The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, October 14, 2019

Southern Exposure: Hops and Bittersweet Swag

It was an unexpected surprise. My friend Jan couldn't attend her scheduled Southern Exposure workshop (Hops and Bittersweet Swag) so I was able to go in her place. With all the rain we'd had, Kate and I were worried we might not get a good garden walk but the weather turned and we saw Southern Exposure in its fall glory.

Well, almost! No turning trees yet, but the flowers were still lovely.

And the bees were making the most of them!

While a huge number of blooms had bid farewell, there was still plenty of color.

Does anyone know what these are? They seem to be like spiky little red balls.

And it looks like it could be a good holly crop for future holiday workshops!

The cows were in the pasture...

...the chickens in the coop.

Frogs and fish were enjoying a warmer day in the pond.

This fellow was handsome!

I'm trying to recall when I saw so many frogs at once and so many different kinds!

And while you may remember my post about the fungi up north? Well, I never saw anything as large as this! At first I thought it was a lawn ornament!

The herb garden was being carefully guarded.

This is truly a garden bed!

 My favorite area here is the greenhouse and it was well decorated.

This globe was rather perfect.

And I really liked this mini barn door, covered with leaves.

The yellow blooms in the pot were so pretty I thought they had to be "permanent botanicals." Nope, the real deal!

Inside was beautifully decorated as well. (Yes, when I came home I put some leaves around my chandelier!)

And of course the fireplace mantle looked perfect.

We started our delicious dinner with a hot drink and since our project had hops, this one included some beer and cider, lots of juices and spices. It was terrific!

Usually we go to the craft tent for our project but for the first time since I've been there, the workshop was far from full so we had the pleasure of starting our swag in the same room where we dined and where all our materials were laid out for us. In addition to wire and scissors, we had broom corn, Indian corn and some "permanent botanicals" of bittersweet and hops, along with a large piece of burlap ribbon.

Here's the finished product!

And here it is on my door!

When we return to Southern Exposure it will be on October 20 to learn more about Christmas cookies.

The gardens will probably be pretty much put to bed for the season. We might see some fall in the greenhouse to take us to November, but maybe not.

So, this is what I will hold in my heart during the cold winter months to come.

It's the herb garden and "flower bed," ending the season.

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  1. I always enjoy your Southern Exposure pictures, Jeanie. There is a bit of Fall in the air when you visited. So many interesting things.....the flowers with the bee picture is so pretty. Love that one. I wonder what those spiky red balls are? They are unusual and pretty. The handsome frog fellow caught my attention too. The angel is the herb garden is lovely as ever. And the orange Fall leaves are nice, adding a little color throughout. The fireplace mantel is so charming. That purple corn is cool, and you made a nice door swag. You always have the best time at Southern Exposure, and it's like I'm right there tagging along. : )


  2. Hello, a walk around the garden looks lovely. The flowers are so pretty. I love the cute frogs and fish. Your creation for the door is beautiful, well done! Enjoy your day, have a happy new week!

  3. A great visit to be sure, Jeanie, unexpected and delightful, perhaps all the more so because you hadn't expected to go. And your wreath looks beautiful. Funny, I always associate wreaths with funerals and when I was a little kid I thought that a wreath on someone's door meant that there had been a death in the house.

  4. What a great, autumnal piece you created, love it! Southern Exposure is such a wonderful place, thanks for sharing the lovely photos. I would enjoy being there, that's for sure. Love all the frogs! We have huge fungi like that here, too, I always enjoy seeing them. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Southern Exposure sure has carved out a successful business for themselves. What a wonderful place. I love the gate used on top of the fireplace mantle and I always wanted an iron bed used for a floral bed outside. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Poor Jan but lucky you! It's hard to believe all those flowers are still blooming. I always love the visits to Southern Exposure and the craft you make to take home.

  7. The place i still as beautiful as it ever was and all that colour is magnificent. Happy Fall :-)

  8. An awesome Autumn door swag. The gardens were sure full of vibrant Fall colors! Love it all! Janice

  9. I believe the plant with the red balls is castor bean. All parts are poisonous, but lovely to look at.

  10. What a great visit. I loved seeing all of your photographs, and that is a super Autumn piece you created :)

    All the best Jan

  11. I love every time you go to Southern Exposure. It is so beautiful. Love the swag you made for your door. What caught my eye was the garden gate on the mantel. Now my mind is thinking. Hummm? Just lovely!

  12. I love your swag. And I always enjoy it when you take us to Southern Exposure. This autumn trip was very enjoyable. It's a nice time of year as there is still so many blooms. Thanks for taking along. Hugs-Erika

  13. Wow, some great ideas at Southern Exposure. I have an old bed frame in the shed I'm trying to get up the nerve to plant in the garden.

  14. Jeanie, this is a fabulous place. I love using bittersweet in my fall decor. I bought some recently but haven't gotten it added into vignettes just yet. The purple spiky balls are Gomphrena. I love to mix these into arrangements. Fun shape and texture!

  15. Beautiful garden!
    Fabulous chandelier and fall decorations.

  16. Crazy. The trees are still green over here, too!
    And we still have flowers blooming as well.
    A funny-looking frog - how come?
    I love the bed. It´s always great to see "old things" being rearranged like this, even if it´s "just" an old hat.
    And the red little house!
    You manage to make autumn nearly beautiful (as in... less bad, I don´t like the dark half of the year).

  17. As you say, Jeanie, still plenty of delicious colour to be found. Your swag is sublime!

    Deb in Wales

  18. the latin name for the little purple spikey balls is Gomphrena

  19. What a treat - a bonus trip to Southern Exposure! Great photos.

  20. Southern Exposure never disappoints, such pretty surroundings.
    Love those fall leaves around the chandelier, and your door bouquet too.

  21. It is such a wonderful haven.

    Spiky balls works for me.

  22. Southern Exposure Fall is so gorgeous. Maybe not Fall color but loads of pretty flowers and the walk to the entrance is adorable. I love touring with you, gorgeous photos of nature (you do this so well). Jeanie your swag looks gorgeous on your door!!!!! I always enjoy this so much........

  23. I think that plant is called Globosa Gomphrena (straw flower). What a wonderful place to visit! Your swag turned out lovely!!

  24. Such a fun tour, and I love the bittersweet you added to your door decor! Wish we had it in our area! Thanks for sharing at Tuesday Turn About!

  25. How fun to visit with you today, Jeanie! I love your Autumn Swag. So pretty on your door! What a wonderful workshop to attend and visit.

  26. What a beautiful late garden in all its splendor! Marvelous!

  27. I love that picture of you! What a beautiful place - and that angel in the herb garden is just perfect. Would love to have something like that here.

  28. Southern Exposure is always a treat. They really decorate things nicely. Their flower bed is much nicer than mine. And their herb gardens put my herbs to shame. The video was great and you could sure hear the wind.

  29. Jeanie, I love this post and Southern Exposure. Your Autumn Swag is so pretty. I am a great fan of swags, especially during the holidays. And, your cup of cider looks wonderful. It is raining here and chilly today, perfect for cider. Have a great day, Jeanie.

  30. I always enjoy your Southern Wxposure posts. I like your autumn swag...nice job! AND I would LOVE to create an authentic "flower bed." So inspiring!

  31. Wow! How colourful and beautiful! I always love to see what Southern Exposure is up to. You said they'd had a change of personnel, and from the sound of it, they might be deciding to stick with the tested and tried approach. I hope so - it does seem quite unique. I have wondered if every year the basics of the garden each season are essentially similar. Or, do they entirely transform it each year to have a different take on the seasons? From your blog, it looks as if it is very different each time. If so, double wow! They must never stop working at the place. Your chandelier looks very pretty, and your wreath quite delightful for autumn!

  32. Jeanie, I love the fall swag you made and I always enjoy seeing your photos of Southern Exposure. Before November gets here, I'm hoping to go to Meijer Gardens, but the weather hasn't cooperated! I was going to drive to Lake Michigan today to take photos of the huge waves, but there was a thin band of rain that stayed over the area for the entire day. :(

  33. While I know by the calendar that fall has arrived and soon enough winter, this post made me think more of spring, Jeanie. Your fall swag looked great too.

  34. I can tell that you really enjoy your visits to Southern Exposure. The fall decorations are very pretty and your finished swag looks great and it looks so good on your door. I like red colored corn.

  35. Thank you for sharing your stunning photos. What an amazing day!

  36. Nice job on your door hanging. I would so love to visit Southern Exposure.

  37. Jeanie, I always look forward to your SE visits. The gardens were in their fall glory with blooms that were colorful. I do love the door swag that you made, so pretty and perfect for autumn. I will be anticipating the next visit with Christmas cookies. Happy Thursday!

  38. I love when you post about this place. Looks like the kind of experience I would enjoy too.

  39. I'm glad the weather cooperated so you could walk the beautiful grounds! They do such an amazing job! I love how your fall wreath turned out. I don't think I will get a chance to get one this fall with all we have going on but I am planning to buy one for Christmas for the door of our new home. Plus our new home has window boxes so I want to get some white birch and evergreen and maybe some holly to put in for the winter season. I have put so little effort into decorating this house since we've been looking for a house for 2 years now. It will be really fun to decorate the new place and settle in.

  40. Oh, how I love this place! Gorgeous project too!

  41. The door decoration looks very nice, I love it. I imagine you've had a wonderful time and all the pictures are gorgeous. xx

  42. Ooo...treats for us too, to get to see all this! Wow... this place is really so special, and so many delights in all seasons. The beautiful and abundance makes the heart dance! Your autumn swag is sooo pretty, Jeanie... love all those natural, autumn materials. What a great day! Thanks, as always, for taking us along for the fun! ((HUGS))

  43. What a great visit! Shame for your friend's sake, but I'm glad you were able to go in her place. I know you never get enough of visits to Southern Exposure.


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