The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Meanwhile, Over at Modern Creative Life...

Please visit me over at Modern Creative Life  this week. The theme of this issue is "Escape." As you know, I'm escaping for a few weeks "across the pond" but I'll still be posting a few things here -- and at this week you'll find me at Modern Creative Life.

My big escape of the summer is always Art Camp, which you've read about here more than once. At Modern Creative Life you will find two back-to-back posts about art camp. The first post is why this time away is a real escape for me. The second post is actually inspired by Gypsy readers who said, "How do you go about setting up your art camp? Are there rules?" So, this post includes my art camp tips (and remember, it doesn't have to be visual art -- it can be writing, photography, you decide!) (It can also serve as good suggestions on getting along with any friend you might invite to spend a week or so with you, even -- on a larger scale -- a family reunion!)

Please do stop over and feel free to leave a comment there! I'll do my best to reply if I'm still around town to check in.

I'm sorry I won't be able to reply to comments or visit for a few weeks. I will be offline getting all sorts of great photos and inspiration for posts to come. But please do leave a comment if you like -- I read them all and they make me smile more than you know. We need all the smiles we can get!


  1. Hello, I will check our your new Modern Creative post. You must be busy between your art work and the coming trip! I am excited for you!
    Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  2. Love that photo of your "messy" buffet with books and art prints on top. The sign of a creative mind.

  3. Have a great time on your big journey! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Yay...sounds like you will have a great time! Oh I know you from reading your will have a blast! Looking forward to seeing some really amazing pics, have fun and snap on!

  5. I don't know if you've left yet, but I hope you have a wonderful trip. I can't wait to see the photos and adventures you post when you get back.

  6. I read your art camp articles! I'm all envy, though I haven't done art in ages. The retreat alone sounds delicious. Exciting times for you! Hope your trip is wonderful!

  7. just got this a minute ago. Not sure where all you will be but if you are in Paris, check this out....


  8. Have a great time. We all need to escape some times so enjoy.

  9. Wishing you a wonderful trip :-) I look forward to your upcoming posts. Safe journeys.

  10. I'll check out your posts. Have a great trip!

  11. Have a very special adventure in the next few weeks. I will miss you!

  12. Wishing you a very great Escape! :-) And have a sneak over there now, too.

  13. Hope you are having fun in Paris. I am so envious. You are really lucky.

    Loved your tips for creating an Art Camp.

  14. Great articles. Thanks for making sure we got to read them. :)

    Enjoy your trip.

  15. Bon Voyage!! Love the desktop..and lucky is the one who has an art camp friend or two;)

  16. Hope your having a safe beginning to your trip. I enjoyed both posts. Art camp is a really interesting and FUN sounding activity. But, as you said, you do need some ground rules. I can tell you're an experienced art camper. Hugs-Erika

  17. Ah, I think I know where you are right now, Jeanie, at least the city. I hope you're having a great time!

  18. Bet you are in “over the moon, ENJOY” mode about now!
    Excited to hear all the details . . .
    And see all the pictures!

  19. Are you in Europe? I briefly visited your other post and will go back...I liked reading about how in retirement you are doing things you love to do. I like the photo of your desk...


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