The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, March 5, 2020

March, Madeleine Recipe and Making Merry!

Hello, March!

Birdiferous 2020 calendar by Kate McNenly

Ours has come "in like a lamb," for a change. It has been sunny, Michigan-March warm (40s) and the sky an impossible blue, one I couldn't match with my watercolors in a million years.

Goodbye to February and Mardi Gras. (Lizzie doesn't mind leaving Mardi Gras behind.)

Hello, blue jay at the woodpile.

Hello, tender shoots. We can only hope they'll last long enough to become flowering daffodils.

Last week Rick took his bike trainer down to a local brewery with others from his bike club for a fundraiser.

They were collectively pedaling 2,500 miles over several hours. I went down to say hello and was duly impressed.

His feet were whirling so fast I couldn't get a good photo!

Several of you have asked me to show my new stove! Here it is! (With a new towel, too.) I'll show you the rest of it when Rick finishes the wall and I can move the things that belong her back in. It's getting old working around them.

But the stove works like a dream. The other day I made madeleines. I love this recipe -- it's easy (if you have the madeleine pans) and delicious. (I used to only have one madeleine pan and I lost it. I looked for ages and finally bought another. I found the original in the couch cushions. Don't ask -- I have no idea. But it sure is nice to have two!) The way the batter spreads, I'm not sure I'd try it without the pans but they might work if you experimented with other pans. I might try it with my shortbread molds.

If I knew where the recipe came from, I'd link. Truth is, I've tried to many and mixed up the best of several that it probably is a mishmash anyway. I just know it works!

Melt: 1/2 c. butter and let it cool a bit

Mix butter with: 2/3 c. sugar till light and frothy

Add: 1 t. vanilla  /  zest of one lemon or one orange

Add: 3 eggs, one at a time and beat well and not too fast so they don't curdle.

Beat all of this at high for about four or five minutes. It will turn from thin to a thick batter that doesn't drip from the spoon. By hand fold in 1 c. of flour with 1/2 t. of baking soda (sifted together) till fully blended. It helps to do this with three "batches" or mix-ins of the flour/soda mixture.

Cover and refrigerate for at least two hours. (I left mine longer because I was busy; it's fine.)
At the same time, butter WELL and flour your madeleine pans and put them in the fridge. (At least one hour)

When it's time to cook, heat oven to 375 and put in the madeleine pans. I used a small cookie scoop, which was just perfect for the size and easier than winging it with a teaspoon. A melon baller is about the right size if you don't have a cookie scoop. It will "flatten out" when baked. Bake for 10 minutes (up to 15 -- I think I did about 11 or 12.)

When cool you can dust with powdered sugar, half-dip them in chocolate (both pictured) or drizzle a glaze with the lemon juice and powdered sugar. They're extra wonderful when served warm! This recipe, using that scoop made 32 madeleines.



  1. Hi. Hope you're having a great day.

  2. It is really encouraging to see those green shoots coming out of the ground. I will have to start looking here. The snow is melting like crazy and there are patches of bare ground everywhere. Cardinals are singing and I heard a male Red-winged Blackbird yesterday too. Great time of the year.

  3. My mini iris' have been blooming for about a week now; my tall ones are about to bloom. Tulips are coming along nicely, also. My favorite time of year!!!

  4. Hi Jeanie. Oooh those look very good. I think I will try but I need to get a pan too. We also have a few green shoots coming up and the fruit trees are in full bloom. Usually rain comes and ruins them all. Don't like to see that but I guess we should take it anyway we can..Happy Thursday..xxoJudy

  5. Hello,

    Our daffies look about the same as yours do, just shoots! I like the cute Catbird March calendar. Your Lizzie looks cute wearing the beads.
    I have never heard of Madeleines, are they cookies? Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

  6. Isn't it a lovely feeling to see the first signs of spring?! Lizzie looks great, as always. I am in love with your new stove! Have fun using it. And the Madeleines look delicious. Love rick's spinning feet, too. Hugs, Valerie

  7. They look delicious. I will have to look out for some madeleine pans. Lots of daffodils out here and blossom on trees but we have no snow just lots of rain and wind.

  8. Hi Jeanie,
    You know, with the exception of my English Roses, Lavender is one of my favorites. So happy you enjoyed viewing them. Yes, the sent of Lavender is so soothing to the soul.

    It won't be long before those shoots evolve. Now you have made me hungry with this yummy recipe!

  9. After reading this blog post I had to go check on my Daffodils. They are twice as tall as yours! We still have patches of snow around but I'm sure been enjoying our mild end of winter.

  10. How nice to get a new stove. We got a new coffee pot today and that seemed special! lol Enjoy your afternoon! Love that Bluejay and the tender shoots! KUDOS to Rick too!

  11. Lizzie is always so adorable. What a great looking oven! Those cookies look fabulous. I laugh about the pan being in the couch cushion, but those kinds of things happen at my house too.

  12. Your madeleines look great! I haven’t made them in ages, but often buy the Costco boxes with individually wrapped ones, which are pretty irresistible. Your new stove looks really impressive — ready for heavy-duty cooking and baking, Enjoy!

    best... mae at

  13. Your new stove looks great!!--I bet you are SO READY to have it all DONE and put back together?! Love the picture of LIzzy in her bead necklaces--she is so pretty. Your baking looks great--I would never attempt making those....I would mess them up for sure! ha ha LOL--they look delicious.

  14. New stove looks grand!
    And the Madelines look grand as well!
    I must do a “woods walk” to look for some “pop ups!”
    How many miles did Rick clock?
    Be safe and healthy . . .

  15. Jeanie, your madeleines look delicious. I posted mine about 4 1/2 years ago. I make a bit less batter, and it makes 15 of my size madeleines which I make in a mince pie/jam tart tin because I have thus far resisted the urge to buy yet another specialty pan. I'm so proud of that -- because I'm a little bit out of control in that department! :D You can also make them in mini muffin tins, if you have those, which of course I do! Love your new stove! It's a beauty, but I could never have the controls/readout panel in the front like that. I'm too tall and would have to bend down a lot. I love having continuous grates -- no more of those little wispy individual ones.

  16. You have certainly welcomed spring in with some incredible and beautiful photos. I love how Lizzie will pose for the camera, AND with beads around her neck. Rick looked impressive and your madeleine recipe sounds RICH. Good luck with your new stove, dear. I'm still scared of gas.

  17. Beautiful new range! And if those delectable madeleines are any indication of cooking projects to come, you and this new range are off to a great start of a long and happy relationship.

    So happy to see the daffodil shoots, too. The only sign of changing seasons around here so far has been the scent of a skunk shaking itself out of dormancy.

    Miz Lizzie looks lovely, and Rick looks happy... looks like good news all around. Dare we hope? Happy Spring!

  18. Lizzie sure likes to play, cute!
    Ewww. Do I still see snow in the second pic?!
    Beer and bike, hmm. Well!

    Oh, that is gas? We have induction, much safer (for me). The "boom" of the flame makes me "jump"!
    You found your pan where?!! LOL! That´s why it´s called Murphy´s law, I guess!

    Yours look a bit like our Berliner. You´re lucky when it´s with jam, not mustard (a real joke at carnival times).

  19. Lol. maybe you had the pans under the cushions to stabilize and make firmer?? Too funny!
    Glad your March came in gentle. Happy weekend, Jeanie.

  20. Love madeleines..I'm a broken record..still buried under a huge amount of snow and it's falling again..this will pass..I'm fine with it.:)

  21. Glad you're seeing signs of Spring, and enjoying March so far.

  22. Jeanie, you always brighten my day and seeing Miss Lizzie with her beads made me smile BIG. I know she is spoiled beyond spoiled.
    Many thanks for this recipe. I have made madeleines a few times and was not especially happy with them. I will certainly give your recipe a try.
    Love your new stove and I am sure you are thoroughly enjoying it.
    Rick is amazing with his cycling. It is wonderful he enjoys it so much.

    We have more rain arriving today and our mountains are to have at least a foot of snow - the skiers are happy. Again, a great post and a happy weekend to you and Rick.

  23. Love this, hope your health is improving. Rick is a very good man to do that for fundraising,a good idea we could use here.
    Love Cath

  24. You seem to have a wonderful life. Love those madeleines.

  25. I know why Lizzie's unhappy -- she didn't get any purple and gold beads to go with the green! Next year, give her traditional colors and I'll bet she'll smile. I'm sure you're smiling with that great new stove -- it looks wonderful!

  26. Looks delicious and pretty low carb. Off to buy a Madeline pan!

  27. Jeanie, nothing excites for spring more that seeing the little green shoots burst forth from the ground. All of my bulbs have bloomed, I still have some daffs blooming and the wee ones. The King Alfreds surprised me at how they bloomed their hearts out this year. I love the little jonquils too, my favorite flowers......Love the Madeline recipe, I have to try those, they look delicious. Your range looks awesome and I can only imagine how wonderful it cooks. I can relate to all the work going on around your cooking space. Aggravating now but just think how good you will feel when it's finished. Anywho, what I tell myself when going through a change. Wish I had Rick's miles under my belt!

  28. Those madeleine treats sure looked delicious, Jeanie, but I won't be making any myself. I plan to make biscotti in the next couple of weeks to bring to our weekly dominoes game-playing afternoon. of course, I will have to look for my recipe book first. The new stove looks nice and looking forward to seeing when it's "settled in." Good for Rich and the others for doing that fundraiser and he was pedaling very fast!

  29. Your new stove is very nice, Jeanie. I bet you loved baking those Madeleines with your new stove. They look so Yummy, and the powdered sugar really makes it. Oh, Lizzie is all decked out for Mardi Gras. My girls love Mardi Gras and celebrate it every year. You are seeing those sweet blue jays now, and I'm glad Spring has finally arrived, slowly but surely.


  30. You always have things decorative so nicely for the holidays. A couple weeks ago the cherry blossoms were out, now the Bradford pear are in bloom. Stuff is coming up all over the yard...stuff that I will be moving soon. SPRING is here....thanks for your wonderful comments on my blog. I don't wish to bring anyone down but to blog that we got it and not show the damage would not be sharing life around me to anyone. Roads open today that were not before, more destructing. I am having to avoid them now, I have things going on in my life and seeing all this, hearing the stories, I have been getting really emotional.

  31. I am copying that recipe over to my files.
    Look at that Rick! What dedication he has.
    Hope you have a great weekend and thanks for leaving a comment on my blog today. I had a hard time replying via email--on my end. xo Diana

  32. We still have snow here. Although it is melting fast. Your madeleines look delicious.
    I have the same recipe. A nice looking stove you have.
    Take care, Thelma. xo

  33. I'm so envious of your green things! Best I can do is tomato seedlings starting to sprout under my hydroponic grow thingie.
    What brand is your stove? Is it gas or electric?

  34. The madeleines look most wonderful.
    What a fun fund raiser for the bike guys to do.
    Love seeing your stove.

  35. Your madeleines look great Jeanie! I had to laugh about losing your pan and buying another only to find the original. Doesn't that always happen! It did to me recently with my immersion blender. I couldn't find the motor so ended up with a new one only to find the motor in my potato bin. DUH? Why? How? I will never know! Nice to see Rick peddling away and your sweet Lizzie! Also signs of Spring! Yay! xoxo

    2 eggs
    Dash salt
    6 rounded tablespoons sugar
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla
    1/2 teaspoon rum
    1/2 cup flour
    1/4 cup clarified butter

    Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
    Beat the eggs with the salt and gradually beat in the sugar. Mixture should form peaks. Add the vanilla and rum. Sift the flour over the mixture. Folding gently as you do so. Add the cooled butter and working quickly, fold this into the flour mixture.

    Grease and flour 24 Madeleine tins. (These usually come 12 to a tray, much like muffin tins.)

    Fill the Madeleine tins with the batter and place in oven, in lower rack, and bake until lightly brown, about 8 to 10 minutes. Yield: 2 dozen.

    1 cup (1/2 lb.) butter
    In 2-cup glass measure, melt butter slowly on 20 (low) 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 minutes or until completely melted and oil starts to separate but has not started to bubble. Let butter stand a few minutes, skim off foam. Slowly pour off yellow oil and reserve. This is the clarified butter. Discard the leftover impurities.

    The traditional madeleines of Commercy are made with beurre noisette, butter that has been browned to give it a nutty flavour.

    2 eggs
    Dash salt
    6 rounded tablespoons sugar
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla
    1/2 teaspoon rum
    1/2 cup flour
    1/4 cup clarified butter

    Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
    Beat the eggs with the salt and gradually beat in the sugar. Mixture should form peaks. Add the vanilla and rum. Sift the flour over the mixture. Folding gently as you do so. Add the cooled butter and working quickly, fold this into the flour mixture.

    Grease and flour 24 Madeleine tins. (These usually come 12 to a tray, much like muffin tins.)

    Fill the Madeleine tins with the batter and place in oven, in lower rack, and bake until lightly brown, about 8 to 10 minutes. Yield: 2 dozen.

    1 cup (1/2 lb.) butter
    In 2-cup glass measure, melt butter slowly on 20 (low) 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 minutes or until completely melted and oil starts to separate but has not started to bubble. Let butter stand a few minutes, skim off foam. Slowly pour off yellow oil and reserve. This is the clarified butter. Discard the leftover impurities.

    The traditional madeleines of Commercy are made with beurre noisette, butter that has been browned to give it a nutty flavour.

  38. Jeanie, the madeleines would be perfect with my morning coffee. Thank you for the recipe and I will give it a try. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  39. The madeleines look delicious! And your new stove is beautiful!! So glad you have a gas stove. We have one in our house, too. I can’t imagine going back to electric/flat top!

    It feels like spring has arrived here but I am not getting too cocky because we could get a dumping of snow anytime in March or April! But March is off to a pretty beautiful start here and this weekend temps will be in the 60s!!! Woo hoo!!

  40. I love this collective peddling. Wish such facilities were available all over the world.

  41. The bike ride is such a great fundraiser! well done to your husband! :)

    Your biscuits look beautiful too, so delicious with a cuppa! :)

    Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend :) We had a date night last night which was awesome :)

    Away From Blue

  42. Your madeleines look great! Hope you're feeling better and enjoying some leisurely time, which, from the photos, I'm sure you're putting into good use. :)

  43. The daffodils are growing happily.
    Those madeleines look so yummy!

  44. Looks like spring is coming to Michigan. I've never had a Madeleine but they look yummy!

  45. Well done to Rick on his fundraiser efforts.
    The madeleines look delicious and congratulations on the new shiny stove :)
    Have a wonderful Sunday Jeanie.

  46. I just love finding the pan in the couch cushions! Haha! But yum!! Hope you're good!

  47. Tasty little morsels, those madeleines. Wish I could eat buttery things.

    I noticed today that the lilac bushes are leaf-budding, If it weren’t for the dreaded plague on its way one might even dance for hoy!

  48. What a great idea, raising money by biking. Signs of spring, we're not there yet. You must be feeling better than you were!

  49. Hurrah for March. I am sure ready, even though it has been a tough start for me as I got sick. But better now so it was a couple of bad days and then a weekend to relax. I am going to print and try this recipe. I do have a pan I bought years ago and never used so maybe it is time time use it. Hope your weather stays nice! Hugs-Erika

  50. I love Madelines! My husband makes wonderful madelines. :) I think he needs to do that again soon....

  51. Happy March Jeanie! Kitchen renovations are the worst but worth it when completed! I'm glad to hear the stove is working great. Madeleines sound like a baking challenge. Yours look delicious.

  52. Your new stove looks wonderful!! My one granddaughter and I made madeleines one time, but a friend let me borrow her pan. We loved them. They’re perfect with a cup of tea. Yours look fabulous.

  53. A beautiful new stove that must be a joy to use! Your madeleines look delicious. Congrats to Rick for getting back into shape!

  54. Lizzie is a very patient photo subject.

  55. How CUTE is Miss Lizzie in her Mardi Gras beads! WOW... seeing all those guys pedaling fast... I'm almost sweating... haha! VERY fun! Your new stove is GREAT! (And how cute is that towel!!) Madeleines...mmm... I used to have a madeleine pan, but gave it away. That was silly...haha! We surely need a "little extra" and treats these days, don't we? The country is on lockdown here after today, for the next two weeks. TJ will be working hom until further notice. We stocked up on extras at the supermarket yesterday. What a time this is! :/ Keep calm and carry on, right?! ((HUGS))

  56. I like the look of your new stove … and towel.
    Lovely Madeleines :)

    All the best Jan

  57. I have to try this recipe! I love these cakes but I've never made them. Now it's a good chance for that, as I have to stay at home, haha :D


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