The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Hawks, Berries, Birds, Blooms and Deer!

Last post was a Postcard from the Lake; today, a Ditch walk! And sometimes, the back yard!

Actually, this nest is in Rick's back yard. About a week or so ago I posted a photo of a magnificent hawk. This is her nest. It's way up in the tree; hard to focus the zoom well enough! But quite impressive.

A few ditch sightings that made my recent walk a happy one, like this pretty deer.

What a sweet face!

Cardinals are one of my favorites.

This one actually hung around long enough to pose for a few photos!

This mama duck was preening herself on the banks of the pond...

...while her ducklings clustered close beside her.

The ducklings are turning into ducks -- their feathers have formed!

I'm not sure who this is -- I think a grackle! But it looks awfully fat!

Should you think it's all about the animals, here are a few blooms that make this walk so pleasant, starting with the glorious honeysuckle on my route.

I'm not sure what these are... I don't really care. They're pretty.

And what's not to love about pure white?

I leave you with a little pink. 

Enjoy all your walks, flora and fauna!


  1. Beautiful nature shots! the pure white is queen anne's lace. I love the deer too ~ Wonderful! Enjoy your week

  2. Beautiful nature shots! the pure white is queen anne's lace. I love the deer too ~ Wonderful! Enjoy your week

  3. Hello Jeanie,

    What a nice walk. Love the birds and the blooms. It is cool that Rick has this hawk's nest in his yard. The deer are so cute, they are my favorite this post. Have a great day!

  4. Always love your ditch photos, especially now days when there's so much ugliness showing in the world.

  5. Seems a nice walk around the ditch, enjoying the blooms, deer, and birds!

  6. The cardinal is beautiful! And the duckies, awww. And the flowers, of course! Will check if the botanical garden finally has re-opened!

  7. The deer and the red cardinal are quite the attraction!
    Delightful photos of birds and flowers!

  8. Lovely collection of photos of beautiful nature there in Michigan dearest Jeanie! I really like the mother duck photo with her deep brown and blue streaks on her feathers! The deer of course is lovely, I love deers! Sending you warm hugs from the Philippines dear Jeanie!

  9. Great pictures Jeanie. I loved seeing the flowers and the birds. Glad you saw so many nice things. Saw the previous post where you went to the cabin. What a great fun time.Beautiful butterflies. Blessings to you and Rick, xoxo, Susie

  10. Beautiful nature photos Jeanie. You always get such good ones. Isn't it great to be able to get outside and enjoy all the beauties? Hugs-Erika

  11. Jeanie, You get the best shots on your walks.

    I'm amazed how you get the deer shots. Very enjoyable post.

    You did well with the captures.

  12. I actually enjoyed watching a woodpecker in my yard pecking for ants. Love bird watching and would love to see a hawks nest like yours. Janice

  13. The birds and flowers are wonderful and they remind me to stop and take a look.

  14. The cardinals are my favorite songbird. There is nothing so beautiful as a cardinal against the white snow.

  15. Wonderful nature photos from the ditch. I love the deer and cardinal shots. They are my favorites today. I have grackles that visit my yard. Mine have black and blue shiny heads, so yours may be a female, because I have no idea what gender mine are. Thanks for taking us with you. You are a lot braver than I, especially now that the virus cases are on the rise again.

  16. Wonderful photos, it's good to get out and see nature just now. Enjoy! Hugs, valerie

  17. The ducklings and goslings are maturing at our local park too, though I suspect some may be the second brood for the family. I love to watch the goslings raise their little unformed wings as they walk down a slope to the water. The look so awkward, but it works for them!

    be well... mae at

  18. What a glorious walk. Hawks and cardinals and deer and flowers. Wow.

  19. Maybe Rick needs to invite the hawk into the house, Jeanie, and that might take care of his chipmunk issue in a hurry, and provide breakfast for the baby hawks in the process! Great series of images. i am happy that you are enjoying nature in this way.

  20. I'm almost certain your pink flower is crown vetch. We don't have it here, but I encountered it in Missouri and Kansas when I last was up there. It's seriously invasive: pretty, but capable of running native plants out of the neighborhood. Let me see if I can find one of my photos of it for you to use for comparison.

  21. How nice to have such an array of beauty so near. You do an excellent job of stopping to smell the roses.

  22. Love the deer, so cute. And of course all the beautiful blooms made me smile :)
    Have a lovely day Jeanie

  23. Lovely Jeanie . . .
    Beautiful weather days happening in Michigan land, of late!

    Get ready for sky high hot temps and humidity next week!

  24. What wonderful shots of nature! You are surrounded by beauty.

  25. I wish we got birds of such bright colours here! Such beautiful photos and wonderful nature.

  26. Jeanie, I love all your photos. You have so many talents. I agree about the deer having sweet faces, they have such a gentle look. Cardinals, I think enjoy being photographed. We have one Mike named Rex that comes for his peanuts when Mike whistles for him.

    Enjoy your summer walks and all the beauty.

  27. It's the small things. A little walk among nature can put so much into your day.I'm often surprised at how just a little bird sighting will lift my spirits. We don't have cardinals, and deer are far from our neighborhood. How delightful for you!

  28. Great wildlife and nature photos! You got good color in these shots :)

  29. my heart always does a little skip when I get a notification you have a new blog up. Fabulous wildlife photos again. I don't know what sort, exactly, but the leaves on those white flowers look like a vetch, which is of the pea family, if you want to see if it's indigenous to your region.

    Deb in Wales

  30. Me again. Google "Crown Vetch" and see if it's what you have there.

    Deb in Wales

  31. Jeanie, once again a delightful ditch walk! I just know the honeysuckle permeates the air with its heavenly fragrance!

  32. Beautiful nature shots! I love seeing what you see on your walks to the ditch. I’ve been enjoying lots of flowers on my walks and looking for inspiration on what to plant in our front flower beds. I am not crazy about some of what is planted so will change things up and plant some different things this fall.

  33. Hi sweet one! Oh, thank you for taking me along with you on your walk! Your photos are so beautiful. Hope all is well with you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  34. Great photos! I love that sweet deer!

  35. You are so lucky to have all that beauty on your walks Jeanie. The hawk photo is brilliant. Have a good weekend x

  36. Oh, the daisies made me smile. They remind me of my mom. Loved seeing all your photos today, Jeanie.....the red cardinal, the mama duck, and the deer! What a precious face she has. I've been longing for nature lately. There's a lot to do here in So Cal, but more nature places for me to visit in Nor Cal. Although I did a get a chance to go up the mountains with Nel one day. It's nice that you got to spend some time in nature, Jeanie. It always grounds me. ; )


  37. I love seeing real live nature.

  38. You've shared some wonderful photographs, it's always good to get out enjoy nature.

    All the best Jan

  39. Jeanie,
    OMG!! What amazing pictures!! Especially of the deer!! Thanks so much for stopping by again!!


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