The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Summer School -- All Answers Correct

A few months ago, I saw this on Vicki's blog and I loved it so I thought I'd join in.

It's too late to join the original party but thanks for a great idea. (Feel free to jump in!)

1. Walk or Bike Ride? Rick is the cyclist. I'm the walker! And this is what I see when I walk!

2. Favorite Picnic Food?   Wine, Rick's homemade bread, cheese, fruit, maybe some summer sausage or hard salami and wine! Or a wonderful tartine, if in France!

3. Pool or Lake?  When there is no lake (meaning I'm not at the cottage) I'll do laps in the pool -- but I'd rather be at my favorite Otsego Lake, swimming wild!

4. Favorite Flavor of ice cream? Peppermint Stick. Any time of year! Or lemon sorbet.

5. Ice Cream Cone or in a Dish? Sugar cone. Unless I'm being virtuous. Or even better, in a soda!

6. Flip Flops or Slides? Neither. I have awful feet that need orthotics so I can only do either of these for a very short time. It's barefoot inside and sandals or walking shoes outside.

7. Jean Shorts or Jean Capris? Either. Both.

8. Favorite summer fruit? Michigan sweet cherries. It's a short season.

Very short!

9. Corn on the Cob or Cut Off the Cob? On the cob. With butter, salt and lime.

10. Favorite summertime song? "Summertime" (and the living is easy!) -- Gershwin.

11. Favorite summertime activity? Art camp at the lake with friend Kate!

12. Favorite Berry? Strawberry, Blueberry, Raspberry or Blackberry? Only the really sweet strawberries, fresh picked from the market in June and early July. Otherwise, blueberries any time of year.

13. Bikini’s, tankini’s or one pieces? Tankini. It's more flexible.

14. Dresses or Skirts? I can't remember the last time I wore either one. Possibly here? (OK, really, the last time was 2013 at my retirement party.)

15. One Word to describe Summer? Short!


  1. I like this especially the last question and answer. Summer is just WAY TOO SHORT! For certain. Enjoy your day Jeanie. Hugs-Erika

  2. That was fun!! I always enjoy learning more about blog buddies!

  3. I liked that! I may steal this idea as well. I love that you have pictures for all of your answers, too. Great post, Jeanie! -Jenn

  4. Oh I love it, Jeanie! My favorite berry: BLACKBERRIES. I cannot eat enough of them. I'm addicted. Pool or lake? OCEAN. I agree, summer is way too short.

  5. This was fun! I sometimes wish we wore dresses more. Of course I wish they made dresses that were pretty but easy to wear. You look like a movie star in the water looking up at the camera! Hugs!

  6. I'm on the same page as you with a lot of your choices! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Look at that last photo . . . you were so adorable. Not that you're not adorable now, but my goodness weren't you a cute little girl. Great photo.
    Happy Summer,
    Connie :)

  8. I love that last photo of you!

  9. Jeanie, I too can only wearing good shoes...never wore flip-flops...seen too many dirty feet that way. Gross. LOL I love all the beautiful flowers and fruits in your photos. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  10. Hello,

    Fun questions and answers. Pretty flowers. Rick's bread looks yummy, I would like it with turkey and brie. Love the cherries and strawberries when they are sweet. The last photo is so cute. Summer is too short.

    Have a happy day!

  11. These were all a lot of fun, Jeanie:)
    Rick's bread looks soooo luscious.

  12. Love these kinds of quizzes. We always learn about things bloggers have in common. For example, I don't wear dresses or skirts either.

  13. Summer is always the shortest season. Yes, I know the seasons are all the same length, but summer goes by too quickly. There is never enough time to do everything.
    Now that the house has sold, I a beginning to enjoy what is left of summer.
    Did you paint the Eiffel Tower? It looks wonderful.
    Thank you, Jeanie, for always brightening my day.

  14. look like you are having a blast. And what an awesome painting.

  15. I love these questions. And I LOVE how you showed the answers you gave. Great post.

  16. Same here - walking and taking pics :-)
    Luckily Ingo as well.
    Picnic - oh, we didn´t do that in ages! But with all the dry, brown grrass...
    Cute pics of you!
    Lime on corn? Never heard that!
    Yes, waaaay to short (though this summer is long(er))...

  17. Got to the last picture and just couldn't help but have a big big smile....look at that sweet little girl!! What a cute little old fashioned dress, those were called pinafore dresses, weren't they, maybe? With crisply starched big ruffles galore. Don't see that anymore... How old were you in the pic, it sure is cute. I don't eat much ice cream, but if I do---I like chocolate chip. I love the picture of the old fashioned soda fountain, we have two of those around here, that makes me want to take little granddaughter to one here soon. My favorite one you can still get an old fashioned egg salad sandwich and "tater" chips and a big dill pickle for lunch, with a frosty co-cola in the little glass bottle. Yep, now I'm craving it.....we'll have to go this week now!! ha ha LOL If I have room after, they have sundaes and cones and milkshakes and all that too there. I love to get a big chocolate malt. Love all the pretty pictures you put in this post! Bike or walk.....I am always on foot these days--the last bike ride I took I crashed, HARD. I never got on one again. That was a few years ago. It's okay though, I love our walking time! It's great exercise, fresh air,good for the dogs, plus I get to make lots of pictures as I go!

  18. PS---forgot to say.......I love my corn on the cob just like you!

  19. Lovely way to learn more about a blogger. I agree Summer is far too short, although I can't complain as in Perth we have 8/9 months of great weather, just 3/4 months of cold weather.
    You look so cute in that last black and white photo, the old fashioned frilly dress and the long curls.

  20. Dontcha mean Jeanie shorts or Jeanie capris? ;p

    Never tried corn with lime, will tell my hubby!

    Nice painting!

    I used to play Summertime on the piano, must dig it out. Love it.

  21. That was fun following along with you. The best, all those photos. Especially your photo when you were a little girl in that adorable ruffled dress. Jeanie, you haven’t changed. Still that sweet smiling happy face......hugs.

  22. Those quizzes are such fun - and I love your take on them complete with photos!

    Summer is, indeed, too short. Though this one has been so miserably hot and humid, I'll almost be glad to see it over! Today it's a bit more pleasant - even if that means it's grey and raining.

    Thank you for dropping by Enchanted Revelries ... I am giving up on finding out when people leave comments. Now, they don't even show up on my blog! I only found out (by total accident!) that there were comments on posts because they showed up on Google+ ! argh! LOL

    Enjoy your weekend ... I am going to spend it making 31 Hallowe'en inspired ATC's for a swap. I believe I'm going to make Marie Antoinette images with plastic skulls for faces :P

  23. I loved reading your answers, and learning more about you through them. Mmm... Cherries!

    Of course, you know I'm going to have to do this now, right? I always struggle to resist these things...

  24. Love that last pic of you:) In summer if not gardening more and more dresses..and even then)

  25. Oooh, this fun! I might need to do this sometime this summer. I agree that summer always feels so short! Especially when you live in the upper Midwest!

    I love all the pictures you have sprinkled throughout this post! Can't wait to hear about your art camp adventures. That is such a cool thing to do each summer!

  26. What fun...a summer quiz...some of my answers are: flip flops, strawberries, watermelon, corn on the cob steamed in the husk on the grill with nothing added, both skirts and dresses - still working FT...summer is way, way too short especially when working and back to school starts mid-August...and Mint Chip ice cream any time/any season. Happy Summer!

  27. Oh, how fun! You go to the head of the summer school class!

  28. I liked all your answers, Jeanie. That sandwich sure does look good. I'm with you....definitely the lake. I love this picture of you in the water. And CHERRIES are my favorite fruit! I don't buy them that often in the summer cause they are sooooo expensive around here, but sometimes I'll treat myself. You look so cute in that last picture as a little girl. How special that your mother took so many wonderful pictures of you as a child. You don't see that that often. Most only have a few cherished memorable ones. Fantastic photos, Jeanie. : )


  29. Liked the Summer Question Answer . . .
    Couldn’t find or open the link to play along . . .

    Loved, Loved that happy pic of you in that pretty, frilly dress.
    I can imagine your parents were in pure delight over their creation . . . of you . . .

    I think HAPPY in each picture I see of you as a little girl . . .
    For that matter . . . all pictures I see of you . . . yesterday and today . . . I see HAPPY . . .

  30. I was surprised by the corn with lime. I've never heard of that--but then again, I do like the lime tostita chips, so I have had the flavors blended.

    The last photo's adorable, for sure. But the one word to describe summer? Interminable! (or, perhaps, ghastly -- between working in the heat and the possibility of hurricanes, I love the arrival of October!

  31. This was sooo much FUN, Jeanie!! :))) Walk... Ditto your choices of picnic food... We have the fjord near by, kind of like a sea-- I'm not much of a swimmer, but I like the water... I don't really do bathing suits... Raspberry or lemon sorbet... Ice cream in a sugary waffle cone--better yet, sorbet in a waffle cone! Sandals while out--on a good feet day, otherwise barefoot at home... I have a pair of jean capris, but I'm more of a summer dress or skirt with top girl. Cherries, but raspberries a very close second, though! ;) ...Corn most definitely ON the cob with salt, pepper and mint-butter. (Lime is good too--love that zing!) Summer song... I don't know--must find out! Fave summer activity--drinking lemonade on the patio, sitting in the shade of the awning... Word for summer... HAPPY... Thanks for this!! ((HUGS))P.S. LOVE your Eiffel Tower painting!!

  32. What a fun idea! I may borrow this for a future post. You're absolutely right about ice cream floats! I LOVE a Coke float. Do you ever grill your corn on the cob? It's amazingly delicious that way.

  33. That was fun, Jeanie! I love strawberries and raspberries but also gooseberries which seem to be out of fashion and are so hard to find. I think I didn't own more than 6 dresses during my teenage- and adult life. Usually I wear jeans but I have skirt phases from time to time.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  34. Jeanie, I love this little game of what you would choose. I love any berries in season, I have been enjoying cherries for the past couple of weeks. Happy Sunday!

  35. What fun answers and images! Yes, summer is short, except when it is too hot. Have fun a art camp at the cabin. Oh! Cherries!!! Strawberries! and all summer fruit. I can't get enough. Absolutely love that Summertime music, it's on my Ipod. Strawberry ice cream is my favorite anytime of the year. That sandwich looks sooooo good. And flowers in summertime do delight me.

  36. What a fun post. I like sweet cherries, too.
    Loved your answer to "One word for summer?" "Short" describes it perfectly. Where has it gone?


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