The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Travel Break: Valentine and Winter Touches

Continuing our travel break (there are more to come and I don't want to wear you down too much!), I thought we'd take a look at real-life around here.

Along with that comes Valentine's Day and winter decorating. I scored these three tin Christmas houses at Michael's at 80 percent off. They had no holiday decor on them, but I puttied in a heart on each and we're good to go.

My little white tree got Valentiney too!

And this is a favorite gift from a good friend long ago. I love Mary Engelbreit's art -- she has my heart for sure!

And should you think that Conversation Hearts are forever gone, just look for another brand! These are Brach's. Since neither Rick nor I particularly like to eat them, they are the one Valentine candy decoration that usually survives to the holiday!

Valentine decor is just a part of it. When the Santas came down, the snowfolk went up!

The poor poinsettia is looking a tad the worse for wear, but this snow guy is one of my favorites.

And so is this one!

Of course, it's not all snow people.

Here's the inside of the big cabinet -- the skiers have made a comeback!

A closer look!

I have to say, I love their faces. These were acquired by my mom long ago. I'm so glad I didn't have to divvy them up between brothers or sisters, because I really love these!

There's also a series of hikers and those are on the Southern Exposure swag.

That's it for now!

Back soon with more!

Love you!

Sharing with:     Best of the Weekend   /     Pink Saturday      /    Let's Add Sprinkles     


  1. What fun to blend from Christmas to winter and Valentine decorations! Very pretty.

  2. Jeanie, I love the skiers and hikers, they are so unique! Your houses with the added hearts are perfect for Valentine’s Day. I agree I am not fond of eating the conversation hearts, but I love decorating with them. Happy weekend❤️

  3. Your home looks warm and cozy decorated for winter and Valentine's day! T

  4. Jeanie, your Valentine touches are so sweet. I love the houses on the mantel all ready with hearts! It's fun to see all of your pretties in your home. The dolls are adorable! Have a great weekend. ♥

  5. You make me want to find some Valentine decor and decorate the house. I never do, but you are giving me second thoughts. Maybe it's backlash against all those fanatics who are throwing away all the stuff from their kitchens and underwear drawers because of marie kondo. Some nice clever Valentine joy is in order and yours is wonderful...

    mae at

  6. All your decorations are so nice. I especially love the skiers. Happy Valentines Day. Thelma..<3

  7. Very pretty! I LOVE the vintage skiers . . . and they fit in perfectly with the blend of Winter/Valentine decor!

  8. I like your transition from one holiday to the next! Your snowmen are cute. My poinsettia still looks good but it's overgrown the pot and dries out too fast so I might deep six it! The vintage skiers are adorable and since your mom bought then they're sentimental which is perfect for Valentine's Day!

  9. Love your sweet Valentine's decorations, Jeanie! The little houses are so cute with the added hearts and the skiers and hikers are so unique and wonderful. I really love your rose heart snow people and tree, too. Thanks for inviting us inside to see your charming home. xo Hugs to you - Karen

  10. Jeanie, oh, I love your snowmen. That skinny little guy with the long nose is too cute. I never could stand to eat those hearts either. Always tasted like chalk to me, but glad to know they can still be found, as they do look cute in a bowl..Happy Weekend..Judy

  11. Your snow people are cute! I love snow people so much more than Santas. What will go up in your home after Valentine's Day?

  12. My favourite are the skiers. Have a nice Valentine’s Day! Cath

  13. I actually like those little candy conversation hearts. Well, I'm not going to eat a bowlful, but they're not bad.I'm glad to hear they still can be found. Brach's might actually be better than the original. I only learned last week that they were manufactured by the same people who produced Necco Wafers, that were useful only for using as medicine for dolls, and not for eating.

  14. Oh,I love these, the dolls are so lovingly detailed. And you still have a wonderful reminder of your Mom, too!
    But siblings ain't bad! I had a pair of white shoes that were passed on to my Brother. Later our Dad, being also a goldsmith, gold coated them.
    Niece decided: I have the left, Bro the right one. So either home you go, you find a golden shoe :-)
    Happy Valentines' time xx

  15. I the white rose heart - did you make that? Lovely decor

  16. Wow, I don't know anyone who decorates their house for Valentines. How wonderful that you do that as it's very special. Love the skiers and hikers and I'm sure they are very special as they belonged to your Mom, and love the white rose heart and the houses on the mantelpiece.
    Have a wonderful Valentine's day Jeanie.

  17. Snowfolk are so adorable. I love them and I love your decor of them. Looks like you are all decked out for Valentines Day. Pretty.

  18. I think it's fun to mix winter and Valentine's together. You have a lot of decorations and they are adorable. Love your vignettes and table, the flowers add such a special touch. Have a Happy Valentin'e week......

  19. You truly know how to celebrate a holiday!
    Wishing you a lovely loving time/day.

  20. The snowmen ⛄️decos also went up after Christmas was taken down. My collection is outside our apt entry and I will include a coup,e of photos in a post next week. I don’t decorate for Valentine’s Day, aside from hanging a flag on the wall outside our apt. I think I will get some of those candy hearts to give away as we also don’t eat them...does anyone?

  21. thank you Jeanie for your sweet sweet comment you left me. It's such a sad sad time. I hope to be back to reading all the blogs soon. I am very behind. I did read this post though and liked it.....your "ski people" are so cute!!! Hope you are having a great weekend!

  22. Loving your decorations!

    Over here we have Swizzels Love Hearts. I remember buying them when I was younger.

  23. How cute!!That ME wowowowow..the skiers..the houses..You know what I think you would love? I held onto my daughters dollhouses..I take one out in summer on the porch sometimes because I saw that on MV lol..but Kelle Hampton but one for her daughter Nella..and she is decorating the life into it..I mean I know you have plenty of hobbies and a busy life..but I could just see you w/ one:)

  24. Thanks for inviting us for a virtual visit. I love perusing your decorations. :-)

  25. I reckon Valentine's candy that looks good and no-one eats is a perfect decoration. Unlike my chocolates on the Xmas tree that mysteriously disappear!
    Happy Valentine's day!
    Wren x

  26. Those little houses are just perfect to display! Love all your heart pretties! Happy Valentine's day my friend! hugs and kisses

  27. Those ladies look fabulous!
    Lovely decor.

  28. How do you find time for anything else with all that decorating all year round? It’s a delightful habit but surely quite labour intensive? And where do you keep all these sweet figures and lights when they’re not needed?

    Carry on making your home festive!

  29. The figures that were your moms are fun.
    Love those tins.
    You are ready for VDay!

  30. It was a delight to see all your Valentine touches throughout your house, Jeanie. It looks like that skater girl has an attitude haha. I love the snowman filled with candy, and it's nice to know that someone else loves the conversation hearts as much as I do. The Mary Engelbreit art is cute, and your Valentine tree is delightful. Love all the red hearts on it. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays to decorate for. I'm glad you enjoy it too.


  31. How fun to decorate with snow figured and hearts. I love that snowman too. You almost inspire me to do more than the little I have done.

  32. LOVE all the LOVE touches are your place, Jeanie... I like the mix of winter and Valentine's! Those little houses are sooo cute... And the Conversation hearts are fun. Not sure I could eat one of those now, but they were fun when I was kid! haha... ;) ((HUGS))

  33. Jeanie, I am late to comment, however, I love this post. I am a lover of snowmen, so I really enjoyed yours. Never thought about leaving my snowmen out after Christmas. I will remember this next year. Have a lovely week!

  34. You are a decorating wonder!! They all reflect your happy spirit and life!


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