The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

A Little Decor, Baby Granding and a Preview of Christmas in London!

It's December and life feels a little schizophrenic -- can anyone relate? I've started decking the halls and hopefully can post a little more in a few days. (Actually the halls are pretty well decked; it's the posting that's behind!)

Rick's been off at a trade show and that's good time to get my merry going. Parts of the house look great and the rest looks like a combination of a tornado disaster and a storage unit. Cards are done and out of out-of-towner packages are mailed. Now baking awaits! 

Here's another sneak preview!

Sometimes when you lose a day to one thing you find something even better. We spent the weekend with the Baby Grands while their parents took "time out." And we loved every second!

There was plenty of book reading -- Little Big Guy is really into books and now that he's picking up words, it's even more fun. We finish one and in comes another!

He's also a very happy eater and seemed to like just about everything on his plate!

Rick introduced him to his first live music concert! He sat pretty contentedly on his stool, listening, for quite sometime. Now and then he'd get up to touch the guitar and then Rick would say "bottom down" and he'd go back to the stool. I hope we have more of those experiences!

Little Guy is still pretty little! I changed my first diaper on him (I passed the test!). He's one of those incredibly happy babies who smiles a lot!

(Well, most of the time -- trust me, the tears stopped pretty quickly after that. It was feeding time and selfies weren't in the schedule!)

We tried it again a few minutes later!

Since I can't share much of my holiday decorating yet, I can share a preview of my Christmas in London post (That's coming up on that soon!) In October the department stores were full-fledged holiday (at least in their Christmas department!) I loved these colorful wraps at Selfridges.

And everywhere I went I saw a lot of nutcrackers. You always see some, even many, but this was far more than I'd seen over here in the past. So I'm not sure if that's an British thing or just a trend!

 Personally, my favorite  look is always the woodland theme. And I was delighted to see a little of that there, too.

I leave you with a little sweetness.

How's your wrapping and decorating going?

Any helpers? My executive assistant is rather enjoying the season!

Sharing with:  Pink Saturday    
Sharing with:  Let's Keep In Touch    


  1. Your decorating looks lovely. Although I enjoy looking at the decorating of others, I don't miss the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Here in Japan I can keep things simple. What are you baking?

  2. One of the most appealing sights in all the world is grandparents reading BOOKS, real BOOKS, with grandchildren. Nothing but good can come of that.

  3. You enthusiasm for Christmas is catching. I even got some of my own decor out since your trip to Southern Exposure. Love, LOVE your three sweet polar bears. I've got three inside a snow globe.

  4. Your executive assistant is far too cute.

  5. Such sweet photos, Jeanie. I especially love the one of Rick playing guitar for your grand. Gary does that, too, for ours and they love it. They also want a turn to play, too. Sometimes that goes well...sometimes not. lol
    Christmas prep is going well here. Now I'm looking forward to seeing some friends over the holidays. Love Lizzie's photo...rascal!

  6. Like you, I am basically decorated but parts of my house are a mess also. Really a mess. I spent last weekend being the social butterfly so that didn't help. I think from your photos your house is looking great. Especially when the little ones were in the photos! Of course. That goes without saying. Hugs-Erika

  7. Love the Lizzie picture so much. And then what sweet little guys. How fun for Rick to play for them. Did you ever wonder if you would ever change a diaper? That can be a challenge especially if they are crying and wiggling all around. Loved the polar bears in London. I think I would have been tempted to bring one home. I do believe I have the same shell/angel ornaments from your first picture. I gave most of my angels to Jill, but kept two little ones. Merry Christmas and I look forward to seeing your decorated house.

  8. Your baby grands are adorable! Rick found himself the best audience one could possibly wish for. Books, music and food - the best combination for keeping the two little boys happy and smiling.

  9. The grandchildren are the sweetest. I'm sure you had loads of fun with them. Seeing the older one sitting for his concert was so precious. I've finished my decorating, shopping and wrapping except for my niece. I have to tweak one of her gifts and then I/we may hand deliver them on an overnight trip to visit her. I'm not 100% sure yet as the time is passing so quickly.

  10. Jeanie, I always love seeing the festive Christmas decorations around your house. The wreath is so pretty with the red berries and star. The picture of Rick playing the guitar to your grandson is so precious. Nutcrackers are fun at Christmas. I love to look around for unique ones. I bought one last year for my son-in-law in a hunting outfit, as he goes hunting every year haha. Oh, Christmas in London sounds interesting. I look forward to your post about that. Enjoy the season, Jeanie.


  11. Oh, the grand babies are so sweet. How wonderful to surround them with books and music! You are ahead of me in terms of Christmas cards this season. My decorating is done and most of my baking will occur this weekend. I really need to get some cards out to Ireland.
    Can't wait to see your London photos...I've never been there during winter time.

  12. Those "baby grands" are absolutely adorable and isn't spending time with them so fun? I treasure every moment with our little granddaughter, they grow UP SO DANG FAST. I love those pretty white bears with the wreaths around their necks!! did you buy one??? I love your Christmas decor, very pretty. We are all decorated, tree up (small one these days), out of town packages done and sent to their destinations, and I did cards last night. Looks like we are moving right along, very much on the same time-table, ha ha LOL. I'm not a big baker, (although I do like to cook) but I can make homemade pecan pralines and I haven't made the family peanut butter fudge in may attempt that this year!

  13. Looks like you've been busy! Your decorations are coming along well. And how lovely to spend so much time with the grandies, that must have been a big adventure. And I love the last photo of the cat directing the work, just fabuous. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  14. Ohhh, I sure do love "BELIEVE". I hope my Nieces still do!

    hehe, there sure is one happy guy enjoying and exploring food! Oh, and music!!!
    Oh, LOL. I am told I changed a diaper, too. Over 40 years ago and I thankfully (for both of us, Bro and I) I don´t remember.

    Hmmm, so many pressies to wrap!
    Haha, my BIL, owwww. He got stuck in such a nut cracker with his tiny hands and for years "the nacker" made him be a good boy!

    Christmas is just around the corner, can you believe this.
    No plans here, sadly...

  15. Baby Granding--loved that in the post title! :) How sweet are those lil' baby boys!!??!! Does Rick have Elf slippers on in the "concert" image??!! haha... fun! LOVE the festive fun in London! Your Executive Christmas Decorating Assistant is doing a GREAT job at being SUPER CUTE!! ;) May your days be merry and bright there!! :))) ((HUGS))

  16. Hello,

    Since retiring, I cut back on decorating and gift giving. I feel less stress during the holidays. I love seeing your adorable baby grands, they are sweet baby boys. Spending time with the family is the most important thing to do during the season. I do love the woodland theme, cute decorations. Your home is looking festive and beautiful. Enjoy your day!

  17. That's one of your best photos ever of Lizzie, I'd say. Children and cats are a couple of the best reasons in the world to decorate!

  18. Cute kiddies! Looks like the older one would like to play guitar. As a onetime music teacher I’d say let him strum it, of course get him a play one to be like granddad.

  19. Your grands are adorable. I know it was a great visit and get away for the parents. My younger ones are 6 and 8 now. The time goes so fast so enjoy this stage!
    Loved the glimpses of London at Christmas. I look forward to more.
    I relate to all your decorating observations. I have one room that is a disaster but hope to make some headway today restoring order.
    Jeanie, Have a fabulous Christmas. I will be traveling.

  20. Great photos! This year I will bake in Florida. I'm hosting a family Christmas cookie party on the 23rd.

  21. I love your sneak peek at your Christmas decorating. What fun to see what you created at home and what you saw in London. I suspect those nutcrackers are European, since we don't get many here.

    Love seeing the Grandees, and the fun you and Rick had with them. BEAUTIFUL photos, dear Jeanie.

  22. I loved your Christmas card! This is my favorite time of year for mail!! :) I'm glad you had a great weekend with the grands! They are such cute kiddos. So fun that the big grand got his first guitar concert - I'm sure there will be many more in his future! I've started to play Christmas music on the piano with Paul in my lap. He will sit for a good 10+ minutes. So far he doesn't have any interest in pressing the keys but I know that will change as he gets older and bolder!

    It feels a little weird to not have a Christmas tree at our house but I've admired the trees at others' houses. And Paul is drawn to allll the things he shouldn't have so I know it was the right decision to skip the tree this year. We'll definitely put it up next year as he'll understand what no means by then (hopefully!).

  23. Oh, my gosh! Those baby grands are adorable. That photo of Rick playing and singing for Little Big Guy is precious.

    I've finished my shopping and wrapping and the Christmas cards are in the mail. Now I'm making grocery lists. This is very braggadocios, isn't it? I'm really just so happy and grateful to have things under control, and to be at a spot where H could do Christmas for the kids if I am incapacitated for any reason.

    Those babies are delicious. Grands are a joy, aren't they? I'm so glad you get to have this experience. It's one of the best I've ever had.

  24. Of course, that's me up there, forgetting to put my url and name in. :/

  25. Jeanie, the baby grands are adorable and I know that you and Rick enjoyed spending time with them! I can’t wait to see more of your home all decked for Christmas. Oh, those nutcrackers are fabulous! Merry Thursday!

  26. Your holiday decor is wonderful and the best part is the baby grands! I love reading to children and the live music is fabulous!

  27. It's a trend. The new nutcracker movie is coming out (or has just come out... Can't remember its release date) and everyone's gone nutcracker crazy because of it. I mean, there are always some, but this year everyone's doing it. We've even seen nutcracker based air fresheners (nutcracker delight, and sugarplum fantasies, I believe they're called). Between it being popular for Christmas anyhow, and the new movie, you can hardly turn around without seeing mention of nutcrackers in some shape or form.

    Anyway, sounds like you had a great weekend with the baby grands. They sound like they're great little ones to have around.

  28. Time with the Grand is always wonderful. They are so cute. Mine are getting so big but still enjoy their Grammy being around. My house is about decorated and most presents bought. Lots of Dr appts with Mom but I think we are slowing down these last two weeks before Christmas. I love the wrapping paper in Harrods and look forward to more! Hugs!

  29. grandkids are absolutely the best part of life, aren't they?

  30. So sweet when they are little! make the most of it!

  31. So sweet! Love the wreath... and the Grands! What fun you must be having. We leave next week for Paris so won't be doing any Christmas decorating and then maybe only a little once there as most of our time will be spent out in the countryside with extended family where they will have done all the decorating. Wishing you a most lovely holiday season! And I'm on to your next post. Xoxo

  32. What a doll baby! And I love the pic of your assistant:)

  33. Bottom down..LOL how cute !

    Those are tender moments..nothing beats Littles.
    You are decorated!
    I feel luck to have a craft room in the bmt that looks nothing like craft rooms on blogs..;) I do my wrapping there and get all the baking things out etc..hide gifts store the packed you said a room for all seasons and reasoons all at once.Not pretty..You wouldn't know it upstairs the havoc in that room..organized chaos.

    London looks superb.I follow IGERS from London and the stores are just so fab.
    Decor galore..

    Have a beautiful day!

  34. Jeanie, that first pic is so pretty with the arrangement on the plaid cloth, and of course your little guys are something special. What fun to have them around, I miss those days so much..Keep up the Christmas spirit, it is sounding good around your home..Merry Christmas..Judy

  35. What wonderful times with the grandkids! Love your little assistant :)

  36. Oh, Jeanie, I just loved this post! Those baby grands are like sponges, and you & Rick are getting the privilege of giving them the gifts of reading and music - how exciting that must be! They are absolutely adorable, and could pass for twins. I bet that's how they'll always be. When my girls post pictures of themselves on FB, the facial recognition always tags each of them as the other, it's so funny.
    Everything is still in a state of merry, merry here, until the time crunch of cooking starts next week. I think I can.....


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