The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Paris In July: Paris in Black and White

Sometimes I get so "into" a color photograph and there's so much to see that I actually miss something. So, here is a tour of Paris in black and white.

Stravinsky Fountain 


Opera Garnier


Interior, Opera Garnier


Opera Garnier Auditorium


Parisian Courtyard, Marais


Paris Apartment View,  Marais

Notre Dame


Gargoyles, Notre Dame


The Seine


Medici Fountain, Jardin du Luxembourg

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower detail 

Tuileries Cart

Tuileries Sailboat

Montmartre Street


Sacre Coeur


Montmartre Cemetery Cat, Waiting for her Next Life


Champagne in Montmartre

La Patisserie

Hidden in a Courtyard, Marais


 Thanks for joining me for Paris in July. Visit Tamara for links to more Paris and French-themed posts!

Linking with: Paris In July   /  Pink Saturday  /   Let's Add Sprinkles   


  1. Hello, I enjoy the photos and tour of Paris. What a wonderful trip, many wonderful memories. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Your photos are beautiful. They remind me of the remarkable number of great and famous photographers who chronicled Paris over the centuries -- mostly in black & white.

    best... mae at

  3. I took a class in college on black and white photography. It does make you see a subject differently.

  4. Love the black and white very Robert Doisneau

  5. I, sadly, have only gotten to experience a half day in Paris. (part of a transAtlantic cruise). I always hoped to get back, but looking less likely these days.

    Paris is a city that should be done in B&W. Nice job!

  6. I love black and white photos and these of Paris are splendid! I love how instead of color you see texture, depth and shading. I must get my post up for Paris in July today.

  7. I love black and white photos. There’s something dreamy, mysterious and nostalgic about them. This post makes me miss Paris so very much!!

  8. Fabulous photos, very atmospheric. How's the baby doing? Hugs, Valerie

  9. There's just something about black and white photos that for whatever reason they capture something that color photos don't. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Love black and white, but don't do a lot of it, not sure why?

  11. These look great. I've got a bit of a thing for black & white photography! :)

  12. Loved seeing Paris through your eyes . . . and in black and white . . .
    I find drawn to detail instead of being caught up with a color, colors . . .
    Very nice . . .
    Do you have internet at the cottage . . .
    Or is that a sacred watercolor time . . .

  13. It all looks fabulous in black and white Jeanie.

  14. Love all these black and white pictures, so very interesting! Think I love the last one the very best...I am ALWAYS photographing windows and window boxes and shades/curtains and shutters, the older the better! LOL The best was the PREVIOUS POST though!!----sweet baby is finally here! Welcome to the world, baby C.J.! What a little cutie and I do love the name they chose!

  15. When we visited Paris many days were glum..felt like it was B and W..great series Jeanie!!

  16. Paris rather lends itself to black and white, I specially love the wiggles in the top picture. When I try taking pictures in black and white now, I find it quite hard, I think I've lost the eye for it. It's a nice idea to try sometimes.

  17. Nice photos. I need to join in this fun. Or go to Paris. 😀 wouldn’t that be nice. I bet you are looking forward to you trip this fall. Hugs erika

  18. What a lovely stroll through Paris! Thanks for sharing;)

  19. Outstanding--sometimes color is distracting and B&W gets to the core. I loved the Notre Dame gargoyles. Post reminded me of those avant garde films I watched in college back in the Dark Ages.

    Well done.

  20. Of course my favorite photo (although they're all so wonderful pictures of the city) is the one you caught kitty resting, remembering? wondering? Whatever looking back as you snap the photo! Thanks for sharing.

  21. I know how very late I am visiting, but I'm trying to catch up today, even though I still have chills and a morbid cough.

    Your photos of Paris have, in my opinion, twice the impact of any where color was added. It makes one think of years and days gone by. It's a beautiful collection of memories and fabulous photos.

    BTW, you said you hoped I would get to see the children again before they left Wichita. Actually, they are staying with me, or at least were until I took them to the airport yesterday.

  22. You always have a way of reminding us to look beyond the obvious and the known... these B& W images take us to a different level. I just adore the boat on the lake image - you know I've only ever seen these boats in Paris so that's quintessential Parisienne pour moi!. I also feel that way about the green chairs in the park too but that might not be the same in B&W...

  23. Beautiful series! Hard to decide, but my fav is the Auditorium!
    The Eiffel Tower not so much. My dentist has a close up hanging, too... And I´m a whimp when it comes to teeth...

  24. I love seeing Paris in black and white. It definitely helps to just notice the details. How I wish I was there in live color or in black and white.

  25. LOVE THE SHOTS of Paris...LOVE...and really love them done in b&w. I love B&W...its a classic look. THanks for sharing.

  26. Jeanie, what pure delight is Paris in black and white. Montmartre might be my favorite photo but I also love Norte Dame and the patisserie! I LOVE this❤️

  27. What a lovely black and white post, Jeanie. And that Eiffel Tower, wow! I think my daughters went to La Patisserie when they visited Paris, if I remember correctly. The little canal is so pretty. Such a charming post of Paris in black and white. All the interesting pictures seen through your eyes.


  28. Such lovely photos of Paris in black and white. I adore Paris. One place we haven't explored are the cemeteries.The elaborate old tomb stones are beautiful.
    I adore the darling little sailboats in the Tuileries Garden.So delightful to see the children sail the colorful boats.
    Thanks for telling me about Paris in July. I linked up five posts.

  29. Hi Jeanie

    I dream of visiting Paris someday! It looks so "magnifique" in your B&W photos!!

    It was a thrill to see France win the Soccer World Cup--my husband watched almost every game of the competition.

    Hope your newest grandson is doing well!

  30. I love this post! The b/w photography gives the photos an old-world vintage look. Lovely tour!

  31. All of the photos are fabulous, but the Eiffel Tower and the courtyard shots are just stunning. And I think the black and white just adds a little something to them. Thanks for the tour.

  32. Thanks for sharing these pics

  33. A beautiful look at Paris in black and white.

  34. Sometimes I think we see more in black and white. Paris seems like the perfect series for black and white images. Wonderful series.

  35. Hey Jeanie, there is an unspoken creed among photographers that you never tag and grab one of their pics without permission.....But my daughter loves all things about Paris and I totally love the shot of the tower. Would it be ok with you if I had a print made of that and framed for her.? I love it and I know she will also.

  36. Oh, Jeanie, this is marvelous. It makes me want to take my Paris photos and use the black and white filter to change them to create a special book. Yes, I think sometimes color distracts and that black and white makes us see new things. Thank you!


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