The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Lamb Chop

A number of you commented on this photo from my last post and recognized the fuzzy white puppet with the eggs made by Rick's mom as Lamb Chop.

Lamb Chop, as some may recall, was a creature designed by puppeteer Shari Lewis, who was a part of many of our childhoods with her televised program.

Shari Lewis was a ventriloquist and her puppets, Lamb Chop, Hush Puppy and Charley Horse, made many appearances on television shows in the 1950s including Ed Sullivan's variety show and the popular Captain Kangaroo. She then had her own children's television program which was broadcast nationally.

Photo:  Wikipedia

In 1992, Shari's beloved character, the sweet little Lamb Chop (which some say was Lewis' alter ego), returned to public television in a series called Lamb Chop's Play Along. I remember the show as being quite delightful and very interactive, with lots of participation opportunities for kids.

A sceme from Lamb Chop's Play Along on PBS

And that's how this Lamb Chop came into my life! I went to one of the PBS annual meetings when the show was being launched one of the take-aways we were given was this sweet puppet, which, as you can see, made quite an impression with our first baby grand!

We also got a little finger puppet, which now sits atop my Easter Egg tree!

And bonus points, a meeting with Shari Lewis, as she signed the baseball caps we were given.

Shari Lewis died at the age of 65 in 1998 from pneumonia developed while she was undergoing chemotherapy. I will remember her as a charming and gracious woman who brought delight to several generations of youngsters.

Including this one!


  1. I never got to see this as a kid. The only puppet I can remember was called Sooty, and probably politically incorrect today. Have a fun day, Valerie

  2. Thank you so much for this post! I knew the puppet was one I'd seen on TV but I couldn't fill in the missing details of my sketchy memory. Your job such gave you many opportunities to meet some of West Michigan's favorite personalities.

  3. The lamb is so cute, not sure about the name though, it's a bit gruesome. I'm not familiar with the show. :)

  4. Such a cheerful post, just what we all need!

    Yesterday's bread: potato herb bread.
    Today: naan bread.


    be well... mae at

  5. God bless our heroes such as Shari Lewis who made a lot of childhoods extra fun and memorable! These people are the ones remembered for a long time for making childhoods a lot more colorful and joyful. Lambchops is so cute! In these past few years I grew fond of sheeps and I really think they look so adorable especially stuffed ones (ok I have to be honest, the stuffed ones are cuter than the real ones). Please hug your grand for me, he looks so cuddly and adorable and beautiful eyes!


  6. I loved Shari Lewis and Lambchop when I was a little girl. My girls both had a Lambchop. And now my doggies have one. Thanks for bringing back sweet memories.

  7. Thats a sweet post. I have no idea who Sherri was tho. But so nice that You got to met her :)

  8. I have Lamb Chop too! My girls and I loved to watch Shari Lewis and her other puppet friends on PBS every morning when they were little. Our favorite part was singing " This Is Song That Never Ends". I cried for days after Shari Lewis passed. I'll have to post a picture of our well loved on Lamb Chop.☺

  9. I loved Shari Lewis! It must've been such a delight to meet her in person and find her as charming as you'd thought she'd be :)

  10. I remember her and Lamb Chop well. So happy to hear that she was as sweet and gracious as she always seemed -- and that Lamb Chop laces on! Thanks for the lovely trip down Memory Lane!

  11. Oh ~ how many great memories this brought back! I LOVED her show, and I believde I had a little lamb chop of my own. Thanks for the smiles!!

  12. All of this is new to me, Jeanie, but you obviously have fond memories of it all, and fond memories are a precious commodity right about now. I hope that you are continuing to cope well. Social distancing seems really to have become established practice. Miriam and I went for a walk this morning and everyone gave us a wide berth! And we had showered too!

  13. If memory serves, Lamb Chop was on telly at Sunday tea time. We'd often sit around the fire, cosy and warm, watching Shari and Lamb Chop. I quickly learned the Song that Never Ends, much to everyone's annoyance.

    Deb in Wales

  14. That takes me back. Way back:) How nice that you got to meet Ms. Lewis.

  15. I've no doubt told you multiple times about my sister being crazy about Lamb Chop. I can hardly wait for her to post a photo of her with the Lamb Chop I found for her birthday. Her birthday was in January, but she was really sick (she's thinking it was Covid!) in hospital, and then I got hurt and then we had the lockdown.....anyway....her birthday box didn't go into the mail until this week.

  16. I remember Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop very well.
    I did not know she had died.
    Sweet picture of your grandson.

  17. It's amazing you got to meet her and get her autograph. She is one of my most pleasing childhood memories.

  18. such a sweet photo of you with Shari Lewis. your smile is beautiful.
    that baby is pretty cute too!

  19. Thanks for this happy follow up post. We all need something to smile about.

  20. Jeanie, she seemed such a sweet person, and Lamp Chop was adorable. Perhaps that explains why I cannot eat lamb to this day! :D

  21. The tongue! So cute! But what a name! LOL. Sadly unknown here.
    And what a beautiful woman!
    Oh, come on, this is cuteness overload :-)
    Oh, darn cancer...

  22. One of the pleasures of getting older is being able to remember things like this. Lamb Chop was a favorite of my childhood, although my parents did have to teach me not to say 'Lamp Chop.'

  23. I certainly remember Lamb Chop and Shari Lewis. This is a fun post and we all need a little fun these days. Love the photo of you and Shari, she died so young!

  24. I DID notice Lamb Chop from that last post, Jeanie. My daughters had a Lamb Chop hand puppet from the early 1990s era, and I can remember us watching Lamb Chop's Play ALong with them on Sunday mornings before church. When my girls outgrew Lamb Chop, our miniature poodle took to it like it was its sister. When we'd put it on, our little dog would play fight with it. Fun memories.

  25. Jeanie,
    I remember Lamp Chop and Shari Lewis well!!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and for letting me know that you did by leaving a comment!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  26. I absolutely loved that show! I'm totally jealous you have a Lambchop and got to meet her. I used to watch Lambchop's Play Along every morning before school. That and Mrs. Pepperpot are how my Mam got me to get up and get dressed quickly in the mornings. Not to mention, her song that never ends was the cause of a terrible bus trip for one bus driver, after I managed to get the entire bus full of children singing it all the way to school one morning. I'm pretty sure that was one of those days he was very glad when the school run was over. I know the parents who came along on the bus were relieved when the trip was over, since my Mam - being one of them - told me so. She says the only bus journey with me when I was little that was worse was the one where I saw the sign that said, "Please give up these seats for people with children, or those who are elderly or disabled," right by the seats we were sat in, shortly after learning to read properly, and announced that we were, "In the right seats, Mami, because you're elderly and I'm disabled." The bus driver found that one much more amusing than singing the song that never ends.

  27. I absolutely adores Sheri Lewis and Lamb Chop when I was a child! About 11 years ago now I took a trip to Idaho with my friend Lura and I bought myself a Lamb Chop puppet in one of the shops. I could not resist. How wonderful that you got to meet Sheri and that she was as charming and friendly as what she appeared to be on her show. What a blessing! xoxo

  28. You bring back sweet memories. It's really cool you got to meet Shari Lewis.

  29. Super cute..I remember that pic of you with her! I think you have shared it?:)Maybe.I think I know everything and I don't.

  30. I don't know much about Shari Lewis, but as I scrolled down your blog, I am glad you had a good Easter celebration. I love your photos of happy times. Aloha from Hawaii.

  31. Oh I had completely forgotten about lamb chop!

  32. Oh, sweet baby! He makes me miss my little great-nephew.

    So cool that you met Shari Lewis!

  33. Jeanie, when I saw your post yesterday (then deleted it by mistake before I could answer) I knew that was Lamb Chop. I remember Shari Lewis when my kids were small and watching Sesame Street and Romper Room. I loved all the puppets as much as the kids did and they were so much smarter when they started school..Glad you are well..xxoJudy

  34. That little baby is too sweet:)

  35. The memories that smiling little lamb is bringing back! I'm jealous you got to meet her!

  36. How fun, Jeanie! I watched Shari Lewis!

  37. I remember Lambchop. That'a a cute puppet you have. And how exciting to have those grandbabies and get to play with the puppet and them. Very fun Jeanie. Hugs-Erika

  38. Oh what a sweet post, Jeanie. Shari Lewis was a rare talent that had a heart for storytelling that delighted children of all ages. How delightful you were able to meet her. I love the sweet photo of the two of you!

  39. I never got to see Sesame Street as a child because my grandparents didn't believe we needed a TV. They bought one the day I graduated from High School (go figure). I never got to appreciate Shari Lewis, but I DID know that was Lamb Chop. Not sure how I knew, it was just one of those trivial pursuit things I have a way of remembering. You are SO lucky to have that swag, but most of all, lucky to have those memories.

  40. I remember Lamb Chop, that's showing my age. You have some great stories from your workdays! Cute photo of your baby Grand.

  41. Oh I loved Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop. She was so special to so many and of course Lamb Chop. What a special memory Jeanie. Thanks for the post, so sweet.

  42. Jeanie, you have brought back delightful memories. I well remember Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop. It was sad when she passed away. I love the photo of you both. You had the biggest smile.

    Stay well, my friend.

  43. I loved this post! gosh yes, I sure do remember Shari Lewis and her fun and adorable puppets, used to love to watch them! How COOL that you got to meet her!! Loved the picture. Loved all the pictures. I always loved Lamb Chop. I hadn't thought about Shari Lewis in years.....

  44. I totally loved Sherri Lewis and Lamb Chop. Thanks for that memory.

  45. I positively adored Lamb Chop and Shari Lewis, they were quite the welcoming duo.
    I have wondered randomly off and on throughout the years what became of Shari, how sad and way too young too.

    Love the photo of the two of you, you have the best smile!

  46. that last photo is a cute little fella. i remember shari lewis and lamb chop, probably from the ed sullivan show. even here in australia it was shown:)

  47. You're so lucky that you met Shari Lewis!
    Your puppet is very cute!

  48. We had a video called ‘101 things to do’ with Shari Lewis when I was a kid. Lamb chop made appearances on the video. I remember some of the songs from the video - it was really entertaining and probably kept us from telling our mom we were bored!

  49. Awww. Lamb Chop is so sweet! That is fantastic that you were able to meet Shari Lewis. A talent who made many children happy. I think Lamb Chop is ready for another revival!

  50. Oh, I love Lamb Chop. It brings back such wonderful memories - Nel had one when she was little. I think she still has it. What a special visit you had with Shari Lewis. And what a treasured photo with your grandson and Lamb Chop. I really enjoyed this post today, Jeanie.



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