The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Week at Home: Meet the Coopers!

You may remember when I wrote about the Cooper Hawk who built a nest in one of Rick's trees. The babies are hatched -- and they are big!

We think there are four but maybe only two. We've only seen two at a time.

They're getting larger now, and starting to roam farther afield. 

When they were younger, there was the constant high-pitched squealing of their call, all day! It sounded cute when we listened on the porch. (But Rick says when you're trying to work in your office all day and concentrate, it's not quite as much fun!)

They'll often sit on the edge of the fire pit or on an old BBQ in the back of the yard, no longer functional but a fine spot to check things out.

They also have a few favorite trees they seem to choose and they seem to enjoy hanging out together.

I'll miss them when they've gone!

Gotta fly!

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Sharing with:         Pink Saturday    /     Saturday's Critters     /     Let's Keep in Touch   


  1. Hello,

    I enjoyed meeting your Coopers, they are beautiful birds. It is cool seeing two of these raptors sitting together. Great series of photos.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. They are so beautiful! What a joy to get to see them when they are young...they don't stay young long! heehee! Enjoy your day! Hugs!

  3. What amazing photographs! I'd be so happy to have them nearby! Great shots!

  4. SO LUCKY!!! WOW they are gorgeous, and they knew exactly where to hang out! Wonderful shots of them, lovely creatures. Their beaks are dainty little life takers!

  5. They are gorgeous, looks like they're wearing feathery nightdresses! Hugs, Valerie

  6. They are gorgeous creatures but I gotta warn you I've seen them take a few of our beautiful cardinals from around our feeders. Go look for mice! Nice photos.

  7. Your photos really got the hawkeye looks!

    be well... mae at

  8. oh, they are big, and very beautiful too. Great photos!

    Deb in Wales

  9. How cool to be able to see and watch them! Great photos!

  10. How amazing to have these in your garden. Great photos too.

  11. And they will follow along in their traditions of life! Beautiful captures of them, thank you.

  12. Jeanie, I think they are truly beautiful. I just wish they only ate rodents. :):) Not our sweet song birds. Blessings, hope all is well. xoxo, Susie

  13. So exciting to be a part of their beginnings, Jeanie! Great photos as well.

  14. They are handsome babies. I would image they would grow fast as they have to make it through the winter. But very cool to see. You got great photos Jeanie. hugs-Erika

  15. Those are magnificent hawks! I love seeing birds of prey. I keep hearing a hawk sound, but I can never figure out where exactly it is. I can tell which direction to look, but I can't see any hawk in the trees. You managed to get some great photos - you seem to have a talent when it comes to photographing birds. -Jenn

  16. Beautiful. They look like they will be ready to fly away for good soon.

  17. Your photos of the Cooper hawks are so clear! I have never seen better! I laughed about the difference in hearing them as diversion and hearing them all the time like your husband did. So true with most things! Thank you for sharing your treasures !

  18. This is so cool. I can't wait for H to wake up. It's 6:00 am. He will love this post. Your photos are great.

  19. Jeanie these are such amazing photos! I'm so envious of your feathered neighbors. I've never been close to a hawk but these fellows are so beautiful.

  20. What a pleasure it must be to have these wonderful hawks join your family! I know that you appreciate the majesty of the moment, Jeanie. Now you have Regal Rick AND the hawks. How lucky can one girl get? We are back at home. It was a brief visit with Caroline and Andrew, but very enjoyable. Today we will be walking again with Heather and Lily, so we are very much looking forward to that. Caroline was admiring my beautiful bookmark so I told her all about my famous artist friend in Michigan!

  21. Jeanie, these are gorgeous captures of these beautiful birds! I love to observe nature and keep my camera handy. Have a wonderful Friday!

  22. Tell Rick he has my sympathy. I have a bluejay family in my trees and at my feeders, and believe me: that constant conversation can be distracting! Some bird babies are more patient than others, but bluejay babies seem to be the most demanding in the world, and they're willing to let everyone know when their next tidbit's been delayed!

    The wren and mockingbird babies are grown and flown now -- I know you'll miss these handsome young'uns when they're gone.

  23. Cute ones.. well, cute BIG ones!

  24. Jeanie!
    Absolutely amazing pictures!! They are stunning!!! Thanks so much for all your visits!!

  25. Great photos! I look forward to seeing them in a watercolor.

  26. Aren't they gorgeous!!! What a treat from nature.

  27. Great photos, Jeanie. I know the hawks have their place in nature, but it is hard to watch them kill little creatures. They are a beautiful bird though.

    Have a great weekend, Jeanie.

  28. I love how you always name the animals you watch regularly.

  29. You got great photos! Hawks are such majestic birds, and I always enjoy watching them. Welcome, Coopers! :)

  30. Ah, the Coopers. Simply adorable and such incredible photos, too. Those talons look lethal, though.

  31. OMG, the things you see!!!! Just wonderful!!!

    PS It looks now like those who wish will be able to keep the old format? If that is the case, I probably won't close up Sketchbook Wandering...Thanks for sharing the Coopers!! Rita

  32. What a wonderous gift to have them nesting at Rick's.

  33. Wow! Those are babies? And while they're watching you, they must make great entertainment too. xoxo

  34. What a great experience to witness this special family! You are so lucky, Jeanie. Several years ago we watched a family of Great Horned Owls raising their two owlets. It was quite dramatic in parts when one of the little ones fell out of the nest and was brought to the Bird Rescue Center. A few weeks later it was brought back and the parents welcomed it back in their midst. seeing these wild birds for an extended period was one of the highlights in that year.

  35. It's going to be fun watching them learn to hunt. Rick's neighborhood won't have mice problems this winter.

  36. Oh, wow! Gorgeous birds and great photos! So special to have them nesting so close! x Karen

  37. Terrific pictures ~ They're so beautiful! I bet you don't have any rodents to worry about in your yard ~

  38. Hello, Jeanie

    I just loved these Hawk photos! I find it amazing to see these two siblings standing next to each other, great poses for you and your camera. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend. PS, thanks for visiting my blog and for the comment.

  39. These pictures are fantastic!! What a gift that you are able to get such great pictures of them! The Coopers are beautiful birds!

  40. I'm visiting from Pink Saturday. Your photos are stunning! Such gorgeous and majestic creatures those Coopers are.

  41. Hello Coopers! The Hawk is a grand bird, and you got to see two of them, that's amazing! They have such a watchful eye. I like the second photo where you can see much of his white in the sunlight. They are an attractive bird for sure.


  42. Oh my what wonderful bird photos! I have never managed to take any decent pictures of birds except a couple of courting pigeons once, and only because they're totally unafraid of people and came to sit right next to me on a fence about 2 feet away!! So I love your photos, so full of life and conveying the character of these fine birds.

  43. Hello.
    You are so lucky to have these in your garden. Fantastic. Thank you for sharing.

  44. Wow! The Coopers have grOWN! They are spectacular, and a bit intimidating, even as juveniles!

  45. Liking your Cooper Hawk Twosome. . . .
    Did not like it when one flew into one of our front windows
    though, shattering it. We didn’t know what caused the crash
    until I searched around and found the Cooper Hawk in the pachysandra.

    I tried to post a comment regarding the new blogger and it wouldn’t open.
    Tried the new version once, still like the “oldie but goodie!”
    I don’t mind change, BUT when something is working, why change it up.
    I use my iPad totally. Seldom post on the lap top.
    Although I used the LT exclusively when I first started blogging.
    I do not monetize. I am 81. I like using the current, older version
    and like how I can go in and “clean up” the dreadful, idiotic scammer messages.
    I am open to change but once again, if it is working, why change it up!

  46. Hi Jeanie :) Wow those are some beautiful photos. Those birds are amazing...I was going to say they are big for babies! We watched a nest of robins grow from the egg to the time they flew away and we still miss them! :)

  47. It was nice to meet the Coopers and that last photo with the appropriate wording was perfect, Jeanie. The youngsters have fledged into some good looking birds and the only sad thing is that they will be able to hunt dinner just like their parents.

  48. A lovely series of photographs, I certainly enjoyed meeting your Coopers :)

    All the best Jan

  49. The Cooper family are so impressive. We have the occasional sighting on our fence and they are always bigger than you imagine them to be. I've never seen the young birds up close. How fun to be able to watch them grow and hang out while they are young.

  50. Those are beautiful birds! The ‘babies’ are so big! We had something making a high pitched screaming noise for a week this summer. I thought it was a kid blowing a broken whistle but when I mentioned it to Phil, he said it had to be a bird of some sort. It was a very unpleasant sound so I was happy when it went away!!!

  51. Those are pretty impressive hawks to be just hanging around Rick's place. They are beautiful, but glad they are there and not here. I know, I know I should like them. They probably do some good things. But to tell you the truth I have seen similar hawks come in my yard and kill other birds. It is so sad to hear them crying. But for today I will concentrate on how beautiful they are.


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