The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, November 20, 2020

Just Real Life

 The birds are chowing down at the feeders and in the yard lately. We haven't had snow here yet in mid-Michigan but it has been brisk and they are bulking up! I should have bought more seed!

I'm not seeing a lot of action at the Ditch lately (although someone in our neighborhood posted the most remarkable photo of a buck on the island in the pond). But I did note this most beautiful cardinal.

The cardinals are one of my favorite birds. We have them year round but they are less visible in the foliage. Once the leaves fall (and then snow!), they pop right out.

It's been an expensive month. I had to have a crown (and repeat visits before because the temporary crowns kept falling off!). Then new glasses. And I really am not sure I like them, though I'm getting used to them. They're a little bigger than I thought! (It's hard trying on glasses with a mask!)

I've also been going through what I call for lack of a better term "ear water boarding" for impacted ear wax. I'm hoping the third week will be the charm. I have realized how much I value my hearing. 

I brought out my Campbell Kid dolls. I'm sure there must be loose doll shoes hanging around in the basement but I wasn't about to go digging. No one but Rick and me will see them.

They used to have little hats which might be around here somewhere. They were often used on Stimpy because -- well, it's hard not to put a hat on a cat.

Even harder to keep it on.

 Yup. Just real life these days. And glad to have it.


  1. Missing doll shoes woke up a whole lot of memories in me! Maybe three generations of dolls that lost one shoe. It would probably be 4 generations except that my mother's dolls (that is, the ones I have) are the porcelain kind with the shoes and socks integrated with their legs. I hope you reunite the Kids with their shoes some day, but I wouldn't bet on it.

    You look skinnier in your photo. Nice glasses!

    be well... mae at

  2. Lovely to see the birds in your photographs.
    Our weather this week has not been very good, with only one day of sunshine, which we made the most of and had an enjoyable short drive and walk. With current lockdown restrictions we do not go far!

    Love your owl and I think your new glasses look good.

    Enjoy the remainder of Friday and have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  3. Love all the pretty bird shots! I think your new glasses look nice on you and of course the little hats look great on Stimpy, too cute :)

  4. The cat is indulging you.

    For the moment.

  5. Hello Jeanie,
    Beautiful captures of the birds, I especially love the Cardinal.
    The cat looks cute wearing those hats. I like your new glasses, you look pretty. Take care, stay safe! Have a happy weekend!

  6. Jeanie, Still laughing about the cat . :) Oh honey, you know how I love going to the dentist. NOT! You certainly have my sympathy. I will be getting my new readers ordered next Tuesday. Ted ordered his new glasses this past Tuesday. Oh boy we are going to be seeing so well. Things are not getting any cheaper are they? You will soon be able to eat and see what you are eating. LOL. Just kidding my friend. I am not a fan of everything needing fixed or replaced at the same time. Does get into the pocketbook. I love cardinals too and have not seen any around here for a long time. I think it's the hawks around our area. Blessings to you and Rick, stay safe. xoxo, Susie

  7. I love your new glasses! The problem I have when selecting new frames is that my sight is so poor without corrective lenses that I can't see what I actually look like until they are returned with new lenses. I think frame fashion is moving into the realm of larger frames anyway, so you're bang on trend!

    Deb in Wales

  8. Adorable owl. The glasses look good on you. Big glasses tend to soften the face in a way that makes the eyes sparkle more.

  9. Sounds like my October was Jeanie. Glasses are expensive and I do like yours. They make you look different, but not BAD. And nice bird photos. I am going through bird food like toilet paper was disappearing last spring. I love having all the birds though. Looks like life is still good, even if not exciting. Whose is though in these scary times. Stay safe! Hugs-Erika

  10. I like your glasses, they are up to date I believe, in style, and they look great on you. My last eye exam was in 2014 and that is when I got my glasses but I’m waiting for the virus to slow down to find a new eye doctor in Nashville. Birds are a joy in a garden. In our house in GA we had so many trees and also the land was large with the big lake behind so many birds came to our yard. Here in Nashville I am in town with a tiny yard so I don’t see many birds, mostly squirrels. I have not seen a cardinal yet.

    As for Thanksgiving decorations I was going to bring them back from GA but with all the voting problems I forgot them there. No problem though since it will only be me and my cat for the meal. I wish I could go to the dentist, at least for a cleaning. Mine is in GA but they have not re-opened yet. Anyway my daughter see so many terribly sick peoples in her hospital that she does not want me to go anywhere, she started ordering my groceries again so I won’t even go to the store. I wish I knew at least one person in Nashville so that I could speak to a human. Before, the only time I spoke with someone was saying hi to the grocery sales clerk but no longer. What a weird and sad time for everyone.

  11. You look like you have lost weight, Jeanie. Those glasses are great on your face.

    Great photos of the birds, especially that gorgeous cardinal.

    I decided to go straight from autumn to Christmas decorating this year, because I can't find my cornucopia or my turkey. Just as well, I guess. I like your Campbell's Kids, even if one shoe is missing. Really lovely photos of the hats, too, This should be a song or something: the cat wearing the hats (grin).

  12. Jeanie... your glasses look darling on you. That's a cute pic too! Don't you hate spending $$ on stuff like crowns? I think the dentists should pay us for our time and pain!! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! xx

  13. Beautiful photos of birds!
    Your glasses look great on you. I also got new glasses 2 weeks ago, and the technician had to fix it couple times :)
    Cute cat with a hat!

  14. I like them!:)I buy mine online now..:) You upload a pic and try on virtually:)

  15. The owl is so cute!! You are so talented. I just love the little felties. They are so charming. Paul loves owls so please send me some info as I would like to buy one for our tree. Plus they are kid friendly!

    Cardinals are my favorite bird, too. They are so beautiful and easy to spot in winter, like you said. I also like the symbolism of them - I think many believe it’s a sign a passed love one is in your company. I like to think that is true.

  16. Love the felties. ;) And I love cardinals too. I think your glasses look good on you, Jeanie. I've had many procedures on my ears since childhood, including the water boarding (good name for it). Good luck with all the appointments - even those are scary now.

  17. Your bird pictures are excellent. The Campbell kids are adorable. I am reminded that I should get some bird seed out for their Thanksgiving feast.

  18. With cardinals, Blue Jays and House Sparrows to keep you company, you are all set, Jeanie. And let's not forget Ubermeister Rick of course! And - I like your glasses. They give you sex appeal and an intellectual persona all at the same time. Now that's hard to beat!

  19. I really like your new glasses. It's odd, but they seem to make you look younger. I like your cardinal, too. I was surprised to hear one chirping this morning before sunrise, and when I peeked out, there he was at the feeder. I've had a couple of goldfinches stop by, too, so I'm hopeful that my 'bird season' is about to begin again.

    The cat's hats reminded me of the year I photoshopped antlers onto Dixie. This might be a good year to revive the cat carols. It's been at least three and maybe four years, so there are some new readers who've not been part of the fun -- and a couple of them are serious cat lovers.

  20. Even as an avid birder, I’ve never seen a cardinal. Why, all because I’m from the wrong side of the tracks. :(

  21. Even as an avid birder, I’ve never seen a cardinal. Why, only because I’m from the wrong side of the tracks. :( I’m sure I’ll love it.

  22. Great bird shots, such amazing colors they are! Isn't is always something! I've put off my eye exam this year but I do need new glasses. I like your choice of frames. I stocked up on contacts so I may wait until the new year for an appointment. Your little owl feltie is adorable. Busy here, got the tree up and gifts wrapped! Thanks always dreaded, took all week. Now I'm ready to enjoy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your weekend......

  23. I like the two last pictures of the cat with a hat. It surely brings a smile to my face, and smiling is always good.
    The blue bird and the red one are a joy and pleasure to watch. We don't have them here, so that's a real attraction for me.

  24. Jeanie, love your birds. We have cardinals and jays that visit us every day for their peanuts. I think your new glasses look great on you. That is something I need to do when the virus slows down or goes away. Big IF.
    Also, love the kitty with the hats, so sweet.

    Yes, I do believe we are all happy to enjoy "real life" these days. I know we are.
    Have a great weekend, my friend.

  25. Nice bird photos! Watching the bird feeders on my patio is one of my favorite things. Love your glasses, but I do see how trying them on with a mask on and being able to tell how they look would be nigh on impossible. I remember the Campbell Soup Kids. Cool dolls!

  26. Well, you are a cutie! Glasses or no glasses, I like them! Yes, back to covid stay home all of the day like the next but we keep breathing, just waiting for all of this to turn around.
    The birds in your area are amazing!

  27. Those birds are beautiful! So colourful! We don't have anything like the red and blue one here, although i guess we have rainbow lorikeets, they aren't all one colour like that though!

    Your little owl looks so cute too! :)

    And you really suit your new glasses!

    Hope you are having a great weekend :) We went out and did more Christmas shopping yesterday which was fun :)

    Away From The Blue | Handbag Gift Guide

  28. The late autumn is a good season to watch birds. I love to watch birds and small lives. They always tell me something new and amazing.

  29. Nice you have all those real critters to watch while you make the felt ones.

    I bet your handmade critters are adorable. Anyone who buys any will be very lucky. I would, only every penny counts for me with the upcoming move, so I'll have to pass.

  30. You have such pretty blue eyes. That photo shows them off.

  31. The words I see over your cat are something like "get this hat off my head immediately". Love your birds. Hope you have a great week.

  32. Congratulations on getting a cat to pose in a hat.

    (I'm NOT a no-reply blogger, but some have told me Google makes it difficult to post comments. I will post worthwhile comments received by e-mail....or just socialize on Twitter.)

  33. Your new glasses look great, Jeanie! I tried to pick out new frames earlier this month, but couldn't decide with a mask on, so I just got new lenses put in my old frames. Too bad, because I was soooo ready for a change.

  34. Your bird photos make me smile, Jeanie. And your new glasses look great! I really need to see the eye doctor, but have been avoiding the process with the pandemic issues. The Campbell kids are darling. Enjoy the new week ahead, my friend.

  35. The cardinal is very beautiful indeed.
    Ohhhh, Ingo gets a crown today, outch! The glasses suit you!
    Seems like only one of you two had fun with the hats ;-)

  36. How are your ears???---hopefully much much better and they figured it out and got them all clear by now. Oh I do love your new glasses......I hope you love them and keep them because they sure do look great on you! Enjoyed the bird pictures, they look quite happy munching on their goodies. Wow, Thanksgiving is nearly here!! Hope you have a happy week

  37. Our birds have completely disappeared. Our weather has been all over the place.. the kids have even worn shorts this November.
    I think your glasses look great.. big glasses are quite 'in' right now.

  38. Beautiful bird captures Jeanie, whenever I spot a cardinal I feel like it's a sign of good luck! I love your new glasses, cute!!

  39. Luckily my brother-in-law is a dentist, so he keeps us all going, teeth-wise. I love the new glasses: I will never get a pair of tiny glasses again.

    And the birds. I wonder what that second photo is.

  40. The hats on Stimpy are just too cute.
    Cute little owl.
    Love, love cardinals.
    I like your glasses too. You look good in them.

  41. Oh, thought I had responded to this to say how much I love your bird photos, it would cheer me so much to see these beautiful colours in the garden. And those glasses are nice - yes, they give you a somewhat unfamiliar "look" but it's a good one!

  42. I like the glasses and I think they look great on you. I know how hard is to try glasses on with a mask. When I did, I put the glasses on, lowered my mask to have a look, put it back on before I said anything, so I think it was ok, but I'm happy I didn't have to buy any.

    The birds are so beautiful and colourful. I love your pictures.

  43. Hello Jeanie. I am sorry I am so late in visiting. I always enjoy your bird photos and I love the bright red cardinals. They seem to welcome the Christmas season with their bright plumage. Wishing you and Rick a Happy Thanksgiving!

  44. J E A N I E ! ! ! ! !

    Where do I even begin.

    First of all, I just checked my blog, which unfortunately is not one of my platforms where I check often. I simply can't manage, on a regular basis, my Instagram, my Youtube (yes, I started that!) and my blog. However, I am so glad to see you there AND here. It's been so long since I've followed up on blogs.

    It is so good to see you, truly. I miss you, I miss Penny, I miss many other wonderful women who I call my friends. Life has evolved and always had and always will....but good friends always leave you with good memories.

    I just adore your little owl. It is good to see that you have been up to some creativity and you look MARVELOUS! New glasses....oh, do I need a new pair too!

    The wildlife my dear, don't you just find solace in it? The wild side seems to tame us in these hours of uncertainty, of change.

    May you and all your loved ones be safe and healthy - big hugs to you!

  45. I like the new glasses Jeanie. Last time I got new glasses I took my husband to help me choose, but he just wanted me to choose 3 or 4 frames put them on and choose one, so he could get out of there as quickly as possible. Men!!
    The cardinals are quite pretty.
    Have a lovely Thanksgiving day with Rick.

  46. Jeanie, you always take such beautiful photos of all the wild life and the cats with hats is a hoot. I love your new glasses. Very cute and just right for your face, I think. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and then on to the Christmas lights!..Stay well, my friend..xxoJudy

  47. Your glasses look great! And yes, just the simplest of things have become much more difficult, like shopping for glasses! Your cats look adorable in their little hats as well, and your owl is so cute!

  48. Such beautiful pictures of the birds. Your kitty is just too cute. Thank you very much for linking up with Meraki Link Party.

  49. I used to live in Midland! I thought that I would live there forever. Thank you for the remembering time.


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