The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Keeping My Head Above Water!

This week is my annual holiday art sale! I've been working like a crazy woman getting ready for it. More on that later! But first, the fun of a good friend's visit.

My friend Suzanne, from Canada, came for a few days. We did loads of shopping (well, she did -- I shopped for ideas and got more than a few!).

With our friends Mark and Jan, we went to one of our favorite (well, everyone but Rick's favorite) restaurant. It's always a huge mess but always so good and loads of fun!

We hit the movies ("Judy") and played games (don't we look like a fun group?).

Rick's sitting the grand-dog. There's a real love affair going on there!

And when Charlie the Dog sees any animal (but especially dogs) on TV, he goes ballistic. I haven't uploaded the movie yet, but you get the idea. So, we decided "Let's turn on Animal Planet" and we found a show called "Bad Dogs" -- which is about dogs (and some cats) being -- well, bad. I'm surprised Charlie didn't get laryngitis!

As soon as Suzanne left, I got back to the job of prepping for the show. This is the only one I do, so I want it to be good! I got a lot of cards priced and packaged ($2.50/3 for $6 for the small notecards). This is just a smattering of them.

The Christmas cards and cat card are among the new ones. Those are $4 --  they're 5x7.

These are some of the watercolors before they got framed.

And after! (Those are $40 framed; $30 matted)

And, I got hangers onto my felties so I'll have an ornament tree there this year.

Those I've priced at $10-15 (and one large bunny for $20).

I've also been filling a few mail orders -- or will be, once the show is over. (If you are interested, I have a pdf with the new things on them but if there's something in particular you might be interested in, I'm happy to email it to you. (But if you are a no-reply blogger, I don't have your address so let me know!)

We'll loaded in on yesterday. If you are in the mid-Michigan area and think you might come, let me know. I can send you directions. We're open Thursday and Friday, 11-7 and Saturday, 10-4. Hopefully most of the "white stuff" will be gone! In addition to my things, there is jewelry, soaps, calendars, lotions, knit items, other paintings, cat toys and much more!

I'll definitely be ready for a cuppa tea!

Meanwhile, I'll be working on keeping a smile on my face!


  1. What a lovely visit with your friend. I have been wanting to see Judy. What did you think? I hope the art show is as brilliant as your work. You are a true talent.

  2. Hello,

    It is always great to get together with your friends. I love all your pretty cards and the felties. Wishing you a happy day!

  3. Your art is lovely! I didn't realize you actually sold matted and framed artwork as well as your cards. I love going to art shows where you can buy cards. I don't have the wall space left so I often go home with just a card or two to remind me of the artists I like.

    Inspired by you, I bought a felting kit and learned it's harder than it looks. I'll be sticking to my knitting but it was fun to explore something new. Hadn't done that in a long time.

  4. I hope your sale goes well and you don't come home with much! You have lots of pretty things to display! I'm going to a holiday market this weekend and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm going with 2 other girlfriends. I'm on the hunt for a wreath for our new door. We'll see what else I see!

    We've been in a lull this week as we haven't done any more packing since the inspection and appraisal took place this week but now that both are behind us, we will start to pack more things. We move a week from tomorrow. 11/22 felt far off when we closed on 10/25, but it has come pretty fast! Originally we were hoping to move on 11/15 but I am glad we pushed it to 11/22 as it would have been pretty rushed. I'm ready to be in one place, though!

  5. You have some wonderful things! I hope you sell it all.

  6. Good luck with the show. You have beautiful art and photography, so they should sell quite quickly. You have put a LOT of time into these, and I have my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for your success at this show.

  7. You've got some darling things there ~ wish I were closer!
    All best luck!!

  8. I hope you do really well with your sale, Jeanie. Miriam used to do craft shows and at one point did quite well with them, but attendance slowly started to decline in many of the venues, and increasingly people wanted to pay with debit or credit cards, and she was not equipped to handle that, so she hasn't done a show for about three years now. I think that given the amount of preparation involved, and the setting up and tearing down, she is quite happy not to be doing it any more.

  9. Jeanie, You seem to always smile you pretty happy smile. I liked all the photos. Wow , you have been busy getting ready. So many pretty things. Blessings, stay warm, xoxo, Susie

  10. Glad you've been having fun with your friends. What a funny dog! You have made some wonderful art, good luck with your sale, you will do well. Hugs, Valerie

  11. What a delightful bounty you have made!

  12. Great pics!

    The snowman with the carrot nose card is bothering me! It looks like his carrot nose is really sticking out. How do you mail it?? 😂

  13. It's always lovely to get-together with old friends, I enjoyed your photographs.

    Your art pieces all look so nice, I'm sure they will sell well.

    Two lovely smiles in your last photograph
    Keep smiling … :)

    All the best Jan

  14. Lovely items, Jeanie. I enjoy seeing your art and wish you a great sale. Darling photo of you and your friend. Stay warm and cozy!

  15. I am happy I have met you, followed you.
    Watched you, observed, realized your amazing talents
    Being around your energy, zest for life, all your many ways of creating . . . is amazing!
    And we haven’t even met face to face!

  16. What game is that? Looks interesting. So glad your friend had a great time! Have fun at your show too! Janice

  17. I thought I recognized your friend from Canada. It's so nice that you two make an effort to visit in each other's cities. I enjoyed having a peek into your store fronts. I also enjoyed seeing everything you've been working on for the Christmas sale. I think my favs are the watercolours. All the best success with your sale Jeanie. xx

  18. Oh, that looks like a very yummy mess! :-)
    I had to yawn. No kidding.
    Is "Bad Dogs" a good idea? You´ll find out, I reckon.
    Wow, those are a lot of beautiful cards! I think the cat is my favorite.
    So sad I don´t live around the corner - or, is it? I might run crazy!
    Happy pic of you two, georgous! You have a beautiful smile, wish I could do that!

  19. It's always lovely when friends visit. Your work is lovely, you are so talented.

    ~~~Deb in Wales

  20. How fun! I have been straight out busy and cold so it is nice to see people having lots of good times and fun. Oh the countdown to retirement. Smile. Happy weekend and good luck with your show Jeanie. Hugs-Erik

  21. I hardly can believe it's time for another sale! But it is November 15, which means Christmas is... oh, let's not even think. No wonder you're in a whirl. I'll not be coming, but I didn't see the dates of the show -- only the times. Is it this weekend?

  22. Wow great work andd how fun! Neber a dull moment chez Jeanie:)
    The yawn:):)

    Bad love the Kominsky Method and sadly have already finished season 2..the best yet..a reference to bad dog has stuck with me.If you don't watch it give it a try..Alan Arkin and Michael Douglas are such a pair!

  23. Oh my you have been a busy bee Jeanie! Always nice to spend time with long distance friends and catchig-up. Loving all of your lovely card and felties. Enjoy and have a wonderful time at the art show.......

  24. Jeanie, visits from good friends are the best. You looked like you had a great time. I do so admire your artwork and talent, I wish I could attend the show. Have fun at your show and I am sending wishes for it to be a huge success for you. And, I bet you always have a smile on your face.


  25. Good luck with the show! No doubt you have many lovely things there, you're so talented!

  26. This is awesome!!! I am so excited for your show - good luck with it, it looks like you have great stuff to show and sell! I LOVE that white cat with the colorful flowers. Beautiful!

  27. Messy food is fun to eat out with friends! The dog show must be hysterical. Jim and I used to poke fun at Animal Planet because they have so many shows about nothing to do with animals, but instead pools or treehouses. It is good to hear they have some animal shows.

    Your cards are so beautiful and whimsical. Sure to be a hit! The artwork looks amazing matted and framed. The felted ornament tree is adorable. It looks like you are going to have an amazing display!

  28. I love the cards. So cool. Great job. Looks like you are having a great time. Enjoy. The holidays are upon us.

  29. So many excellent things! :-) Wishing you a terrific show. :-)

  30. Hope your sale is going extra well and you are smiling all the way. I love all you are selling. How nice to have fun with a friend too. It seems like I haven't been visiting blogs much lately, not sure why but I guess just tired and gearing up for the holidays. Oh I had a sale last weekend. Take care and hope you have some rest time planned after the sale.

  31. You have been busy!!! I hope the show goes well and you sell tons of your lovely items. Where did you get your cards printed? I almost feel you underprice them... Having an ornamental tree brings out the ornaments so much better - I love the variety you are offering. That must have been a ton of work!

  32. Oh Jeanie, such a lot of wonderful things! I knew you did an art sale once a year but hadn't somehow got an impression of how varied and colourful it is - lovely! I am glad that your floods earlier in the year didn't wash away work you've done since the last one, and it must be such fun to have people come and see and buy! I hope you do well.
    Loved the yawning photo, yes I know the feeling but it's always a nice feeling to me to be with old friends and can do this old fashioned low key stuff.

  33. Jeanie, you have so many fabulous things for sale! I know you did really well. I had a friend visit me this week, so I am behind in commenting! Get some rest after the art show!

  34. My parents had a dog that used to love watching any tv program with animals - horses, dogs, cows - he would sit and stare at the tv, bark and wag his tail.
    You always have a great smile and I'm sure you will do well at the art market as you have wonderful goodies to sell.

  35. Sounds like you've been very busy. Nice you got to have some time with a friend amid all the art show preparations. Sounds like you guys had a great time. Good luck with the show.

  36. Good luck with your sale.
    I didn't do any as a vendor this year but went as a customer. Lots of beautiful things for sale.
    Any chance you have a wee fox stuffy?

  37. You have been very, very busy! I hope your art sale was a success. You had a lot of merchandise prepared.

  38. Sounds like a wonderful visit with your friend, Jeanie. This is a cute picture of the two of you. I can't believe how many cards and notes you have created!! I couldn't help but notice the red cardinal, the red cup of tea, and the red London booths. Yes, I'm a red lover haha. And that snowman is wonderful! Your tree of felties is so cute. That's a great idea. You are a woman of many talents, dear Jeanie. : )


  39. Oh what fun.
    I'll take a pack of the small cards, Jeanie:)

  40. I'm really proud of you and your beautiful art - a show like that is a lot of work.

  41. Oh Jeanie, I am so impressed!! Shows are a TON of work, and framing and packaging, wow!! You have so many wonderful things, and your framed watercolors look fantastic!! I hope you sell out so you don't have to pack up a thing to take home! Take care, and make sure Rick takes you out for a great meal when it's all over...or maybe a foot massage!! That is too funny about your granddog!!

  42. I came here before and thought I'd left you a comment. I am soooo impressed by your assortment and follow through and variety!! Sounds like you did well. Do you have to mail out a lot?

    Your energy and zest for life are inspiring to me. I'm glad you had tine with your visiting friend!!

  43. Beautiful work, you are so talented. It is quite a preparation to get ready for a show so wishing you lots of success.

  44. Good luck with the upcoming art show and sale, Jeanie. You have a lot of wonderful items. years ago when we were living in VA, both my husband and I participated in as many local art/craft shows as we could. I sold photo cards and he did wood turnings, it was a lot of fun, but we no longer do any of that here in NH.

  45. Your art cards are wonderful. And those felties! Love, love.
    I smile all the way across the pages here. Thank you:)
    - Jennifer

  46. Oh these cards are amazing!! I love this one with a cat and flowers the most ;)

    I haven't decorated a christmas tree yet, but I'm planning to buy a tree next week :D


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