The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, December 5, 2020

A Slow Start but Looking Up!

It's been a slow start to decorating this year, which certainly wasn't my plan. Fortunately I had some things stashed in the guest room and Rick moved in some I couldn't lift as well then, including my favorite pre-lit tree. It's small and has brightly colored lights that cheered me to no end. It only has a few ornaments because most are downstairs, but it makes me feel very happy. Just turning off the lights and looking at the tree is calming.

I pulled together a couple of holiday vignettes. Right before Thanksgiving I picked up my poinsettia from the symphony's fundraising sale. Add a pretty tray, few fairy lights, some batting for snow and one of the snow people I made a few years ago and it was instant vignette, all with things on hand.

The tray was an old one I had; I added battery lights I already had and fiberfill for snow. I overpaid for the poinsettia because it was a fundraiser but all the other materials were on hand. Later, I went back in and added a red glittery candle (which looks a tad orange here!) I'll probably swap it out for the silver one when it surfaces!

I put in one of my Vintage by Crystal figures into a lantern with lights and "snow" and it was good to go.

These little figures are so darned cute. I have a few for most holidays and if I had the budget I would buy more!

Last year I made this wee bird-in-a-cage -- another budget project. The cage was from Michael's dollar department, I had the bottlebrush tree from earlier tree-dying efforts and the bird and moss from my "naturals" bin.

 I didn't get our family cards addressed -- that's for this weekend. But I did get a few painted. More to come!

There was so much I was planning to do over the holiday weekend, none of which got done. But it will be fine in the end. I just have to remember not to push too much! I go from alternating hot and cold to walking about to a rest and then starting some of the PT exercises they gave me to do for my back when I was ready (and I am). I have an appointment with the cardiologist to deal with my a-fib diagnosis. 

Watch out, world. I'm on the way back.


  1. I do like your pre-lit tree it is so colourful.
    Christmas isn't Christmas without a Poinsettia, I just love the red colour.

    Just take things a step at a time, you'll get there.
    The important thing is to look after yourself.
    My good wishes to you and Rick.

    All the best Jan

  2. Have NO worries about responding or visiting ~ you just take care of YOU!!!

  3. I hope that your back is starting to feel better. This is a darling start. I love your sweet unique adornments. Please take care.

  4. I love your wee tree as I bought a live tree a few days ago that is so similar. It's going to look super cute and only need half of the lights and ornies than usual. Your decorations are so pretty and've been doing a good job in spite of your pain.

    I can feel that pain. I met with my doctor yesterday and I will need another spinal fusion. Our hospitals are filled to capacity so I need to wait until March or around there. In the meantime I have to take breaks to lay on my bed with an icepack, and I have pain meds that I only take once a day, usually around 3:00 when I've had it.

    Hang in there Jeanie, we can do it!😘

  5. Nice tree and decorations. Take care of yourself! Hugs, Valerie

  6. I think it looks great! A little decorating does amazing things for the spirit.

  7. Hello Jeanie,

    Your Christmas tree looks beautiful. I love the cute DIY glass snowman, what a neat project. Pretty poinsettia. Your cards look pretty, I have mine ready to be mailed now. Do not worry about responding to me, take good care of yourself. Have a happy new week!

  8. A lovely tree Jeanie. You have done a fair bit of decorating already so good for you. I haven't done one thing to decorate but I see my neighbours have begun putting out their wreaths. I have been busy preparing and mailing Christmas cards and packages. Each day I do a few more. Last night I wrapped the local presents and I think I finished posting parcels today. Hopefully this week things will get cleaned and tidied and the tree will go up. Last year I gave away my larger tree because I wanted a prelit, smaller one. I have it now but it is for the table top and my table has been occupied for sewing. Once that's done I will decorate. Enjoy and keep well. xx

  9. Your house is starting to sparkle, Jeanie, and I am sure it will all come together. Rick will be there to help you, cook dinner, play soft guitar music for you, decant the wine. Just enjoy each minute and don't sweat about the decorations. After all, each day is just another day.

  10. Your vignettes are really imaginative! I like the bird in a cage.

    I hope your recovery continues to be quick, and that you keep yourself from overdoing anything (even reading blogs).

    be safe... mae at

  11. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I'm so glad you are feeling well enough to get in the Christmas spirit. Everything looks beautiful! Take good care of yourself and don't overdo it.

  12. Jeanie, I am so glad things are looking up for you. It is magical to sit and look at the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree. Take it easy with your back, and be sure to get plenty of rest!

  13. Everything looks so festive! Glad to hear you are on the mend.

  14. Your decorations are lovely (I'm so pleased you use the angel). Christmas lasts until Epiphany (January 6); so there's plenty of time to enjoy whatever decorations get put whenever they get put up. Continue to take care of yourself. I actually got my cards made and out in a timely fashion this year - and was able to enjoy watching the Great British Baking Show holiday episodes (took the place of me baking) while doing so.

  15. I'm really happy to read you're on the mend. Little lights and vignettes bring so much comfort and joy, and yours are extra special with the hand-crafted sentiments!

  16. Looking up:) And festivy:) Yay..good for you!I knew you would;)

  17. Love your lighted tree. There is something about Christmas lights that makes the world better.

  18. A well-lit tree can brighten your mood. Love your poinsettia, too, so pretty.

  19. Jeanie, You did got the house decorated and lit up. I love the craft ideas. The card are beautiful. Hope you and Rick are enjoying some sweet Christmas times. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  20. I'm impressed you were able to decorate at all this year, given your medical issues. I haven't put anything up, the pandemic is making me skip over the holiday this year, not even watching the holiday movies on TV.

  21. Glad you are starting to feel better, Jeanie. It makes me happy to see you posting and decorating your home. LOVE those cards.

    How nice of you to share the DIY snowman. I may try to create one of those, too. Clever. And I love your poinsettia. Mine is a lesson learned.

    Stay safe and rest a LOT, please.

  22. Beautiful decorations! This is the year of less is more! 😊💕🙏

  23. Dear Jeanie, so happy you are feeling better. I do love your tree and I know it has brought you great cheer. We went from our 8 ft. tree to a 5 ft. tree this year. And it twinkles just as bright as the large tree. Mike's back and my knee said no to bringing the big tree up and down the steps. Decorating is about finished here - but a few more things to do.

    Wishing you beautiful December days with memories to treasure, always.

  24. What a lovely tree! I like the bird cage project. Sweet :)

    Slow but sure is the road to recovery. I'm glad the PT exercises help.

  25. Your painted cards are wonderful, Jeanie. When the children were young, we always painted or pasteled our own cards. So glad you were able to do some decorating. I th ought of you when I did my own minimal decorating - but, more than I did last year!

  26. Your decorations are lovely Jeanie, particularly the snowman vignette.

  27. so glad to hear from you Jeannie, and to see a new post. I'm glad you're feeling some better and up to decorating. Your decorations are so pretty and cheery! Hope you're having a real nice Sunday there, it is warm and very sunny here, we are going to spend the day outside and soak up the nice weather. Hope to make some pictures too. Hugs!

  28. Beautiful decorations, the snowman has a special charm. I can see a whole lot lining a fireplace mantel or sideboard.
    Stay safe

  29. So sorry to read your back has been a bother. Not fun this time of year when so much has to get done. Enjoy your decorations and don't worry about decorating everything, remember there is more to put away when it is all over. Get better and stay safe.

  30. Slowly but steadily, and it all looks festive as it should.

    You've mentioned going to a cardiologist.Do you by any chance carry a backpack on your back? Don't. It might cause palpitations or as they call it A-Fib, by triggering some nerve in the electrical system of the heart.

  31. I love the lantern with the wee skier. Can you get yourself into a comfortable position and just not move for awhile? I had to stop taking ibuprophen (Advil) as it was doing a number on my stomach. Taking Tylenol Muscle and Back today. I think it's helping some. What have we gotten ourselves into eh?

  32. Oh it is really looking good. Might have gotten a late start but it looks good. Love it all.

  33. You must be excited to start some decorating. I'm with you about those bright lights. They would make me happy too. And that Christmas spirit should help you feel a little better a little quicker too. Take care. Hugs-Erika

  34. Lovely tree Jeannine.. Inspires me to buy a new one this Christmas

  35. hi Jeanie, I'm so glad you're feeling a little better and can begin to decorate and more importantly enjoy your pretty Christmas things! Keep calm and carry on! Your watercolor Christmas cards will be treasured by the receivers, they are beautiful!

  36. Hi, Jeanie! Goodness... a LOT to catch up with you on! I'm sorry to be slow to visit--that past two weeks have been full, to say the least! Oh, but I was so sorry to hear about your health issues and pain. :( VERY much praying you'll be feeling better soon, that all will go well! Be taking good care there. And NO worries about us here... We're all here cheering you on behind the scenes. :) LOVE all the beauty and joys shared in your recent posts. It's like sitting down with you and having the best chat about all thingss, and I appreciate it, and you, so much. It's aways a wonderful treat to see these peeks of your holiday decorating! LOVE the tree at the top! We decorated Thanksgiving weekend. But have yet to get in a few fresh flowers. We go out little these days, but need to make a stop at the garden center! ;) Be well, be safe... ((LOVE & HUGS))

  37. Hi Jeanie :) Your Christmas decorations are so pretty and festive. I love that snowman! I think it's very calming to have lights up...always makes my mood better! :)

  38. Important thing right now is to rest and get better.. relax and enjoy the small things and the lovely lights.

  39. Jeanie, I am so happy that you are starting to feel a little better. It is such a blessing to sit and look at the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree, isn't it? Take good care of yourself, rest, and be blessed this season, friend. xo Lidy

  40. OK, now I see what I did. Sending love and hugs. So glad you are beginning to feel better and loving your decorations.

  41. Jeanie,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! I was happy to be able to recreate my Dad's Tree out of spools!! He was the Christmas decorator in my family...I love your tree and your vignette is adorable...Love the snowman that you made too!! I hope you are feeling better and better every day!!

  42. A lit Christmas tree is so beautiful.
    Love your lantern and ornament, really special.
    Take care of your health Jeanie and don't worry about visiting. Keep well xx

  43. Glad to hear things are looking up and you've started to dec the hall. These are beautiful ornaments, thanks for sharing with photos. Take it slow and give yourself lots of time to rest and just enjoy what you've created, Jeanie. Maybe a good time for a 'slow' Christmas... since we have nowhere to go and can't entertain anyway. (Well, we here are supposed to just stay with your own household and no visiting during the holidays.)

  44. You sure do decoration up right! You are so creative.

  45. You always have so many lovely things. I'm with you when it comes to loving lights -- my ability to just sit and look at them is nearly infinite! As long as I have a tree and some candles, i'm good to go. It sure is hard to conceive of time passing so quickly, but passing it is. I'd best get myself in gear when I get home. They are saying the p.o. is going to be extra slow this year, for a variety of reasons, so there's no mailing three days before Christmas! Just take it slow yourself, and don't worry about maintaining your usual holiday pace. Do what makes you happy, and don't worry about the rest.

  46. Sounds like you are recovering. Your tree is pretty, take it easy on the decorating. I hope the PT exercises help getting you back to normal. Wishing you the best at the cardiologist!

  47. Thanks for sharing your decorating start, Jeanie, and as you are feeling up to it, I know you will be showing more. I liked the idea of using peppercorns for the snowman and will have to remember that for any craft projects next year. My first time ornaments this year were snowmen and reindeer ornaments which will be shown in a future post.

  48. I am glad to hear you are on the mend and have an appt with a cardiologist. Will be good to get more info and a plan. You haven’t missed any posts from me - finally wrote our birth story post today. Took until Will turned a week. My lap is never empty these days and energy is very low. But I wanted to record the experience while it was fresh in my mind.

    I am glad you’ve been able to add some holiday decor to your house. It is so cheery. Will loves to look at the lights on our tree. I am so glad I decorated when I did. I think it was 2 weeks before thanksgiving and that was the only weekend I didn’t have a flare in my hands. Thank god I decorated when I did!

    Paul opened the owl ornament this week! Every couple of days he gets to open a present when opening the advent calendar drawers. He is loving that routine and doesn’t get upset on the days he just gets 3 m&ms. He was excited about the owl since that is one of his fave animals. I will think of you each year when we hang it on our tree - just like I do with all the little Paris ornaments you sent me years ago!

  49. I am glad that you feel better. Sending hugs. xx


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