The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Celebrating at Southern Exposure!

It's no secret that my "happy place" is an herb farm near Battle Creek, Michigan called Southern Exposure. With friends, I will attend workshops there, making beautiful arrangements, wreaths and other home decor projects.

Jan, Kate and I had signed up for several of the spring workshops but, of course, those were canceled due to Covid-19. We were all missing our times at the farm, wandering the gardens and enjoying the lovely dinners we are served.

Well, when I finally paid off my house mortgage, a celebration was called for. I wanted to treat my friends to a lovely dinner but we are all high risk in one or more ways so a restaurant was out of the question.


And then I thought of Southern Exposure. I had hoped we could arrange a lovely dinner in one of their smaller buildings for six of us, well distanced. .


I knew that before we went in for dinner, the six of us could walk around the gardens, keeping good space outside.

And it worked! Jennifer, Southern Exposure's new owner, was more than accommodating. The plans were made!

Rick and I arrived at the farm after driving down a country road that was in truth a tunnel of trees at their golden splendor. The entry into the farm was equally beautiful. Soon the others arrived, too. This was especially fun for us because none of our menfolk had been to this spot we raved about with every visit. Even though the gardens were nearing their end, there was still plenty of color and it was beautifully tended, as always.

They were impressed!

We wandered around a good deal before dinner, noticing such things as still-magnificent hydrangeas...

...the charming vintage auto...

...flower-decked birdbaths...

...and the Southern Exposure chickens!

The apple and pear trees were still producing abundant fruit.

There was a lot of photography going on...

...and a lot of "oohing" and "ahhing..."

And more than a bit of gratitude for this time together.

There was more Southern Exposure fun in store when went inside for dinner.... 

Being with friends. It was so good.


  1. What a lovely thing to think of! Congratulations on paying off your mortgage. doremember Southern Exposure and how disappointed you were at the cancellations. I think you may have made up for it now and your friends are obviously thrilled.

    I'm particularly taken with that photo with all the pink, purples and yellow that has those captivating spikes of blue!

    Waving from Across the Pond, Deb in Wales

  2. Congrats on getting the mortgage paid off! Southern Exposure sure does look like a beautiful place and a perfect place to celebrate!

  3. Lovely! I'm so glad you got to do something fun. There is certainly still lots of beauty there. I have a similar looking hydrangea here and it makes me happy just to see it. -Jenn

  4. What perfect way to celebrate your freedom from mortgage payments! Southern Exposure is a wonderful place and I love how they've been able to turn that farm into to a mecca crafters, enjoying good food and nature.

  5. I really enjoyed this post. Gardens (as you know) are a favorite thing with me. And good friends in a garden, even better. You had a fabulous idea and a great way to celebrate safely.You are a smart lady Jeanie! Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

  6. What a treat to be able to meet there! Can’t wait to find out what happened next

  7. Hello Jeanie

    What a beautiful place to have a dinner with your friends. The garden images are lovely, I like the tree tunnel road. The last photo of you all social distancing is cute. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  8. Congratulations on that last mortgage payment!!! A wonderful feeling, isn't it!?!
    And what a splendiferous way to both celebrate, and to usher in fall!
    Hugs ~

  9. Congratulations on paying off your mortgage! Going to Southern Exposure to celebrate was a wonderful idea. I love the scenery. Can't wait to see pictures of the food.

  10. Eye popping gorgeousness, What a find! Good for you for your brilliant choice. Of all the most gorgeous beautiful refreshing photos of the day what struck me most is your friend's Gamboge coat! And scarf/shawl- what a glorious color! Especially against the blue jacketed person with the red mask. Yummy color!
    I am so pleased to see you out and about -safely- in such a marvelous place. Inspiring!

  11. Congratulations on paying off your mortgage! It's wonderful that y'all were able to arrange for an appropriate celebration :)

  12. Good that your mortgage is done and dusted. I'm sure you were happy to visit Southern Exposure again. Hugs, Valerie

  13. It will be a wonderful time with great foods and lots of fun on celebration! Congratulations on paying off your mortgage!

  14. Great spot for celebrating a great event - that of paying off the mortgage!
    You've got Nature and Friends to celebrate with you, and that makes it all very special.

  15. Oh Jeanie, I always delight in your Southern Exposure photos. That red rose in the bird bath! I want to frame it and put it up, it's so pretty. I so wish you would frame that one. The statue of Mary is lovely and she is a great comfort to me. And I love all the orange pumpkins, orange Fall leaves on the trees, and that sweet pear tree. Do you know PEARS used to be my favorite fruit when I was a child? Thanks for the photos, Jeanie. They were uplifting during this unsettling time we're in.


  16. Jeanie, Congratulations on paying off your mortgage. I have done that once. Working on my second home now. That place is gorgeous. Absolutely. So much to see still. The flowers are hardy yet. So happy you could at least get with loved ones for a dinner . Any time we can sit with our family or a blessings these days. We just have to keep our distance and wear masks and wash our hand often. Oh and wipe down anything anyone touches. Sending warm hugs to you. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  17. Congratulations for getting that mortgage taken care of. Sometimes I think that's the only saving grace for me in this crazy world economy! That is a lovely place for a meet and greet. It was a MOB scene at our local garden center a few days ago. I can't believe the health unit didn't shut them down.

  18. Congratulations on paying off your home, Jeanie! That's certainly reason to celebrate. I love your idea to do so with friends. Southern Exposure is a beautiful spot! Such beauty all around. Though Autumn in your area, still lovely blooms around. I'm so glad you are adjusting well being back home.

  19. What a fun gathering -- and great pictures, too! I love those cabbages. Looking forward to part two, when you share the details of a delicious meal.

    Last, although this was for pink Saturday, and there were lots of lovely shades of pink and purple on offer here -- my favorite color was the brilliant marigold provided by your friend's lovely winter coat... so much fun!

  20. You are one of the most kind, thoughtful people I know, Jeanie. After paying off your mortgage, you should have let the others take you to eat, instead you took them. You are truly a bit of a tease with these photos. I look forward to the meal. But for now, I will appreciate the beauty of the gardens and the last of the glorious color that is at Southern Exposure. You must be thrilled to have been treated so well by the new owner. I'm sure this was a magical moment for all of you.

  21. Congrats...
    And some lively pictures!

  22. You truly make the very best of it!!! Beautiful place you went to.

  23. Congratulations on paying off your mortgage! How wonderful to be able to plan a celebration at SE, I have missed being able to enjoy your visits. I can’t wait to see the follow-up of your special dinner. Happy Sunday!

  24. Gee, I paid off my mortgage over twenty years ago with no fanfare at all! Makes me think I missed out and you certainly did it in grand style, Jeanie. I bet that Southern Exposure really appreciated rhe business too.

  25. Thanks fo the tour. Lovely views! Janice

  26. Your happy place is my happy place too, Jeanie! So glad you were able to go there, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the story. Congratulations on paying off the mortgage!

  27. How thoughtful of you to share your happiness..:)Congrats!

  28. I always love your Southern Exposure posts. Congrats on getting the mortgage paid off.

  29. Good for all of you doing something together but staying six feet apart....haha....loved the pics. Glad you are getting out and about some. Stay safe.

  30. Being mortgage free is very satisfying and a very special kind of freedom. Southern Exposure looks delightful.

  31. Awww... this is amazing!! I'm so happy for you. Paying off your mortgage and being able to celebrate with friends, in a place you love. How amazing is all that. Congratulations!!!! xx

  32. I was just thinking about you and how you would have to miss this in 2020 but your visit worked out! And, what a wonderful reason to celebrate! The grounds look beautiful and such a great way for you to enjoy being with friends and still social distance. Congratulations on the mortgage too................

  33. Jeanie, a celebration was indeed called for. Congratulation on paying off your mortgage. And, how wonderful you and your friends could celebrate at a place you all love and enjoy. I will be anxious to see your next post.
    Again, many congratulations! Have a great week.

  34. There was a lot of "oohing" and "ahhing..." from me too!
    Plus scrolling up and down several times to have a further look at all of these fabulous photographs.
    What a lovely place and visit.

    Enjoy the new week ahead.
    Stay safe and well.

    All the best Jan

  35. Jeanie, I'll congratulate you again. Such a great feeling to be morgage free!
    Thanks for sharing all these great photos. Beautiful!

  36. Knowing of your fondness for Southern Exposure and sadness at events being cancelled, this post was lovely to see. It looks like you and your friends had a great time in the gardens and the meal was sure to have been wonderful and will look forward to future posts, jeanie.

  37. This just makes me cry for joy for you and your celebration. How special was that!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! Well Done! What a special place to celebrate. Can't wait to read the rest of the celebration.

  38. What a beautiful place! And what a great time you had there.

  39. How wonderful you were able to go to your happy place to celebrate. I know you've missed your trips to Southern Exposure. I'm glad you were able to find a way to visit.

  40. So glad you were able to celebrate at your happy place with some of your dearest friends!! Sounds absolutely blissful!!!!

  41. Looks like a lovely place to visit. So glad you shared such a happy place. Love the runs with pumpkins and florals. Congrats on the mortgage. Definitely ceebrate!

  42. Oh Jeanie!
    It is so true that Southern Exposure is MY happy place as well as yours!:) What a lovely celebration you enjoyed. Southern Exposure is just as beautiful as I remember it. I just bet it felt so good to be back in your beautiful and welcoming space and with the people that you enjoy so much too.
    Congratulations on the mortgage, I just bet this feels so good!

  43. Perfect Jeanie for your friends
    perfect place
    and perfect for you . . . closed off for months from anyone.
    And then . . . Southern Exposure . . .
    What a grand idea for a GRAND setting.
    I can’t wait to see and hear more!

  44. Oh, Jeannie, I have always enjoyed your posts about your adventures at Southern Exposure. I need to get some friends together for an outdoor outing.
    I really would have oohed and ahhed too. Looks like so much fun.

  45. What a wonderful place. Thanks for taking us along. I'm in love with those big urns.
    Happy Halloweenn!

  46. truly and definitely a lot of ohhhs and ahhhs on my side dearest Jeanie! I so love the tour you gave us, me specifically because you know how I crave for Autumn scenes and this has sure quenched it :) Love the flowers and fruits and vegetables and a special mention to the Mustard coat that your friend was wearing, that's one of my ultimate favorite color together with olive green and brown :)


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