I'm enjoying All Creatures, too. My favorite though, is Miss Scarlet and the Duke. I love a good mystery and these are the best. I saw Schitt's Creek last year when they showed them one after the other for four days.

  55. Then and now on the shower bar is hilarious.

  56. Oh the mask, never thought I would ever be making something like that a part of my daily wear. Or that I would be matching my mask to my daily outfit. Snow, wishing we would get something. Tired of Mother Nature teasing us with flurries. haha...Nice looking meal that was cooked up for you. I am sorry you are going through all the test and stuff. Always a pain having to deal with doc apts and stuff....take care.

  57. That "happy tree" is something else. That would make me happy just looking at it. Lizzie seems to have found a new place to rest. Those red birds are so pretty. It's snowing here and very cold, and I haven't seen many birds lately. But this morning, saw a couple in the neighbor's bush. That dish Rick made looks delicious. I love anything with mushrooms. It's so nice to see a bit of Winter decor in your home, Jeanie. I'm still unpacking, but finally down to the last box or two, and now I want to decorate, which should be fun. Wow, you got the vaccine for the virus already? They are giving it out in my mountain town soon.

    Have a lovely rest of your week, Jeanie.


  58. I can see why that Tree cheers you, I'd leave it up a long time. I've still got mine up for similar reasons, it's uplifting and gives good ambient light from the Fairie Lights on it, so that I don't have to turn on other lights.

  59. Sorry you have been so frazzled and so many doctor visits. We are still waiting to get appointments for the Covid. Our age group is up, but the county is so disorganized. love the sweet birds. Rick's so sweet for fixing a lovely dinner.

  60. Hi Jeanie
    Even when we all get two vaccine doses we will still have to wear masks until the entire country has immunity. The new covid variants are worrisome. Already Moderna is talking about a booster vaccine for them. In Colorado one has to be 70 over to get the vaccine --I miss out on this go-round as I am in my late 60's. Will it ever end?

    On a more cheerful note, I love your everything tree and snowmen. I hope your cardiac tests turn out well. I did a stress test/scan once and thankfully did well. Both V and I did cardiac calcium score tests too--we had to pay out of pocket for that but they were surprisingly accurate and a good diagnostic tool.

    We liked "Schitt's Creek"! It took a few shows before we warmed up to it but by the end of the series, all the characters were all so endearing to us. Now we are watching "Last Tango in Halifax" and laughing at so much of it. We also love "Endeavour" --a British detective story that was first on PBS.

  61. Seems a cozy place under the happy tree :)
    I am glad you got the vaccine, and the fresh and nice masks in the line are still essential accessories to wear on.

  62. Jeanie, I hope you can soon put all the medical visits behind you. Love the dinner Rick made for you, but I'm wondering: Did he bring you the check? I ask because I see a pile of cash on the table! :D Lizzie looks adorable as always, and your bird photos are amazing. I haven't managed to paint a single stroke all month; how about you?

  63. Woman of No Importance sounds like a fascinating read.

  64. Yes, Finding Your Roots! We love that show too. I love your Happy Tree. Especially with Lizzie underneath! So cute!

  65. Congratulations for having the vaccine! I'm so happy for you. Sending lots of hugs xx

  66. That's awesome that you got your first dose! Nick goes for his second dose in less than two weeks, which I'm thrilled about.

    "A Woman of No Importance" is on my to read list. I hope it's good!

  67. Hi jeanie and yay to you for getting the vaccination, at least the first jab. Hopefully, Rick's turn will come soon enough. As you know from a recent blog post we are scheduled at mid-Feb here in NH. Nay to all those recent hospital tests and hope you are feeling better and surely getting lots of rests. The snow folks here always cheer me too and so would seeing the birds that you and Lizzie have been enjoying. That's not to say, I don't see any wildlife, but from my 5th floor view its mallards, Canada geese and gulls with alas no zoom lens to capture their images. The dinner that was so lovingly prepared by Rick looked delicious and wine makes everything better too!

  68. So sorry about all the scans and doctor visits, you have both been very busy. wishing you a wonderful weekend, stay safe.

  69. Hello Jeanie,
    I am so glad you were able to get the vaccine shot. I hope Rick can get his shot soon.
    I enjoyed your back bird series, the Houses Finches are pretty. Lizzie picked an out spot under the tree to nap, I guess she is like a present under the tree. I hope you are done with the doc visits and all is well. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Take care, enjoy your weekend! PS, thank you for visiting and for the comment.

  70. Sorry you've had to go through all that with the medical stuff. Hope you can get some solutions soon, so you can focus on the nicer aspects of how life is right now, like your tree and snowfolk, and the visitors to Lizzie's Bar and Grill.

  71. Hi Jeanie! :) I love your snow folk!!! They really are jolly! :) Schitt's Creek is one of my favourites because of the actors...they come from Second City in Toronto if you don't know, and the comedy is awesome! :) Oh Coq Au Vin...I haven't had that in years! I used to make it in the slow cooker and it was fabulous! I hope all is well after the first round of the vaccine! :) Those purple finches are gorgeous!

  72. You're purple finches are so colorful! I love all of the pretty song birds. Hope you get some answers from your tests! Take care of yourself my friend.

  73. Nice to hear of your daily life, is varied and interesting. Love Lizzie and The Happy Tree. The birds! Sorry to hear of your hospital visits...but Rick making you dinner, oh là là. Again, Rick's mom is lucky.

    I'm tired of masks and worry about distance so I stay in a lot alot. Today I'm grateful for the rich, safe, creative and comfortable home life that I have. Yesterday I was discouraged and longing for the old ways of going out into the world...It's all strange, but I do better when I accept what is happening...


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