The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Shop Till You Drop

I've been trying to refrain from shopping too much this season. Well, actually, refraining from buying. Shopping in and of itself isn't the issue! But when my friend Jan and I hit an old favorite and one that is destined to be a new favorite, it was hard to resist!

The faux flowers are so beautiful now. Remember the old wax ones our mothers might buy? Not so anymore! I loved the cabbages too, but they were pretty expensive. Enough so that I figured I could buy real cabbages and keep them going long enough if I chose!

I bought a different bunny similar to this one. It was tough to choose!

And I resisted this guy. But it was hard!

And then we hit a new spot called "At Home." It was like a home goods warehouse only a little nicer than a warehouse -- but just as big! Aisles of pillows...

Aisles of outdoor furniture seat cushions...

Aisles of flower pots. They had the wonderful lighter weight pots in beautiful finishes that looked very real and the prices were so much less than the usual home and garden stores that Jan and I were both amazed.

Faux flowers and wreaths? They had them!

And rugs (this was their special -- a 5x7 and a runner for $30. We're probably not talking the greatest quality here, though they looked pretty good from the display. But at that price, you don't feel so bad about it wearing out. I came very close with that turquoise one. But for where?

You could find kitchen ware, clocks, four aisles of mirrors, furniture, BBQ accessories, gadgets and decorative items, vases...

Oh yes, we'll be going back! But I leave you with another burst of spring flowers.


Sharing this week with:  Let's Add Sprinkles   


  1. Wow! That's a lot of merchandise! Fake flowers are so much better now, aren't they? -Jenn

  2. Hello, the fake flowers do look pretty. I love all the colors. The bunnies are cute. This store looks fantastic, I do love the Home Goods store too. I will have to see if we have an "At Home" near me! Enjoy your day and weekend!

  3. I’m with you on trying not to get anything new unless it’ s essential! We’ve been traveling for 10 days and haven’t really been in any shops at all, except t-shirts at a couple of wildlife preserves. So no temptations. But that could change!

    best... mae at

  4. Good idea to buy a real cabbage and then you can eat it too.

  5. I haven't been to an AT HOME yet but I hear they are wonderful. I am trying to get rid of stuff not bring more in but the lure of pretty and shiny does get me!! I need some faux Hydrangea's this year!!

  6. That looks like a very dangerous place to me! Those aisles with the outdoor furniture seat cushions would have been where you'd find me - they seem to have some lovely colors and patterns.

  7. Oh wow. We don't have that store here, but if we did, I would be in trouble. Buying home things is an addiction I try to refrain from but am not always successful at. Those flowers looks fantastic and I can see why you would have a hard time not wanting to buy any. Love the bunny. Time to bring on spring!!!! Happy saturday. Hugs- Erika (We are going out to buy a new prop for the boat today. This is my husband's idea of home spending. But it's good for my wallet. :) Hugs again.

  8. You can always go back for the second bunny. :)

  9. Oooooh, what a wonderful place you visited, temptation pure! I would love some new cushion covers, sooner or later I will give in and get some! Enjoy your goodies! Hugs, Valerie

  10. Jeanie, It is too hard to resist , when faced with all those pretty choices. Love all the pillows. :):) Yes, I really like faux flowers for decorating, they last so long and can re-styled many times over. Blessings to you. Hope your feet are sore. xoxo, Susie

  11. I had hoped to get here before Earth Hour, but I got caught up in a project I am working on. That is one fabulous place to shop. Reminds me of the old Moskotel's in Los Angeles before Target purchased them. I was surprised you showed such restraint. Like you, I see a lot of things I would love to buy, then ask where would I put it. Hope your weekend is going well.

  12. Oh my gosh!!--that is an amazing store! I so want to shop there, I wonder if we have one in Charleston? I have to go look! I could spend hours wandering aisles of all the pretty things. Did they also have dishes, plates, bowls, that type thing too? I always love getting new flower pots, so fun! Hope you are having a real nice weekend my friend!

  13. soon as I commented...I googled it---and we have one!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!

  14. Oh Jeanie, I hear ya loud and clear. I shopped 'til I stop and see something I absolutely need but I have been "exchanging" things out from my house, for example, I'm cleaning out all the junk I don't want or need in order to get that authentic feeling I seek. I have nothing but the things that to me are classic, and it makes all the difference. Talking about flowers; I came across a new type of "forever flower" (as a blogging pal puts it cleverly), that I simply could not resist. They are the best looking and feeling peonies I've ever seen. I have been buying bunches for photo props and they look so real.


  15. It looks like you showed great restraint.

  16. Love those faux delphiniums! They're quite realistic looking!
    I don't have any artificial flowers around the house - except in the studio - I use pounds of them on my memory/photo albums and often on my mini-theatres and vignette assemblages.
    I, too, am trying desperately not to shop for more 'stuff' just for the sake of shopping. I'm starting to sink under the weight of so much accumulation of "collections" through the years. Even worse, as I'm a tad bit OCD about keeping things in their proper places and everything neat and tidy, most of it is all kept boxed up and stored in the cellar or the attic! When I "go" (my euphemism for kicking the bucket), somebody is going to have one helluva yard sale! LOL
    Thanks for sharing your shopping trip - I think you showed admiral restraint! - and, of course, Happy Pink Saturday!

  17. The fake flowers do look more natural nowadays. Love those cabbages, never seen "fake" ones before.
    That warehouse would be my downfall...I would be lost in those pillows, and all those blue vases and jars...
    Have a great Sunday Jeanie.

  18. Many of the IGers I follow have faux everywhere and they are wowzers.I do have Ranunculus..and a big bouquet of foxglove and geranium since we moved here in 2001.They had looked that real to me.. the ranunculus are recent;)
    I love real but truly some of these newer ones:)Love.
    It's funny I just prepped a little post and showed some new aquisitions which I don't do usually..
    I buy less and less..but
    Fun stuff..Bonne journée!

  19. Holy At Home! Good thing we don't have one here.....DANGER, DANGER, Will Robinson!

  20. Oh, my gosh, Jeanie!! You've gone and done it. I had to stop in the middle of your post to google At Home. Where have I been? I really didn't expect to find one near me, but there's one that's only 15 or 20 minutes from me. I will check it out very soon.

  21. Absolutely gorgeous! You'd never guess those flowers weren't real.
    Looks like a wonderful place to shop.

  22. Those faux hydrangeas look so real. I remember when my parents had wax fruit on display and a friend picked one up and was about to take a bite, I stopped her just in time. That store is full of goodies.

  23. Like you I find it hard to resist! What a great store for faux flowers and yes, they look really authentic and are expensive. I love hydrangeas and wait for sales. I’ve found them at Restoration Hardware and Pottery Barn and used them for years. Cute bunnies too.......Have a wonderful day Jeanie......

  24. Can you take me along next time.
    Looks like the place to visit!
    (Isn’t COLOR just the best . . . especially in our “grey/brown now!”)

  25. We have At Home but I haven't been there in ages. It looks like I should make a trip out there. Thanks for linking up to Keep In Touch.

  26. I think I would weakened with the pillows,but those flowers are gorgeous too.

  27. Lots of pretties on this outing. For several years I turned my nose up to faux flowers but not now! My goodness, it's almost impossible to tell real from faux sometimes. We have an At Home very nearby and I've never been. Need to change that. :)

  28. Jeanie, what beautiful faux flowers! I have to drive 60 miles to find really great shopping. What a fun day that you had!

  29. Wow! I've never seen that many pillows in one place in my life! It would be hard to walk out of that place without buying something.

  30. I'm exhausted just hearing about your shopping trip.

  31. What a fabulous store. Those flowers look so real. Hope you have a wonderful week, Jeanie.

  32. HAHAHA - I'd be RIGHT AT HOME in "At Home" . . . what a fabulously dangerous place! LOVED those aisles of pillows . . . my goodness they look like candy!

  33. Ooo...what a treat is this place!! *BIG SWOON* those faux hydrangeas are GOREOUS! WOW! We do not have shops like that here. A whole aisle with just pillows??!! Makes you want to pull them down, and test them all... haha!
    YES, you must go back... and take us with you! ;) ((HUGS))

  34. Wow...I could really do some damage there...I am fairly certain that tall bunny would have hopped in the cart. What fun!

  35. OMG ... I’d love to go shopping with you ..It’s my kind of place ( Ha Ha)... The flower selection is fabulous and those hydrangea look so read...I’m certain that I would still be there shopping a week later ( ha Ha)...Fun Fun... I love your little carrot basket and wasn’t it more fun to make than buy it ...YEAH for YOU !!!!

  36. Wow! That place is a decorator or crafters dream! It would be hard to resist spending money there. I’m so ready for the spring planting season. It can’t come quickly enough. We still have snow on the ground, though, so it’s a ways off. :(

    I have been trying not to spend money, too. Being with a newborn helps but we have bought a lot of things on amazon!!!

  37. We have an At Home, always a treasure trove!!


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