The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, November 7, 2019

November. The Busy Month.

The gingko leaves were falling from the tree like golden coins, landing swiftly and silently on the ground below. These lovely fan-shaped leaves were the last to change color and close to the last to fall. The temperatures -- about 25 this morning when I got up -- are falling too.

It is November.

Where did that time go? We had Snowloween this year. We definitely overbought candy -- this year, only eight little ones came to the door. If we'd known, we would have given them handfuls!

All my Halloweenies have been put away, leaving pumpkins and other non-witchy fall things in their place. This little guy was new this year...

...and this one, both from the wonderful Vintage by Crystal sale. I started a small collection last year and I'm hoping they have a Christmas sale too -- then I'll have one for all the biggies!

I sometimes think November is the craziest month of my year. It comes with the last of outdoor clean-up, my annual art sale, and a good deal of holiday preparations.

While I don't like to decorate for Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving (I'm still in my PJs when I start bringing out the holiday cheer on Black Friday!) I'm doing a lot of the holiday prep -- Christmas cards need to be created and ordered; out of town/country presents pulled together and mailed and shopping lists reviewed. Dishes to wash! Hello, turkey dishes -- welcome back!

And then there is Thanksgiving. We can never seem to get our Thanksgiving act together early enough for me. I like a plan. Most of the time I don't care what the plan is, but I just want one. For the kids, juggling three families who all want kid and baby grand time, is a challenge. It often means we don't know how the arrangements will work out till closer to the date.  This year is different. Hooray! We can make a plan!

A week or so ago, Rick and I went to baby sit the Toddler Twosome for the weekend. There was time for play...



...meals to make... and devour!  

When they tire out you know it. They just stop.

But little monkeys who are almost three and 16-months don't tire out often!

Mostly, there were big smiles.

And teeth.

And when all was said and done, we were exhausted! But they aren't! (Do you remember when you could do that? And smile at the same time? I can't.)

As I write this I'm thinking I should get on the stick and finish cleaning the house and wrapping birthday presents for my friend Suzanne's visit later this afternoon. We'll have good times hitting the movies, eating at her favorite restaurants and staying up late to talk over old times. Really old times.

There are still watercolors to mat and frame and cards to slip into their sleeves for next week's sale. (If you're in the mid-Michigan area, stop by! Feel free to email me for more specific directions!)

This photo is from last year but I'll have a similar set-up this year (but also include some of my felties, and of course, the framed or matted watercolor originals).

I'm having a hard time falling back. I always do. The time change in the fall is rough for me. It doesn't help to look outside and see this.

Meanwhile, someone is wondering if she'll get enough attention.

I don't think we have to worry about that!

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  1. Is that Harry I see on one of the cards? He's so photogenic. So are your grandsons which goes without saying. Love shines on their little faces.

    One of your photos reminds me of a turkey dish my mom had that she used to serve cranberries in every year. I loved that dish. I miss seeing the old style Thanksgiving tables. Those I've been to in recent years were set up buffet style.

  2. Your Littl'uns are so cute, and I can imagine how tired they get you two before they are ready for bed! But these are wonderful times, so enjoy them. Good luck with your sale, I'm sure you'll do very well. Our tram doesn't seem to stop there, though, so i'll have to give it a miss....The cold, dark days are here, too, so we just have to toughen up and make the best of them! Hugs, Valerie

  3. I haven't seen those candy bars and corn for a long time. Reeses cups are my favorites. Hard to believe we are a week into November already.

  4. I loved falling back when I was a teen/in my 20s as the extra hour of sleep was delightful. Now I hate it. It's dark even earlier and the time change was super hard on Paul. For the first 4-5 nights, he woke up around 5:15-5:30. We left him in his crib until I was out of the shower at 6:15 as that's just too early to start the day. He doesn't cry hard but calls out "mommy" occasionally and it gets real insistent by the time I get out of the shower. Yikes!

    November is crazy for us with the move and such. Luckily we had our Thanksgiving plans figured out very early and my brother is hosting. He's 25 minutes from us so that is perfect. We are hosting everyone on Friday night at the new house for a selection of soups/leftover bread/salads/desserts. it will be nice to show them our house but people will have low expectations since we move in the Friday before Thanksgiving. We don't have any divorces except my SIL (but her mom passed when she was young and her dad is kind of checked out so they rarely celebrate with her family :...() in our family so that simplifies things a bit so we usually try to plan in advance but I am the most plannerific of the family so I kind of push people to make a decision about things so we can figure out when we'll see Phil's mom. I'm hoping she comes with us to Thanksgiving so she's not alone but she gets anxious in social situations so it will be a game-time decision for her.

    I'm excited to decorate for Christmas this year since we didn't put a tree up last year! I think we'll go pretty simple this year since we'll still be settling in but next year I will want to decorate our stair banister. I'm hoping to get my act together and get our window boxes filled over Thanksgiving weekend. My parents will be around so I might have my mom come with me to the local garden shop to help me pick some fillers out! Super pumped to have a festive house this year!!

  5. We too have lots of Halloween candies left, Jeanie. More and more there are few little kids in our neighbourhood. I don't know what the percentage of homes with retired people is, but it is significant. Looking outside at bare trees can be a bit discouraging, but keep your eyes peeled for a cardinal or a Blue Jay and that will brighten up your spirits in an instant. What is more of a downer is that we just got notified by Microsoft that as of January they will no longer support Windows 7, which is our operating system. We have to switch to Windows 10 and they recommend buying a new computer. You just know there are going to be problems associated with that changeover.

  6. November does sound like a busy month for you. Those two boys are adorable!

  7. Beautiful photos, all the seasonal and Halloweenie ones, and the candid, sweet family shots too. You have a busy month ahead, but unlike you I do the Fall Back much easier than I do the Spring Forward. It takes a while to adjust to the night sky at 5:00 p.m. but I revel in the hygge of the Autumn season into Winter. I am already beginning to feel that I might actually decorate a little for Christmas this year.

    ~~~Deb in Wales

  8. Jeanie, you and Rick are very brave to take on two toddlers--I know they'd wear *us* completely out! :D I bet you'll enjoy the sale (and do very well!).

  9. Jeanie, What beautiful little guys. I just love them. I bet you and Rick slept well after that evening. I always do once I have played with the little ones. I think the pumpkin, leaves and bench would make a nice painting. :) Your cards and paintings are wonderful. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  10. How lovely to have all that fun with the little ones! And you know what they say.... All that running around after them keeps you young! 😀

  11. Of course my favourite must be the cat.

  12. The two littles are absolutely adorable, love their big smiles! The littles will wear you out for sure, believe I understand!November is a busy month with lots to do. It doesn’t help that Thanksgiving is late this year. Wishing you great success on your sales!

  13. What little cuties.
    Loved the pic of you and your friend.
    It's going to be busy, busy, busy till the end of the year, isn't it?
    Have a great one.

  14. PS And of course, Lizzie's pic makes me smile.

  15. The boys are so cute and so is that adorable kitty! We had snow on Halloween to and that was when Bob decided to give out handfuls of candy. We had 800 pieces to give out...and he was not sure we would get that many once it started snowing. We ended up with half a bag left. Thank goodness. That wreath with the pumpkin arrangement was perfect for Autumn BTW. Janice

  16. Sweet, sweet boys, but you must have been tired afterward! Enjoy your catch up with your friend! -Jenn

  17. Really is true about November . . .
    It seems so many things need tending yet we have to have
    some focus on December at the same time.
    Shopping today and it seemed like everyone was frantic
    trying to tie up loose ends, shopping for things, presents,
    more focus on red and green than turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie.

    I think the snow must have done it . . . how confusing it seems
    to have blankets of white covered with tons of leaves.

    How busy you must be Jeanie with an art sale going on too . . .
    Remember to breathe . . .

  18. Naked trees to me are a sad sight. Funny leaves, have never seen them.
    Oh, I love the "I´m scared"-one, so cute - is that bird food?
    One day I really will have a bit of stuffed turkey somewhere! There is no Thanksgiving at all actually here.

    Sweet picture with that helmet.
    Oh, lucky you! When my youngest Niece gets tired and I´m there, she refuses to sleep and SCREAMS and screams and she is loud indeed.

    Oh, what a beautiful picture of you and you friend! Looks like really big fun! Beautiful, you two!
    Uh. Be careful at that market - don´t you get a 1000 kisses from anyone all the time there? I hope for pics! Certainly we do not have this mistletoe-thing over here. Gosh are we boring!!

    Yes, attention from a lot of people, please tell Lizzie, really, no worries :-)

  19. You are, indeed, plunging into very busy times. I was taken aback by the cold and snow and am thinking our short, glorious fall is over and we are headed for a cold, hard winter (of course, this is the year I don’t head south until mid January this year). Your grands are adorable - and growing up so quickly.

  20. Jeanie, I loved this post. And oh, the ginkgo tree. My favorite tree, they are so beautiful. Your visit with the little ones looked like such fun, but exhausting. They both look like two bundles of total energy on the move.

    Thanksgiving and the holidays will be with us in a blink, it is time for me to get busy and "make a plan." Happy days to you, Jeanie

  21. Sounds like your November got off to a great start, if an exhausting one.

    Great you're able to make a Thanksgiving plan. I'm the same with that kind of thing: don't mind what the plan is, but the sooner I know what it is, the better.

    Hope the art show goes well this year.

  22. Beautiful fall images Jeanie. The fan shape of the ginko leaves is so sweet. You had snow at Trick or Treat and we took cover for a tornado watch at the start! Luckily things cleared up quickly so the kids were able to go out and get their candy. That is a gorgeous turkey print on your plates. The boys are so cute! I imagine you guys get tired out too watching them. I hope the art show is super successful for you! It must be fun to have so many people see and enjoy your art.

  23. Like your new festive decorations and glad to see the turkey plates. It is that time of year. And ginkgos are sooooo cool. You are lucky to have one. And I love seeing the little ones. They look happy and our growing so much. Enjoy the start of your new month. Hugs-Erika

  24. I have a harder time falling back, too. In spring, the move forward doesn't seem to bother me so much. We're definitely moving into fall, though. There's an arctic front on the way that's bringing us lows in the 30s next week -- is that a gift from you?!

  25. Wow, Jeanie and I thought I had a lot on my plate! You have a full month planned and I adore your newest autumn art and dolls. Love the pumpkin with the ginkgo leaves. I'd give anything for some of those. Lucky you.

    The baby grands are adorable as ever and it's always fun to have down time with them.

    I know you will have a very successful sale. You make such lovely art.

  26. Looks like you had a fun time with the little ones. And I love ginkgo trees! I wish I could grow one in my zone.

  27. Jeanie, Great photos as always. I tried selling my cards w/envelopes a few years ago at a craft sale and they just weren't moving. I had to lower the price and I didn't have them marked high to begin with. I decided then and there no more shows. I think my cards were $1.50-$2.00 each or 3 or 5 for $5 or whatever. I can't remember now, but people in the GR area don't like spending their money :( I love the wreath in your photos!

  28. Hi Jeanie

    It does feel like October was a mirage this year! Our three snowfalls in the month dissolved all our pretty autumn colors. Today it is 70 degrees and on Monday we will have snow again...crazy!

    Your watercolor cards are beautiful! Your grandsons are so sweet! I know spending time with them is very special.

  29. I Like the november very much, its one of may favourite months :)

    Best regards from the south tyrol luxury hotels

  30. My word you're brave - the little ones are adorable!

  31. I'm sitting here gorging on the Tootsie Rolls so I don't have to look at them anymore.
    Christmas is always a no brainer for us. As we heat exclusively with wood we cannot travel in winter. The furthest we might get is to the family farm about 20 miles. That said, I might hop the Greyhound and visit my family near Toronto next month, but Mike will hold the fort.
    Daughter and grandson will join us for Christmas dinner.
    I'm starting to organize Christmas decorations in a central location and contemplating buying a new tree. I've always wanted a white tree and this just might be the year! If we go white, we will need all new decorations though.

  32. Awww just love reading about, and seeing, the 'toddler twosome' simply fabulous.

    I am starting to get organised for Christmas with cards and a few presents sorted. I'm sure by the 24th December all will be done and I can relax and have a fabulous Christmas Day and beyond!

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  33. Your grandkids are adorable Jeanie :)
    I also find that the madness and busy time for me starts in November, I've already attended some functions and more are planned...
    This year we're having my daughter and son in law coming over from the Philippines in mid December and her in-laws arriving from France at the same time, so I'll have lots to plan and do!
    Good luck with your Christmas sale, I'm sure your beautiful painted cards will sell well.

  34. What a delightful post, Jeanie. And those boys are such cuties. I love the picture of orange pumpkin on the chair with the golden leaves surrounding your back yard. I know what you mean, where are all the trick-or-treaters these days? That's a cute witch candy dish. It's always fun to see the decorations around your house, cause I don't put too many out for Halloween. The chair looks even more delightful with the wreath hanging over it like that. November has been busy for you, and it's been pretty slow for me, but I can appreciate the quiet times, as the busy times happen all at once it seems. ; )


  35. The Littles are adorable!
    Love that girlie punkin’ 💕Have a ball at your sale I am sure you will do well!I am getting love the preps!

  36. What lovely pictures of your Grands, oh to be able to do the toes up in the air stuff still. I know what you mean about Nov being busy, I also get no end of visitors which is always lovely as everyone needs a break before Christmas!!! Hope the sale goes well your cards are fabulous.
    Wren x

  37. Only 8 children for Halloween? That's a shame. We didn't have any. I was away in Oxford at a Conference, but my husband decorated the house, just a bit, so the children know we are giving them treats, he bought a lot of treats, but none showed up. That was such a disappointment.

    Love the picture with the little ones.

  38. Jeanie,
    The kids are so cute!! Love the vintage looking Halloween decorations!! Thanks again for stopping by!!

  39. I adore each of the pictures of the seat and wreath in the garden. Just lovely. How fun to babysit too. I miss getting to do that now.

  40. Such happy boys. When my Grands were little (and Bob and I were a bit younger), we still collapsed at their nap and bed time. Little ones seem to have one speed - full throttle ahead.


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