The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, April 13, 2018

Meeting My Old Self...the Ultimate Selfie

For whatever reason, I can't seem to get my blogging act together this week. But I have been writing over at Modern Creative Life and I invite you to link over there and read about "Meeting My Old Self in the Photo Album."

The theme of the Modern Creative Life issue in recent weeks has been "Selfie." And boy, it was pretty tough to look back at the past and how it made an impact on my present, especially when it came to battling weight, an overbite and an introverted personality in an extroverted profession. Let's just say, I let it all hang out.

Oftentimes writing about ourselves can bring up baggage that we thought we'd checked at the door, only to realize we are still carrying it around. Most of the things I write on this blog are pretty happy -- and that's because I'm a pretty happy person. And I also consider myself one of the luckiest people I know.

Four years ago when I was very ill, I told Rick that -- I was one of the luckiest people I knew -- and he thought that was very weird because for all purposes, there seemed to be little right with my life. I was horribly sick (but I had docs that were on my side and good meds); my job that I had loved for years had taken a drastic downward turn (but I had a job); my house was a mess (but I had a house -- and a cottage). Most of all, I had wonderful friends and Rick right there by my side. Luckiest girl in the world.

Another round of IVs in February 2013. Retirement followed seven months later!
So, instead of showing you the yummy-looking ice cream sandwiches I just made, the mini-daffs in my yard that are a real sign of spring or tell you about several of the really good books I just finished; instead of sharing something new I painted or something crafty I did, I'm going to share with you what may (or may not) be my greatest accomplishment.

Coming to terms with myself. C'mon over to Modern Creative Life and check it out.


  1. Oh Jeanie - I will be over to visit you at Modern Creative life. There is always something to be grateful for and having that brightness and optimism in life is important for sure, I am sure it has helped in your health battles. It certainly shines through on your blog.
    Have a happy weekend,
    Wren x

  2. I just visited you, such a beautiful post dear friend!

  3. You are one brave woman, Jeanie. The idea of your sharing so much of yourself is extremely inspiring. I am in awe of you, your writing skills, and your extroverted attitude in an introverted body!

  4. That was excellent! I enjoyed reading it. You are a very good writer. My favorite part was the paragraph that started "I still smile". Happy weekend!

  5. I jumped right over to your article on "Modern Creative Life," and I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for giving us the link.

  6. You sure are a very positive person, you have my respect! I´m an introvert, too, and I so look not forward to fight for a new job, to meet new people - pretty stupid! But I also call myself very lucky with all that I still have! Heading over to your other blog now :-)

  7. Your overall attitude is always inspiring! Just one thing: I can't figure out what I'm seeing in the face of that baby photo.

    best... mae at

  8. Jeanie, you are so insightful. Thank for both this lead in, and that wonderful post at Modern Creative Life. Happy weekend. Stay cozy.

  9. I just came back from reading your 'selfie.'
    I am so impressed and inspired by your willingness to be open with others about the insecurities and introverted past that were part of all our lives but most of us don't like to acknowledge.
    Thanks for sharing. You're pretty terrific, you know!

  10. I just finished reading Modern Creative Life and enjoyed it very much. I wonder how many of us women were genuinely contented with how we looked at various stages of our lives? You do always smile in your pictures! -Jenn

  11. We are all stories. And all stories need action, climaxes, resolutions...yet the latter, is not always necessary to make an extraordinary life. I'll be over in just a sec!

  12. Hello Jeannie, this is a great post. I enjoyed your photos. It is important to keep a positive attitude and you have Rick to help you! You have a lovely smile. I am going over to check out your other blog and post. Enjoy your day and weekend!

  13. Just had my morning sip with you over there:)

  14. Off I go, to read YOU . . .

  15. Brilliant . . .
    I adore you . . . your authenticity is infectious . . .
    Identified with the “work a meet and greet, perform, out there” come home and then finally . . .
    feel “I can be me!”

    Why is it, try ever diet around through life and
    now look back on the pics and think . . .
    why did I “feel” myself one way when the “real” was really me.
    and I never saw it at all . . .

    I see a beautiful you . . . your core, authentic, creative, exceptional self . . .
    Oh my . . . I like you!

  16. I love that photo of you with the jump rope. The cardigan sweater, the plaid, the knee socks -- they so vividly recall that era. I'm a little confused about the first, baby photo. At first I thought you were wearing an oxygen mask! Then, I decided someone with a sense of humor had decided to plunk a Halloween mask on you. Inquiring minds want to know.

    Now, I'm off to your other post.

  17. My gosh, we have the same davenport! Love your attitude and your photo of the rusty horseshoes. People often forget to count their blessings when going through the rough patches. You aren't doing that "in coming to terms with yourself."

  18. What a wonderful attitude, Jeanie, though I would expect no less from you.
    Have a wondrous weekend, my friend.

  19. Thank you for sharing that, Jeanie.

  20. Hi Jeanie. I just came back from Modern Creative Life and left a message but my computer is being naughty and wouldn't let me post it so I will try to pass it on here. I knew the minute I read your blog that I wanted to be a good friend. Life can be so hard for the young, and when we look back on it all, we must feel very lucky that we can come out on the other side. So many are not able to be that lucky. I've often wondered how some do and others don't. There must be some marker that maybe we aren't even aware of as to the why of it. I can relate with you except for one thing. I was super skinny and so-so aware of it as a teenager. For a girl that was raised in a beach town that meant that I wouldn't join my friends at the beach. To be seen in a bathing suit would have been a fate worth than death.I think I counted around 14 candles on your cake and I would have been the happiest girl in the world to look like you did at that age. Things that sound trivial now, certainly weren't at that young age. This was a beautifully written post and I love your command of the English language. I love your smile and happy disposition and only hope that I come across in the same way. I, too, have bad feet and I don't envy you that particular problem!..Happy Weekend, my friend..xxoJudy

  21. I just visited your post, I'm really happy that you wanted to share it with all of us :)
    You're sucha a positive person! I would love to be as positive as you are! I also can appreciate my life right now, 5 years ago I almost died. Then I realized how fragile my life is! And now I'm enjoying every single ray of light - really! I also wanted to be more needed than before - I started helping homeless cats and I'm making some DIY things to sell it on charity auctions.
    I feel better with it :)

  22. So great, Jeanie!
    You have a great attitude and you are beautiful as can be!

  23. I think you did just great! Interesting and fun post. Thanks.

  24. What a great post. You did good my dear.

    Have a wonderful week and you are so blessed with Rick and many many friends.


  25. I have too many of these self demons for sure. The extra pounds, the introvert, the critical mom demon. It's tough but then, it does also make you stronger to get by those demons and move forward. I like to think everyone goes through these, but maybe not. It was a great article Jeanie. Thanks for sharing to remind me that many of us are in the same boat together. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  26. A beautiful post you wrote on the Modern Creative life.
    You are such a great and optimistic person Jeanie.
    I'm also optimistic but shy, even though as I get older I'm getting better at communicating with strangers.

  27. I love truthful people that tell you that things are not all sunshine and good times. So many times in blogland we find the 'perfect homes, perfect projects and perfect families". The truth is much harder to share.

    God bless you- I, too, am a happy person in spite of what life sometimes hand me. xo Diana

  28. I’m just back from your article. Jeanie, it’s beautiful just like you, inside and out. I couldn’t agree with you more. We should take every minute of every day and enjoy! Have a wonderful week sweet friend...........

  29. I love this post and the article too. Good for you for letting it hang out there. You can be proud of all you have done.

  30. Morning ...great blog today. You look so happy in the pic below. Been meaning to ask about your lip, how is things going with that?

  31. This post spoke to me. Thank you.

  32. I love the picture of you with your jump rope. So cute.

  33. Oh Jeanie - what a path down memory lane. I read your beautifully written article on Modern Creative Life and I wonder whether you wrote partly about my life. How many of us share some of the same stories (or at least very similar ones)? I have often thought how much time (and energy) I wasted on thoughts of not being pretty / smart / thin - you name it. Instead of looking at what was and still is good?
    Cheers to our curly hair (I've never loved my hair as much as I do now, wild and silver!).

  34. You are the cutest thing, Jeanie.
    I will go over tomorrow and read your's 1 in the morning and I am getting sleepy...xoxo

  35. lovely how you embrace life with a smile and have the courage to meet the other feelings and challenges. So glad you made it through your illness.

  36. A wise and wonderful post, Jeanie, heading over to read your article.

  37. That post over at Modern Creative Life was beautiful and I can relate to your struggles so very much, Jeanie. I can imagine that this wasn't an easy post to write. Very well done! You're beautiful inside and out!
    Have a happy weekend!

  38. I just went to Modern Creative Life and read your article. Wow! I enjoyed your honesty and perspective. It's so easy to be cruel to ourselves, we say things to ourselves that we'd never dream of saying to someone else.

    I know the weight struggle all too well, though I'm carrying around a lot more than a few extra pounds. I've finally reached the point, too, where I want to lose weight to be healthy, not pretty.

    I also think it's funny how so often we want what we don't have. My hair is straight, straight as a board, and I've always loved and admired curly hair. I've probably spent thousands of hours with rollers in my hair. You have the curls, and didn't like them for years. Also, I'm on the same hair coloring schedule you are. I guess straight or curly doesn't matter when it comes to grays. :-)


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