The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, February 9, 2020

A Wintry Valentine Week!

It has been snowing in our world. There has been so little, I'll not complain. I should have taken photos yesterday when I was out, but you get the idea. A marshmallow world!

A few cheery tulips and it's spring inside!

Rick got back from his trade show in Nevada yesterday. Since then he's slept like Rip Van Winkle. I was delighted to cook a lovely meal on the new stove -- and then didn't take a single photo. But I mde a wonderful artichoke chicken casserole.

I also made a Swedish Visiting Cake. Between what we had last night and what I took to friends on Friday, there is only one piece left! (It's prettier with the raspberries surrounding it but just as good without!)

I haven't done tons of decorating for Valentine's Day. Things from the kitchen aren't yet where they are supposed to be, which doesn't make entering my house like a walk into the pages of Country Living. You will note that all the photos are very tight shots!

But I did put up a few things to bring some seasonal cheer! Among the favorites are these two new little ones from Vintage by Crystal. Aren't they sweet? Wrapped cotton with crepe paper for skirts and sweet faces!

This is what I'm waiting for. Silver white winters that melt into spring!

A few years ago we did a Christmas wreath at Southern Exposure, using this frame with greens. I didn't use it at Christmas this year but repurposed it with some lace hearts I made a year or two ago.

The mantel, too, has it's share of Valentine cheer. A "love" sign I did awhile back, flanked by with baskets and sweet little houses. They were great fun to do! I have a few more wooden forms. Maybe I should get those made up, too!

I pulled out lots of vintage valentines and postcards this year, some of which are with my snowfolk atop the china cabinet.

Just a little bit of love!


  1. Your vintage valentines are all so special, especially the ones you have from your family.

  2. Good Afternoon Jeanie,
    I see that love is growing beautifully in your home. Delicious meals seasoned with love, Valentines to Grandmother (from you--so sweet!) twinkle lights and joy! I too am waiting for this glorious snow covered landscape to melt into Spring!

  3. How fun to have your place decorated for Valentine's day, it looks so cheery. Nice to see snow, too. It's storming here just now, a bit scary! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Valentine's Day? Already? I forgot all about it... so much to do here, returning from SC tomorrow, then a very busy week. I hope you get lots of wonderful Valentines. And I hope our neighbor in Ann Arbor has decided to turn off her Christmas lights by the time we get back. She often waits til Easter. Or Memorial Day.

    best... mae at

  5. Oh, it made my heart sing to see all your snow, Jeanie. You know, I saw that plaque from the Target dollar bins and was going to get it, but didn't Now, I wish I did. It looks so charming on your table. And I love those vintage fellows. You do have quite a few decorations up for Valentine's Day, and it was nice to see them all. The red berry wreath is so pretty. And the red and white pom poms on the door really add a special touch. That Swedish cake looks so Yummy - wish I had a piece to go with my coffee right now.

    Happy Valentine's Day, dear Jeanie. : )


  6. Love those vintage valentines!

  7. Such sweet Valentine's cards! You decor is always so much fun to see.

  8. You've got everything set for Valentine's Day: the word LOVE, the colour red, hearts, greeting cards, the photo of Rick. And.. good food to go with it. Enjoy!

  9. Happy Valentine weekend Jeanie. Your vintage valentines are so precious and all your decorations look so nice and festive.
    That Swedish cake looks delicious. I've never tried one.

  10. We are getting the same kind of Valentine's week. And your house looks fantastic with all those Valentine's decorations and vintage cards. I never do much for this holiday, but I did finally take my winter tree down. Time to think about spring, white weather or not. Have a great start to your week. Hugs-Erika

  11. Beautiful snow photographs, Jeanie. You have your home ready for February 14th. Your vintage Valentine’s cards are so lovely, wish I had kept mine. Happy week!

  12. Adorable Valentines! Happy Valentines Day to you!

  13. Yummy recipe! Hardly any valentines out for me and it is this week. Oh well. I will just enjoy yours! Janice

  14. The food looks and sound delish. I'll to try the chicken recipe. Happy Valentine's Day. I see you are more than ready :-) We don't tend to decorate for Valentine's Day or most of the seasons here where I live. Mainly it's decor for Christmas and Hallowe'en.

  15. You are so clever and talented! Snow takes on a magic when described so.

  16. We are having some very rainy spring like weather.. wouldn't mind a good snow before winter ends.

  17. Even in chaos, there's always time to share the joy of love and Valentine's Day. Hope it will be a fabulous one this year, dear Jeanie.

  18. How lovely to decorate and bring some fun to the post Christmas glums before Spring knocks on our doors. Valentine's Day is quite different in the UK, it's for lovers not everyone, so no cheerful home décor as you have.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    ~~~Deb in Wales

  19. I get dizzy watching the changes in your house with every holiday or occasion, Jeanie! I am glad that your new stove is working for you and i hope it gives you good service for many years. Glad to hear that Rick has returned safe and sound from Nevada and I hope he had a productive time there. I wish I could sleep like Rip Van Winkle. Putting four or five hours together in one stretch is about all I can manage.

  20. Happy Valentine's Jeanie! Your tulips and decorations are beautiful.
    The chicken recipe sounds yummy, I will have to save this one. Our weather still has some ups and downs, spring is still a ways off.
    Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

  21. The last photo's my favorite; what's not to like about a snowy, decorated bench? I was interested in your chicken/artichoke dish, too. I used to make a stovetop recipe with chicken, marinated artichoke hearts, onion, and mushrooms. The two recipes clearly are related, although I'd forgotten about mine. It's time to find it and maybe even make it again.

  22. Such cute houses and they go well with that you framed that pic of Rick..keeper..vintage Valentines..can't believe how many heirlooms you have you lucky girl..and you LOVE them.
    Have a lovely week..we've had a ton of snow.

  23. I love all your decor photos but my fav is the little bunny statue out in the snow with a scarf. I have a similar one in my garden. No scarf!

  24. I love seeing all your vintage Valentine cards Jeanie! Such a cute idea to hang them on your hutch doors! Your Valentine girls are so cute and the snow people are fabulous! I'm glad you are slowly getting things back to normal and cooking up yummies in your new kitchen!

  25. Aw I love your decorations! And all of your snow photos. :) I have the bare minimum of Valentine's decorations for some reason. I need to up my game a little next year maybe. Lol.

  26. That chicken recipe looks great - we love artichokes so will have to make it some time. I'll be making my valentine his favorite meal - lentil enchiladas! I have the day off as I'm going to a concert the night before and Paul's daycare closes at 1 for teacher training. So I figured I'd take the whole day off and let myself sleep in a bit (if the toddler allows - but he will likely be up early).

    We got about 5" of snow here yesterday. It was light, fluffy and pretty. I didn't get to enjoy it, though, as a flare in my foot and left hand kept me on the couch with ice for most of the weekend. :( The steroids have kicked in and I'm feeling better today. But it's going to get cold this week so I don't think we'll get much of a chance to enjoy it - plus it's starting to get dark by the time we get home. I'm ready for spring and DLS! I hate losing an hour of precious sleep but I am ready for more daylight in the evening!

  27. Jeanie, you have quite a few Valentine decor items out! They're all sweet, but that first Valentine to your grandmother - oh my, what a treasure! Your meal recipe and that dessert sound and look outstanding. I enjoy cooking when the weather is icky outside. Mr. P. has been laid up for the past 3 weeks (a fall), so I have been making meals and sharing with various family members who are either single or have no time to cook due to schedules. To me, that's one of the best gifts to gift or receive. I hope you & Rick have a wonderful Valentine's week. ♥

  28. Sounds like you two have been busy. That looks like a nice recipe. I haven’t put out much in the way of Valentine’s deco just on my dining table. Wishing you a Happy Valentines Week and Day! 💕

  29. Love all your sweet valentines, Jeanie. I have projects on going so don't know if I'll make it for Valentines, but my "heart" is in the right place..Your snow looks pretty. We have not had any snow or rain so far but very windy and cold. I look to PG&E to start shutting us down if this continues..Happy Monday..xxoJudy

  30. Your seasonal decorations look so cheerful and pretty and nostalgic. And I can just see how much joy there is for you in putting them out each year, carefully placing them just so. The grandmother card, such a treasure! The chicken, delicious!
    I am very curious~~What are you making for Rick???

  31. Your post is reminding me how close Valentines Day is and how I need to pull out a few decorations, however simple! I enjoyed reading your blog post; I came here via Gladsome Lights.
    And I wish we would get some snow!!!!!

  32. You have very pretty Valentine decorations, Jeannie! My favorite Valentine decoration is a red felt heart my daughter hand sewed for me over 30 years ago in Girl Scouts. I hang it up every year.
    I'm glad your new stove is in and working well-- the chicken casserole you made looks delicious.
    We had snow almost every day the past week-- a combined 27 inches of snow! Itvis making up for a very dry December and January

  33. My Nieces would happily storm out and make snow angels!!! And kiss the bunny, too :-)
    I´d stay inside and adore your flowers.
    I had to google Rip Van Winkle... I´m a moron!

    Ohhh. we have a stove, too. Can you come over?
    And such sweet art!
    The storm to be was called Sabine - she did not show up, phew!!

  34. Ciara has not done a great deal of damage round my house, but it is ever so wet and squelchy underfoot and windy enough to blow you over should you be silly enough to venture out.
    I stayed in all night and day.

  35. What a lovely collection of vintage Valentine's. I have a few on my mantle, but that is the extent of my decorating for Valentine's; so I would say you have done well. Loved the wreath repurposed too. Glad you are enjoying you new stove. The recipe does sound yummy. Almost forgot about the Visiting Cake. That also looks yummy. No snow here, in fact today was quite lovely and sunny.

  36. Loving this post. I think I’ll go downstairs and see if I can dig out some of those vintage postcards from my childhood. You’ve made feel quite nostalgic. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Rick.

  37. So good to hear you are cooking on your new range, yay! Worth the wait, I know! The meal sounds delicious. Love the opening photo especially since we haven't had a single snowflake this year. All your Valentine pretties are so sweet and the wreath is a great choice e for February with the addition of the hearts. Happy Valentine's week Jeanie............

  38. I love the chair bench in the snow. Also, snow? Yep isn't the way it goes when Phil says early spring. We actually had about an inch. I know, I felt snowed in...haha...You are all decked out for V day. Nice. Me, nothing out for heart day not even a red or pink box while I pack. Have a great one.

  39. What a sweetheart of a post Jeanie! Loved all the Valentines and how wonderful you have some from when you were a child. Not a lot is left from my childhood, my mom was very good at getting rid of tat I guess. Such snow! Wowsa. We haven't had any here in Chester yet this year although my friend down the road in Wales had a ton yesterday. I guess we are just lucky here! Love Chicken and Artichoke casserole! So pleased you made my cake and it was enjoyed. I love it when that happens! Happy Valentines to you and your sweetheart! Love and hugs, xoxo

  40. Nicely decorated home, Jeanie. I think I'll cook something with chicken soon.

  41. I doubt I ever sent a valentine to my grandmother, but she always without fail sent them to us children. I always wanted to do the same with my grandchildren but I have been very bad about it. This year I made it happen, and I have 10 (just for the younger ones) that I am taking to the post office this afternoon :-)

    That one that you sent to your grandma looks like one that I received. Some of my grandchildren *do* send them to me, I might add. I'm sure it's their mother's idea, but I still appreciate it. :-)

  42. Yummy cake!
    The cards are so lovely!
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and Rick :)

  43. Hi there Jeanie, love these pretty pictures! Especially the pretty old Valentines, I love those. The snow is pretty and I love that wreath you made, and how you added the hearts. Hope your week is good so far. It's warm here today, we are headed out walking.

  44. Wonderful pictures. Well, I could have done without the raw chicken. Heh. But I imagine the non vegetarians liked it:) I especially like the black and whites with a splotch of color. Also that visiting cake looks delish. One piece left? Put the coffee on. I'll be right over;)

  45. Oh, this meal sounds so delicious! I'm so shitty at cooking, I would definitely screw it up :D

    I love the valentine card with cat! How old were you when you've written this card?
    I really love how you decorate your home for valentines! I'm not doing it, I just don't feel I need it.
    But we're always celebrating it somehow. We like to go outside and spend some time together. Sometimes it's sitting in the coffeeshop, sometimes we go for a walk, sometimes we organize it differently. this year we're going on massage together. I can't wait :)

  46. Great you have your new stove all set up and working now, and nice you're finding space for some Valentine decorations amid the clutter. Wish I could have had the snow instead of the storm. They said we might Monday, but we didn't get any, and now it looks like the snow is going back North.

  47. Jeanie,
    I am so glad that I came back to Thank You for stopping by!!
    I must have missed this sweet post showcasing all your wonderful Valentine's decor!! So cute and I love the vintage look to it all!!

  48. What a fabulous post and I do like those tulips, such lovely colour.
    Your meal sounds delicious.

    Belated good wishes for Valentine's Day.

    All the best Jan

  49. This door decor piece with the pom poms is so festive and fun! It could work for Christmas time too. Cute upcycling with the hearts on the wreath. How sweet that you still have a Valentine you sent your grandmother. Vintage Valetines are always the cutest.

  50. Your place is beautifully decorated!


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