The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, December 21, 2018

Christmas In London: Mackenzie, Calendars and Angels on High!

How can I write about Christmas in London when we visited in October? Well, just take a look! The department stores were already decking the halls.

At Harrod's, the Mackenzie Childs fans were in for a treat. She had an entire area devoted to her holiday items like this pretty wreath...

...elaborate nutcrackers...

...cheerful ornaments...

...happy Santas...

...and even her china! (Although that wasn't officially Christmas -- but it would work, and I've seen lots of it in some of your holiday decorating posts!)

 I gave some tough consideration to this one! (But he was a little big for the suitcase!)

I was also fond of the penguins in this display...

...and the bows on the tree looked really cute! (I thought of all you traveling toters!)

Of course, it wasn't all Mackenzie! I loved some of the things on this table, too.

Nutcrackers seem to be hot this year. Here we are at Fortnum and Mason.

I was wild about the advent calendars. These were enormous...

...and elaborate, many of them with different carols as you opened the drawers or windows.

I often forget to open a window on my own but I have a feeling you couldn't forget with these! They had lots of other cute decorations, too.

Selfridge's also was ready for the season.

Do you think nutcrackers are a "thing" for this year's holiday? They were everywhere!

I loved this bright display of paper (of course!) And I resisted. Because how do you get paper home with two more weeks to travel in just a carry on bag?

 And while nothing was yet illuminated, it was pretty clear that the streets of London are getting their holiday makeover too.

It felt rather festive and I have to say that while I don't usually get "into the spirit" in mid-October, I was rather enchanted.

There was even a fully-done tree on a street corner in South Kensington, near the Victoria and Albert.

So bring it on!


Angels on high, boughs of holly, the Sugarplum Fairy.

I'm ready. (Or at least, getting there!)

And another note -- I just realized that yesterday, December 20, marked 11 years of blogging here on Marmelade Gypsy. I just wanted to thank those of you who have been with me that long and those of you who have come along for the ride in times since, for reading, sharing, inviting me into your worlds (sometimes literally, not just virtually!) And while I'm thanking, a big shout out to the family and friends who seem to be relatively K with being featured here every now and then! It would be much more boring without you!

Sharing this week with:  Pink Saturday    


  1. You and I are on the same page. I love that Large nutcracker and the wreath. Those would have been hard to not bring home. I think nutcrackers are hot right now, of course I could be bias. I was at Home Depot yesterday and they had their holiday clearance going on and I walked away with 2 twenty two inch ones for 8 bucks each! I got the last 2.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. The advent calendars are gorgeous. And all those little felt critters. :)))

  3. Your photos are wonderful. Always so much fun to come to your blog. Happy Blog anniversary!

  4. They really go all out in their decorations for Christmas. Just lovely. xx

  5. I swear that Christmas will soon be a year round festival. It seems to come earlier in the stores every year. I just returned from my favourite deli, a classy place to be sure, and canned Christmas carols greeted me as I walked through the door, making me grit my teeth. I am so tired of hearing this crap! I wouldn’t mind so much if I even heard a decent choir now and then but most of it seems like Muzak dumbed down. I am really disappointed that the Brits don’t have more couth than North Americans, but I guess if they perceive there is money to be made that trumps everything. At the risk of being a curmudgeon, I will be so glad when all of this artificial nonsense and contrived festivity is over!

  6. Thanks for sharing those beautiful photo of London. I was there in Sept. Had tea at Harrods. The Nutcrackers caught my eye also. Those advent calendars are specular. Merry Christmas.

  7. When I read your title I thought... she went back to London already!!! Great pics, Jeanie, as always. I am obsessed with that M-C wreath. I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and happy, healthy new year!!

  8. London and its store departments like Herrods and Selfridge's are always worth a visit. So many things to attract the eye and the camera, and judging by the result, your eyes and camera seem to be of the highest quality.

  9. Oh Jeanie, I love London at Christmas!!! So many temptations to want to go home with you, I know it was hard to resist! Even though only October I'm sure London gave you a kick start to jump in! I loved each and every photo and have to go back for one more stroll. Oh I would love a trip there at Christmas once more. Thanks for the feast for the eyes...............

  10. Beautiful shots! Bravo on the milestone!

    I keep telling myself, 'a few more days and it'll be done and over with.'

  11. It's always fun to see the way other countries do Christmas, isn't it? My cousin is in Thailand and she is amazed to find they even do Christmas there! I wonder if the Christmas stuff comes out in "waves" - at least, I found some wonderful paper in our local shop which definitely hadn't been there a couple of weeks ago.

    Congratulations on your blogging anniversary!

  12. Wow. They had some fantastic decorations, especially since it was October. I would have been very tempted to buy some things also. Never mind that I might need a new suitcase. SMile. I guess just browsing was a fun adventure! Ho-ho-ho! Hugs-Erika

  13. Gorgeous holiday decorations! I was in London one year in January. I remember all the holiday decorations stayed up through Janusary 6th and rhere was a big sale at Harrod's.

  14. I do love Mackenzie-Childs! Wow! What a lot of lovely things!

  15. Thanks for taking us along. I'm intrigued by the checkerboard ceramics.....

    So many tantalizing treats. :-)

  16. London was already festive in October. The nutcrackers are great, but where are the rocking horses (grin)? You have some very beautiful photos of Christmas in London. Beautiful shots, even if it was October.

  17. London always has great decorations, and nutcrackers were always present, even back in my day! Glad you enjoyed your visit so much, thanks for sharing the photos, hugs, Valerie

  18. My BIL got stuck in such a nut-cracker at age 2, poor boy.
    They all teased him "the 'Nacker' will come if you don´t..."
    He 35+ years later saved his brother´s life anyways.

    First time in my life I had no advendcalender.

    And a delayed Happy bloggy-birthday! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Merry Christmas! Thanks for your visits to my posts 2018.

  20. Hello, lovely captures of Christmas in London. The decorations are beautiful. I love the Nutcrackers and the Santa. I want to thank you for all the visits and comments on my blog this past year. I am looking forward to visiting your blog in 2019. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

  21. I love seeing these Christmas preparations (might even have liked them if I'd seen them in October). So many lovely things.

  22. Happy blog anniversary, Jeanie! Those store displays are beyond beautiful! We had many nutcrackers because that's a tradition that son gets one every year. He calls them, 'his guys'. -Jenn

  23. What a treat seeing all the Harrods displays! It's those tiny felted ornaments I loved!
    Let's make merry, shall we?

  24. Most of the shops and things start putting up holiday decorations in October, but the tree lighting events are usually in November (sometimes very early December). So the street decorations are up for at least a few weeks before they actually get lit. I've got no idea why they go up so early, although I suspect it's because of the cost of lighting them that they put that part off until closer to the holidays.

    Belated happy bloggerversary.

  25. I can't believe all these ornate setups in mid-October? How I wish you're there reporting for us in December, Jeanie! :) You have keen decorator/photographer eyes and I've appreciated all these posts on your travels.

  26. Jeanie, that is my idea of a shopping spree. So glad you got to see it all. I bet those street lights would be amazing to see. Congrats on all those years of blogging and Merry Christmas to you and Rick and a Happy New Year..xxoJudy

  27. Thank you so much for sharing all your lovely pictures of the London shops! I go each September for the Jane Austen Festival in Bath and love getting into the Christmas spirit so early! I always buy a special ornament and our Advent calendar at the cathedral gift shop in Winchester. So fun to bring some England home for Christmas!

    Regarding the nutcrackers, my oldest daughter has collected them since she was 3. We have a gorgeous display of them each year but it's occurred to me, now that she's 19, it won't be long before she's going to take them all to her own home someday! So, I'm starting my own collection this year. Ha!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  28. Everything is just beautiful! We've been blessed to travel to the UK quite a few times but I have never seen it dressed up for Christmas!! So beautiful! Hope you're doing well and Merry Christmas, sweet friend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  29. How magical it would be to be in London at Christmas! Your preview looks fabulous enough. Too bad you couldn't bring one of those nutcrackers home.
    Have a very Merry Christmas! Congratulations on all your years of blogging!

  30. Wow, Jeanie, congratulations on eleven years! I know that’s a great effort!
    Are you into paper crafts or something?
    I bought a second hand wooden nutcracker this year, my first. It went with the colour I’m doing this year- blue. I had no idea I was being trendy, but another person has said theyre big this year, too. Cath

  31. Jeanie, What beautiful nutcrackers and the MC displays, especially the wreath. I have one item my sister brought back for me that was made exclusively for Harrods. Merry Christmas!

  32. Oh, I'm really liking this post!! LOVE THAT TREE with the green balls on it, so pretty, love that color combo!! I loved all the shopping scenes and seeing the nutcrackers--fun! Oh MY GOSH I LOVE THAT WREATH!!--that is a gorgeous one!!

  33. Wow, they sure do it up for Christmas~and early. My favorite: The Advent Calendars. Do you have one of those?

  34. WOW . . .
    London in late October looks like festive.
    I would have enjoyed it too.
    Liked the penquins . . .
    Liked it all, really!

    Catching up on posts past . . .
    Far behind, believe me . . .
    Happy New Year Jeanie in case I get lost in December blogs and forget to say HNY.

    Congratulations on your eleven years of Marmelade Gypsy . . .
    So happy to have found and followed you . . .

  35. Oh my, that red rose wreath is just gorgeous. You know, I've always wanted that black and white checkered tea pot, but my son-in-law just got me a copper tea pot, which I've been wanting lately. Those nutcrackers are so whimsical and cute. Wow, London is all decked out at Christmas time. What a sight that must have been for you, Jeanie.


  36. Happy 11 years of blogging! You were really on the scene early!

    I love all these photos from your trip to London! I'm usually anti-decoration before Thanksgiving but I'm glad they had some out so you could take it in and share it with us! I love the nutcrackers! They do seem to be pretty on trend these days!!

  37. Happy blogiversary, Jeanie, 11 years is a long time! I love seeing Christmas in October in London. I bought some beautiful ornaments at Fortnum and Mason on a trip many years ago, and I always enjoy placing them on my tree every year! I have a sizeable nutcracker collection and I loved seeing all of them in your post, the MC was amazing!


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