The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

On the Couch and All Over the Map

Sometimes it's just an effort to keep going forward! The past week wasn't the best. We were both sick; Rick got better faster than I did. I somehow ended up on antibiotics again because they know that if I get infection and it goes in the lungs, that's a serious issue. So I've been spending time on the couch, trying to kick the fever, drinking tea and reading when I could.

I did enjoy the Washington series on History channel, though. I know shockingly little about the Revolutionary War. I know more now!

I finished "When Paris Sizzled." Not bad if you are interested in the decadent lives of people like Cocteau, Ravel, Le Courbousier, Chanel, Josephine Baker and others. I was glad to get it done though and start something a little more fun.

I've been felting too. Earlier this month I finished another Santa. I should have angled him a little more for the photo so you could see his red cap!

This is my first angel. To be honest, I don't think she's that good but a good prototype to refine in future needle pokings! Faces are hard for me!

I've  also been working on some future ornaments -- all still in what I call "undercoating," making the body all white before I start messing with the color. I've stacked up a few. And I finished these two little robins that went off to Rita of Panoply. Thank you, Rita!

It has been cold and wintry here but I find it hard to complain too much. It's so much better than last year, though I confess, I'm very tired of it all and looking forward to walks in the spring.

I've also had some fun genealogy discoveries which I want to write about a bit more. But remember when I showed this photo that just turned up in my basement?

Well, this book was down there too!

It's a year book with loads of photos, including this one -- she is the daughter of the woman above and my third great grandmother! (This is not a good resting face!)

I'd found this book before but after discovering that framed photo, went in search of it. As I was went splunking online to see if I could find out a little bit more on Hannah, I I hit the motherlode!

Part of the online search brought the text of an accompanying book that explains much about the photos which are about people and places in Cleveland, the Women's Christian Temperance Union, Oberlin College and so much more. There were even little notes written by someone -- not sure who -- and asterisks on the index pages, so I know I have more looking up to do!

 A note to genealogy seekers -- if you are in Family Search, check the "books" section with the names you're looking for. You'll be surprised what you might find!  I was!

Speaking of books, this is my newest treasure. I swear this book weighs more than Lizzie. Well, not quite, but on the way!

I found it at my favorite market (yes, market -- but they have a book sale section) for -- $4.99! Do I already have lots of books on London? Did I snatch it up faster than you can say $4.99? You bet!

The sections are divided by categories like historic homes, food and drink, places of entertainment, shops, places of worship, Inns of the Court, unusual museums and science and education.

I don't know how I missed this art store when we were in London. It went to the top of the next time list!

The text is good and the photos are so well done, I'd like to frame every one for my walls.

The therapy cat has been holding her own these days. Acting sweet and not too yappy.

I like that in a cat! I'm sure we'll be back to normal soon. 


  1. Be all well soon friend. I adore that cup with the corgi on it, how precious.

  2. I wish you felt better, It looks like you are pampering yourself well, though. LOVED the corgi on the mug! Loved seeing more of your home, too,

    Gosh, I get the History Channel and seem to have missed this series. Like you, I knew (and still know) nothing about this period of our history.

    Your felting is adorable and imaginative. I simply adore those birds,

    What a great find that you can add to your genealogy. Not my thing, but I know it is yours. What DOES make me sit up and pay attention is the book on London photos. I would have snapped it up, too. Even I would have paid for that book. It is fabulous.

    Had to laugh at your comment about Lizzie. I've never had a yappy cat, so that caught me off guard.

  3. I'm glad you are being pro-active in your care, and protecting your lungs ~ Continue being gentle with yourself ~
    I'm glad rick is feeling better.
    Cool on your geneology research ~ ach! Too sleepy for spell check!!
    Take care ~

  4. Hi Jeanie, sorry you've not been feeling good, and hope you are soon up and running again. Love the felting. London books are always good, I treasure mine, too, especially as it's my home town. Good that you have had time to do more genealogy, it's always interesting to find out more about the past. Have a good / better week! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Ohhh. I am sorry you were (!) sick (all better now?), but... I had to smile big seeing the cuppa with the cake (plate).
    Very British :-)

    Your angel has a sweet heart! And the robins are very cute.

    Wow! You found something! I have a hard time trying to read the handwriting (happens with my own, too).
    Nothing from my family, I don´t even want to try, but "cool" to see yours! Exciting!

    It´s... funny. And sad. How we love cities where we can´t live.
    Would it be impossible for you to live in London or ... do you love your place (and Rick) too much?

    A Strawberry Hill House!!!! Oh, if Mum was still around...!

    And, awww. Such a very cute, yet serious, face to end with.
    Best wishes from here.

  6. Lovely books and discoveries. I do hope you make sure you get enough rest Jeanie so you can recover well. Hugs. xx

  7. Well I hope you're feeling better real soon! The geneology treasures are amazing!.. and no, not a good resting face at all, LOL.. but those old photos did not do many people justice.

    I see you have a Susan Branch mug too! I might order another, mine.. despite it's thin appearance, is very strong, they're made out of the good stuff! I have the Martha's Vineyard one. Isn't her blog lovely? She is truly a good soul.

    Pets are the best therapy -

  8. Hello, Jeanie

    I hope you are relaxing, reading and recovering. Sweet kitty photo. I hope your feel better soon, take care. Wishing you a great day!

  9. Hi, Jeanie! So sorry you've been under the weather! So hope you'll be back on top of the world soon! Looks like Miss Lizzie is being a good nurse. ;) My, but LOTS of good things to keep you company while you've been resting! Fun with your felting--love the Santa, so cute... and those birds! WOW... so much you've been able to dig up on your family tree--very interesting!! WONDERFUL London book... *swoon*... Be taking good care there! Praying you'll be on the mend soon, my friend! ((BIG HUGS))

  10. I have a great book, Jeanie, called, "Moulin Rouge" chronicling the life of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, and I know you would love it for all its background of the Parisian life of the day, and I would gladly send it to you, but it is in French! Damn! get well soon. At least if you have to be sick you are using your time well.

  11. Cornellson looks like Paris' Sennelier! Even when you are sick, you lead such a vibrant and interesting life, Jeanie!
    I admit, I am also tired of the winter cold and snow and iciness...and have been doing a bit of arm chair treveling, looking at my old travel journals from France, especially Provence. Dreaming of going to France next fall...
    Felting, I love to do it too. The robins, a whole group of them arrived out my back door yesterday. I am wondering if they are more tolerant to the cold these days?
    Take good care of yourself! Love, R.

  12. Oh, I hope you feel better right now!
    It's not the best moment - a lot of people are getting sick here as well.

    Your felt toys are beautiful. I love these birds the most. They look like real ones!

  13. The relatives do look a bit weary ~ how cool that your researching. Get well and kiss the kitty for me ~

  14. Jeannie,
    I hope you are feeling better soon!! Living in Pa, which was one of the original colonies, there is a lot of Revolutionary War history here in our area including attacks on Settler's by the Indians which was provoked by the British. Sadly, our area does not yet market the history that we have to improve the area. But a slow change in that is happening. I packed away Christmas upstairs and re-decorating the Sitting Room for Spring/Summer and was looking at the books I have in there, realizing that I need to take more time to sit and read...After all, i made a whole room in which to do so!! Feel better, my friend and thanks so much for your visits!!

  15. Take care! Thank God for hobbies is all I can say..and my last foray into antibiotics was and is a disaster..Clindamycin:(
    I just started 3 Women..and have to return before I finish..but so far..good!Will book again;)

  16. I have one photo of a maternal great-grandmother that would put these ladies to shame. Mine is the very essence of grumpiness; she looks as if she'd rather kill you than have to put up with you one more minute.

    Now, Lizzie? She always makes me smile. I hope she brings you more smiles, and keeps you in line, too. Take care of yourself, and get well!

  17. Hi again,
    Thanks for visiting my blog again and for your comment! Since you visited I posted my friend's drawing, perhaps you will wander back to see it! Best, R.

  18. Leighton House! One of my favorite museums - especially for anyone who loves tile.

  19. Love my birds, love that you've found more gems in your genealogy, and some good TV and books. Hate that you're still feeling less than 100%. Do take care, and I hope you feel better soon.

  20. What fantastic finds! Thanks for the tip about checking the books option at F.S.
    Hope you folks are back on your feet soon. Gosh it is biting you hard. :(

  21. Keep getting better! And good luck with more great ancestor finds too.

    best... mae at

  22. Hello Jeanie,
    You cover many topics here, but I will only comment on one today, okay maybe too.
    The felting! Wonderful work, and I have tried my hand at it and know the skill it takes. You make me want to pull mine out again.
    Whatever your normal is for now, I like your optimism, "I'm sure we will back to normal soon."

  23. Interesting about the family history stuff. Glad you've been finding fun things to do while trying to recover. Hope you feel better soon though. Nice Lizzie's been keeping quiet while you need her to be more of a peaceful therapy cat... It's probably because she knows you're sick.

  24. Get well soon, Jeanie!
    Your felts are wonderful!

  25. Sappy is not in my cats' repertoire:)
    The felt robins are darling.
    Hope you are one hundred percent now.
    Got to love book sales.

  26. I looked at that photo of the red walls and red seat covers, and I must say that it is stunning. But, I could never do that in Hawaii. People would laugh if I painted my walls red.

  27. Sad for you feeling “punky!”
    Hope this new antibiotic gets you into the BETTER status . . .
    Lizzie looks like a cuddly friend . . .
    Our Snickers is “having issues,” this has me worrying about our little dear heart!

  28. Doing genealogy research is fascinating and addictive. It's very frustrating finding old photos and no having a clue who they are. I have several found in my grandmother's photos.

  29. Jeanie, take care and hope you are on the mend. Your felting is getting so good. Beautiful little birds and I like that little angel. Sounds like your therapy cat has been getting a work out and there is a little something around the eyes! Hmm, maybe you better get well fast..xxoJudy

  30. Jeanie, Jeanie you must feel better soon. You have had quite a time of it. :-( It's good that you have lots of hobbies while down on the couch. Your felt robins were adorable. I am really getting into the show Finding Your Roots and hope to look into our history some day.
    Get better and come to Canada for a visit in the spring. xo

  31. I find genealogy very interesting and addictive; that is, till you try to meet some descendant. That might cure you of your addiction. I've been there, done that.

  32. I hope you feel better soon. I like the Christmas decorations / ornaments you made. Lovely mix of photographs. That cat is very lovely looking.

  33. Oh, honey! I hope being all laid back will help you!
    None of the photos came through. But your words did, which are more important.

  34. You have indeed hit the Mother lode!

  35. Jeanie, I wish you "felt" better. :D Just a little pun in view of the fact that you are not completely happy with your latest felting projects -- I think they're wonderful! Hope you're completely well soon.

  36. I hope you're better soon, antibiotics are no fun to be on although I know we're grateful for them really! Long spells of bad weather are a sure recipe for cabin fever but you seem to be fighting it well. I have that book too, and it's gorgeous! How wonderful to get it for such a bargain price !They have sought out a great selection of interiors haven't they? Some are not well known at all and the ones which are well known are exceptionally beautifully photographed, aren't they? Your genealogy discoveries are fantastic! How wonderful to find information to flesh out the names and dates. I hope you're soon up and about and will be able to have a celebration dinner with Rick to set you on the road to Spring.

  37. I'm so sorry you've been sick, Jeanie. Stuff is going around right now, and it's awful. I hope you are feeling better. Your little felt angel is darling, love her. I bet the genealogy is so interesting for you. I've also been interested in my ancestors and where they came from. Your cat has the most gorgeous eyes. Take care and get well, Jeanie.


  38. I hope you get to feeling better soon!

    The book club at the library I belong to is reading The British Are Coming, part of a trilogy. It's about the Revolutionary War. I am not necessarily a fan of history like this, but I am learning things by reading it. And then I saw there was the Washington miniseries. I recorded it to our DVR and have just started watching it. I am thinking it will give me the "visuals" of how war was being fought back in the 1700s.

  39. I hope you are back to normal or just about there. Your felting is amazing. I love the robins. And what is just as amazing is that you discovered who the woman in the photos is and that you rediscovered the book. You do so well with your genealogy research. I haven't done much at all lately. One of these days I need to get back to work there. Did you dig out the Ragtime music? And nice book find. I would have picked it up myself. MAybe I need to find that art supply store when I visit. That looks like a fun place to shop. Take care. Hugs-Erika

  40. HAHA...yep those older pics don't do much for the friendly look on a persons face. The reason of course for that is that it took so long to capture a photograph back then, that people in pictures couldn’t hold a smile for long... Well, to get me in a pic is a chore to begin with that me having to hold a smile for a long time would just not get it!! Furbabe is so adorable. Sorry that you have been sick. There is so much going around and with the temps here in TN going up and down, its amazing that everyone is not sick. Today, pretty, we actually had SUN! Tomorrow in the wee hours, more rain and turning to snow flurries. Yep, going to be snow on the daffodils! Feel better soon.

  41. Get better soon! No fun being sick. Your Santa is sweet. Loved reading about your grandmother. Janice

  42. So sorry to hear you're still not well Jeanie.
    What great discoveries on the genealogy side, I wish I had photos of my great-grandparents. I have a couple only of my grandparents.
    I love your London book, and what a great price!!
    Hope you feel better soon.

  43. Sorry you've been sick Jeanie, you are smart to do couch time and read and watch TV! Feel better soon, Spring is on the way!

  44. Good morning, Jeanie. So sorry you hear you are not feeling well. Hopefully, you will be well soon with the help of Lizzie, she must be the best medicine and company. I am a winter girl, but that means winter, not March all winter long - rain and more rain. I know it will bring beautiful blooms and I am so ready to see them. Your searches about your relatives are most interesting. That is something I should do. I will be interested in hearing what you find out about them.
    Wishing you a great day and weekend!

  45. This may be a 12 degrees of separation. I visited Cleveland, OH in 2008 as I was visiting my cousin (who went on my New England road trip with me some years later). She's a long time resident of Kent, OH. Don't know when I'll set foot on that part of the world again but I sure hope I will, some day. And maybe Michigan too, who knows. :)

  46. Hope you are feeling better now.

    Strawberry Hill House should be very interesting, is on my to-visit list too. I would suggest visiting Marble Hill house too, is nearby, home to Henrietta Howard, George II's mistress. There is an interesting book about her, by Tracy Borman, you might like it. This is the link to my review, if you want to have a look: .

  47. So sorry you've been unwell. I know how dicey it can get to be sick in your lungs. Grateful you've had a warm place to sip tea and read.
    I always love photos of generations past. So severe looking.
    I wonder at their stories. Grateful for the brightness of her
    great, great, great granddaughters smile here and now:)
    Keep mending - hope your strength returns full force
    and with a dance in your step:)
    Big warm hugs,

  48. I hope you are feeling better! Being sick isn't fun, but you're doing the right thing staying in, and on the sofa!
    Trip is very sick, and I'm hoping I don't catch it.

  49. I am sorry you have not been feeling well. Like you, for some reason, things go to my lungs if I am not careful.
    What finds in your basement-amazing really what we have and don't even know about sometimes.
    That book is gorgeous and you couldn't buy the ink to print it for $4.99.
    Have a great weekend, sweetie. xo Diana

  50. Well wishes sent your way, Jeanie, but sitting with tea and reading sounds pretty good to me. The felt creatures were lovely and I liked the angels best.

  51. Oh no! I am so sorry that you have not been well. We have colds and coughs over here too. I agree, I am so ready for spring. I usually love winter but this one - it needs to just end already, despite it being so mild.

    I hope you are feeling a bit better!

  52. Lovely books and discoveries. Hope you are feeling better now

  53. Lovely books and discoveries. Hope you are feeling better now

  54. Lovely books and discoveries. Hope you are feeling better now.

  55. Hope you are feeling better today. In reply to me pushing though the pain, yes, I take breaks. Plus being able to move a little at a time and not all in one day has been GREAT.

  56. Jeanie the books and photos you've found are endlessly fascinating!! What a neat find! Wow, check out that old fashioned cool to see. That Paris book looks good, I will have to get it. Are you feeling all recovered yet???---been thinking about you and hope you're feeling better. And Rick---is he better yet?

  57. Jeanie, I hope you feel better soon. this stuff is very hard to get rid of. I love your felties, so adorable.and your creativity is amazing. Take care of yourself and rest is the best way to do so!

  58. Me again!!
    Hope you are feeling better!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to let me know that you did by leaving such a sweet comment!!

  59. It seems you made the best of the time when being sick, and I hope you are doing a lot better now.
    That book went wayyy cheaper in your market than on Amazon. It seems to be quite interesting - I looked at it on Amazon and the photography is very good. It's so difficult to take good indoor photos.You have discovered a tresure trove in your basement! How interesting - I guess you will be doing a lot of research. I remember my excitement when my mom gave me a bunch of old letters for safe keeping - some are from the 1920's, one is from the 19th century, but most are from WWII, especially during the time of the "treck" when they had to flee the Soviet army in January/February of 1945 - both my maternal and paternal family are refugees. All these letters are very moving, especially the ones (including a snippet from a newspaper) telling about my uncle (my mother's younger brother) being released from the Soviets after having spent ten years in their POW camps.
    I like your felted ornaments, the birds are so cute, the Santa has a lot of character and the angel is very sweet! You are such a talented woman.

  60. Sorry to read you haven't been too well, hope by now you are feeling a lot better.

    I do like your felting especially the birds.

    That book about London was a great find.

    One of my cousin spends a lot of time doing genealogy research, pleased you are enjoying yours.

    Take care and feel 100% soon.

    All the best Jan

  61. It feels good to learn more about history through entertainment. Documentaries are so gripping these days. Faces seem quite tricky to felt. Practice makes perfect! Amazing finds in your basement to cherish. I am glad you are feeling better now.

  62. I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. That is the pits. I hope you are almost back to 100% by now! I was sick with a cold when we left for Florida but the fresh air did wonders for me and the cold is gone! Fingers crossed I get a break before I get another one!

    That book of London photos is gorgeous! What a steal at $4.99!!

  63. I'll have to look for that London book.

    The therapy cat makes for good company.

  64. Blog catch up . . .
    Feb 18 or something on March 6!
    Hope your “sickie colds” have “moved on!

    (Snowing and covering all the green as I write this!)

    I wonder how many “corners and chapters”your brain holds!
    Hopefully a few more, so we can benefit!


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