The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Observations on Life Outside

That is, life outside my walls! Like so many of you I have been "in" but that doesn't stop me from noticing what's going on outside!

I've noticed on my walks how respectful people are of others' space (and their own), crossing to the other side of the street when approaching someone coming forward on the narrow sidewalk. We yell, "Thank you!" and "This is weird, isn't it?" But we are all grateful.

I had my first Facetime with the Toddler Twosome and their family. All was well and it was so good to see those little Munchkins. Then Thing 2 hit Thing 1 on the head with a remote (or maybe a phone). There were tears, hugs, and a reluctant "sorry." Then time for bed. We'll try again! Alas, we'll miss this scene in a few weeks. Maybe I'll stuff the eggs and hide them in the yard and make Rick go hunt for them. That will go over well.

I have loved the email interchanges with many old friends and bloggers. Just checking in. There isn't much one can do from afar, but the check-in helps.

Rick freaked out after he saw the grocery store video, which I will share here and suggest viewing. He hadn't been doing any of this. I'd been putting things away that he'd bring with rubber gloves but not washing them down. We are now. The video is excellent. A little daunting but then what else have we to do with the extra time if we're home. (It's amazing how long that damn virus can live on surfaces!)

I am cooking though. We are somewhat at the mercy of what is in the market, but the pantry is pretty full. I'm thinking of sweet potato hash for dinner or roasted veggies. Or possibly soup -- we're still in cool weather, even though the days are warmer.

The birds are surfacing again at Lizzie's feeder. They seem to come and go in spurts, and I'm trying to figure out if Lizzie's Bar and Grill is "the boring but reliable restaurant," one that is thrown off for a period for some trendy new spot with better seed. Yet the customers return.

It reminds me of the place where I meet with old work friends periodically. It's not flashy but it's reliable. The food is perfectly adequate. Well, somewhat better than adequate. They treat us well and we always have fun together.  And where else can you go where you can get chicken pot pie, meatloaf, Greek food, pizza or an omelet at any time of day? When we have our dinner there at 5, the place fills up fast with old people. Older than us, that is. It was a bit of a shock to realize as the virus broke out that we fall into the "elderly" category of over 60 or 65 (depending on your source).

I am seeing cancellations at some of my favorite places, including Southern Exposure, where our Easter Basket workshop was canceled and others pushed back later in the spring. And, I have made the very difficult decision to cancel my trip to England in the fall. There will always be an England, they say. I just hope it -- and I -- stick around long enough to see.

For the first time, I have experienced telephone and tele-medicine appointments with my docs. The telephone ones are fine but I feel somewhat compelled to look decent and clean up the wall behind my computer camera for the tele-med appointment. Much like taking blog photos of cute vignettes when you know ten inches away is some pile you can't seem to put away. (Don't deny it. You do it too.)

And I finally bit the bullet and signed up for Acorn TV as most of the Brit mysteries I like on netflix have run out of broadcast rights and are back on streaming only. I may sign up for Britbox too, but there's only so much I can watch.

 We're all thinking of things to do -- some of us working through a long overdue list of chores, ramping up the reading or gardening. I am getting a big kick out of seeing the reporters reporting in from their own environments! Peter Baker's bookshelves -- I want to know what's on them! Phil Rucker has some really lovely yellow flowers in the background. Heidi Przbala has a gorgeous space with a lot of white -- how does she keep it clean? 

Are you saving money these days? I am. Without going out to eat, followed up by a stop at Home Goods or Michael's, not going to the theatre or movies or buying gas, I might be able to make an extra house payment. Well, not quite, but it will definitely bring down the principal!

But mostly I worry. I worry about the friends I don't hear from or see posting. I worry about other friends who are working and consequently meeting with others. I worry about those who are "the helpers," as Mister Rogers called them -- not just the medical staff on the front lines but the day to day people who will take someone to the hospital or a medical appointment -- and just hope that they don't get the virus.

I see bloggers and FB friends making masks to give to hospital workers. Others who post on the neighborhood page, asking if anyone has a stick of butter -- and someone does and says they will leave it on their porch for pick-up. I see parents working at home while minding their children and in many cases serving as their teacher. They are working two jobs at a time when some cannot work at all.

I try my best to imagine Trafalgar Square without loads of people. My friend in Paris sent me this photo of the Eiffel Tower from his grocery run. How strange there isn't a soul in sight. I watch too much news. I cry too many times a day.

I dream of my happy places, the summer to come and the ones after that and hope we will be able to enjoy them. I'm willing to stay inside as long as it takes. To keep distant when I'm outside -- even after they restrict the "rules."

We are never stronger until the moment we are in shared crisis. Somehow, no matter how hard and challenging it is, we rise up in ways large and small.

 I leave you with some beauty from Southern Exposure.

Blooms to heal aching hearts.


  1. It cracks me up to think of Rick out looking for Easter Eggs.

    I, too, am enjoying seeing the spaces people on TV are doing for their home remotes from. Some are so pretty and others so messy.

  2. A beautiful post, Jeanie! We are, indeed, all in this together, albeit 6 feet apart!
    Cyber-hugs ~


  3. "Blooms to heal aching hearts."

    This is beautiful, Jeanie. It could be on a greeting card.

    This time won't last forever. Things have changed, some for the better. If you go outside, nature is booming right now -- so loud. Is it just my imagination? Maybe all this quiet is making the birds easier to hear.

  4. Hard timrs indeed. We just need to keep going till it's over. Good that you can see the minis on facetime. I miss going for walks, 24/7 alone is hard. But it will pass. Stay well, hugs, Valerie

  5. PS ~ loved the safe shopping video. Makes a lot of sense. I had Jim watch it too, as he does all the shopping for us ~

  6. I agree that catching up with other bloggers is a great thing. It fascinates me that the whole world is in the same situation.

  7. Hello,

    Your grandson is adorable, I know this separation time is hard on the family. I have been checking out the backgrounds on the reporters homes too. I see some that look very staged. I love that red barn and blossom photo. We had a rainy day, so I have started the Magpie Murders, I am glad you suggested this mystery. Hopefully we are all back to normal soon. Wishing you a happy and healthy new week!

  8. Jeanie,
    Thanks so much for your visits!! Not much has changed for me during all of this as I seldom went out anyway.Our son is living here which is nice. I do not watch national news and am trying to stay away from the insanity on FB. I am cleaning and crafting so again, not much different than things were before.
    I understand you have health issues but there was a counter article to the video posted that you do not have to go to those extremes with bringing food home from the grocery store. But if it makes you feel better than good. I just wash my hands after touching it.Stay safe, healthy and happy!

  9. I, too, am now scouring my cans, packets and fresh produce, especially since my GP, also next door neighbour expressed concern. Unfortunately, I had already put some away so now I wash before opening. It's all so sudden and none of us are truly prepared.

    Thank goodness for technology and keeping in touch!

    ~~~Deb in Wales

  10. jeanie I love you. Your posts are thoughtful and reassuring. I am in the same high risk group as you, and struggle to keep anxiety at bay. Very thankful for home, books, technology and beauty in all kinds of places. Just wanted to reach out and "touch" and say thanks for being there!

  11. Making masks for medical workers has become a life-saving sort of volunteering. Although only the N95 type can stop the virus, any mask can help in some way. We are advised not to leave home without mask and gloves.

  12. Reading bloggers is rewarding. Glad to see their names.

  13. Carzy times and wow Paris is so empty just like NYC. Weather here to got a bit cooler and hubby is making Burmese coconut noddle soup :)

  14. Hi Jeanie,
    So nice to read about your life...Those 2 little ones, toooo cute, bopping on the head and sorry's.... I will look at the videos on another device as this one is ancient...but your neighborhood sounds lovely, even with its own page.
    The restaurant you like: Makes me think so much of The Confession Club by Elizabeth Berg, which I am reading now. She is at once humorous, compassionate, and colorful, capturing a bit of midwestern Amercian life in a sweet way. As do you...Thank you, and be healthy and safe, Love, Rita

  15. That video about dealing with food is quite sobering to say the least. I thought I had been doing things pretty well until I saw this! Whether or not I am going to follow his advice I don't know. Leaving canned food in the garage might be okay, but other stuff would attract rodents I would imagine. We never order takeout food so that is not an issue. I am still doing all the shopping, but I go to the market first thing in the morning when time is reserved for seniors and people who need help. I am well into the category of people at risk, but I am fit and active, and at times I feel like a bit of a fraud taking up space that perhaps could be better used by people with walkers and health problems of one kind or another. I realize that, at seventy-seven, being fit and active does not make me immune to risk. In some ways, I am a little bit fatalistic I suppose, but I certainly don't wish to imperil others. Our neighbour just called to ask if she can shop for us - I already did it! Stay well, Jeanie, stay well everyone. This situation is going to be with us for a while yet. And just one additional comment, I know almost nothing of Michigan politics, but from what I have seen on the news I love your governor! And Andrew Cuomo of New York should be president!

  16. I love your posts - so thoughtful and full of insight! Thank you.

  17. Beautiful signs of Spring out there. Thanks for posting the video about food shopping. I saw it a few days ago. I am not doing most of what is recommended though I am taking some steps. I know different doctors and experts have different opinions and a doctor I saw here on national television differed so of course me being human, took the easiest approach. Not to worry though I am trying to be very, very careful. I am also resolved to staying in a lot more as I've gone out several times already for grocery shopping. I think I have most of what I need for awhile except the tp which I could never find. Stay safe.

  18. Oh, yes please, take pictures of Rick on his Easter egg hunt!
    Another wonderful post, Jeanie! Let me know how you like Acorn tv. I think there was a free trial week, but I could be wrong about that. -Jenn

  19. Love your photos and color.
    Spring is here, isn’t it . . .

    Sad for your trip cancel but probably a wise decision . . .
    Oh my this is surreal . . . the news all over sounds so grim.
    I am in my tenth day of staying home . . . which is fine, missing friends, family though.
    Face timing isn’t the same as real life is it!
    I have worked outdoors in the yard, appreciate the outdoor reprieve and the fresh air.
    Our large grocery shopping is holding up
    Silly me, I find myself using my sanitize wipes on light switches, door knobs, handles, ledges. . .
    before bedtime . . . crazzzzzy . . . not sure what brought that on!
    Wonder why I think it has to be done before bed. Like I said . . . crazzy!

    Did you watch the Midwife tonight?
    Be safe, be well Jeannie . . .
    love love

  20. You should video Rick's Easter egg hunt. Be fun to watch.

    Glad you were able to Facetime th toddler twosome for a bit before chaos happened. Hope you have better luck next time though... Preferably with no controls/phones being weilded by either of them.

    Stay safe.

  21. I have both Acorn and Britbox and enjoy each. I have been streaming like crazy because I find I can take only bits and pieces of news (it seems easier to read bits and pieces from The New York Times and The Washington Post than to watch tv. I have waved to my granddaughter from my front porch to the car in the driveway; but long to hug and hold her. FaceTime with my granddaughters is good; but also a big reminder that I can't see them for a while (I think this is going to last for a long time).

  22. Oops. Accidentally deleted this comment while deleting spam. It's from Carol at Comfort Spring Station:

    Carol @Comfort Spring Station has left a new comment on your post "Observations on Life Outside":

    I have to limit watching news - too much sadness. Your post warmed my heart and gave me comfort. Living alone is part of my problem - I don't have to distance myself as I am alone. Normally I don't mind and enjoy my time in my little home, but now sometimes I feel stir crazy. I called my sister twice yesterday to talk and tell her things I discover. I told her about The National Theatre's plays on Youtube starting this Thursday and about the concert on Fox last night. She set the DVR to record the concert. I don't know if she can figure out how to find The National Theatre on YouTube. YouTube is on her streaming channels on Roku as I added it for her last summer. She isn't great with devices and has no patience with them. I'll try to walk her through doing a search for it. She has a Master's in Drame and would enjoy watching the plays. I have been watching Acorn for some years - you'll enjoy it. Be sure to watch Miss Fisher's new movie. I also recommend Murdock Mysteries out of Canada which is on Acorn. Take care!

  23. I accidentally deleted this comment instead of publishing -- it's from Jenna at The Painted Apron.

    Tough times, but attitudes like yours are so important! Thanks Jeanie!

  24. I accidentally deleted this comment from Linda (Shoreacres).

    Of course we need to take precautions, but that video that's being passed around comes just a little close to being over the top. You might want to also read this article, which helps to put necessary precautions into perspective.

  25. Güzel fotoğraflar. Eğer karantina olursa bende eski fotoğrafları düzenlemek istiyorum.

  26. Such a touching post Jeanie. Yes, it's hard to see images of landmarks with no people, I always look away, so disturbing to me. I try to stay busy with little projects and organizing, reading and really you name it! I'm terribly missing my family and friends, and yea we Facebook but not getting those hugs. Like you, we had plans to travel in the fall, the Scandinavian countries. Life has changed, at least for now. Thanks for the video, I intend to watch. We can't be to careful! Take care Jeanie, and hide those eggs, not for Rick but for you.......Lots of hugs.

  27. I sent that video to Jacques and my girls..
    Informative and I like him:)

    Good for you and Acorn..:)
    WE have enough..but there are a few shows I would like..I love British shows..not the comedies.

    I am not a big comedy fan.
    Try the English Game..Netflix..we like it
    Call the Midwife is baaaack:)
    Have still not been out since March 11th.
    Fred has brought us groceries..I have been diligent..
    I am spending less too..full tank of gas that I paid much more for..
    One CDN art supply company lowered their base shopping amount for free ship.
    I did place 2 small the time they get here ..they should be fine:)

    Amazon prices are $$$ higher..

    Good for you and no England in the fall.

    Travel will be minimal for a while I think.

    So funny Thing 1 and 2..
    Oh Jeanie..

    Get the snowbirds and groups OFF the streets.

    OFF get inside .

    Take care..

  28. Hi Jeanie! I love that flamingo! If I had a wool shop I would call in Flamingo Wool (except that flamingos don't have wool, LOL!)
    Thanks for posting! (BIG HUG!)

  29. Thinking of you, sweet Jeanie. Chin up.

    Love Cath from Australia.

  30. I watched the video and learned ONE thing. The bread. I don't bring anything into my house until it is sanitized. I wear gloves when I go outside and I sanitize even my mail and my mailbox. I don't buy take out, so that was useful, but unnecessary for me. I left my bags at home and got a box from the store to place my groceries in. I sanitized even the box before I brought it inside. NO ONE is allowed in my home until this is over. I don't mind going into the yard, as long as there is no one around. I don't take walks, I won't go to the store again until the last person in the U.S. has been cleared of this virus. It scares me to death. I told my friend Sallly and she said I would die of starvation. I told her I would just have to be creative in my eating. I have enough canned goods to last through much of this.

    I bought a ton of toilet paper around Thanksgiving when I had company. I have two worthless plungers, one for each bath. I decided the TP looked good sitting in the plunger handles. I believe I have enough to last for six to eight months at least. I have coffee beans, cat litter, and cat food for the boys. I think we will make it, because I'm not going to let this virus get to me.

    Thanks for sharing this video. I know it was an eye opener for some, but for me, it was my new normal.

    Stay safe. I'm sorry you have to miss Easter with the grands, but you, Rick, and they will be safer in the long run. And you saved money by skipping Southern Exposure, too.

  31. Hello fellow Michigander. So enjoy your posts. I am a nature lover like you and husband and I have been taking small hikes in local state and county parks. We've been blessed to see Eastern Bluebirds and even evidence of beavers near where we live! It will be comforting to be able to really work outside. Don't know if we'll be able to purchase annuals this year? Facetime is wonderful isn't it? We too can connect with our grown kids and grands who only live 3 miles away. We have playaed UNO and Flash and I Spy and Sequence with our good friends. You can make it work but it's not like the warm hugs. This too shall pass with God's Grace. Take care. Wish we could meet up sometime!

  32. What a wonderful photo of the garden bird. So beautiful.

    You said you try your best to imagine Trafalgar Square without loads of people, there has been photos and video footage on our news channel. I'll see if I can find it for you.

  33. Further to my previous comment... Check out and for photos of a practically empty Trafalgar Square.

  34. Hi Jeanie. It's all so odd. I did see that PSA video before I went to the store the last time (by myself). It was exhausting. First, dodging all the people in the early "sr hour". Most of our state's population is elderly, so that became quite apparent that it WAS NOT the hour to go shopping, other than being able to acquire some meat. My cashier said by the time she gets off her shift there isn't any. :( Then, it took me another hour to wipe down the perishables properly. I left all the non-perishables in the car for 2 more days (but sprayed an aerosol sanitizer in the car before and after loading).

    So glad you can Facetime with the boys. We had a ZOOM birthday party conference call for my brother-in-law's 78th on the 22nd.

    My older daughter is making us cloth masks and my younger daughter (an RN) and her husband (a fireman) gave us a couple N95 masks they had had stored in their garage.

    Take care of yourselves. At least Rick can still ride his bike, right? And you can get outside too and putter. We're all just puttering in life.

  35. I wonder how long it will really take for us to get back to some semblance of normal. My trip to London is definitely not going to happen. I just hope we can get vouchers or money back since we can't travel. We can't call British Air until 72 before our fly date so no answers to that question until then. I don't mind staying home. Teaching from home isn't exactly how I wanted to end my career, but it is certainly a challenge. What's life without a little challenge, right? But we are also eating well and stepping back on activities. It is kind of nice since so much of life has been crazy, but certainly I am only looking for some silver linings in this scary time. Take care Jeanie. Hugs-Erika

  36. The munchkins are darling. And I love the contrast of the red barn and white blossoms.
    I think your trailer is the same one my daughter sent me, that I'm showing tomorrow:)
    YOU stay safe and stay healthy.
    Sending hugs (the mandatory six feet:) and warm wishes your way.

  37. Hi, Jeanie! Glad you & yours are doing OK there! I'm sooo thankful for the internet--we are relying on it even more than usual, and glad for all it makes possible. Thanks sooo much for that video! It is CRAZY how long Corona survives on surfaces. Wow... have to admit we weren't washing down groceries. I think we need to change our routines, pronto! I thought we were doing OK--always learning more! I've got a sweet potato hash on my menu list this week too. Sweet potatoes, kale, black beans... mmm! We're on week 3 of shutdown here... and hanging in there as best we can. Only groceries and pharmacy runs, when needed. There's been sanitizer offered at most places, which has been great. With not going out or doing anything, money is only going on food at the moment. It makes you realize how little bits of money "sneak" out to other things. One thing we area really missing is going to the library. :/ But we have books a-plenty, so we're good! Limiting news exposure--too much makes my heart hurt. You all be taking good care there, keeping safe and well... ((LOVE & HUGS))

  38. We don´t say a word here, just go as far apart as possible - most at least. Sometimes I walk on the empty street if the other is too dumb.

    My Nieces were sent to their seperate rooms for a day due to fighting! It drives us all nuts, doesn´t it. Especially kids.

    Good tips. Just... we have no desinfectants anymore :-(
    :-) We hardly go out dining, so... no money is being saved. Hubby has a broken pancreas, so cooking at home it mostly always it it.

    "Scary" picture of the Eiffel Tower indeed.
    Hubby drives to work each day.

    Let´s hope we can enjoy the normal soon!

  39. Jeanie,
    I received your email (thank you...will reply today) and am so happy to have your blog now on my reading list ❤️

  40. It is a tough time, indeed, but I realized that now we're helping each other more. We're willing to cooperate and help others gratuitously. That's really uplifting, isn't it?

  41. Hi Jeanie --

    If you want to take a tour of central London, past the V&A, Harrods, Trafalgar Square etc, here's the URL to a drive that two Englishmen took this week. The subs are in Korean because they are famous in South Korea; Josh (the passenger) is called The Korean Englishman.

    I watch an ungodly amount to TV too. I'm so happy that for once, it's socially acceptable.

  42. Thank you Jeanie for the lovely photos. FaceTime with the two cuties is priceless, I know you and Rick miss them. I am limiting my view of news, it makes me so anxious. We are enjoying our time outdoors in the country more than ever and spring has been beautiful, or maybe I am noticing it more than when my life was busy. Take care of yourself!

  43. Yes, thank goodness for the inter-net to enable us to see and share time with our loved ones … so precious.

    I always enjoy seeing blooms, they are cheering aren't they.

    All the best Jan

  44. It is scary how long the virus lives on things, and how simple things like bringing in groceries have now become complicated.

    We've noticed some savings, too, though not quite as much as you. Our gym is closed, so that charge didn't happen this month. We have ordered pizza a couple of times, so the eating "out" hasn't completely stopped, though it may soon. Nick still has to go to work, but I'm working from home, so buying less gas (even though it's crazy cheap here right now). I have reached the conclusion, though, that I need to invest in a desk and some sort of work chair for home. Spreading my work laptop and books out all over the table just isn't working out that well. So, hopefully, the not going out savings and the spending on home office things will balance out.

    It is odd staying away from people. I was talking to the kids next door over the weekend, and it was odd making sure I stood so far away from them, but I'd never forgive myself if I made them sick. I feel like since Nick has to go in for work we both have to behave as though we're contagious.

    I'm sorry you had to cancel your trip.

  45. Yes, I have noticed I am saving money especially on gas. I signed up for 6 months of Starz just so I could watch Outlander. An Easter basket is put together for my D and somehow I will place it on his porch when the time comes. I usually gather things together for awhile because I put little toys in plastic eggs, which we usually hide in the garden. This year it is all going into a basket. I also usually have a big family dinner, but this year it will probably be by Skype. What a learning curve for doing video chats. Skype and Zoom now on my phone and had to order a new camera for my computer. What fun! Now I must go outside for sanity before evening comes.

  46. It's special that you're still noticing all the beautiful things surrounding you outside, Jeanie. I smiled when I saw the little one in red flannel, as I love red flannel. It's so warm and cozy. What a sweet picture of the bird. I love that picture of the red house and the white blossom tree, it's so lovely. And the Mary statue is beautiful.

    Stay well, and I will be thinking about my blog friend during this time, Jeanie.


  47. I don't think Rick will be pleased if he has to go out on an Easter egg hunt, lol.
    Working in a medical clinic I go out every day, but there we have barriers so people don't get close to the counter, and we ask people to stay outside instead of sitting indoors in the few chairs we now have spread around the room.
    It's all too scary and I'm avoiding listening to the news as it makes me even more worried.
    Luckily in our State of Western Australia the curve has been coming down the last 3 days, so we are doing something good.
    With about 4500 infected Australia wide but just 19 deaths I think we aren't too bad. Very strict measures have been implemented with fines for those that congregate or disobey travel quarantine...hope it all works out.
    Keep safe Jeanie and Rick.

  48. I'm new to your blog but if Rick is your hubby and you give him his own Easter Egg Hunt, that would be so funny. I enjoy your positive outlook.

    Today, the lady across from us, we were talking and we did say, this is weird. But we're doing what we can to stop the spread.

    Wishing you safety and ... here's to making lots of good foods at home.

    Cheers and boogie boogie, Ivy.

  49. I’m also smiling when thinking of Rick doing an Easter egg hunt. I need to consider getting some eggs for Paul. That is something Joan usually handles but we won’t see her this Easter. We FaceTime with her every day. She lives alone and we worry about her loneliness. FaceTime seems to help. She also has oscar to keep her company. We decided to leave her out there during this time because we know Joan needs the company. We FaceTime with my parents every Saturday morning and also did a family zoom call on Saturday afternoon which was fun. I have been doing weekly zoom calls with my blog friends. It helps with the isolation!!

    Stay safe and healthy, friend!

  50. My husband and I are willing to stay inside as long as it takes. He has heart issues so we have to be extra careful. It has been over to weeks since I was at Publix, I've just received my first Instacart delivery from them and that is how I will shop for however long it takes. Take care and stay safe.

  51. It is good to have Facetime. It is almost like seeing each other. We do the same with our son who is living about 30 km away from us. Here in Sweden we also go into isolation. That is why it is so good with blog friends and facetime and such. The contacts help to feel we have contact with the world around us.
    Funny enough, we also tend to cook a real meal every day. We try out new recipes and am enjoying good food. Then we always have the books!


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