The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Easter Week and a Dose of the Best Medicine!

We're in full Easter Week, still reeling from the fire of Notre Dame and looking desperately for signs of spring.

I'm not sure why I decorated my house for Easter -- I've hardly been there since the middle of March. Here's look at one of the kitchen shelves.

I've been down at Rick's most of the time, though finally home and sleeping in my own bed, which is a great relief. Then back at 8:30 the next day. These tulips have already bit the dust.

But I confess I love walking in the door and seeing the Greeting Angel...

...and some of the bunnies that are around the house.

My little felted farmyard is looking pretty cute, too!

Thanks to Claudia at Mockingbird Hill Cottage I became acquainted with the work of Crystal and Ben at Vintage by Crystal. I bought my first piece, which is theoretically an ornament but will be sitting out all year long. I love it!

And on one of my jaunts home to check the mail I found this slipped inside my door with no note! (I did find the generous person who shared it with me and what a treat!) Adding to the Royal Commemorative collection!

We got a bit of snow the other day.

More was predicted but it seems to have turned to rain which is fine by me! It was pretty but I am SO DONE with snow!

And I enjoyed a fun dinner with former colleagues. Almost all of us used to work at the station years ago when it was still located in old military quonset huts on campus and all moved on when we moved into the current station in 1981. We meet for early dinner at a restaurant where a lot of old people meet because the food is predictable and very good. But I wonder -- do they think we are the old people too?

There has been a little bit of painting going on.

Must be my Red period!

Rick is adjusting to his leg-up schedule, though pretty frustrated that he can't just be continually on the go like usual. But we're counting down another week till he can get off "leg-up" duty. He (we) had an extra dose of very good medicine this past weekend.

Yup, the Baby Grandlittles! And boy, are they active!

I leave you with some mini-daffs, doing their best to brighten up my yard!

And now -- gotta go!

Till next time!

Sharing with:   Best of the Weekend     /     Pink Saturday    


  1. Just take good care of Rick, Jeanie. Easter will come and go whether your house is decorated or not! I have to confess that even though I have practising Christian friends, I have never known anyone who decorates for Easter. They just seem to go to church a whole lot!


  2. Your yard looks lovely! as does your house, and those grandbabies are just beautiful - Enjoy!

  3. Your house looks so cheerful and springy with the Easter decorations! Even though you aren't there much I still think it was worth decorating as I imagine it lifts your spirits when you return home each day! I'm glad the baby grands were able to visit. I can see how that really lifted Rick's spirits! It's hard to be down or sad when there are little children around!

    I'm glad you didn't end up getting much snow. We got quite the dumping while we were gone but it has all melted except a few piles here and there. That better be the last of the white stuff! I'm so ready for spring! It was beautiful last night so we went for a family walk when we got home from work. Those are my favorite nights. Paul just LOVES stroller walks. It will rain for the next 2 days, though, so we'll be cooped up inside after work. The forecast looks good for this weekend, though. We'll be at my MIL's for Easter. There is a park nearby that we will likely walk to. I'm sure she'll love seeing how much Paul loves swinging! He just giggles and giggles!

  4. I'm thinking I may get out just a couple Easter things today. But we are traveling on Easter and not entertaining so ambivalent about doing it at all. Happy Easter!

  5. Spring is coming! Rick will become more mobile. You will have more time to yourself. Buds will bloom.

  6. Sleeping in your own bed again is a biggie. Glad you and Rick only have another week of 'leg-up'...that's progress!

    Love your cardinal painting and kitchen shelf, especially that white oblong covered dish on the left with the pink flowers. I used to know that pattern's name because it's long been a favorite from our grandparent's era.

  7. The dinner with the former colleagues was probably a welcome diversion from the daily worries. Very good picture!

  8. Such sweet decorations. Rick must be doing a lot better now that you are able to sleep in our own home. That is good news. The grand babies are adorable! I love that piece by Vintage by Crystal. It is super fun! I hope you see more flowers there soon.

  9. Glad you get to spend some time at home. The baby grands are gorgeous. Lovely paintings, too. Hugs, Valerie

  10. Good to hear that Rick is getting better. One baby step...

    Talking about baby: oh my goodness. That face should be covered with kisses, and probably is.!

  11. Jeanie, your decorations are so sweet. I tend to keep my spring decoration up until June. Love all the photographs and your grandlittles are adorable!

  12. The grandkids cheer things up. We have probably seen the last of the snow.

  13. Being with the people you care about is what is most important. Lovely tulips BTW - Happy Easter.

  14. The “littles” do a great “cheer up” job but oh my, they can be crazy busy indeed!
    Liking your spring touch ups.
    Hope Rick makes it through another week!

  15. Of course you decorated for Easter! It's so like you to do so! Beautiful!

  16. It's always fun to see your holiday decorations around your house, Jeanie. I can see how much you enjoy putting things out here and there. That little "Easter is Here" bunny is too cute. And I like the Princess Di plate. Oh, how I loved her. It's still snowing, wow! It looks beautiful. What lovely paintings of the Cardinal and red flowers. I know what you mean, sometimes I'm just in a red mood too. And I smiled big when I saw your grandson in the red flannel - such a cute photo.

    Happy Easter to you, dear friend.


  17. Hey....Easter decor looks great! I love it all. Little ones are just so adorable. Hoping hubbys healing and on the mend.

  18. I like the daffodills better than the snow as well!! ha ha LOL Tell Rick to "hang in there" and he will BE GLAD that he did as instructed. Gotta be awful hard though....just laying around and not being able to walk/run, and do as normal. Would be hard to be patient. Love seeing all your cute little spring decorations!

  19. Love all the Easter treasures and the photo of the bunny in the snow :) Those little ones are so precious and a wonderful way to brighten the day. Your paintings are beautiful! Glad to hear the healing is going well, too! So nice to take a break and get out with your colleagues for a nice meal and conversation. Happy Easter - hope you treat yourself to something sweet. xx Karen

  20. Beautiful eggs! For the first time Ingo wants to color eggs, too!
    I love the "CREATE"-sign.
    Wow, what a surprise you got there! Excellent!
    Snow again?! Though last week some flakes came from the sky here, too.

    You´re always as old as you feel :-)
    When Nice asked me how old I am I expected "old", but she called me young :-)
    Love that bird. Red period? Feel free to paint in our red-green place!
    I once broke my foot and had six darn weeks where I had to stay put. Horrible, I feel for you both.
    But great, cute medicine you got!

  21. You deserve a red period Jeanie, far better than a black one - you go for it girl! :) I have a small royal collection, I have a Charles and Diana Tray with a Charles and Camilla mug (and a Harry and Megs one!)
    Happy Easter if we don't speak before, glad you are all ready for it :)
    Wren x

  22. The house is looking super Jeanie. I used to decorate for Easter but haven't for a few years. I do however have a few table things I need get get out for the weekend. Thanks for the reminder. And I am loving the painting you've managed to squeeze in. Their looking good. I am enjoying the signs of spring, hope they stay that way! Sorry to hear you got dusting of snow...I can relate. Happy Thursday. hugs-Erika

  23. Glad you got to sleep in your own bed, you got rain instead of snow, Rick is getting better, and you got a dose of the grands to brighten your day.

  24. It was fun seeing your Easter decorations, Jeanie, and glad you were able to return to your place and also to have dinner with former colleagues. Glad to read that Rick is improving daily too. The last photo was a good one as was the wording. Happy Easter to you both🐰🐥

  25. Decorating for Easter was probably the boost you needed. We had snow a couple of days ago, too. Now just rain for the next four days which will green things up nicely. One more week to go for Rick? The end is in sight! Will he have an ultra sound to make sure the clots have gone away? Those little grandboys are sure growing! -Jenn

  26. Hello,

    Your grand children are adorable. Love the decorations and flowers. Your paintings are beautiful, the cardinal is lovely. I hope you and Rick hang in there. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day. Have a great Easter Weekend!

  27. Jeanie, I love your Easter decor, the barnyard felties are so cute! I would definitely be over snow by now, maybe spring will come and stay. I am glad that Rick is adjusting and hopefully healing. The grand littles would brighten anyone’s day! Have a beautiful Easter weekend!

  28. I think it’s good that you decorated for Easter. It gives you something to look forward to when you return home. When we got that snow the other day I just rolled my eyes. Thankfully it warmed up and melted quickly. Now the rain begins but that’s a better alternative to snow! Wishing you a Happy Easter!

  29. Happy Easter:) Rick will get well and all this will be but a memory of you being there for him in the best way.As usual..It's fun to see your decor..I spy PR eye just goes there;)Babies..children..are the best medicine..he is fortunate he has the RX:)

  30. Easter bunnies around the house, or what makes you happy during this Holy Week is always a welcoming site. Especially, when you are staying away from home for any length of time. Your house looks Happy! Sorry Rick is still dealing with those broken leg rules, just gotta get through it! Rick, if you are reading this hope you are feeling better and released from those rules soon.
    Happy Easter to you both..........

  31. Cute Grands:)
    Your house looks ready for the Easter Bunny:)
    Hoppy Easter.

  32. Hoping Rick will be good as new soon and that you will have no more snow--enough! Love your red watercolors. Happy Spring!

  33. Lovely, bright stuff, Jeanie. We don't habitually decorate our houses for Easter - it's fun and interesting to see people do this. Hope Rick's well and truly on the mend - loved the poppies, by the way!

  34. Love your bunnykins plates. I still have mine from childhood. Poor Rick will sure appreciate being about to get outdoors again. The rotten weather should be passed by the end of the weekend.

  35. I'd have been disappointed if you hadn't decorated. I love the chick plate! Glad Rick is progressing and maybe can soon become more mobile. Those grands are sure cute! Happy Easter, Jeanie.

  36. I'm pleased that Rick is doing ok and you get to spend some time at home.
    So lovely seeing the photographs of the baby grands … adorable.
    I like your paintings and those mini-daffs are looking good.

    All the best Jan

  37. I can only imagine how tedious it's been for both of you as his foot slowly mends. Both of you stretched uncomfortably. I know it felt good to sleep in your own bed again.

    Prayers he continues to mend well and that you enjoy every sip of Springtime as it comes:)

    (Do let me know if you're going to be in the mountains of N.C. this year!)

    - Jennifer

  38. Home in your own bed sounds good, and visits from grandlittles are even better. I do love your cardinal. I've been thrilled by visits from a male cardinal recently. He's picking through peanuts in the shell, which I've started rolling with my foot when I put them out, to make the peanuts easier to pick out. The bluejays have no trouble, but I don't want the cardinal to have to struggle too hard -- I think there are babies around!

  39. Nice Easter decor Jeanie. Your daffodils are looking pretty.
    Have a lovely Easter.

  40. Jeanie, your Easter is really pretty and love those red poppies. Love those two little blondies too, remind me of mine, (long ago)..Happy Easter to you and Rick, my friend..xxoJudy

  41. I'm so impressed with your Easter decorating! I don't do ANY. I had planned on changing out the Valentine tree to Easter, but winter just got in the way LOL. Are those silver bunnies chocolate molds? So detailed! Lovely. Wonderful red poppies ... made me think immediately of Dorothy and the Wicked Witch - it doesn't take much to make me think of Wizard of Oz LOL. What a treat - two posts in one day! Enjoy your holiday weekend - and those delightful grandkids!

  42. Busy times indeed when two littles visit. Good to hear that soon Rick will be able to get around more. I adore your cardinal and roses paintings. The ornament from Mockingbird Hill Cottage is so special. I love it. I would just smile if I walked in your house to see your decorations. Glad you inherited the love of decorating from your mom.


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