The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

London: One Last Day

Our last day in London! And loads to do before we left.

We started our day with another walk through Hyde Park. It was a crisp morning, not nearly so warm as it was on our first walk through the park a little over a week before. But the sun was out and the the trees were burnished gold, occasionally dropping their leaves on the path. We enjoyed seeing runners and people with their dogs, that didn't even need to be leashed, they were so well behaved. Even Rick was inspired to try a push-up or two!

The Serpentine is the beautiful water pond and several boats were out. Also appearing were a number of lovely birds!

The riders were out in force, too!

And we were very happy! (I loved that scarf. It's somewhere in England. Probably at Gatwick... I hope whomever found it loves it as much as I did.)

We crossed over into Knightsbridge and headed to Harrod's. I have to say, this store really does have it all. You can't afford a lot of it. But it has it! (This was the spot with those Mackenzie Childs holiday decorations I showed HERE.)

My favorite part of this store is the food hall.

Check out this ceiling!

And these beautiful cakes.

And this seafood! (Which looks a little creepy to me but sort of fascinating!)

Here's the meat price list. That price is per hundred grams, or 3.5 ounces.

I loved the beautiful candy boxes.

Every detail of this store is elegant.

I just liked riding up and down the escalators!

And Rick even talked me into getting his Christmas present there, a fountain pen. Our sales person wasn't the least bit pushy -- which is the best kind of persuasive!

At least he didn't ask for the Chagall.

We left Harrods and headed a few blocks to the Victoria and Albert Museum.

I think this is one of London's best. You cannot do it in a day, so pick an area. After initially entering through antiquities...

...we picked British history. I wish I could remember what half of these are, but I was in the wheelchair and didn't always see the descriptions in a way I could photograph them.

But I did like the costume section -- here's Rick in a ruff!

 And I've always had a soft spot for a canopy bed!

Some of the furniture in the way-back zone was terribly ornate!

This piece is more to my liking!

And call me crazy, but I loved this fireplace!

This installation, however, was my favorite.

It is part of the floor and visible from both levels.

 Time was running out and we had a plan!

We were off to meet our friend Joan for drinks at the Meridien Hotel in Piccadilly Circus.

It was a perfect way to end our time in London -- seeing a friend I'd not seen in quite awhile, sipping gin and tonic at a lovely hotel bar. So very British! Joan and I hadn't seen each other since the last PBS conference I attended before retiring, probably in 2012, it was a wonderful reunion.

We're going to take a travel break for a bit while I catch up on other things here -- like Valentine's Day decorating, Baby Grands, a little art and more. When we get back to Britain in a few weeks, it will be to visit Windsor!

Sharing with:   Let's Add Sprinkles    /     Pink Saturday      


  1. Oh... I love the push-up-pic! I could never do one, not a half!
    Sorry about your scarf. I lost a contact lens in Exmouth (Australia) and sometimes think back of how I was on all fourth, looking for it when the Ranger arrived and his dog thought I wanna play. The lens was gone but I can still smile upon the story, hope that's in stock for you, too! At least you have a gorgeous pic!

    LOL. I actually said out loud "Ihhh, oh mein Gott" upon the seafood (I do know it's healthy!).

    I like how the paper-guy rushes in in the museum!

    Always wonderful to end a holiday the way you did, bitter-sweet.

  2. Thanks for taking me along on your wonderful trip. I have enjoyed every post.

  3. Oh left your scarf ther? Hope you get it back one day..Love Harrod's packaging..I have a tea bag somewhere..a client had some:)A girl in my office went regularly and always came back with something..never anything for me lol..:(

    I just wanted an empty bag..

    Rick and the cuff and pushup:) Lovely gift the pen..
    Did you see Peggy Prshen(sp?) storefront looks gorgeus always..

  4. Sounds like a memorable last day. Hyde Park is always fantastic, as is the Victoria and Albert. I worked there one summer as a student. It wasn't well paid but 6 weeks there was a treat! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Enjoyed . . .
    Feels great to say, I have been to Herrod’s . . .
    Even if all one does is ride the escalators . . . so much to see from that view
    Candy boxes have my vote too . . .

    Rick keeps it real, push up in Hyde Park . . .

    Losing ones favorite scarf is another persons treasure, I guess . . .
    I still miss my favorite . . . it wasn’t lost in London!
    Nice touch to enjoy a meet up with your friend in London Town,
    makes up for losing that scarf beauty.

    Valentines Day . . . a week away . . . how can that be!

  6. Sorry you lost your scarf -though now a bit of you is still in England, prolonging you trip. I honestly don't know how you kept up the pace you did. Lots of great memories and photos.

  7. Just curious: was the Chagall part of the decor, or was it a print that was actually being offered for sale?

    What a wonderful day and it's great to see your faces so happy.

    best...... mae at

  8. I admire Rick's "push up in the park." Sounds like a title for a novel doesn't it? His level of fitness is in total contract to most of the North Americans on the beaches here in Costa Rica, where some resemble nothing so much as slabs of lard on legs. Most of us no doubt fill out a little with age, and pack on a few extra pounds, but there seems to be a time to keep it covered! There have been a few women topless on the beach, and they seem not to relalize that just because you can does not mean that you should, especially when one is motivated to avert one's eyes rather than sneak another look. Bare boobs on a 250lb woman hardly excite curiosity or incipient lust! A fountain pen is a lovely gift. If one enjoys the process of cursive creation it is a very fine tool. From what I have learned of Rick through your blog, Jeanie, with his love of his guitars, and classical music, and his grand excursions on his bike, I am quite sure there could be no more appreciative recipient. I have enjoyed all of the posts about your peregrinations in Europe and I will look forward to reading about Windsor.

  9. A canopy bed would have been practical back here in Michigan during the Polar Vertex storm. I've always loved them too. That floor with the horns was amazing. That fireplace you love is quirky and makes one smile but not sure I'd like to live with it. I've so enjoyed your vacation photos. Thanks again for sharing them.

  10. Your trip was a marathon of adventures. I'd love to wander Harrod's for days. The museum of course would take many weekend trips to appreciate like all fine museums. I enjoyed each and every adventure with you. I'd have been pooped by the time to fly home!

  11. Oh that's too bad about the scarf! The pictures from the park create a common comfortable image for me. Usually all I see of London are streets and palace images. I would absolutely have to visit Harrod's! I've heard a lot about it and that would be so fascinating to go there. The queen's canopy bed is beautiful. I don't like the overly ornate deco of the time but it was the way of the world back then- or at least in her world! How nice you were able to meet up with an old friend for your last night!

  12. Harrods sounds amazing, loved that ceiling :) The price of Wagyu beef is astronomical!
    What a pity you lost your beautiful scarf Jeanie, as you say hopefully someone else is loving it too.
    Looking forward to Windsor and enjoy your blogging break.

  13. Jeanie, I have thoroughly enjoyed traveling through London with you! Harrod’s is truly amazing. My favorite is also the foood hall. I remember having the best ice cream concoction, I wish I could remember what is was called. Thank you for being a fabulous tour guide. I will be anticipating Windsor!

  14. Jeanie ~ again, I have very much enjoyed your tour of London ~ you really made me feel as if I was there! Thanks so much for sharing with us ~

  15. You've caught a quiet time in London. Now with Brexit ahead, who knows?
    There might be restlessness,protests, even some violence.
    Herrods is the one and only, by all means. (The owner is the father of the late Diana's boyfriend who was with her in the fatal car).

  16. Loved, loved, loved this. What a perfect day. Sorry about the scarf! It was a lovely scarf. Thank you for sharing it all with us.

  17. Such a wonderful tour of London, Jeanie - I enjoyed coming along, as I've never been except in movies :) I love all the interesting and beautiful sights, the museum and of course, Harrods. I scrolled down to visit Churchill and the beautiful St. Pancras, too. It is wonderful that you get to visit friends, too. My Mr. drinks only Gin and Tonic. Some lucky person has found a beautiful scarf to wonder about. I have been watching 'Victoria' on PBS - I don't think I could ever get enough history from the beautiful British Isles. Thank you for another lovely post. xx Karen

  18. What a lovely post, Jeanie. You are getting me excited to see London. Sorry to hear about your scarf--it's such a pretty one! I am very excited to go to V & A Museum. How lovely to visit friends while there. Have a lovely afternoon. ♥

  19. Enjoyed seeing London through your eyes and your pictures... everything looks so over the top there! What must they think of us with our Walmart and shopping malls lol?!

  20. You two look so happy in that photo.
    I will have to show that seafood pic to my brother.

  21. The Victoria and Albert is a museum I would thoroughly enjoy visiting. Beautiful shots!

  22. Jeanie, what a wonderful trip. I enjoyed going along every step of the way. Thanks so much for sharing..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  23. Thanks so much for taking us to London. The Victoria and ALbert is one my bucket list and I really enjoyed seeing your photos. As is Harrods too. I hope your trip posts are not yet over? Stay warm and hopefully snow free with this latest storm. Hugs-Erika

  24. Harrods, now owned by one of the Middle East royal families.

  25. WOW!! Absolutely amazing!!!! Love all the photos!!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!! And thanks so much for your encouraging words!!! It has been a stressful few months but I think i finally cleared my head and decided that i need to take care of ME and stop worrying about everything and everyone else!!

  26. Hey Jeannie...What a grand tour... You are a fabulous tour guide... and you go to the most exciting places... The Victoria and Albert Museum is simply gorgeous and of course I do love shopping in Harrods .. so sorry that you lost your beautiful scarf..That may mean you'll have to go back and buy another( ha ha) I'm so enjoying your fabulous pictures ...Rick's push-ups in the park made me smile...Go Rick go and do a few for me..( Ha Ha) ENJOY your week...Hugs

  27. What a wonderful last day you two enjoyed. Love the pic of you two, sorry you lost that pretty scarf! I remember those walks in the parks, our last time daffodils were blooming everywhere. It was breathtaking. When in London one of my last day treats is to visit Harrod's. It's fun to go there and just look at everything. We did eat lunch there once in the little restaurant up the spiral steps. I have several Harrod's teddy bears, my trip souvenirs. We have been tossing around ideas for another trip there :) You've sure helped me with ideas for places we haven't seen. Happy day Jeanie.

  28. Agree with others — glad to have the tour. Especially the cakes (forget fine art)! Actually been to most of those places but not in decades so it was fun to go back.

  29. Looks like a fun day in the city! Harrods looks the same as it did when I was in England back in the 70s!

  30. Awesomely good time it appears. Great pics.

  31. Your photos are beautiful. We walked through Hyde Park from Buckingham Palace to Kensington Palace. A Long walk, it took a few hours. ...Also we had tea at Harrods. I have one more blog post to do and I am hoping to get time to do it this weekend. I'd love to go back, there's so much we haven't seen. Have a nice weekend. Thelma xo

  32. Push-ups from his toes - impressive!!! Looks like a beautiful last day in London. You guys packed a lot into your trip! These posts brought back memories of my trip to London in 2001! Feels like that was a lifetime ago, but some of my memories are still quite crisp!

  33. You really packed in a variety of activities on your trip Jeanie, and I think the visit to Harrod's is my favorite! So many wonderful and vibrant things, not to mention all that MacKenzie-Childs, swoon!

  34. Jeanie,
    So wonderful to catch up with you a bit today. I have missed you, your enthusiasm, writing and contagious smile. I can see this has been a delightful series!

  35. Your adventure have been so delightful, Jeanie! Thank you for sharing them with us. Maybe one day I will venture to London.

  36. Sorry, you lost your pretty scarf. I enjoyed all your London posts. I haven't been to Albert and Victoria Museum but maybe one day I will get to.
    I look forward to Windsor as we did not get to see it all because a ceremony was going on that day.
    You are a great tour guide.
    Going back to click on the MKC link.

  37. Love your visits today in London. Oh Harrods, how I loved the food mall too. Yes, the prices are extremely high, but still I love looking and snapping pictures. We did have lunch at the sushi bar and kept telling ourselves we will only do this once. It was an amazing experience. The Victoria and Albert was a favorite too. There was one picture in the costume section I wish I had snapped and didn't. I learned later I must follow my instinct to do so. And then meeting with a friend, what a special way to end your visit in London. Love the fireplace too.

  38. You two really know how to tour, Jeanie! Harrods, the V&A Museum, and Piccadilly Square (and with a resident friend to visit!). You seem so at ease in each of the places you've been, and that makes it so much more inviting for those (like me) who want to travel, yet haven't really explore global boundaries. Thank you again for all the stops on your trip!

  39. Oh I am looking forward to Windsor!

  40. I loved your day. Would Rick have worn that ruff back in the day? I am so glad you got to have time with your friend Joan.

  41. I will be back in the UK in few weeks I will look out for your scarf! I love the food hall at Harrods too, everything seems a complete treat and looks so special! The V & A Museum I went to myself in December, but it so huge I clearly did another section than you, so it was good to see what I missed. Did you go to the William Morris Tea room? They have free wifi in the coffee shop too!
    Happy Valentines Day!
    Wren x


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