The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Postcards from the Lake: Wet and Wildlife

Anyone coming to Northern Michigan over Labor Day weekend in search of the last warm, sunny days of summer would be woefully disappointed. 

Days have been cloudy at best, rainy at worst, with gale-force winds at times. It was a grand opportunity for sweatshirts and fleece. When it was calm enough to be on the porch to paint,  I took advantage!

That hasn't stopped our duck population from gathering en masse. You could see them coming in from all directions! 

This is the Quackle family, I'm quite sure. They always travel together. Mom is a beauty! 

Nor has it stopped this sweet sandpiper from exploring the beach. (At least I think that's what it is from my bird book, with its winter look. Any other ideas out there?) He was quite busy hunting for whatever food it was that he might find on the shore.

 Eddie the Eagle was in full hunt mode, too. Another fuzzy photo -- one can only crop so much!


Rick got a bike ride or two in and on one ended up with a flat and a problematic spare. On the way to rescue him, I saw this duo. Their fawn had hopped away before I could get a photo. (They look like statues, don't they? So still!)

But  I was rewarded on the way home. Isn't he a sweet one? 

This is a sweet little wild cat too!

My cooking exploits have involved making quarts of tomato sauce, with more to come.

We also enjoyed peach/pear/pecan crisp, thanks to a wonderful haul at the market, combined with the thoughtful gift of a neighbor (who had peach and blueberry crisp left at his door.) In both cases, I don't measure the fruit. I just cut it in chunks to fill much of my baking dish and add a sprinkle of cinnamon and juice from half a lemon topped with Ina Garten's crumble.

 I mentioned a bit of painting time. Mostly I've been working in my practice book.

But I did get that flicker painted that I saw earlier this summer. I might do him over. Pleased but not thrilled!

Meanwhile, someone has been keeping us delighted.

 She won't be so happy when she is tricked into complacency and then shoved into her carrier box for the ride home!


  1. Love all the wildlife. I love coming upon different types of wildlife out in the wild. Not a fan of caged ones. Love you kitty's face. So adorable. I looked a several kittens at Pet Smart the other day and had to tell myself over and over again.....NO, NO, NO...

  2. Hello Jeanie,

    Sorry your Labor Day weekend weather, I hope it did not spoil your time at the lake. Love your wildlfie sightings, great birds and the deer are so cute. The one bird does look like a Spotted Sandpiper, though I do not claim to be an expert at bird id's. Lizzie looks cute and comfy. The peach crisp sounds yummy. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great week ahead!

  3. Will swing by later, Jeanie, but just wanted to let you know that your bird is a Spotted Sandpiper - no longer with spots at this time of year.

  4. IT's good to hear that Rick's bicycle treks are working out without MAJOR issues. Tires are minor if someone very wonderful rescues you!

    I like your deer, even though a lot of people think they are pests.

    be well... mae at

  5. Gorgeous pix, and I like the little flicker painting!

  6. Love your leaves painting! The second pic of your painting in progress is a gem too. Looks like fall is upon us. I can feel the cool air from your first pic. We had 'frost warning' over the weekend.

  7. I always enjoy seeing the wildlife. We have a big variety around here, but no pond. Sometimes the weather does not cooperate. I love peach crisp. Almost time for baking when the weather cools a bit. Enjoy your week ahead.

  8. Life at the lake seems very nice even when the weather was not the finest. I'm glad Rick got some bike time in but sorry to learn about the flat and a problematic spare, at least he had you there to come to his rescue. Thank goodness he was not out in the wilderness by himself when it happened.

  9. Your lake views and bird- and other nature-watching must make that a great spot even on otherwise dreary days. Great inspiration for your art pieces. Those peaches look sooo good! I'm not sure I'd have any left to bake with lol

  10. You saw lots of beautiful wildlife this week. Glad Rick managed in spite of little problems. Nice artwork, too. And Lizzie is gorgeous as always! Have a great week, Valerie

  11. I'd love to have a sweat shirt day. It's still hotter than Hades here in Florida. Usually I love August into Sept in Michigan because I borrow sweat shirts from my sister and enjoy a cooler breeze. Lovely post today!

  12. Our weather is infuriatingly more late Autumn than end of Summer here too. I have the heating on again! Your leaves are absolute perfection. Truly, I did a double take, thinking where are the painted ones? They ARE the painted ones. So realistic. Does your comment about Lizzie and her carrier mean the gloriously blissful days at the Lake are winding to an end for this year?

    Deb in Wales

  13. Dearest Jeanie! look how you made those three leaves on your journal! Wow, just Wow!!! You captured it realistically plus a story more to it! Thank you so much for sharing these captures by the lake, felt like I was there too!

  14. Peaches - such beautiful, tasty fruit! Eaten raw or in a pie, in both cases they make up for the gloomy weather.

  15. Jeanie, My daughter went to Michigan this past weekend and got home yesterday afternoon. She said she drove in some bad rains getting home. We had 5 inches of rain yesterday evening and over night. Love your paintings. The wild life photos are nice too. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  16. I love your watercolor leaves Jeanie!! I can't imagine sweatshirts and fleece, we are still in the hot humid 90s! Love your wildlife captures and especially Lizzy!

  17. Your practice leaves are really spot on! Love the photo of your mama duck. She truly is beautiful.

  18. Your deer look more exotic than ours.
    I love your paintings, Inspiring!!
    Our leaves are not changing , still green, dropping off of the branches though, because it has been so dry.
    I truly love your paintings, always!!!

  19. Your weather was totally different from ours over Labor Day. Peach crisp sounds good. Or any crisp. Yum. And I am loving your paintings. Do you close up your place when you come home this week or do you go back again? And wildlife and Lizzie too. Good times for sure. Hugs-Erika

  20. Your painting is lovely. I like the bird very much. Art is keeping me going most days. Art helps in bad times, I think.

  21. It's nice to see the Quackles again, Jeanie. I'm so glad Eddie the eagle caught your eye again. I love seeing bald eagles. And the deer are so sweet. Sorry to hear the weather wasn't as good as you'd like for Labor Day weekend. The weather was no detriment to your lovely watercolors!

  22. We had good weather here in SW Michigan albeit some cool evenings. No worries, the guys love making the bonfire. But the rain came last night and today was overcast and cool. I still spent over an hour on the patio reading and then took Poppy for a walk.

    Your painting talent is super! I love that you work at it like you do. It sounds fun and I think you are already quite good. Sometimes I think cleaning is my hobby. 🙄

    I love spotting the wildlife around the lake. Yesterday we had a white duck land on our beach. Just flew in for a landing and waddled around for awhile. I have to do some research. It was alone and I've never seen such a thing. It was a nice experience!

    Enjoy your week, Jeannie!


  23. Beautiful photos from the lake.
    Love the paintings.

  24. Oh, those pictures make my heart happy! I loved all of them... used to visit ducks at our lake all the time. My goodness! Your leaves are amazing! I can't tell if it is a painting or the real deal! Love your sweet kitty... such a "ferocious" one! Hugs!

  25. Wow! Such magnificent scenery. I'd love to be there on the lake no matter the weather. I love it in the Fall when it is blustery by the Great Lakes and the waves lap up high. It's good for a bracing walk. All your photos are wonderful. Our Labour Day weather was very nice and this week the temperatures will rise quite high. We had so much rain over the summer that it's nice to get some sunshine before out rainy season arrives.

  26. Yes, cold here, also, and wee. Love your work!
    And the Quackle family 🧡
    And Lizzie, of course! She is soooo sweet!
    But! One would guess she knows what´s up next... that box...

  27. What a great job you have done with the leaves, Jeanie, and I expect that very soon we will be seeing the real things drifting down from the trees, trying to look half as good as your paintings but barely succeeding! Have a great day as they used to say at the gas station when you got full service and cleaned your windshield. The present generation will never know such quaintness!

  28. Lost in all the drama of 2020 is that the weather has not been great. Actually, we had very nice Labor Day weekend weather here; but really nice weather has been rare. Love your paintings. It is time to think about fall baking (made my first pumpkin bread of the season yesterday).

  29. Jeanie,
    Teuly stunning pictures once again!! I am so envious of your art...LOVE the leaf pictures!! Thanks so much for sharing!!
    Thanks too for always stopping by!!

  30. I wondered if you experienced the rain and COLD.
    Brrrr . . . it will warm up I am sure.
    I am impressed with your leaf painting . . .
    Like Love . . . cards?

  31. Stellar Leaves ..!! You're just getting better and better.You would love
    iandehoogart on Instagram! So many beautiful his art! He does tutorials:)

  32. Sounds like - apart from the weather some days, and Rick's tires - you've still been enjoying some very pleasant days by the lake. I don't measure my fruit for crumbles and things either... Just however much I have, or however much is right for the dish I'm using. A lot of my cooking and baking is done with estimated amounts to be honest.

  33. Jeanie, The water color leaves are great. I enjoyed fresh peaches also. Wonderful nature photos. I am glad you enjoyed your time at the lake. Have a good week. Sylvia D.

  34. I'm closing my eyes and dreaming I am there too. Lovely

  35. I love your painting. You are such a talented artist.

  36. Hard to believe your temps dropped so significantly to wear sweatshirts, but those intermittent days are definitely due, I suppose. I like seeing the subtle changes. The leaves you painted are awesome, and that eagle sighting.....just majestic!

  37. Sweatshirts? Ack. I'm still in shorts here.
    Your paintings look superb.
    Love seeing the wildlife.
    I swear I haven't had a decent peach in three years. My daughter had some good ones too from the farmers market. I guess that's where I need to go.
    Take special care.

  38. The first time I made Ina's peach and blueberry crumble, I didn't have the blueberries. So I made it again and it was just as good as the first time. Yum!

    I love fall, but it must be hard for you to see summer come to an end at the lake. I'm not looking forward to a COVID winter. Being able to enjoy the yard was a saving grace this summer.
    Love your autumn leaves.

  39. So many ducks ~ I love the sand pipers too. Those peaches look so good ~ Your paintings are wonderful & the color of your kitties eyes ~ Just precious!

  40. Love all of your pictures and especially your paintings. I think the good weather migrated to New York City. We may have the best weather of the year in the last week, though there was a slight nip in weather this morning. Take care!

  41. Oh it does sound like a wonderful time to paint at the lake. Your painting are wonderful as well. So much wild life to enjoy there but the best is at home with Miss Lizzzie............

  42. I just got back online after being without internet all day. What a feast to see your gorgeous paintings, the birds at the lake, and Lizzie. Beautiful photos, Jeanie. Sorry about Rick's bike tire. Glad it wasn't too far away at least (like in another state).

  43. The deer are so cute :)
    Poor Lizzie having to travel back home soon. I know how my cats hate getting in the car just to go to the vet a couple of blocks away.
    I can see a cute dog painted and some pretty leaves too, well done Jeanie.

  44. Jeanie, it seems I am always behind in reading and commenting. Lake living has so much to offer you and as a reader I always am in awe of the simple beauty that you share. I love seeing the birds that your photograph, eagles are so majestic. Fawns are so adorable until they nibble on my hosta, EM loves the Bambi movie. Lizzie always provides wonderful moments to capture. Wishing you a lovely day!

  45. Hi Jeanie, just got our power back on late yesterday so am now trying to play catch up. You always have such gorgeous photos of all the outside wild life around the lake. Even great ones of the wild life indoors also!..Stay well and enjoy the end of summer..xxoJudy

  46. It has been cool and overcast. The birds are gathering for their winter flights to warmer places. Janice

  47. Poor Lizzie! She looks so unaware.... but I'm not too sorry for her, with what seems like a pretty enviable life :D
    Despite your weather you have made the most of your stay with all those beautiful paintings and lovely photos. I went out for my first reasonable length bike ride today (well about 22 miles, not much by Rick's standards but some pretty stiff hills). I took some interesting photos too. Enjoy the rest of your stay!

  48. Gotta say, the recent arrival of more blustery weather has perked me up a bit. Still not energetic enough to tackle baking projects and painting, but I am slowly catching up with my laundry pile. Looks like you've been putting your autumnal energy to wonderful effect: love the watercolors (maybe especially the leaves), the walks on the lakeshore, the photos of Lizzie. Glad you were around to help Rick out when he needed it. And thanks for the pointer to Ina Garten's crumble topping... this looks amazing!

  49. Wow! So much wildlife! I showed the duck pictures to Paul and he smiled ear to ear! His love of ducks is strong! It cooled off this weekend but nothing like you experienced. But colder air arrived on Tuesday. It will be back in the 70s next week, though. I’m hoping for lots of days in the 70s as that is my ideal kind of weather when the humidity is low!

  50. We're having one of those cloudy, dreary days here in the mountains of CO. I'm not seeing any ducks or sandpipers though.... I've been making crisps and coffee cakes like mad the past few weeks. It must be the cooler temperatures. Bob's not complaining! I pinned Ina's recipe. I love the leaf paining.

  51. Hello Jeanie,

    I just love the wildlife in your post. Pretty watercolors of the dog and Flicker. Great sighting and captures of the adorable fawn, deer and your sweet Lizzie. I hope to see some ducks this winter. Take care and stay safe. Thank you for linking up your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  52. I love all the photos and your beautiful art!

  53. i love sweater/sweatshirt weather, maybe more then summer!! that's a sweet duck family, you captured some really nice images!!

    and your water color paintings are fabulous, you are too hard on yourself. both the leaves and the flicker are beautiful!!

  54. Leaves are so beautiful to paint! I should try that! And I love your woodpecker art too. And the ducks...and deer...and eagle! What a week you've had! Happy weekend!

  55. Hello. Lovely post. I like your paintings.
    Have a great sunday.

  56. Enjoyed seeing the McQuackle family and Eddie Eagle, Jeanie, and like how you name them., We do the same when we see Harry Heron (we have one too) flying along the Nashua River below our apt. Those leaf watercolors looked great! And I liked how you also have found used for those plastic Talenti Gelato containers. We had to finally start tossing some out. When we were buying gelato they would pile up way too fast. Now, we only have a half dozen saved for future use. Repurposing is great!

  57. That Sandpiper is so precious. And the deer, what a wonderful sight! Yes, they look like statues, they're so cautious with their surroundings, and rightly so. Those peaches look so ripe and tasty, and perfect to make a dessert with. And that last photo of your cat is beautiful, Jeanie.


  58. I love, love your leaf painting!
    Sweet Lizzie!
    Birds spotted.
    Rick riding!
    Peach crisp and tomatoes!
    And that fawn!
    Whenever I see a fawn I remember in my first grade someone bringing a fawn to visit our class. It could hardly stand on the slick floor, poor thing. I never forgot that.

  59. Ah this post was good for my soul too! Love all the wildlife and nature and art - and your adorable kitty. :)

  60. I do like your paintings, and great photographs too.

    All the best Jan


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